Can one use different database credentials for Doctrine migrations in Symfony2? - symfony

How can one configure Symfony's DoctrineMigrationsBundle to use different database authentication credentials to its DoctrineBundle—or at very least, a different DoctrineBundle connection to that used elsewhere in the app?
We would like the app to connect to the database with only limited permissions, e.g. no ability to issue DDL commands such as CREATE, ALTER or DROP. However, migrations will need to execute such DDL commands and so should connect as a user with elevated permissions. Is this possible?

I know it's a very old post, but as it is the one which shows on a Google search on the subject, I add my solution, working with Symfony 4.
First, you just have to define a new database connection in config/doctrine.yml (a new entity manager is NOT needed):
default_connection: default
# This will be the connection used by the default entity manager
url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'
driver: 'pdo_pgsql'
server_version: '11.1'
charset: UTF8
# This will be the connection used for playing the migrations
url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_URL)%'
driver: 'pdo_pgsql'
server_version: '11.1'
charset: UTF8
# As usual...
You also have to define the DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_URL with the admin credentials in the .env file or in environnement variables:
###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
# Format described at
# Database url used for migrations (elevated rights)
###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
Then, just execute your migrations with the --db option, passing the name of your new connection:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --db=migrations

Yes. Just define a new entity manager with the correct connection details and then use that entity manager when running migration commands
$ php app/console doctrine:migrations:version --em=new_entity_manager


Symfony bdal Excepiton: could not find driver

On command line I get connection and desired entities, no driver error here:
php bin/console dbal:run-sql 'select * from ourtest'
But on web i get error:
$this->connection->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM ourtest');
"App\Application\Command\DocumentUpload\DocumentUploadCommand" failed:
An exception occurred in driver: could not find driver
i tried
php -m display among others PDO, pdo_mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd
connection url from .env:
dbname: db_test_01
host: mysql-db
port: 3306
user: xxx
password: xxx
driver: pdo_mysql
version: 8.0
My guess is the command line and your webserver use different configurations of PHP or different installations altogether.
Here's how to find out: Put a phpinfo() call in a file on your webserver (Do not do that on production as it will expose sensitive data to anyone with access to this file!). Open that file in your browser and check where your PHP installation is located.
On the command line, you can run which php to see where the PHP binary is located.
Compare the two and see whether you are running on the same binary. If it is indeed the same, then you should check which .ini file is used by the web server. In that .ini file you should find the name of the mysql extension ( and it should not be commented out (no preceding ;).

Set a timeout for database connection with Doctrine

Is it somehow possible to set a connection timeout in Doctrine (for MySQL)?
I would like to set a 5 sec. timeout for my connections.
You'll need to specify the driver option for connection timeouts in your services.yaml configuration for doctrine dbal (seeing your symfony tag).
If you're using mysqli extension:
0: 5 // '0' is the value of 'MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT'
For PDO-based drivers:
2: 5 // '2' is the value of 'PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT'
If you're finding this question and using SQL Server:
I'm using SQL Server, not MySQL, with a PDO driver, Symfony 5, and Doctrine ORM 2.7.4.
Using PDO enum values in the services.yaml as suggested in this answer did not work; the initial connection times out after 30 seconds regardless of the value I set with PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT.
Instead, the LoginTimeout value can be used:
LoginTimeout: 5
Note that the options set in the YAML here are passed into the $dnsOptions array used to construct the $dsn in PDOSqlsrv/Driver::_constructPdoDsn(), so setting a raw PDO enum value (2=5, as in the linked answer, for example) may not be what you want do.
Maybe you can use something like set_time_limit() into your script execution

Redis connection (in Doctrine cache) gets initialized on each command

I have a Symfony 4.1 app, where I use Doctrine and want to setup Redis cache for Doctrine.
Here is a part of composer.json
"snc/redis-bundle": "^2.1",
"symfony/doctrine-bridge": "^4.1",
"symfony/proxy-manager-bridge": "^4.1",
Here is yml config file:
type: phpredis
alias: doctrine_cache
dsn: '%my_dsn%'
client: doctrine_cache
entity_manager: default
The problem is: on the very first time when Symfony tries to generate cache for all DI containers, it initializes Redis connection. This means for example when I run any console command, it tries to connect to redis. Example:
// very first command after git clone and composer install
php bin/console about
In PhpredisClientFactory.php line 64:
php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known.
I expect that Redis cache service will be initialized lazily, otherwise I cannot run other build commands on independent (non having Redis) environment.
Can someone advise please?
If this happens after composer install then you might have composer run the default commands:
- "post-install-cmd"
- "post-update-cmd"
Try to remove them and add see if the Redis works... If it works then add a script to your deployment entrypoint to run them at the end.
PS: pay attention to doctrine and Redis if you are using migrations: then you should also clear doctrine cache.

