Is it possible to share the same Authentication information between two Web Applications? -

I have two projects. One is an ASP.NET Mvc, and the other is a Web API.
The main project is the Mvc one. But I need to redirect the request to the Web API. All posts about it make clear that in order to redirect to another project, it should be a Redirect to an URL:
return Redirect("http://localhost:54270/"); //This calls the Get action in the Web API
But the problem is that I'm using an Authentication in Mvc that I would like to be validated in the called Web Api Action. Is it possible?
The session is not the same, so I cannot retrieve this information. Is there any way to share the same Context between both running sites? Or is it the wrong approach?

Yes, it can be done. In webforms, you can set the keys to hash values to the same key in multiple applications. As long as they are in the same domain, that is all you have to do. I have not tried it in MVC, but the internals are very similar. This is a bit of a kludge, but it works nicely.
In this simple way of doing it, you cannot share information, just the high level session information. As I have not played with this in MVC, you may have to set MAC settings or similar to get it to work. I don't have time to look this up. When I found this worked, the developers were still thinking in the ASP world, so they had a boatload of crap in the Session object which we had to sync up. You should not have this issue.
This method will not share the contents of session, but that should not be an issue if you are using MVC correctly.
If you want to go beyond this, there are ways to set up a single sign on mechanism. Anything that works for ASP.NET webforms should work in MVC, although you may have to add some code for items that would not normally be set in MVC that are required for webforms.
If you want a deeper understanding of the way it works, I would look up how people shared state in ASP and ASP.NET, as these pages generally have more information.


Integrating MVC code into forms site

I have an forms based site, and I am thinking of somehow integrating OpenForum which is written using MVC. I don't have any experience with MVC, so I'm wondering should I even bother - is it possible/makes sense to build this hybrid?
I guess you can add OpenForum like a SUBWEBSITE for the your MAINWEBSITE under IIS. It should work well because it is going to have its own BIN folder as well as web.config.
It's certainly possible. I've done it the other way around - added ASP.NET forms into an MVC site. And it may make sense (I've never used OpenForum), one could migrate to MVC this way.
If you search for "mix mvc and" there's a few resources with step by step instructions.
You can have some working side by side, but you mentioned in a comment about wanting to share master pages and user controls, and that's most likely going to be somewhere between difficult and impossible in some cases.
MVC doesn't use Viewstate which is a big part of webforms, nor does it have the concept of a postback. It's an entirely different paradigm. You can share session and also common classes and data structures, but as far as re-using view logic between them, it's most likely not going to be easy.

Web App architecture questions

I am an intermediate web app developer working on the .Net Platform. Most of my work has been defined pretty well for me by my peers or superiors and I have no problem following instructions and getting the job done.
The task at hand:
I was recently asked by an old friend to redo his web app from scratch. His app is extremely antiquated and he is getting overwhelmed by it breaking all the time. The app in question is an inventory / CRM application and currently each customer requires a new install of the app (usually accomplished by deploying it on a different domain on the same server and pointing to a new database).
Currently if any client wants any modifications to the forms such as additional fields, new features, etc my friend goes in and manually adds those fields to the forms, scripts, database etc. As a result all installs of this application are unique. There is no one singular source repository and no one single version of this app. Generally new features are overtime rolled into the other sites, but still this is done on an individual site by site basis.
I will be approaching this on a very modular basis. Initially I will be coding a module that will query an external web service for some data, display and store it, and periodically update it automatically. The next module will likely be for storing and displaying inventory data. This way I want to over time duplicate the current feature set of his app 100% but do it incrementally.
The Million Dollar Questions
I want to make the app have user
configurable form fields. The user
should be able to go to an admin
page, create a new forms page of a
certain category, and then specify
what fields he wants in there. He
could say 'create a new text field
called Item # and make it a
requirement" and that will get
stored somewhere. All forms will be
dynamically rendered to screen based
on what the user has configured. Is
this a good way to go about the
problem of having no idea what a
customer could want in a form? and
thus be able to store and display
form data of any sort ? What sort of
design pattern should I follow here?
I am familiar with and
the .net framework in general and
have decent knowledge of javascript,
html, silverlight, jquery, c# etc
etc. I can work my way around web
apps in a good way, but I am not
sure what sort of framework or tech
I should use to accomplish this
task. Would 3.5 webforms be
the way to go? or should I look into
ASP.NET MVC? Do I use jquery and ajax for
complete decoupling of frontend and
backend ? or will a normal
page with some spattering of ajax
thrown in working with a codebehind
be the order of the day?
Just looking for general advice before I start.
I am currently thinking of using ASP.NET 3.5 webforms, jquery for clientside animation, ui, manipulation and data validation, and sqlserver + a .net or wcf webservice for backend.
Your advice is much appreciated as always.
I've recently implemented a white-label ecommerce system for an insurance company that allowed each partner to choose their own set of input fields, screens, and order the flow of the application to suit their individual needs.
Although it wasn't rocket science, it added complexity and increased development time.
Consider the user configuration aspect very carefully In hindsight both my client and their clients in turn, would have been happy with a more rigid system.
As for the tech side of your question, I developed my project in VS2005, using webforms and webservices with a SQLserver back end, so the stack that you're looking at is definitely capable of delivering a working product. MVC will almost certainly help as far as testability goes.
The biggest thing I would change now if I was going to start again would be to replace the intermediate webservices with message based services using nServiceBus, MassTransit or the like. While the webservices worked fine, message based communication should be quicker and more reliable.
Finally, before you start to code, make sure that you understand the current system's functionality inside and out. If the new system doesn't do something that the old system did, it will be pretty obvious to the end users straight away.

