I want to set an empty value for Alfresco Aikau DateTextBox widget.
But the date is being set to "1970/1/1" automatically. How can i set a date to empty in Aikau ?
I'm trying this code in the jsonModel but it's not working:
What version of Aikau are you using? We've made a number of changes to the alfresco/forms/controls/DateTextBox widget since it was first created. If the problem still persists in the latest version (which at the time of writing is v1.0.57) then you should raise a JIRA ticket or GitHub issue. There is a new release of Aikau each week and they are all backwards compatible so you should be able to take advantage of bugs fixes as soon as they are available. All bugs are prioritized ahead of features as the intention is that there should be no technical debt on the Aikau project. See this blog post for information on how to use new Aikau releases.
I am not sure regarding why it is not working with existing alfresco/forms/controls/DojoDateTextBox widget.I did following,for making it work.
1.I have created a new widget,Placed below content in the file.(This content is copied from existing widget)
function(declare, DateTextBox) {
return declare([DateTextBox], {});
2.Used that widget by using following.
name : "js/Demo/MyCustomWidget",//It is the path of my custom widget.
widthPx: "90",
config :
fieldId : "DATE_1",
additionalCssClasses: "datefield",
name : "Date1",
value : undefined,//This must be undefined,neight null nor ""
initialValue: false
In case of aikau control,you can find source code inside tomcat\webapps\share\WEB-INF\lib\aikau- of aikau jar file may differ depends on your alfresco version.
I have a two documents (a.pdf and b.pdf) in the Alfresco repository. I want to apply/upload b.pdf as a new version of a.pdf. Is there any way that I can do this using Javascript or a java code?
Thank you
Create Document, Make it Versionable, Modify It
Creates a document, makes it versionable, checks it out, modifies the content of the working copy, checks it in again and then repeats the process but checks in the document with a version history note and as a major version increment:
// create file, make it versionable
var doc = userhome.createFile('checkmeout.txt');
doc.content = 'original text';
// check it out and update content on the working copy
var workingCopy = doc.checkout();
workingCopy.content = 'updated text 1';
// check it in
doc = workingCopy.checkin();
// check it out again
workingCopy = doc.checkout();
workingCopy.content = 'updated text 2';
// check it in again, but with a version history note and as major version increment
doc = workingCopy.checkin('a history note', true);
You can take reference from below javascript api link
There's a version service bean that can be used to apply versioning to documents (nodes) that can be used in a custom bean. Don't forget to inject the versionService in your service-context.xml btw <property name="versionService" ref="VersionService"/>
If I remember correctly you may have to enable a versionable aspect (cm:versionable) on the node in question. If this has already been enabled then there's also the ability to view the VersionHistory for the node.
Create 2nd version and copy over with the contents of node 2.
I'm trying to build a Flutter project on Xcode with firebase installed. I'm getting the following error: Property 'downloadURL' not found on object of type 'FIRStorageMetadata *'
This is being caused by the following section in the FirebaseStoragePlugin.m file:
NSString *path = call.arguments[#"path"];
NSDictionary *metadataDictionary = call.arguments[#"metadata"];
FIRStorageMetadata *metadata;
if (![metadataDictionary isEqual:[NSNull null]]) {
metadata = [self buildMetadataFromDictionary:metadataDictionary];
FIRStorageReference *fileRef = [[FIRStorage storage].reference child:path];
[fileRef putData:data
completion:^(FIRStorageMetadata *metadata, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil) {
} else {
// Metadata contains file metadata such as size,
// content-type, and download URL.
NSURL *downloadURL = metadata.downloadURL; <---------------- This line
Since I didn't generate this code, I don't particularly want to edit it as it should really be working out of the box. I've tried to change the method to see whether later versions of Firebase might only accept another function but to no avail. What shall I do in this situation? Should I perhaps try to rebuild the project with a higher version of Firebase or is there a one line fix?
The downloadURL was removed from the StorageMetadata class in May 2018. If your native iOS code still uses that, it's high time to find an updated SDK or update your code to match the documentation on uploading a file and getting its download URL.
