Some overlays in Drupal not showing - drupal

Some overlays are not showing when I'm logged in to my site. The overlays that ARE working:
Dashboard, content, people ARE working,
NOT working:
structure, appearence, module, configuration, reports
I don't know if it is the cause of the problem, but I've noticed that the overlays that are working have a URL in the form of:
while the overlays that do not work forward to a shorter form:
I have absolutely no clue what could be the issue here, or how to investigate. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Sometime back i was facing this issue. Not sure how i resolved it. But could you try clearing all caches once and try to access the admin pages.
Also, if you can post anything watchdog catches while accessing admin pages will be helpful in debugging.


link in WP not going to the right page

I'm working with WP on different subdomains, and for some reason a link on the landing page isn't going to the subdomain, but rather it's trying to go to a page that doesn't exist on the main domain level. I'm guessing this is some kind of auto direct issue, but the link is correct and I'm not sure what is causing this.
The main domain is in staging status: There are three links there, Lifestyle, Schools, and Commercial. The linnk to schools had been doing this too, but then it stopped and is working properly, but the Lifestyle one is trying to go elsewhere.
This isn't a WP issue but generally an issue with the theme. They tend to save this data in the DB. A lot of the time its serialized and doesn't get updated.
You can do a few things. Search the DB and see if you can find it. Use a plugin to do it or 95% of the time just go into that page and update/save and it generally fixes it.

What could possibly cause a 404 error when the apparent url is correct in Wordpress?

I have one page that returns a 404 error and it is just mind boggling why this is happening. Please see this page:
It's the first link, 50 Aniversario 2013.
All other links work. But, not this one. Crazy. Is it a cache issue of some sort? I don't have a cache plugin installed, so I can't think of anything else.
When in the admin panel, the preview button loads the proper page with no problem. I have looked at the url 50 times and it seems to be correct.
Permalinks is set to /%post-name%/.
I'm not a novice although this apparently silly question makes me feel like I am.
Please help. Thanks!
Please duplicate page plus update URL accordingly (after you rename it).
You may enable WP_DEBUG - visit this codex article
One more idea, consider integrating an optimization plugin and run it often. A broken link checker is powerful too.
Ya neva know what the problem can be! Hopefully, it doesn't happen again...
NOTE - This was resolved by simply renaming the permalink from:
to ...
When using a different name, aniversario-2013, it wasn't fixed. So, all I can suggest is to rename the url/permalink. But, this is definitely not a fix in my book. Call it a bug!

Wordpress - have to press update on page to pull new plugin data

I'm using "Formidable Pro" which is a fairly popular plugin like Gravity forms. It has a portion to create forms and take those created entries and display them as "custom displays" which is working great EXCEPT for the fact that I have to go back to the page where the shortcode has been inserted to display these entries and hit update before it will pull the latest entries.
What in the world could be causing this?
I've already tried asking on their support forums and I'm getting no response so I'm kind of desperate. I've made sure that it is NOT the theme or other plugins causing the issue.
Issue lives on this page
Here where i have to hit update
Any help would be much appreciated!
The issue is probably your caching plugin. Try disabling WP Super Cache and see if your problem goes away.
Assuming that is what's going on there may be some heavier development required to fix it.
I'd start by looking for a way to tell WP Super Cache never to cache that page.

LinkedIn button shows up intermitent

I am using the code to place a linkedIn Follow button (generated here on this page, (view Client Testimonials section). However, the buttons sometimes show up and sometimes don't.
I have read a little bit of cross domains issues that may cause this, but I am not able to find a workaround to fix this. If you visit that page in Chrome and see the errors console, you'll see a couple of errors like regarding the linked in button, like:
Unsafe Javascript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL, protocols and ports must match.
Has anybody experienced this problem before?
Any help appreciated
The messages you are seeing in the developer console in Chrome are unrelated to your problem. They are an artifact of the cross-domain communication and as you'll notice, you see them for Facebook and Twitter as well on the same page.
That said, viewing your page I am also seeing intermittent 403s for some of the backend calls that the FollowCompany plugin is making. I have alerted our NOC to the issue and they should be investigating now.
Reviewing your page, it seems you have done everything necessary and are set, so once we fix the operational issue you should be good to go.
My apologies for any inconvenience!
I just found that this is happening when there are more than one follow button on the page, if you delete the first one and the second shows without problems but the others have the same problem...
Hope this could help your team Jeremy!!

Drupal displaying "region" instead of content everywhere?

My completely finished website started displaying "region" in all the regions instead of the content. This was shortly after I enabled "Calendar Multiday" so perhaps it was related (although I have now disabled that module). Calendar and Date were previously enabled and working perfectly. I am not actually sure if the problem has anything to do with the module.
Anyone seen anything like this? Could it have to do with access control? I disabled the module but that didn't do anything..
To be clear, even admins cannot see the content and simply see "region" in every region.
please clear the cache and tell me if its solved the problem... you can clear the cache by flushing the database tables that start with cache_... , or by implementing cache_clear_all(), drupal_flush_all_caches() functions ...
Check the region.tpl.php file if you have this problem as it was overriding all my content!
