R print cutoff values under a certain value - r

I am trying to print only values over 1.1 for a factor analysis. I assumed the print command was what I wanted, but the cutoff didnt work.
Reproducible example:
#returns: [1] 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.5
How can I get it to return only value over 1.1?

This is three years too late, but the cutoff command does work in factor analysis:
some factor analysis where i only want loadings larger than 0.3:
print(factanal(df,factoramount)$loadings, cutoff=0.3)

The print function normally doesn't have cutoff - you are probably looking at a special implementation of print since it is generic, which means it can have different implementations for different data types (see documentation).
To select elements with a criteria, you can do num[{criteria}], in this case num[num > 1.1] as #DatamineR suggested.


Generating 3.000.000 strings of length 11 in R

Apparently if I try this:
# first grab the package
# and then try to generate some serious dummy data
my_try <- as.vector(sample(1111111111:99999999999,3000000,replace=T))
R will say NOPE, sorry:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 736.8 Gb
Should I buy more RAM*?
*this is a joke, but I seriously appreciate any help!
The desired output is a dataframe of 20 variables, and 3x10^6 rows. Some columns/variables should be strings, some integers. All in lengths ranging from 2 to 12.
The error isn't coming from sampling 3 million values, it's from trying to create a population of about 90 billion values 1111111111:99999999999 from which to sample. If you want to sample from that range, sample from the range 1:88888888889 and add 11111111110 using
sample(88888888889, 3000000,replace=TRUE) + 11111111110
There's no need for as.vector at the end, it's already a vector.
P.S. I believe in R-devel the range 1111111111:99999999999 will be stored much more efficiently (basically just the limits), but I don't know if sample() will be modified to work with it that way.

adehabitat compana() doesn't work or returns lambda=NaN

I'm trying to do the compositional analysis of habitat use with the compana() function in the adehabitatHS package (I use adehabitat because I can't install adehabitatHS).
Compana() needs two matrices: one of habitat use and one of avaiable habitat.
When I try to run the function it doesn't work (it never stops), so I have to abort the RStudio session.
I read that one problem could be the 0-values in some habitat types for some animals in the 'avaiable' matrix, whereas other animals have positive values for the same habitat. As done by other people, I replaced 0-values with small values (0,001), ran compana and it worked BUT the lambda values returned me NaN.
The problem is similar to the one found here
adehabitatHS compana test returns lambda = NaN?
They said they resolved using as 'used' habitat matrix the counts (integers) and not the proportions.
I tried also this approach, but never changed (it freezes when there are 0-values in the available matrix, or returns NaN value for Lambda if I replace 0- values wit small values).
I checked all matrices and they are ok, so I'm getting crazy.
I have 6 animals and 21 habitat types.
Can you resolve this BIG problem?
PARTIALLY SOLVED: Asking to some researchers, they told me that the number of habitats shouldn't be higher than the number of animals.
In fact I merged some habitats in order to have six animals per six habitats and now the function works when I replace 0-values in the 'avaiable' matrix with small values (e.d. 0.001).
Unfortunately this is not what I wanted, because I needed to find values (rankings, Log-ratios, etc..) for each habitat type (originally they were 21).

Store a numeric variable with more decimals [duplicate]

When I create a dataframe from numeric vectors, R seems to truncate the value below the precision that I require in my analysis:
returns 1 (*but see update 1)
I am stuck when fitting spline(x,y) and two of the x values are set to 1 due to rounding while y changes. I could hack around this but I would prefer to use a standard solution if available.
Here is an example data set
d <- data.frame(x = c(0.668732936336141, 0.95351462456867,
0.994620622127435, 0.999602102672081, 0.999987126195509, 0.999999955814133,
0.999999999999966), y = c(38.3026509783688, 11.5895099585560,
10.0443344234229, 9.86152339768516, 9.84461434575695, 9.81648333804257,
The following solution works, but I would prefer something that is less subjective:
plot(d$x, d$y, ylim=c(0,50))
lines(spline(d$x, d$y),col='grey') #bad fit
lines(spline(d[-c(4:6),]$x, d[-c(4:6),]$y),col='red') #reasonable fit
Update 1
*Since posting this question, I realize that this will return 1 even though the data frame still contains the original value, e.g.
> dput(data.frame(x=0.99999999996))
structure(list(x = 0.99999999996), .Names = "x", row.names = c(NA,
-1L), class = "data.frame")
Update 2
After using dput to post this example data set, and some pointers from Dirk, I can see that the problem is not in the truncation of the x values but the limits of the numerical errors in the model that I have used to calculate y. This justifies dropping a few of the equivalent data points (as in the example red line).
If you really want set up R to print its results with utterly unreasonable precision, then use: options(digits=16).
Note that this does nothing for that accuracy of functions using htese results. It merely changes how values appear when they are printed to the console. There is no rounding of the values as they are being stored or accessed unless you put in more significant digits than the abscissa can handle. The 'digits' option has no effect on the maximal precision of floating point numbers.
Please re-read R FAQ 7.31 and the reference cited therein -- a really famous paper on what everbody should know about floating-point representation on computers.
The closing quote from Kerngighan and Plauger is also wonderful:
10.0 times 0.1 is hardly ever 1.0.
And besides the numerical precision issue, there is of course also how R prints with fewer decimals than it uses internally:
> for (d in 4:8) print(0.99999996, digits=d)
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 0.99999996