If you're using the FlutterFire binding libraries, upgrade to the latest version (as I definitely don't see any reference to metadata.downloadURL in its current code base). If you're using another library, check if the latest version of that solves the problem - or otherwise consider switching to the FlutterFire libraries as those are quite actively maintained.
I'm new to HTML5's application cache, but am familiar with the basics of it. I'm working on a cache manifest file for a SilverStripe site that needs to be dynamically updated whenever the content manager uploads a new image. I understand that the images will be appended to the Manifest function below using a loop, but the part that I find to be a challenge is updating the date and version number every time. Would I need to have the date and version listed as variables? Or is that not possible considering the setup of the Manifest function?
public function Manifest() {
$static = <<<EOT
# 2016-03-17 v6.0.0
[manifest content]
//Append any new image file that gets uploaded
$static = $static . "\n" . "/test.html";
$this->response->addHeader("Content-type", "text/cache-manifest");
return $static;
When you change cached by manifest file, the manifest content does not change. However you must change the content to trigger update in a browser. In this case you update a comment. This comment can contain anything. The date and version is common practice, because they reflect the change. So all you need it to get most recent change date from File.LastEdited field.
What are the strategies to embed a unique version number in a Spring application?
I've got an app using Spring Boot and Spring Web.
Its matured enough that I want to version it and see it displayed on screen at run time.
I believe what you are looking for is generating this version number during build time (Usually by build tools like Ant, Maven or Gradle) as part of their build task chain.
I believe a quite common approach is to either put the version number into the Manifest.mf of the produced JAR and then read it, or create a file that is part of the produced JAR that can be read by your application.
Another solution would be just using Spring Boot's banner customization options described here: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-spring-application.html#boot-features-banner
However, this will only allow you to change spring-boot banner.
I also believe that Spring Boot exposes product version that is set in Manifest.MF of your application. To achieve this you will need to make sure Implementation-Version attribute of the manifest is set.
Custom solution for access anywhere in the code
Lets assume you would like to have a version.properties file in your src/main/resources that contains your version information. It will contain placeholders instead of actual values so that these placeholders can be expanded during build time.
Now that you have a file like this you need to fill it with actual data. I use Gradle so there I would make sure that processResources task which is automatically running for builds is expanding resources. Something like this should do the trick in the build.gradle file for Git-based code:
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.*
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.*
def getGitBranchCommit() {
try {
def git = Git.open(project.file(project.getRootProject().getProjectDir()));
def repo = git.getRepository();
def id = repo.resolve(repo.getFullBranch());
return id.abbreviate(7).name()
} catch (IOException ex) {
return "UNKNOWN"
processResources {
filesMatching("**/version.properties") {
expand (
"prodVersion": version,
"prodBuild": getGitBranchCommit(),
"buildTimestamp": DateGroovyMethods.format(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')
processResources.outputs.upToDateWhen{ false }
In the code about the following is happening:
We defined a function that can take a build number out of the VCS
(in this case Git). The commit hash is limited to 7 characters.
We configure the processResources task to process
version.properties file and fill it with our variables.
prodVersion is taken from Gradle project version. It's usually set
as version in gradle.properties file (part of the general build
As a last step we ensure that it's always updated (Gradle
has some mechanics to detect if files ened to be processed
Considering you are on SVN, you will need to have a getSvnBranchCommit() method instead. You could for instance use SVNKit or similar for this.
The last thing that is missing now is reading of the file for use in your application.
This could be achieved by simply reading a classpath resource and parsing it into java.util.Properties. You could take it one step further and for instance create accessor methods specifically for each field, e.g getVersion(), getBuild(), etc.
Hope this helps a bit (even though may not be 100% applicable straight off)
Maven can be used to track the version number, e.g.:
<!-- pom.xml -->
Spring Boot can refer to the version, and expose it via REST using Actuator:
# application.properties
Then use Ajax to render the version in the browser, for example using Polymer iron-ajax:
<!-- about-page.html -->
<iron-ajax auto url="/info" last-response="{{info}}"></iron-ajax>
Application version is: [[info.app.version]]
This will then show in the browser as:
Application version is: 2.0.3
I'm sure you've probably figured something out since this is an older question, but here's what I just did and it looks good. (Getting it into the banner requires you to duplicate a lot).
