Is it possible to display a settings page and communicate with a phone using Pebble.js and CloudPebble? - pebble-sdk

Is it possible to get user input on the phone and do something with it and then display some result onto the pebble watch using only Pebble.js and the CloudPebble?
For this case I think I would need PebbleKit JS or PebbleKit Android/iOS in order to communicate between the phone and watch.. right?

Pebble.js is built using PebbleKit JS, so anything you can do with PebbleKit JS can be done in Pebble.js, including settings pages.

To use CloudPebble, you'll have to make a few changes to your config page. First, you'll host the page on the web as you would with a regular app. But, for Pebble.js and CloudPebble testing, you'll need to use the return_to query string value passed to you from CloudPebble to send the config data back to your emulator.
Here is an example (on the configuration web page in a script section at the top)
function getQuerystring(key, default_) {
if (default_ == null) default_ = "";
key = key.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + key + "=([^&#]*)");
var qs = regex.exec(window.location.href);
if (qs == null)
return default_;
return qs[1];
// set this value from the "options" query string value.
// This is the value of the options that you'll receive from your app
var optionsString = getQuerystring("options", "{username:''}");
var options = JSON.parse(optionsString);
// get the return to value from query string. Set it to blank if it's not there
var returnTo = getQuerystring("return_to","");
function sendConfigData() {
var options = { username: txtUsername.value };
if (returnTo != '') {
document.location = returnTo + JSON.stringify(options);
else {
document.location = 'pebblejs://close#' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(options));
function cancel() {
if (returnTo != '') {
document.location = returnTo;
else {
document.location = "pebblejs://close";
Then, in your form, set the submit buttons to call the appropriate functions.
<input type="text" id="txtUsername" placeholder="User Name" />
<input type="button" value="Save" onclick="sendConfigData()" />
<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="cancel()" />
At the bottom of your config web form, put the following JavaScript:
txtUsername.value = options.username;
In your app.js file in CloudPebble, here is how you call the config screen:
var options = { username : 'default' };
function showConfiguration(){
console.log("showing configuration");
Pebble.openURL('' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(options)));
Pebble.addEventListener("showConfiguration", function() {
Pebble.addEventListener("webviewclosed", function(e) {
console.log("configuration closed");
// webview closed
//Using primitive JSON validity and non-empty check
console.log('response: ' + e.response);
if (e.response.charAt(0) == "{" && e.response.slice(-1) == "}" && e.response.length > 5) {
options = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(e.response));
// Write a key with associated value
localStorage.setItem(OPTIONS_SETTING_KEY, JSON.stringify(options));
console.log("Options = " + JSON.stringify(options));
} else {
var optionString = localStorage.getItem(OPTIONS_SETTING_KEY);
if(optionString === null || optionString === ''){
console.log('Using default username');
else {
options = JSON.parse(optionString);
console.log('Set username: ' + options.username);
Now you can use your options throughout your app. When you deploy this app to production on the app store, the web page will detect that the return_to query string is missing and will use the appropriate closing mechanism (document.location = 'pebblejs://close#' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(options));) and send the configuration back to your watch.


Simple pug html form, make it send immediately on change of value rather than wait for submit button