rank() function in R is ranking objects with floating points rather than integers

I'm quite new to R so this may seem quite trivial to many experienced programmers, sorry in advance!
I've got a numeric vector of length 8 that looks like this:
data <- c(45, 67, 23, 24, 5, 23, 45, 23)
When I type in: rank(data), R returns: [1] 6.5 8.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 3.0 6.5 3.0
However with my (very basic) understanding of rank, I expect R to return to me only whole numbers... such as:
[1] 6 8 2 5 1 3 7 4
How can rank() tell me the first element in data has a floating point ranking rather than a whole number ranking? Is it because there are values in data that are repeated and so rank() is trying to handle ties in a way that I am not expecting? If so, please tell me how I can fix this so I can get output that looks like what I previously expected. Also, any information on how rank() deals with NA values would be much appreciated. A basic description on rank() and what bells and whistles can be used would be fantastic! I've looked for videos on youtube and searched stackoverflow to no avail! Thanks so much.
From ?rank:
With some values equal (called ‘ties’), the argument ties.method determines the result at the corresponding indices. The "first" method results in a permutation with increasing values at each index set of ties. The "random" method puts these in random order whereas the default, "average", replaces them by their mean, and "max" and "min" replaces them by their maximum and minimum respectively, the latter being the typical sports ranking.
Sounds like you're using the default setting of "average" for tie breaking, which uses the mean, which is not necessarily an integer.
The built-in documentation should always be your first stop in looking for help. In this case (and most cases), it details all the "bells and whistles"---here there aren't many: just tie-handling and NA-handling. It also has examples at the bottom.

R spline function given a fixed space

So, I need to generate a spline function to feed it into another program which only accepts a fixed space between consecutive points. So, I used spline function in R with a given number of points to genrate spline, however, the floating-point cutoff makes the space among the points variable, for example:
spline(d$V1, d$V2, n=(max(d$V1)-min(d$V1))/0.0200)
> head(t.spl, 7)
x y
1 2.3000 -3.0204
2 2.3202 -3.0204
3 2.3404 -3.0204
4 2.3606 -3.0204
5 2.3807 -3.0204
6 2.4009 -3.0204
7 2.4211 -3.0204
so, the space between 1st 1nd 2nd row is 0.0202, while between 4th and 5th is 0.0201. So because of this problem, the other program that I am feeding this spline into, doesn't accept this. So, is there any way to make this work?
As an aside: please provide a reproducible example next time (I can't copy/paste your code in because I don't have d or t.spl)
I think you'll find that the different intervals (0.0202 vs 0.0201) is an artifact of the number of characters you are printing on the screen, not of the spline function.
It seems R is printing 4 digits after the decimal point for you for neatness, so it's doing the rounding only for the purposes of displaying the results to you.
You can see how many digits are displayed with options('digits')$digits, and adjust it with options(digits=new_number_of_digits) (see ?options for details).
For example:
# 3.142
# 3.141592654
In summary, when you feed the values in to your other program, make sure you print the values with enough decimal points that the other program accepts the intervals as being "equal".
If you are writing to a file, for example, just make sure you write enough digits out. If you are copy-pasting from the R console, make sure you adjust R to print out enough digits.
MathematicalCoffee is probably right. I'm just adding an alternative for the sake of wordiness.
myspline <- splinefun(dV$1,dV$2)
mydata.y <- myspline(desired_x_values,deriv=0)
Will guarantee the uniform x-spacings you desire.