Alternative approach to user management in web application

I am using 2.0. I have been using membership provider for user management. But I think this would be more efficient if I could do this without using role and membership provider provided in In fact I see bulky markups generated when I add login control,
createuser control etc. in an web page.
By saying user management, I am referring to the overall login, user activity tracking, password reset/retrieval, role management in an web application. And I want to implement efficient way to accomplish this.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
What exactly bothers you? Server-side code, or the HTML which gets served to the client?
If former, then you can implement your own providers or just reinvent the whole system from scratch (which I do not recommend, but it might be worth it in some scenarios).
If latter, just write your own set of controls that use Membership API.
As far as "efficiency" is concerned, you're not clear in what "efficient" means to you.
Most (all?) of the membership controls support templates, which means you can customize the markup they generate to the client.
See this tutorial to get you started: A Crash Course on ASP.NET Control Development: Template Properties
As for the database hits, I don't think it's a huge problem, but if you're concerned I'd suggest load testing it to make sure. Also, if you set CacheRolesInCookie to true, you can eliminate some of those database calls.

Possible to use an ASP page with a master page?

Is it possible to use an ASP page with a master page in ASP.NET?
Unfortunately, not programatically. The closest you could get would be creating a .NET master page and web form, and then embedding your classic asp page via an iFrame.
Are you still having this issue? There is a really old tool to help convert to the early version of .ASP. Unfortunately, I don't believe this is the best practice to convert to the later versions of I am working on a project to convert a classic ASP app, with many, many, pages and it is still using recordsets with an old SQL database. I have found that taking each page's "view source" results and creating a new page inside my VS2010, web project, using a master page to help keep the results consistent across the site works pretty good.
The only issue is that this is very tedious and requires frequent testing to insure the page is consistent with the old page.
Back to the original issue of using Classic ASP in a new app, I believe the issue may be resolved by having two application pools, and two applications separate apps on the web server, and referencing the old pages as a link in an iframe. Just a thought...
I don't think so. Are you talking about classic asp? I just found this discussion.
Maybe you can. Check this out.
I recommend creating a new ASP.NET MVC (as opposed to WebForms) project and converting all your ASP pages into ASP.NET in a single exercise.
Performing a phased conversion and running a mix of ASP and ASP.NET will cause you sorts of headaches and, although it may be perceived to deliver more quickly, the total cost is likely to be higher than a one-off conversion exercise.
ASP.NET MVC lends itself to conversion from ASP far more nicely than ASP.NET WebForms in most cases.
You can use master page in mvc as a shared resource.
I am having this problem at the moment. Some of the ASP pages are so complex that changes to the site's functionality are way more important than porting some of the more difficult pages.
If you have to work side by side for the time being, slowing moving them over do the following.
Get your business logic in a .NET assembly, "tlbimp.exe" it so it can interop with ASP and then move your page decisions to communicate with this component. This way you can now share business logic and therefore only have the UI data to move.
Pass Session/QueryString data via the DB, not by query string. This means that you should commit your Session/QueryString data to XML or Key/Value pair and store it in the DB (with an expiry time). Then redirect to your ASP with a GUID. There is a potential for someone to hijack the session by grabbing a previous GUID. Therefore have a scheduled job run regularly to clear out session data older than 1 minute.
When transferring to/from .NET, try and make the pages perform their operations before transferring across boundaries. This way the pages can be ported easier. For example lets say .NET displays the order and ASP does the search for a product & adds it to your shopping basket. Make sure that the operations are separate, instead of passing the product across via query string parameters. This way you can then do something like redirect to the order page via query string parameters - http://...../Order.aspx?id= (so long as your user has permission to view the order).
Make sure your ASP code is using stored procedures and not inline SQL as this means code reuse is easier.
I have found creating a dedicated redirect.asp and Redirect.aspx pages are useful as you can see the data passing across the boundaries - its easier for debugging but you'll hear lots of clicks as a user ASP -> ASP_REDIRECT -> ASP.NET_REDIRECT -> ASP.NET.
Globalization is a major problem and has caused problems with our users. Changing a language and redirecting to/from the site in ASP has sometimes caused their language to default to English - and English to Chinese!
There aren't really many ways to ease the transitions, its mainly a case of getting your head down and changing those pages.

