How to manage and address supplementary data in R packages - r

I'd like to have supplementary data in my R package.
I know about LazyData: true in DESCRIPTION, but do not want to use it because the example data is quite large.
So I created a dir "data" which holds two .RData files and a datalist, which I added using tools::add_datalist.
Furthermore, I am using roxygen2 to create a documentation - I want to document the .RData files, too. (I read somewhere, that this is even necessary.)
First question:
is it correct to document the two .RData files like:
#' Example data
#' #format A data dable with 50000 rows and 670 variables:
and add this to a .R file? (never export!!)
Second question:
At the moment i can not use document(), because the two variables are unknown/not in global environment. There has to be a clean way of doing this, right?
I hope to find help here,
Thank you!
For now, I removed the documentation for supA and supB. Loading data by call of the function data("supA") works alright for now


How to keep style format unchanged after writing data using openxlsx in R

I am using openxlsx in order to write the outputs of my data.
I have used the following code to read my data using readxl.
Now I want to write the output and keep the original Excel file using any possible package. I have used the following codes, but it does not keep the original Excel file. Can we do it it in R packages?
write.xlsx(df1, 'C:/mydata.xlsx',skip=2)
Given your code, you should nhave two different data files in your working directory:
"my_data.xlsx" (the one that you loaded), and "mydata.xlsx" (the one that you created through R). R shouldn't overwrite your files if you give them different names.
If there's only one file, are you sure you didn't use the same name for both files? If so, then everything should work fine if you give the files different names (e.g. "my_file1.xlsx" and "my_file2.xlsx")!
Also, in general, it's a good idea to give data files an informative name so that you don't accidentally delete/overwrite files that you need. For example, if the original excel data is you raw data, consider naming it "data_raw.xlsx", and make sure that you only read it, and whenever you make some changes to it, save it under a different name (e.g. "data_processed1.xlsx").
You can also save data files in the native R format .rds using the save_rds() function, this is especially helpful if you want to keep special attributes of variables such as factors, etc...
Hope this helps!

What are the commands for viewing a ".RData" file's data in RStudio?

I am trying to find out how I can see the data within a dataset with a .RData extension.
I tried view(), it gave me one object present in the dataset but I know that this dataset is a large dataset with over 300MB size and consists of a very large number of names list. I need to view all of the contents of it and have been unsuccessful so far.
Should I convert it into a CSV instead in order to view all of the contents? If yes, how can I do that using RStudio?
The cross-platform function is View. (Caps are discriminatory in R.) If you did:
obj <- load("filename.Rdata") # assuming a file exist in your working directory
Then type:
You should see a print-listing of the character representations of the objects created (or possibly overwritten) in your global environment. The Rstudio aspect of this question would not affect the result.

R: How to add documentation in R workspace image

I have saved my workspace as R data with required variables to be shared with my colleagues. I was wondering if there is a way to add documentation or additional information such as basic variable descriptions, data author etc. with Rdata.
I can add additional information to dataframes by adding attributes by using attr(). I was wondering if there is a more elegant way of doing this for the entire R workspace.
You could save text that describes everything as an object in the .RData file
README <- scan("text_that_describes_everything.txt",sep="\n",what="character")