I have a very simple pug file:
for item in itemList
form(method='post', action='/change')
| #{}
input(type='hidden', name='field'
input(type='hidden', name='style' value='doublevalue')
input(type='number', name='value' min=-20.0 max=80.00 step=0.01 value=+item.value)
input(type='submit', value='Update')
p end
As you can see it produces a few trivial forms like this:
(Each form is one 'line' which is a simple table.)
(On the script side, it just reads each 'line' from a MySQL table, there are 10 or so of them.)
So on the www page, the user either
types in new number (say "8")
or clicks the small arrows (say Up, changing it to 7.2 in the example)
then the user must
click submit
and it sends the post.
Quite simply, I would like it to be that when the user
clicks a small arrows (say Up, changing it to 7.2 in the example)
it immediately sends a submit-post.
How do I achieve this?
(It would be fine if the send happens, any time the user types something in the field, and/or, when the user clicks the Small Up And Down Buttons. Either/both is fine.)
May be relevant:
My pug file (and all my pug files) have this sophisticated line of code as line 1:
include TOP.pug
And I have a marvellous file called TOP.pug:
html {
font-family: sans-serif
td {
font-family: monospace
I have a solution with javascript.
// check if there are input[type="number"] to prevent errors
if (document.querySelector('input[type="number"]')) {
// add event for each of them
document.querySelectorAll('input[type="number"]').forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener('change', function (e) {
// on change submit the parent (closest) form
Actually it is short but if you want to support Internet Explorer you have to add the polyfill script too. Internet Explorer does not support closest() with this snippet below we teach it.
// polyfills for matches() and closest()
if (!Element.prototype.matches)
Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;
if (!Element.prototype.closest) {
Element.prototype.closest = function(s) {
var el = this;
do {
if (el.matches(s)) return el;
el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
} while (el !== null && el.nodeType === 1);
return null;
Ajax form submit to node.js
If you are interested in an ajax solution I put some code below just to blow your mind ;-) It should work instantly, I use it on one of my sites. You could use jQuery and save lines of code but I like it pure. (The ajax function and polyfills are utils so paste it anywhere)
HTML (example)
<input type="hidden" name="field" value="field1">
<input type="hidden" name="style" value="style1">
<input type="number" name="value">
<input type="submit" value="update">
<input type="hidden" name="field" value="field2">
<input type="hidden" name="style" value="style2">
<input type="number" name="value">
<input type="submit" value="update">
Javascript: event listener and prepare ajax call (note the callbacks).
// check if there are forms to prevent errors
if (document.querySelector('form')) {
// add submit event for each form
document.querySelectorAll('form').forEach(function (el) {
el.addEventListener('submit', function (e) {
// check if there are input[type="number"] to prevent errors
if (document.querySelector('input[type="number"]')) {
// add change event for each of them
document.querySelectorAll('input[type="number"]').forEach(function (el) {
el.addEventListener('change', function (e) {
// collect form data and send it
function submitData(form) {
// send data through (global) ajax function
url: '/change',
method: 'POST',
data: {
field: form.querySelector('input[name="field"]').value,
style: form.querySelector('input[name="style"]').value,
value: form.querySelector('input[name="value"]').value,
// callback on success
success: function (response) {
// error is defined in (node.js res.json({error: ...}))
if (response.error) {
// make something red = '1px solid red';
if (!response.error) {
// everything ok, make it green = '1px solid green';
// remove above styling
setTimeout(function () { = 'none';
}, 1000);
// callback on error
error: function (error) {
console.log('server error occurred: ' + error)
As told javascript utils (paste it anywhere like a library)
// reusable ajax function
function ajax(obj) {
let a = {};
a.url = '';
a.method = 'GET'; = null;
a.dataString = '';
a.async = true;
a.postHeaders = [
['Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'],
['X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest']
a.getHeaders = [
['X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest']
a = Object.assign(a, obj);
a.method = a.method.toUpperCase();
if (typeof === 'string')
a.dataString = encodeURIComponent(;
for (let item in a.dataString += item + '=' + encodeURIComponent([item]) + '&';
let xhReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (window.ActiveXObject) xhReq = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
if (a.method == 'GET') {
if (typeof !== 'undefined' && !== null) a.url = a.url + '?' + a.dataString;, a.url, a.async);
for (let x = 0; x < a.getHeaders.length; x++) xhReq.setRequestHeader(a.getHeaders[x][0], a.getHeaders[x][1]);
else {, a.url, a.async);
for (let x = 0; x < a.postHeaders.length; x++) xhReq.setRequestHeader(a.postHeaders[x][0], a.postHeaders[x][1]);
xhReq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhReq.readyState == 4) {
let response;
try {
response = JSON.parse(xhReq.responseText)
} catch (e) {
response = xhReq.responseText;
if (xhReq.status == 200) {
else {
// (one more) polyfill for Object.assign
if (typeof Object.assign !== 'function') {
// Must be writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Object, 'assign', {
value: function assign(target, varArgs) {
// .length of function is 2
if (target === null || target === undefined) {
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
var to = Object(target);
for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
var nextSource = arguments[index];
if (nextSource !== null && nextSource !== undefined) {
for (var nextKey in nextSource) {
// Avoid bugs when hasOwnProperty is shadowed
if (, nextKey)) {
to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
return to;
writable: true,
configurable: true
// polyfills for matches() and closest()
if (!Element.prototype.matches)
Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;
if (!Element.prototype.closest) {
Element.prototype.closest = function (s) {
var el = this;
do {
if (el.matches(s)) return el;
el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
} while (el !== null && el.nodeType === 1);
return null;
In node.js (e.g. express route)
// the route in node.js'/change', (req, res) => {
// your logic here
let field = req.body.field;
let style =;
let value = req.body.value;
// ...
// response result
databaseError: false, // or true
additionalStuff: 'message, markup and other things ...',