Symfony Doctrine generate entities from multiple databases

With Doctrine in Symfony2 there is a simple way to start a project with reverse-engineered Entities created from existing database schema. It is quite well documented here. There is not mentioned how to reverse-engineer data from a non-default database when using multiple databases (which is documented here).
I found the solution here, it works like this:
php app/console doctrine:mapping:convert --em="troller" --from-database yml ./src/NAMESPACE/NAMEBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/metadata/orm
However, I'm just getting the exception as if the second entity manager didn't exist. Even though I have config.yml according to docs.
Doctrine ORM Manager named "troller" does not exist.
Any ideas?
Did you specify an entity manager with "troller" name?
You can do this with a snippet of code like this (into app/config/config.yml file)
default_entity_manager: default
connection: default
AcmeDemoBundle: ~
AcmeStoreBundle: ~
connection: troller
YourTrollerBundle: ~
In this example, you've defined two entity managers called default and troller. The default entity manager manages entities in the AcmeDemoBundle and AcmeStoreBundle, while the troller entity manager manages entities in the YourTrollerBundle. You've also defined two connections, one for each entity manager.
Obiously define a new connection and entity manager, isn't enaugh: you have to specify "connection parameters" also (like db name, user, password, driver, and so on)
driver: "%database_driver2%"
host: "%database_host2%"
port: "%database_port2%"
dbname: "%database_name2%"
user: "%database_user2%"
password: "%database_password2%"
charset: UTF8

Symfony2 configure DB storage sessions

UPDATE: problem solved, see the comments (many issues, the versions differences was but one of them).
I'm trying to configure sessions in Symfony2 in config.yml file. I have the following configuration:
default_locale: %locale%
lifetime: 7200
auto_start: true
db_table: session
db_id_col: session_id
db_data_col: session_value
db_time_col: session_time
class: PDO
- "mysql:dbname=%database_name%"
- %database_user%
- %database_password%
class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\SessionStorage\PdoSessionStorage
arguments: [#pdo,, %pdo.db_options%]
It's based on Symfony2's cookbook
I've created exactly the same table as in the given link.
However, it doesn't work. I get some "blank" error (no error message, but "PDO Exception" and "Error Exception"). I admit I have no much knowledge on configuring the Symfony2 or any info (that's why I'm using cookbook). I lost a lot of time and see no much documentation about it in the internet, not mentioning the fact that internet is quite silent about this case (having session storaged to DB table in Symfony2).
My NetBeans is "shouting" sth about the last line:
arguments: [#pdo,, %pdo.db_options%]
"ScannerException while scanning for the next token we had this found character #(64) that cannot start any token".
Hmm now I'm not sure if it's about the configuration. I can see that Symfony2's cookbook (use... ) example doesn't match actually the file structure in the Symfony2's bundle. In a word, there is no such file-path, but after putting the real one it still doesn't work.
I had the same problem as you with Symfony 2.5. Turns out my solution was to disable session.auto_start in php.ini. The PdoSessionStorage will not take over if the session is being started before PDO has the opportunity to take control of it. I had overlooked this at first because I was modifying the wrong one (I had two copies of php.ini). To check if this is the problem on yours, run this command:
echo ini_get('session.auto_start');
If that returns a '1' or a 'true', then be sure to set this in your php.ini:
session.auto_start = 0
So for reference, here is my setup with Symfony 2.5 to make this work:
handler_id: session.handler.pdo
db_table: session
db_id_col: session_id
db_data_col: session_value
db_time_col: session_time
class: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\PdoSessionHandler
arguments: ["#pdo", "%pdo.db_options%"]
class: PDO
dsn: "mysql:host=%database_host%;port=%database_port%;dbname=%database_name%"
user: "%database_user%"
password: "%database_password%"
- [setAttribute, [3, 2]] # \PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION
