Can't use setWindowsFlag when set parent to Qdialog - qt

I have QDialog which is a child of mainWindow. My problem is I can't use setWindowsFlag when set parent for the dialog: the dialog sticks to the top left of MainWindow and is transparent .The code look like this:
mainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget* parent): QMainWindow(parent)
mpConfirmDialog = new ConfirmDialog();//mpConfirmDialog is a pointer and member of MainWindow
mpConfirmDialog->setParent(ui->centralWidget) ;//pass ui->centralWidget in constructor cause crash when exit????
In constructor of ConfirmDialog:
ConfirmDialog::ConfirmDialog(QWidget* parent){
this->setWindowsFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);// only effective if comment mpConfirmDialog->setParent(ui->centralWidget) in MainWindow
Any ideas are appreciated.

There is some inconsistency between OSes but we should keep in mind that the parent class constructor very likely sets some flags already and the flag add logic is bitwise OR. We can try to ensure we don't loose those flags.
this->setWindowFlags(this->windowFlags() | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
This may help to degree but of course I don't have your environment and entire code sample to prove.


How to make QToolButton go beyond the edge of QToolbar?

How can I make the button go beyond the edge of QToolbar?
Below is the code as I create the toolbar:
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0)
QToolBar* _toolBar;
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
_toolBar = new QToolBar;
QAction *actionAdd = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/add.png"), "", this);
addToolBar(Qt::ToolBarArea::TopToolBarArea, _toolBar);
QToolBar {
background: #018ac4;
height: 150px;
As said before, it is not possible to solve this correctly using QtWidgets.
However I see two options to visually create that effect:
Take the button out of the tool bar and add it to the main window instead, but do not add it to a layout. Usually i would say reposition it on resize events, but since it is in the top left, you might as well just call setGeometry() once on startup and not worry about it later. You probably have to add last, or call rise() though.
Make it look like the button sticks out, while it really doesn't. Make the toolbar as large as the button, but paint the lower part of the toolbar in the brighter blue, so that it looks like it is part of the widget below it.
It is not possible with widgets. A QWidget can not paint outside of its area. See this answer :
However, the QToolBar is not really the parent of the QAction because addAction(QAction *action) does not take the ownership. So maybe the QMainWindow could paint your QAction the way you want but AFAIK this is not doable through the public API of Qt.
What you could do is use QML (but you would need to use QML for the whole window then).

What is parent for in Qt?

Almost every QtWidgets class can have parent. And usually it's optional to set parent at object initialization. For example,If I create a class that inherits QWidget class, I will do the following on the constructor:
Widget::Widget(QWidget* parent): QWidget(parent) {
hbox = new QHBoxLayout(this);
yes_button = new QPushButton("&Yes");
no_button = new QPushButton("&No", this);
cancel_button = new QPushButton("&Cancel", hbox);
I can set or not set parent. I can set cancel_button to be a child of hbox. I can too set cancel_button to be a child of yes_button, but I think it's a bad thing to do.
What's the point of this? And, is it really necessary to set parent for every QWidget based class that I create?
Besides helping with draw order in GUI objects, it also helps with memory management, so that when you destroy a QObject, all of it's children are destroyed too. See for more details. When something changes in the parent (e.g. when it is resized), it can notify its children to update themselves too.
To answer your question, you're not required to set the parent for everything (that's why it's an optional parameter, after all), but most of the time it's better to set it correctly.
Firstly, a QWidget is a QObject, and QObjects are nodes in a QObject tree. The child nodes are memory-managed by the parent, unless you deallocate them before the parent has a chance to do so. Thus, memory management is one reason for widgets, or any other QObjects, to have a parent.
Secondly, visible parentless widgets are always top-level windows. Conversely, it's impossible to have a non-top-level widget that is parentless. When you show a parentless widget, it acquires its own window. The opposite is not necessarily true - it's possible to give a child widget a Qt::Window flag, and it becomes a top-level window as well.
The corollary is that any widget contained in other widgets has a parent - otherwise it'd be a top-level window. This parent might not be set explicitly by you, but it's set nevertheless.
I think that your question can be rephrased as: When do I need to explicitly give widget constructor a parent? The answer is:
Whenever the widget is a top level window that you intend to have a parent. Such windows are not subject to layout management, so there's no mechanism to set that parent for you. Top-level transient dialogs need to have parents so that they are properly positioned in relation to the parent window.
Whenever you have a child widget not subject to layout management.
Widgets subject to layout management are parented upon insertion into a layout:
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QWidget window;
QVBoxLayout layout(&window);
QLabel label("Hello");
QPushButton button("Goodbye");
QObject::connect(&button, &QPushButton::clicked, [&app]{ app.quit(); });;
return app.exec();
Finally, not all widgets or QObjects need to be explicitly created on the heap. Since all QObject-derived classes in Qt (and many other classes, too!) use the PIMPL idiom, when you allocate them individually on the heap, you're really doing the heap allocation twice. First you allocate the instance of the class - sometimes the instance is as small as a pointer or two - and then the class's constructor allocates its PIMPL. Explicit heap allocation is a case of premature pessimization.
To avoid this pessimization, your Widget should look as follows:
class Widget : public QWidget {
QHBoxLayout m_layout;
QPushButton m_yesButton, m_noButton, m_cancelButton;
Widget(QWidget * parent = 0);
Widget::Widget(QWidget * parent) :
If you wished to use the PIMPL idiom, you could do that, too:
// Widget.h - Interface
class WidgetPrivate;
class Widget : public QWidget {
QScopedPointer<WidgetPrivate> const d_ptr;
Widget(QWidget * parent = 0);
// Widget.cpp - Implementation
class WidgetPrivate {
Widget * const q_ptr;
QHBoxLayout layout;
QPushButton yesButton, noButton, cancelButton;
WidgetPrivate(Widget * q);
WidgetPrivate::WidgetPrivate(Widget * q) {
Widget::Widget(QWidget * parent) :
d_ptr(new WidgetPrivate(this))
Widget::~Widget() {}
// necessary, since WidgetPrivate is unknown to the interface!
Of course, you should be using QDialogButtonBox instead of all this :)

How to make a Qt widget invisible without changing the position of the other Qt widgets?

I've got a window full of QPushButtons and QLabels and various other fun QWidgets, all layed out dynamically using various QLayout objects... and what I'd like to do is occasionally make some of those widgets become invisible. That is, the invisible widgets would still take up their normal space in the window's layout, but they wouldn't be rendered: instead, the user would just see the window's background color in the widget's rectangle/area.
hide() and/or setVisible(false) won't do the trick because they cause the widget to be removed from the layout entirely, allowing other widgets to expand to take up the "newly available" space; an effect that I want to avoid.
I suppose I could make a subclass of every QWidget type that override paintEvent() (and mousePressEvent() and etc) to be a no-op (when appropriate), but I'd prefer a solution that doesn't require me to create three dozen different QWidget subclasses.
This problem was solved in Qt 5.2. The cute solution is:
QSizePolicy sp_retain = widget->sizePolicy();
The only decent way I know of is to attach an event filter to the widget, and filter out repaint events. It will work no matter how complex the widget is - it can have child widgets.
Below is a complete stand-alone example. It comes with some caveats, though, and would need further development to make it complete. Only the paint event is overridden, thus you can still interact with the widget, you just won't see any effects.
Mouse clicks, mouse enter/leave events, focus events, etc. will still get to the widget. If the widget depends on certain things being done upon an a repaint, perhaps due to an update() triggered upon those events, there may be trouble.
At a minimum you'd need a case statement to block more events -- say mouse move and click events. Handling focus is a concern: you'd need to move focus over to the next widget in the chain should the widget be hidden while it's focused, and whenever it'd reacquire focus.
The mouse tracking poses some concerns too, you'd want to pretend that the widget lost mouse tracking if it was tracking before. Properly emulating this would require some research, I don't know off the top of my head what is the exact mouse tracking event protocol that Qt presents to the widgets.
#include <QEvent>
#include <QPaintEvent>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QApplication>
class Hider : public QObject
Hider(QObject * parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {}
bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent * ev) {
return ev->type() == QEvent::Paint;
void hide(QWidget * w) {
void unhide(QWidget * w) {
Q_SLOT void hideWidget()
QObject * s = sender();
if (s->isWidgetType()) { hide(qobject_cast<QWidget*>(s)); }
class Window : public QWidget
Hider m_hider;
QDialogButtonBox m_buttons;
QWidget * m_widget;
Q_SLOT void on_hide_clicked() { m_hider.hide(m_widget); }
Q_SLOT void on_show_clicked() { m_hider.unhide(m_widget); }
Window() {
QGridLayout * lt = new QGridLayout(this);
lt->addWidget(new QLabel("label1"), 0, 0);
lt->addWidget(m_widget = new QLabel("hiding label2"), 0, 1);
lt->addWidget(new QLabel("label3"), 0, 2);
lt->addWidget(&m_buttons, 1, 0, 1, 3);
QWidget * b;
b = m_buttons.addButton("&Hide", QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
b = m_buttons.addButton("&Show", QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
b = m_buttons.addButton("Hide &Self", QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
connect(b, SIGNAL(clicked()), &m_hider, SLOT(hideWidget()));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Window w;;
return a.exec();
#include "main.moc"
You can use a QStackedWidget. Put your button on the first page, a blank QWidget on the second, and change the page index to make your button vanish while retaining its original space.
I've 3 solutions in my mind:
1) Subclass your QWidget and use a special/own setVisible() replacement method witch turns on/off the painting of the widget (if the widget should be invisible simply ignore the painting with an overridden paintEvent() method). This is a dirty solution, don't use it if you can do it other ways.
2) Use a QSpacerItem as a placeholder and set it's visibility to the opposite of the QWidget you want to hide but preserve it's position+size in the layout.
3) You can use a special container widget (inherit from QWidget) which gets/synchronizes it's size based on it's child/children widgets' size.
I had a similar problem and I ended up putting a spacer next to my control with a size of 0 in the dimension I cared about and an Expanding sizeType. Then I marked the control itself with an Expanding sizeType and set its stretch to 1. That way, when it's visible it takes priority over the spacer, but when it's invisible the spacer expands to fill the space normally occupied by the control.
May be QWidget::setWindowOpacity(0.0) is what you want? But this method doesn't work everywhere.
One option is to implement a new subclass of QWidgetItem that always returns false for QLayoutItem::isEmpty. I suspect that will work due to Qt's QLayout example subclass documentation:
We ignore QLayoutItem::isEmpty(); this means that the layout will treat hidden widgets as visible.
However, you may find that adding items to your layout is a little annoying that way. In particular, I'm not sure you can easily specify layouts in UI files if you were to do it that way.
Here's a PyQt version of the C++ Hider class from Kuba Ober's answer.
class Hider(QObject):
Hides a widget by blocking its paint event. This is useful if a
widget is in a layout that you do not want to change when the
widget is hidden.
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Hider, self).__init__(parent)
def eventFilter(self, obj, ev):
return ev.type() == QEvent.Paint
def hide(self, widget):
def unhide(self, widget):
def hideWidget(self, sender):
if sender.isWidgetType():
I believe you could use a QFrame as a wrapper. Although there might be a better idea.
Try void QWidget::erase (). It works on Qt 3.