When to use ASP.NET MVC vs. ASP.NET Web Forms?

One of the common questions asked regarding ASP.NET MVC is why should you use it over ASP.NET Web Forms? The answer generally includes ViewState and clean URLs, amongst others. Towards the end you'll find a blurb about using the right tool for the job and that they serve different purposes. However, I don't believe I've ever seen what those purposes are. So, when would you actually choose ASP.NET MVC over ASP.NET Web Forms, or ASP.NET Web Forms over ASP.NET MVC?
You don't choose ASP.Net MVC over ASP.Net, because ASP.Net MVC still is ASP.Net. You do choose ASP.Net MVC or ASP.Net Web Forms, and there are lots of good reasons to do that:
Easier to get control over your HTML
Easier to do unit testing
Few "Gotchas"
On the other hand, Web Forms do have a few points in their favor:
Easy to put simple CRUD/business apps together extremely fast
Hard to beat ViewState performance in local LAN environment
Easy to learn forms paradigm
The result is that if you're building business apps in a corporate LAN environment (which honestly is still most web developers), Web Forms is really great. In that sense Microsoft really knows their market. But if you're building an app for the public internet, you might want MVC so you can test thoroughly and be sure your pages aren't bloated with unnecessary ViewState or JavaScript data.
Additionally, something that has changed over the last several years is that even many corporate intranet applications now need to support home/remote use, making MVC more attractive to that crowd than it had been.
Use MVC if all your team members are skilled enough to manage "control over HTML", otherwise your code will turn into a tag soup.
In other words
bool useMvc = true;
foreach (TeamMember member in team.Members)
useMvc = useMvc && member.IsSkilled;
check that blog !
Bottom line "separation of concerns"
I'll give you a couple purposes, with clear advantages.
If your purpose is a public facing website that will be banking on traffic, use MVC. It is optimal for search engine optimization.
If your purpose is an enterprise web-application that acts like a desktop app, I would lean towards web forms, since state management and compartmentalization of your resources into underlying server controls offers huge advantages if used correctly.
The biggest problems facing developers is managing complexity and keeping code "clean". MVC gives the developer the reins to leverage OOP to tuck away complexity and make code easy on the eyes.
Webforms will be faster to develop in the short term, but it doesn't lend itself to long term sustainability in terms of maintenance and growth.
I've worked with Web forms for 13 years and MVC for 2 years now and when I started with MVC, I had similar questions. Here are my takeaways.
Most importantly: ASP.NET's latest release is 4.6 and they were moving to ASP.NET 5.0, but MS abandoned that for ASP.NET Core, which no longer supports Web Forms (or even VB.NET). So, that alone might give you your answer when deciding what rabbit hole to go down.
That being said:
MVC I'm finding, once you get the hang of it, is WAY easier for dealing with basic forms and any sort of simple "Model", aka tables with a very simple, straight-forward set of relationships such as orders that have tables that link to users, products, etc. Once you start getting into some more complicated relationships and need to return lots of conditional sets of results, rely on parameters, have complicated stored procedures... then Web Forms is much better for dealing with this. If you don't have to deal with this level of complication, MVC makes development SO MUCH faster, especially with dealing with an approach where you already have the DB because it creates so much of the code and validation for you already
If you're not very experienced with database design, MVC does the work for you. It can literally build the database for you.
MVC doesn't have a lot of the built in controls that Web Forms does (Gridviews, FormViews, Sitemaps, Paged lists). Everything has to be written from scratch, but luckily a lot of people have already invented that stuff for you in NuGet which you can just download into your project
MVC relies heavily on the structure of your URL. The path, the querystring, etc. If you find your application needing to do a lot of form POSTing instead of GET-ting, you're going to have to do a lot of tweaking or AJAX posting. If you have a set URL that can't change, it can be a pain. It's doable, but just a little tricker (or you can just use Angular instead).
MVC has no Viewstate. If you need to hide variables from post to post and persist them, it's a little difficult. MVC Does have things like ViewBag which lets you pass data from your controller to your page, but it clears after the page is rendered. There is also something called "Tempdata" which acts like Session state, but more temporary. However, it relies on Session State which is not an ideal way of persisting data. Session variables and tempdata variables are fine for user-level data (profile information for the person logged in), but having two different tabs open by the same user can cause these session/tempdata variables to overwrite each other when you're dealing with the actual model data.
If you're at a crossroads, I'd go with MVC. MS is pushing it and support for Web Forms will likely start going away