I'd recommend switching to git (it's a great SVN client too), and then using this in your build.gradle:
// https://github.com/n0mer/gradle-git-properties
plugins {
id "com.gorylenko.gradle-git-properties" version "1.4.17"
// http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/deployment-install.html
springBoot {
buildInfo() // create META-INF/build-info.properties
bootRun.dependsOn = [assemble]
And this in your SpringBoot application:
GitProperties props;
BuildProperties props2;
Or this way to expose those properties into the standard spring environment:
public class MySpringBootApplication {
and then referencing the individual properties as needed.
String gitBranch;
String buildTime;
SDL Tridion's Content Manager templating API (TOM.NET) offers ways to detect publishing or rendering context.
Use Cases
Present debugging information to a specific environment (e.g. TCM Uris only on Staging)
Show different markup in Preview (e.g. show a link to the published page)
Show different author-able fields in Experience Manager or SiteEdit
I've seen and tried a few examples, but after following a chat between colleagues Stan and Eric, I want to make sure I follow for TOM.NET (6.1 / Tridion 2011).
Publishing to a specific Publication Target (typically "Live" and "Staging")
Content Manager Explorer (CME) Preview
Session Preview rendering for Experience Manager (XPM)
(Added) Template Builder
1. Publishing to a Target (or from a Publication)
Tridion.ContentManager.Publishing.PublishEngine.GetPublishInfo(IdentifiableObject item)
Item would be a page or component. This returns a collection of PublishInfo objects, which includes PublicationTarget to confirm where you're publishing to.
Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.PublishingContext.PublicationTarget has PublicationTarget as well.
2. CME Preview
PublicationTarget is null, which makes sense because you don't have a Publication Target . :-)
3. Session Preview
Use the RenderMode Enum under Tridion.ContentManager.Publishing, which has:
'Publish' (0)
'PreviewStatic' (1)
'PreviewDynamic' (2)
PublicationTarget wouldn't be null for Session Preview, which isn't really publishing.
4. (Added) Template Builder
Alexander Klock also describes some related examples which cover most of this except CME Preview.
Am I missing any scenarios? Publish to a specific publication target, regular preview, and XPM session preview?
How should I avoid hard-coding PublicationTargets (e.g. is it better to check the string values instead of TCM Uris)?
Update: added Template Builder to the list per Vikas's answer, how do I know I'm rendering within Template Builder?
You really need a tl;dr on this question...
Here's what I know:
Template Builder
Publication target is null, RenderMode is PreviewDynamic
CME Preview
Publication Target ID is tcm:0-0-0 (or TcmUri.UriNull), RenderMode is PreviewDynamic
Session Preview
Publication Target ID is the real target ID, RenderMode is PreviewDynamic
Publication Target ID is the real one, RenderMode is Publish
Here's some sample code I wrote recently to determine the Current mode.
private CurrentMode GetCurrentMode()
RenderMode renderMode = _engine.RenderMode;
if (renderMode == RenderMode.Publish) return CurrentMode.Publish;
if (renderMode == RenderMode.PreviewDynamic)
if (_engine.PublishingContext.PublicationTarget == null) return CurrentMode.TemplateBuilder;
PublicationTarget target = _engine.PublishingContext.PublicationTarget;
if (target.Id.Equals(TcmUri.UriNull)) return CurrentMode.CmePreview;
return CurrentMode.SessionPreview;
return CurrentMode.Unknown;
private enum CurrentMode
You presented a very good view of complete publishing/preview model. Here are my thoughts..
Are we missing any scenarios?
I think you covered everything expect the template builder case, which is similar to CME preview where we get publishing target as null but can be used to check different condition so important for debugging purpose.
How should I avoid hard-coding PublicationTargets
Yes we should never use tcm uri in any code, as you suggested we could use name and even name can be configured in respective config files for that program.
Also may not be relevant here, its always good to have separate target for Tridion UI edting other than staging. Both can be configured on same server with two deployer's. One could be staging.yoursite.com and other could be tridionui.yoursite.com