Disabling same-origin policy in Electron (need this to work with iframes)

I'll try to be as short as possible since there's no need for code - I put an iframe tag in my Electron app and I want JavaScript to retrieve some information from it but due to same-origin policy, I can't do that. Can I disable it? Note: I am the owner of the page in the iframe.
var validate = document.getElementById('validate');
validate.onclick = function() {
var input = document.getElementById('serial').value;
var validator = document.createElement('iframe');
validator.src = "http://**********.com/?wvkey=" + input;
var status = validator.contentWindow.document.getElementById('status').innerHTML;
if (status === "Key Status: Active") {
else {
When clicking a button on the page, the code is supposed to check for a text with the value of "Key Status: Active" in the iframe. If the condition is true, it should redirect the user to another page. If false, it should redirect him to an error page. In my app, however, the iframe just appears in the background and doesn't do anything - no redirects.
main.js (part of it):
win = new BrowserWindow({
height: 700,
resizable: false,
show: false,
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true,
webSecurity: false
width: 790
EDIT (Updated)
var validate = document.getElementById('validate');
validate.onclick = function() {
var input = document.getElementById('serial').value;
var validator = document.createElement('iframe');
validator.onload = function() {
var status = validator.contentWindow.document.getElementById('status').innerHTML;
if (status === "Key Status: Active") {
else {
validator.src = "" + input;
Since your question is how to disable security features like CORS in an Electron window, here is the setting you can use:
win = new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
webSecurity: false
I'd however only use this as a last resort and rather have your website send the appropriate CORS headers.
* Edit *
After seeing your source code I believe there is an issue with your code:
var validator = document.createElement('iframe');
validator.src = "http://**********.com/?wvkey=" + input;
This will load your website into the <iframe> object however this happens asynchronously. Means you need to wait for the page to finish loading before you can continue with:
var status = validator.contentWindow.document.getElementById('status').innerHTML;
Change your code to something like this:
var validator = document.createElement('iframe');
validator.onload = function() {
var status = validator.contentWindow.document.getElementById('status').innerHTML;
validator.src = "http://**********.com/?wvkey=" + input;
Note that you will still need the webSecurity or CORS settings to be able to access the validator frame content.

Modifying function onDndUploadDrop in _AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin.js file

