How to get Polymer working with Meteor? - meteor

I'm trying to get Polymer 0.9 working with Meteor however Meteor is spitting out:
While building the application:
bower_components/polymer/polymer-micro.html:9: bad formatting in HTML template
bower_components/polymer/polymer-mini.html:9: bad formatting in HTML template
bower_components/polymer/polymer.html:17: bad formatting in HTML template
=> Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.
Is there any way to resolve the issue?

You should place the components in public/ at the root of your project.

I've had the same problems. I can't tell if you're using vulcanize, but I assume so.
What fixed me was:
Install Bower: npm install -g bower (
Create a file in the root of the project called .bowerrc
Then, you want to tell bower where to install polymer components.
In that .bowerrc put:
"directory": "public/bower_components"
Now, use bower to install polymer
bower install --save Polymer/polymer#^1.2.0
If you're using other parts of polymer like paper and iron, you'll repeat the bower install step for those as well.
Then attempt starting up meteor again.


How to add Bootstrap to my Symfony 4.1 project?

I tried to find a similar case to mine but didn't succeed.
Here is the issue. I followed Symfony documentation to add Bootstrap to my project.
I indeed get a bootstrap folder in a new folder called "nodes_modules".
The thing is i can't find a global.scss file anywhere (as mentioned in the tutorial) then i don't know where to put the following command:
#import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
Do i have to create this file or does it exist somewhere in my Symfony project?
Thank you in advance.
Yes, global is your application scss file, it can be named different on you wish. You can refer this documentation in order to see how to configure it (it is app.scss in the example)
I understood what was wrong there! So if you are creating a Symfony 4.1 project on mac and you don't know where to import your bootstrap theme(s) since you don't have any assets folder here is the solution:
To have the assets folder you have to install the webpack "encore".
Please make sure you have node.js and yarn installed before that.
Then just run the following commands inside your root project directory:
composer require symfony/webpack-encore-pack
yarn install
You might have now an "assets" folder inside your project with an assets/css/app.css file and a assets/js/app.js file.
Thank you for your time ScayTrase.

Vue.js 2.0: Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined

I'm making a Vue 2 component. But when I npm link it in other project and imported (I'm importing it in a random component doing: import InputTag from 'vue-input-tag' ) I'm seeing this:
Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined.
(found in component <input-tag>)
Any ideas? I'm going crazy.
Here is the repo:
I hit this same issue when upgrading an old (v0.11.x) Vue.js app. Vue.js 2.x introduces compiled (render-function) templates. Additionally, these are the new default.
Here's more info from the 2.x docs:
In my case, I was using browserify and partialify to include the templates (as strings), so there was no pre-compilation to render function happening.
To fix this, I used aliasify to make sure the vue requirement was fulfilled with the "Standalone" copy of Vue.js rather than the "Runtime-only" version.
I did the following:
npm install --save-dev aliasify
edited the package.json to include this code:
"aliasify": {
"aliases": {
"vue": "vue/dist/vue.js"
added -t aliasify to my browserify command, which now reads:
browserify -e src/main.js -t aliasify -t partialify -o build/bundle.js
You can do this with webpack also--and there's info in the Vue.js docs for that.
I hope that helps!

Adding Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.3 to Ember application

I'm trying to update my Bootstrap dependency in my Ember application to the alpha 4 version so I can access the utility classes (such as margin/padding).
I think Bootstrap is a bower dependency since it's listed in bower.json, so I followed the instructions from the new Bootstrap website:
bower install bootstrap#v4.0.0-alpha.3
When I did this, bower.json didn't update. In fact, Bootstrap version is still "bootstrap": "^3.3.7".
The only differences are:
Now I have 152 JSHint errors in my terminal...I tried adding "bootstrap":true to .jshintrc and restarted my server but the errors were still there.
My ember app was broken until I removed line 1 in change-version.js, which was #!/usr/bin/env node.
When I start typing a new css style in my templates, the CSS styles are showing up, but my Ember application is not recognizing them. For example, here is an image:
When I add the class m-r-3 and reload localhost, nothing shows up.
I've already tried importing bootstrap.min.css and bootstrap.css in the ember-cli-build.js file. It didn't work.
I have already read through this page which goes over dependencies but I have had no luck. If anyone could assist here that would be greatly appreciated.
You need to use --save parameter to save bower.json:
bower install --save bootstrap#v4.0.0-alpha.3
Look at the bower_components directory, does it keep the old version of the bootstrap? If so remove it.
You should add bootstrap.css to the ember-cli-build.js, as you said. Have a look at this addon, check your coding against of a typo or erronous adding.
Does your client loads any version of bootstrap? (Check vendor.js)

How to tell Meteor to ignore `gulpfile.js`

In my meteor project I want to use gulp for tasks meteor doesn't support.
Anyway, the problem is that gulp uses a file called gulpfile.js which is loaded by meteor too and gives errors. So my question is, is there a way to tell meteor to ignore some files ?
UPDATE: One solution I can think of is to put gulpfile.js in the folder packages or public and run gulp as follows
$> gulp --gulpfile packages/gulpfile.js
UPDATE: Just noticed that meteor also seems to load node_modules files :(
Unfortunately, in the current release there's no way to tell Meteor to leave certain files alone, so you cannot have gulpfile.js in your main app folder.
You can, however, leave it in an ignored subfolder. Meteor ignores files and directories that ends with tilde ~, the /tests directory and all private files (those beginning with a dot .). So you can create a folder named for example gulp~ and use it for your gulp-related stuff.
The same holds for node_modules folder, you cannot have it in your application, and you shouldn't. If you want to use a node package in your Meteor application, you can do this with npm package.
Add it to your project with mrt add npm command.
Then create packages.json file with a list of all required packages, for example:
"something": "1.5.0",
"something-else": "0.9.11"
Afterwards, include your package with Meteor.require:
var something = Meteor.require('something');
If you want to use a node package in your gulp tasks, install it inside the ignored directory.

How to use Bootstrap with less in an express node js project?

I'm already using bootstrap.css. But i would like to surcharge the less variables without using bootstrap customize editor.
I would like to add a less file in my project. My project is a simple nodejs project with express and harpejs.
Where to find the less file ? Using express it will compile it when i will deploy the project ?
Look at using bower.
npm install -g bower
bower install bootstrap
You will then find all the less files in bower_components/bootstrap/less/*. Copy the bootstrap.less file to your CSS directory and make alterations (make sure the paths are correct).
You can then look at using some Grunt tasks to get the less to build.
