RRDTOOL one second logging, values missing - graph

I spent more than two months with RRDTOOL to find out how to store and visualize data on graph. I'm very close now to my goal, but for some reason I don't understand why it is happening that some data are considered to be NaN in my case.
I counting lines in gigabytes sized of log files and have feeding the result to an rrd database to visualize events occurrence. The stepping of the database is 60 seconds, the data is inserted in seconds base whenever it is available, so no guarantee the the next timestamp will be withing the heartbeat or within the stepping. Sometimes no data for minutes.
If have such big distance mostly my data is considered to be NaN.
rrdtool create b1_4A.rrd --start 1420066799 --step 60 DS:Value:GAUGE:120:0:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1440 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10:1008 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:30:1440 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:360:1460
The above gives me an empty graph for the input above.
If I extend the heart beat, than it will fill the time gaps with the same data. I've tried to insert zero values, but that will average out the counts and bring results in mils.
Maybe I taking something wrong regarding RRDTool.
It would be great if someone could explain what I doing wrong.
Thank you.

It sounds as if your data - which is event-based at irregular timings - is not suitable for an RRD structure. RRD prefers to have its data at constant, regular intervals, and will coerce the incoming data to match its requirements.
Your RRD is defined to have a 60s step, and a 120s heartbeat. This means that it expects one sample every 60s, and no further apart than 120s.
Your DS is a gauge, and so the values you enter (all of them '1' in your example) will be the values stored, after any time normalisation.
If you increase the heartbeat, then a value received within this time will be used to make a linear approximation to fill in all samples since the last one. This is why doing so fills the gaps with the same data.
Since your step is 60s, the smallest sample time sidth will be 1 minute.
Since you are always storing '1's, your graph will therefore either show '1' (when the sample was received in the heartbeart window) or Unknown (when the heartbeat expired).
In other words, your graph is showing exactly what you gave it. You data are being coerced into a regular set of numerical values at a 1-minute step, each being 1 or Unknown.


Queries on the same big data dataset

Lets say I have a very big dataset (billions of records), one that doesnt fit on a single machine and I want to have multiple unknown queries (its a service where a user can choose a certain subset of the dataset and I need to return the max of that subset).
For the computation itself I was thinking about Spark or something similar, problem is Im going to have a lot of IO/network activity since Spark is going to have to keep re-reading the data set from the disk and distributing it to the workers, instead of, for instance, having Spark divide the data among the workers when the cluster goes up and then just ask from each worker to do the work on certain records (by their number, for example).
So, to the big data people here, what do you usually do? Just have Spark redo the read and distribution for every request?
If I want to do what I said above I have no choice but to write something of my own?
If the queries are known but the subsets unknown, you could precalculate the max (or whatever the operator) for many smaller windows / slices of the data. This gives you a small and easily queried index of sorts, which might allow you to calculate the max for an arbitrary subset. In case a subset does not start and end neatly where your slices do, you just need to process the ‘outermost’ partial slices to get the result.
If the queries are unknown, you might want to consider storing the data in a MPP database or use OLAP cubes (Kylin, Druid?) depending on the specifics; or you could store the data in a columnar format such as Parquet for efficient querying.
Here's a precalculating solution based on the problem description in the OP's comment to my other answer:
Million entries, each has 3k name->number pairs. Given a subset of the million entries and a subset of the names, you want the average for each name for all the entries in the subset. So each possible subset (of each possible size) of a million entries is too much to calculate and keep.
First, we split the data into smaller 'windows' (shards, pages, partitions).
Let's say each window contains around 10k rows with roughly 20k distinct names and 3k (name,value) pairs in each row (choosing the window size can affect performance, and you might be better off with smaller windows).
Assuming ~24 bytes per name and 2 bytes for the value, each window contains 10k*3k*(24+2 bytes) = 780 MB of data plus some overhead that we can ignore.
For each window, we precalculate the number of occurrences of each name, as well as the sum of the values for that name. With those two values we can calculate the average for a name over any set of windows as:
Average for name N = (sum of sums for N)/(sum of counts for N)
Here's a small example with much less data:
Window 1
Window 2
Window 3
The precalculated Window 1 'index' with sums and counts:
This 'index' will contain around 20k distinct names and two values for each name, or 20k*(24+2+2 bytes) = 560 KB of data. That's one thousand times less than the data itself.
Now let's put this in action: given an input spanning 1 million rows, you'll need to load (1M/10k)=100 indices or 56 MB, which fits easily in memory on a single machine (heck, it would fit in memory on your smartphone).
But since you are aggregating the results, you can do even better; you don't even need to load all of the indices at once, you can load them one at a time, filter and sum the values, and discard the index before loading the next. That way you could do it with just a few megabytes of memory.
More importantly, the calculation should take no more than a few seconds for any set of windows and names. If the names are sorted alphabetically (another worthwhile pre-optimization) you get the best performance, but even with unsorted lists it should run more than fast enough.
Corner cases
The only thing left to do is handle the case where the input span doesn't line up exactly with the precalculated windows. This requires a little bit of logic for the two 'ends' of the input span, but it can be easily built into your code.
Say each window contains exactly one week of data, from Monday through Sunday, but your input specifies a period starting on a Wednesday. In that case you would have to load the actual raw data from Wednesday through Sunday of the first week (a few hundred megabytes as we noted above) to calculate the (count,sum) tuples for each name first, and then use the indices for the rest of the input span.
This does add some processing time to the calculation, but with an upper bound of 2*780MB it still fits very comfortably on a single machine.
At least that's how I would do it.