I have alfresco share/repo version 5.2.3
I'm trying to modifiy the function found in _AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin.js with the fix that has been posted on
I tried extending the attachment-doclib.xml and get the jsonmodul, but it gives me a null pointer.
My code is the following
From attachment-doclib.get.js
var documentServices = model.jsonModel;
for (var i=0; i<documentServices.length; i++)
if (documentServices[i] === "alfresco/documentlibrary")
documentServices[i] = "js/aikau/";
else if (documentServices[i].name === "alfresco/documentlibrary")
documentServices[i].name = "js/aikau/";
from doclib-customizations.xml
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="WebFramework" replace="false">
<package name="documentlibrary" location="js/aikau/" />
From _alfDndDocumentUploadMixin-extended.js
onDndUploadDrop: function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__onDndUploadDrop(evt) {
// Only perform a file upload if the user has *actually* dropped some files!
this.alfLog("log", "Upload drop detected", evt);
if (evt.dataTransfer.files !== undefined && evt.dataTransfer.files !== null && evt.dataTransfer.files.length > 0)
var destination = this._currentNode ? this._currentNode.nodeRef : null;
var config = this.getUploadConfig();
var defaultConfig = {
destination: destination,
siteId: null,
containerId: null,
uploadDirectory: null,
updateNodeRef: null,
description: "",
overwrite: false,
thumbnails: "doclib",
username: null
var updatedConfig = lang.mixin(defaultConfig, config);
var walkFileSystem = lang.hitch(this, function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__onDndUploadDrop__walkFileSystem(directory, callback, error) {
callback.limit = this.dndMaxFileLimit;
callback.pending = callback.pending || 0;
callback.files = callback.files || [];
// get a dir reader and cleanup file path
var reader = directory.createReader(),
relativePath = directory.fullPath.replace(/^\//, "");
var repeatReader = function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__onDndUploadDrop__walkFileSystem__repeatReader() {
// about to start an async callback function
reader.readEntries(function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__onDndUploadDrop__walkFileSystem__repeatReader__readEntries(entries) {
// processing an async callback function
array.forEach(entries, function(entry) {
if (entry.isFile)
// about to start an async callback function
entry.file(function(File) {
// add the relativePath property to each file - this can be used to rebuild the contents of
// a nested tree folder structure if an appropriate API is available to do so
File.relativePath = relativePath;
if (callback.limit && callback.files.length > callback.limit)
throw new Error("Maximum dnd file limit reached: " + callback.limit);
// processing an async callback function
if (--callback.pending === 0)
// fall out here if last item processed is a file entry
}, error);
walkFileSystem(entry, callback, error);
// the reader API is a little esoteric,from the MDN docs:
// "Continue calling readEntries() until an empty array is returned.
// You have to do this because the API might not return all entries in a single call."
if (entries.length !== 0)
// fall out here if last item processed is a dir entry e.g. empty dir
if (callback.pending === 0)
}, error);
var addSelectedFiles = lang.hitch(this, function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__onDndUploadDrop__addSelectedFiles(files) {
if (this.dndMaxFileLimit && files.length > this.dndMaxFileLimit)
throw new Error("Maximum dnd file limit reached: " + this.dndMaxFileLimit);
// Check to see whether or not the generated upload configuration indicates
// that an existing node will be created or not. If node is being updated then
// we need to generate an intermediary step to capture version and comments...
if (updatedConfig.overwrite === false)
// Set up a response topic for receiving notifications that the upload has completed...
var responseTopic = this.generateUuid();
this._uploadSubHandle = this.alfSubscribe(responseTopic, lang.hitch(this, this.onFileUploadComplete), true);
this.alfPublish(topics.UPLOAD_REQUEST, {
alfResponseTopic: responseTopic,
files: files,
targetData: updatedConfig
}, true);
// TODO: Check that only one file has been dropped and issue error...
this.publishUpdateRequest(updatedConfig, files);
var items = evt.dataTransfer.items || [], firstEntry;
// webkitGetAsEntry is a marker for determining FileSystem API support.
// SHA-2164 - Firefox claims support, but different impl. rather than code around differences, fallback.
if (items[0] && items[0].webkitGetAsEntry && !has("ff") && (firstEntry = items[0].webkitGetAsEntry()))
walkFileSystem(firstEntry.filesystem.root, function(files) {
}, function() {
// fallback to standard way if error happens
// fallback to standard way if no support for filesystem API
this.alfLog("error", "A drop event was detected, but no files were present for upload: ", evt.dataTransfer);
this.alfLog("error", "The following error occurred when files were dropped onto the Document List: ", exception);
// Remove the drag highlight...
// Destroy the overlay node (required for views that will re-render all the contents)...
this.dragAndDropOverlayNode = null;
* This function publishes an update version request. It will request that a new dialog
* be displayed containing the form controls defined in
* [widgetsForUpdate]{#link module:alfresco/documentlibrary/_AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin#widgetsForUpdate}.
* #instance
* #param {object} uploadConfig
publishUpdateRequest: function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__publishUpdateRequest(uploadConfig, files) {
// TODO: Work out the next minor and major increment versions...
// TODO: Localization required...
// Set up a response topic for receiving notifications that the upload has completed...
var responseTopic = this.generateUuid();
this._uploadSubHandle = this.alfSubscribe(responseTopic, lang.hitch(this, this.onFileUploadComplete), true);
// To avoid the issue with processing payloads containing files with native
// code in them, it is necessary to temporarily store the files in the data model...
var filesRef = this.generateUuid();
this.alfSetData(filesRef, files);
dialogTitle: "Update",
dialogConfirmationButtonTitle: "Continue Update",
dialogCancellationButtonTitle: "Cancel",
formSubmissionTopic: topics.UPLOAD_REQUEST,
formSubmissionPayloadMixin: {
alfResponseTopic: responseTopic,
filesRefs: filesRef,
targetData: uploadConfig
fixedWidth: true,
widgets: lang.clone(this.widgetsForUpdate)
}, true);
Expect: All files that are dragged and drop to be uploaded.
Actual: Only one file is uploaded