Qt/win: showMaximized() overlapping taskbar on a frameless window

I'm building an Qt-Application without the default window border as a frameless window.
The window functions are included by setting window flags in the QMainWindow like:
MainDialog::MainDialog(QWidget *parent):
QMainWindow(parent), currentProject(NULL), currentUser(NULL),
aViews(new QList<AViewForm*>()),
bViews(new QList<BViewForm*>()),
cViews(new QList<CViewForm*>())
this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint | Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint);
The MainWindow has an .ui file within, thats why I cannot inherit from QDesktopWidget.
The Problem I have now is that the Appication overlays the windows taskbar when maximizing.
My Question now: is there any posibility to find out the available height of the OS desktop without the
-Method of QDesktopWidget? I cannot find anything in the documentation :(
Somebody else here asked a similar Question but used a QWidget instead of a QMainWindow.
I would be glad about any hints to my Problem
As you say you can use QDesktopWidget. If you don't have your class inherit from it you can create one in your constructor just for retrieving the height :
QDesktopWidget w;
int availableHeight = w.availableGeometry().height();
Guess thats not good practise, but i solved it as followed:
I built a new class which needs a MainWindow as param and with slots for the scaling actions:
FullScreen::FullScreen(QMainWindow &mainWindow, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), mainWindow(mainWindow)
void FullScreen::maximize()
void FullScreen::normalize()
void FullScreen::saveCurrentPosition()
lastGlobalPosition = mainWindow.mapToGlobal(mainWindow.rect().topLeft());
lastSize = mainWindow.size();
The only Problem which now occures is when the application is fullscreen and you move the taskbar. I have not set any resizeEvent though

Qt Hide Taskbar Item

I have a custom QWidget and I simple don't want it to show up in the taskbar. I have a QSystemTrayIcon for managing exiting/minimizing etc.
I think the only thing you need here is some sort of parent placeholder widget. If you create your widget without a parent it is considered a top level window. But if you create it as a child of a top level window it is considered a child window und doesn't get a taskbar entry per se. The parent window, on the other hand, also doesn't get a taskbar entry because you never set it visible: This code here works for me:
class MyWindowWidget : public QWidget
MyWindowWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent, Qt::Dialog)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QMainWindow window;
MyWindowWidget widget(&window);;
return app.exec();
No taskbar entry is ever shown, if this is want you intended.
Just set Qt::SubWindow flag for widget.
If you want to show/hide the widget without ever showing it at the taskbar your might check the windowflags of that widget. I'm not 100% sure, but I think I used Qt::Dialog | Qt::Tool and Qt::CustomizeWindowHint to achieve this, but my window wasn't fully decorated too. Another thing you might keep in mind if you play with that is the exit policy of your application. Closing/Hiding the last toplevel-window will normally exit your application, so maybe you need to call QApplication::setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false) to prevent that...
Python code to achive this:
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
class MainWindow(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent, Qt.Tool)
window = MainWindow()