R - Cluster x number of events within y time period

I have a dataset that has 59k entries recorded over 63 years, I need to identify clusters of events with the criteria being:
6 or more events within 6 hours
Each event has a unique ID, time HH:MM:SS and date DD:MM:YY, an output would ideally have a cluster ID, the eventS that took place within each cluster, and start and finish time and date.
Thinking about the problem in R we would need to look at every date/time and count the number of events in the following 6 hours, if the number is 6 or greater save the event IDs, if not move onto the next date and perform the same task. I have taken a data extract that just contains EventID, Date, Time and Year.
If I come up with anything in the meantime I will post below.
Update: Having taken a break to think about the problem I have a new approach.
Add 6 hours to the Date/Time of each event then count the number of events that fall within the start end time, if there are 6 or more take the eventIDs and assign them a clusterID. Then move onto the next event and repeat 59k times as a loop.
Don't use clustering. It's the wrong tool. And the wrong term. You are not looking for abstract "clusters", but something much simpler and much more well defined. In particular, your data is 1 dimensional, which makes things a lot easier than the multivariate case omnipresent in clustering.
Instead, sort your data and use a sliding window.
If your data is sorted, and time[x+5] - time[x] < 6 hours, then these events satisfy your condition.
Sorting is O(n log n), but highly optimized. The remainder is O(n) in a single pass over your data. This will beat every single clustering algorithm, because they don't exploit your data characteristics.

how to do a sum in graphite but exclude cases where not all data is present

We have 4 data series and once in a while one of the 4 has a null as we missed reading the data point. This makes the graph look like we have awful spikes in loss of volume coming in which is not true as we were just missing the data point.
I am doing a basic sumSeries(server*.InboundCount) right now for server 1, 2, 3, 4 where the * is.
Is there a way where graphite can NOT sum the locations on the line and just have sum for those points in time be also null so it connects the line from the point where there is data to the next point where there is data.
NOTE: We also display the graphs server*.InboundCount individually to watch for spikes on individual servers.
or perhaps there is function such that it looks at all the series and if any of the values is null, it returns null for every series that it takes X series and returns X series points to the sum function as null+null+null+null hopefully doesn't result in a spike and shows null.
This is an old question but still deserves an answer as a point of reference, what you're after I believe is the function KeepLastValue
Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList, and optionally a limit to the number of ‘None’ values to skip over. Continues the line with the last received value when gaps (‘None’ values) appear in your data, rather than breaking your line.
This would make your function
This will work ok if you have a single null datapoint here and there. If you have multiple consecutive null data points you can specify how far back before a null breaks your data. For example, the following will look back up to 10 values before the sumSeries breaks:
sumSeries(keepLastValue(server*.InboundCount, 10))
I'm sure you've since solved your problems, but I hope this helps someone.

Graphite: append a "current time" point to the end of a series

I have a "succeeded" metric that is just the timestamp. I want to see the time between successive successes (this is how long the data is stale for). I have
but I also want to know how long between the last success time and the current time. since derivative transforms xs[n] to xs[n+1] - xs[n], the "last" delta doesn't exist. How can I do this? Something like:
derivative(append(Success, now()))
I don't see any graphite functions for appending series, and I don't see any user-defined graphite functions.
The general problem is to be alerted when the data is stale, via graphite monitoring. There may be a better solution than the one I'm thinking about.
identity is a function whose value at any given time is the timestamp of that time.
keepLastValue is a function that takes a series and replicates data points forward over gaps in the data.
So then diffSeries(identity("now"), keepLastValue(Success)) will be a "sawtooth" series that climbs steadily while Success isn't updated, and jumps down to zero (or close to it — there might be some time skew) every time Success has a data point. If you use graphite monitoring to get the current value of that expression and compare it to some threshold, it will probably do what you want.

Graphite does not graph values correctly when using long durations?

I'm trying to graph data using statsd and graphite. I have a simple counter, I increment it by 1, and then when I graph the values for the counter over the day, I see strange values like 0.09 as the peak in my graph (see http://i.stack.imgur.com/o4gmz.png)
This graph should be showing 2 logins, but instead it's showing 0.09. If I change the time scale from 1 day to the last 15 minutes, then it correctly shows the two logins (see http://i.stack.imgur.com/23vDJ.png)
I've set up my finest retention to be in 10s increments in storage-schemas.conf:
retentions = 10s:7d,1m:21d,24h:5y
I've set up my storage-aggregation.conf file to sum counts:
pattern = \.count$
xFilesFactor = 0
aggregationMethod = sum
(And, before you ask, yes; this is a .count).
If I try my URL with &rawData=true then in either case I see some Nones, some 0.0s, and a pair of 1.0s separated by some 0.0s. I never see these fractional values that somehow show up on the graph. So... Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong?
There's also consolidateBy function which tells graphite what to do if there's no enough pixels to draw everything accurately. By default it's using "avg" function and therefore strange results when time ranges are greater. Here excerpt from documentation:
When a graph is drawn where width of the graph size in pixels is
smaller than the number of datapoints to be graphed, Graphite
consolidates the values to to prevent line overlap. The
consolidateBy() function changes the consolidation function from the
default of ‘average’ to one of ‘sum’, ‘max’, or ‘min’. This is
especially useful in sales graphs, where fractional values make no
sense and a ‘sum’ of consolidated values is appropriate.
Another function that could be useful is hitcount. Short excerpt from here why it's useful:
This function is like summarize(), except that it compensates
automatically for different time scales (so that a similar graph
results from using either fine-grained or coarse-grained records) and
handles rarely-occurring events gracefully.
I spent some time scratching my head why I get fractions for my counter with time ranges longer than couple hours when my aggregation rule is max. It's pretty confusing, especially at the beginning when you play with single counters to see if everything works. Checking rawData is quite a good way for debugging sanity check ;)