AngularFire sync not working correctly using $save

I'm pulling a result set of objects from Firebase using
$scope.list = $firebase(ref).$asArray() .
I then find an object in the list and update it like this:
var foundObject = $filter('getByFoo')($scope.list, 'bar');
var item = $scope.list.$getRecord(foundObject.$id); = "baz";
$scope.list.$save(item).then(function() {});
This works fine and propagates the changes to FB.
My problem is that if two clients are offline, and each of them update a different object in the list, and then they reconnect at the same time, only the changes from one of them propagate to the other, and not vice versa.
Does anyone know why or if I'm doing something wrong here?
Edit - below is the mcve to reproduce the problem (SO strips some tags, but just put ng-app="myApp" on the html tag and ng-controller="MyController" on the body tag).
To reproduce the problem, open two separate instances of this code. Go offline. In one instance, enter the first barcode in the text box and press enter. In the other instance, enter the second barcode and press enter. Then go online. Both instances will not show the first and second barcodes as both being checked in.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<input ng-model='barcode' ng-keydown="checkGuest($event)" type='text' id='txtBarcode' placeholder='Enter barcode'>
<ul id='ulGuests'>
<li ng-repeat='guest in guests'>
var myApp = angular.module("myApp", ["firebase", 'angular.filter']);
myApp.filter('getByBarcode', function() {
return function(input, barcode) {
var i=0, len=input.length;
for (; i<len; i++) {
if (+input[i].Barcode == +barcode) {
return input[i];
return null;
myApp.controller('MyController', ['$scope', '$filter', '$firebase',
function($scope, $filter, $firebase) {
var ref = new Firebase("");
$scope.guests = $firebase(ref).$asArray();
$scope.checkGuest = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13 && $scope.barcode) {
var foundGuest = $filter('getByBarcode')($scope.guests, $scope.barcode);
var item = $scope.guests.$getRecord(foundGuest.$id);
if (item.CheckedIn == 'Yes') {
item.CheckedIn = 'No';
} else {
item.CheckedIn = 'Yes';
$scope.guests.$save(item).then(function() {
It looks like this is a bug that was corrected in the latest release (I could repro this in 2.0.4, but not in 2.1.1).

Switch to iframe with phantom.js

I would like to switch to an iframe using pure phantom.js code
Here is my first attempt
var page = new WebPage();
var url = 'http://www.theurltofectch', function (status) {
if ('success' !== status) {
} else {
It produces only the source code of the main page. Any idea ?
Notice that the iframe domain is different from the main page domain.
Please give this a try I believe it may be an async issues meaning the iframe is not present when trying to access it. I received the below snippet from another post.
var page = require('webpage').create(),
testindex = 0,
loadInProgress = false;
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
page.onLoadStarted = function() {
loadInProgress = true;
console.log("load started");
page.onLoadFinished = function() {
loadInProgress = false;
console.log("load finished");
page.onNavigationRequested = function(url, type, willNavigate, main) {
console.log('Trying to navigate to: ' + url);
console.log('Caused by: ' + type);
console.log('Will actually navigate: ' + willNavigate);
console.log('Sent from the page\'s main frame: ' + main);
The steps array represents a finite set of steps in order to perform the unit test
var steps = [
function() {
//Load Login Page"");
function() {
//access your iframe here
page.evaluate(function() {
function() {
//any other step you want
page.evaluate(function() {
function() {
// Output content of page to stdout after form has been submitted
page.evaluate(function() {
//render a test image to see if login passed
interval = setInterval(function() {
if (!loadInProgress && typeof steps[testindex] === "function") {
console.log("step " + (testindex + 1));
if (typeof steps[testindex] !== "function") {
console.log("test complete!");
}, 50);
Should return the contents of the frame phantomjs switched to.
If the iframe is from another domain you may need to add the --web-security=no option like this:
phantomjs --web-security=no myscript.js
As an additional information, what xMythicx said could be true. Some iframes are rendered via Javascript after page finishes loading. If the iframe contents are empty, then you will need to wait for all resources to finish loading, before you start grabbing stuff from the page. But this is another issue, if you need an answer on this, I suggest you ask a new question about it, and I will answer there.
Had the same problem for iframes and
phantomjs --web-security=no
helped in my case :]