How to put datasets into an R package

I am creating my own R package and I was wondering what are the possible methods that I can use to add (time-series) datasets to my package. Here are the specifics:
I have created a package subdirectory called data and I am aware that this is the location where I should save the datasets that I want to add to my package. I am also cognizant of the fact that the files containing the data may be .rda, .txt, or .csv files.
Each series of data that I want to add to the package consists of a single column of numbers (eg. of the form 340 or 4.5) and each series of data differs in length.
So far, I have saved all of the datasets into a .txt file. I have also successfully loaded the data using the data() function. Problem not solved, however.
The problem is that each series of data loads as a factor except for the series greatest in length. The series that load as factors contain missing values (of the form '.'). I had to add these missing values in order to make each column of data the same in length. I tried saving the data as unequal columns, but I received an error message after calling data().
A consequence of adding missing values to get the data to load is that once the data is loaded, I need to remove the NA's in order to get on with my analysis of the data! So, this clearly is not a good way of doing things.
Ideally (I suppose), I would like the data to load as numeric vectors or as a list. In this way, I wouldn't need the NA's appended to the end of each series.
How do I solve this problem? Should I save all of the data into one single file? If so, in what format should I do it? Perhaps I should save the datasets into a number of files? Again, in which format? What is the best practical way of doing this? Any tips would greatly be appreciated.
I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly. But, if you edit your data in your favorite format and save with
save(myediteddata, file="data.rda")
The data should be loaded exactly the way you saw it in R.
To load all files in data directory you should add
LazyData: true
To your DESCRIPTION file, in your package.
If this don't help you could post one of your files and a print of the format you want, this will help us to help you ;)
In addition to saving as rda files you could also choose to load them as numeric with:
read.table( ... , colClasses="numeric")
Or as non-factor-text:
read.table( ..., # which does pretty much the same as stringsAsFactors=FALSE
read.table( ..., colClasses="character")
It also appears that the data function would accept these arguments sinc it is documented to be a simple wrapper for read.table(..., header=TRUE).
Preferred saving location of your data depends on its format.
As Hadley suggested:
If you want to store binary data and make it available to the user,
put it in data/. This is the best place to put example datasets.
If you want to store parsed data, but not make it available to the
user, put it in R/sysdata.rda. This is the best place to put data
that your functions need.
If you want to store raw data, put it in inst/extdata.
I suggest you have a look at the linked chapter as it goes into detail about working with data when developing R packages.
You'll need to create the data file and include it in the R package, and you may want to also document it. Here's how to do both.
Create the data file and include it in R package
Create a directory inside the package called /data and place any data in it. Use only .rda and .RData files.
When creating the rda/RData file from an R object, make sure the R object is named what you want it to be named when it's used in the package and use save() to create it. Example:
save(river_fish, file = "data/river_fish.rda", version = 2)
Add this on a new line in the file called DESCRIPTION:
LazyData: true
Documenting the dataset
Document the dataset by placing a string with the dataset name after the documentation:
#' This is data to be included in my package
#' #author My Name \email{}
#' #references \url{}
Here and here are some nice examples from dplyr.
To access the data in the package, run river_fish or whatever the name of the dataset is. Nothing more is needed.
Using version = 2 when calling save() ensures your data object is available for older R versions (i.e. prior to 3.5.0) i.e. it will prevent this warning:
WARNING: Added dependency on R >= 3.5.0 because serialized objects in serialize/load version 3 cannot be read in older versions of R.
No need to use load() in the R package (just call the object directly instead e.g. river_fish will be enough to yield the data from data/river_fish.rda), but in the event you do wish to load an rda/RData file for some reason (e.g. playing around or testing), this will do it:
Informative sources here and here

Reading in only part of a Stata .DTA file in R

I apologize in advance if this has a simple answer somewhere. It seems like the kind of thing that would, but I can't seem to locate it in the help files, by searching SO, or by Googling.
I'm working with some datasets that are several GB right now. It's enough to fit in memory on one of the cluster nodes I have access to, but takes quite a bit of time to load. For many debugging/programming activities with this data, I don't need the entire file loaded, just the first few thousand observations to have a dataset on which to test code. I can of course just read the whole file in and subset, but I was wondering if there's a way to tell read.dta() to only read in the first N rows? This would of course be much faster.
I could also use a proper format like .csv and then use read.csv()'s nrows argument, but then I'd lose the factor labels in the Stata dataset (and have to recreate quite a few GB of data from someone else's code that's feeding in to this project. So a direct solution on .dta files is preferred.
Stata's binary files are written row-by-row, so you could change the R_LoadStataData function in stataread.c to limit the number of rows read in. However, this will only work if you do not need the value labels because they are written at the end of the file and would require you to read the entire file--which wouldn't save any time.
That's going to be a difficult one, as the do_readStata function under the hood is compiled code, only capable of taking in the whole file. I believe that in general binary files are hard to read line by line, and .dta is a binary format. Also the native binary format of R doesn't allow to select a number of lines from the dataset while reading in.
In my humble opinion, you can better just create a set of test files from within Stata ( eg the Stata code sample 1000, count will give you a sample of 1000 observations from the loaded dataset), and work with them. And if you have no access to Stata, someone else in the project should be able to do that for you.
To follow up on Joris Meys: For this kind of thing, I use a "test" data set and the "real" data set, each in separate folders. I keep a macro at the top of the .do file (with if/then statements below) to (1) take a sample of the data and (2) point input/output to the right folder containing one or the other. I probably do it different for every project, but something like this:
data creation .do file
blah blah blah
save using data/myfile.dta
save if uniform()<.05 using test_data/myfile.dta // or bsample, then save for panel data
analysis .do file
local test = "test_"
// when you're ready to run the file with all the data, use the following
// local test = ""
use `test'data/myfile.dta
blah blah blah
outreg2 ... using `test'output/mytable.txt
