Not able to access Server-Sent-Events over Mobile 3g Network - nginx

I am having an issue with Server Sent events.
My endpoint is not available on mobile 3G network.
One observation I have is that a https endpoint like the one below which is available on my mobile network.
But the same endpoint when proxy passed using an nginx and accessed over http (without ssl) is not available on my mobile network.
This is available on my home/office broadband network though. Only creates an issue over my mobile 3g network.
Any ideas what might be going on?
I read that mobile networks use broken transparent proxies that might be causing this. But this is over HTTP.
Any help would be appreciated.

I suspect the mobile network is forcing use of an HTTP proxy that tries to buffer files before forwarding them to the browser. Buffering will make SSE messages wait in the buffer.
With SSE there are a few tricks to work around such proxies:
Close the connection on the server after sending a message. Proxies will observe end of the "file" and forward all messages they've buffered.
This will be equivalent to long polling, so it's not optimal. To avoid reducing performance for all clients you could do it only if you detect it's necessary, e.g. when a client connects always send a welcome message. The client should expect that message and if the message doesn't arrive soon enough report the problem via an AJAX request to the server.
Send between 4 and 16KB of data in SSE comments before or after a message. Some proxies have limited-size buffers, and this will overflow the buffer forcing messages out.
Use HTTPS. This bypasses all 3rd party proxies. It's the best solution if you can use HTTPS.


Advantage of RTSP over HTTP for ip cam streaming

I recently bought an ip cam for a project. So my project was just to create a button on a webpage to show the video feed coming from the cam when clicked on it. If i have to stream the rtsp link of the ip cam via a browser, i need to use ffmpeg for converting into HLS. But when i use a http video link of the cam, its easy and convenient. So my question is, what advantage does rtsp have over http ? and what method should i choose in a industrial project. At the moment i have successfully implemented the button with http video link and it works. I was just curious to know the advantage i will have if i use rtsp. Thanks a lot for you precious time.
it depends on the network environment that you are dealing with. For sure using dash/HLS will result in higher latency but on the other hand using TCP for streaming is easier to go through the firewalls.
Apple reasoning for introducing RTSP over HTTP:
Using standard RTSP/RTP it is possible to stream a presentation to a user via a single
TCP connection. (See RFC 2036 “Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)”, section 10.12)
Unfortunately, that is not sufficient to reach a significant population of Internet users.
These users are typically on private IP networks where the client machines have indirect
access to the public Internet via email and HTTP Proxies.
The QuickTime HTTP transport exploits the capability of HTTP GET and POST
methods to carry an indefinite amount of data in their reply, and message body
respectively. In the most simple case, the client makes a HTTP GET request to the
streaming server to open the server to client channel. Then the client makes a POST
request to the server to open the client to server channel.

Is there any advantage to using over a simple HTTP HEAD request from a browser to server with Javascript to measure internet ping speed?

I'm trying to calculate the ping speed from a client to a server.
I'm creating a complete application, so I'm writing the server logic as well. I'm wondering if I should use to ping the server from the client, or simply send a random HTTP HEAD request to the server, and if any of them is more accurate than the other.
It depends on the frequency of the ping I guess. For a simple ping every so often, I would probably just fire off an http request as needed.
Every connection requires resources so x many clients connected require x connected sockets being managed which has some overhead. This may not be an issue given your anticipated quantity of concurrent users, but you would get away using fewer server resources having clients connect via http.
If you making the rest of your calls via http, then it makes sense to have a more accurate measurement using the same protocol.

How can a third person read the HTTP request headers, if those are transported via HTTP (insecure)?

My question is about networking. I'm just looking for a simple answer, yet I couldn't find one after 1 hour research. I know there are techniques such as Wi-Fi Hotspot, man-in-the-middle-attack, local network, echo switch, etc. But I couldn't find an answer to my specific question.
Let's say, client A wants to communicate with server B, and server B says client A must authenticate himself via HTTP basic authentication first. My question is, what happens if client A sends the authentication credentials via HTTP layer (insecure), who can read the HTTP headers that the client A sends to server B over the internet? Would it be easy to do that? Like placing a breakpoint between two arbitrary routers, which help to transfer the packets across the internet, in order to read those headers? How does it work in general?
Thank you!
PS.: I am not trying to learn and do it. I just want to know, how dangerous it would be, if the HTTP basic auth is made via the insecure HTTP layer.
Who can read the HTTP headers that the client A sends to server B over
the internet?
Your Network Provider (e.g Wi-fi hotspot Provider).
Your Domain Name System server (DNS, as
Your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Your Virtual Private Network if using one (VPN server).
Yourself Or a Virus.
and here comes the HTTPS (HTTP + SSL Encryption)
SSL is about communicating in a language that you and the server only understand.
How dangerous it would be if the HTTP basic auth is made via the insecure HTTP layer?
Well, from above, You can totally get that a simple virus or even a public Wi-fi Hotspot Device can capture and see all of your data if the communication was done in a plain HTTP Socket.
A Simple packet may contain all of your Device information including its basic contents as your passwords, credit cards information, The HTML form for the signup/login that you've just completed with all its data, VoIP Calls and messages being sent to the server + upcoming/received ones.
that's why we need SSL encryption and the server should have a valid SSL certificate too.
By the way, your device may have sent thousands of packets while you read this now!
Capturing the packets that your device sends or even the packets that other devices on your network send can be done through any packet capturing tool or software as Wireshark.

When implementing a web proxy, how should the server report lower-level protocol errors?

I'm implementing an HTTP proxy. Sometimes when a browser makes a request via my proxy, I get an error such as ECONNRESET, Address not found, and the like. These indicate errors below the HTTP level. I'm not talking about bugs in my program -- but how other servers behave when I send them an HTTP request.
Some servers might simply not exist, others close the socket, and still others not answer at all.
What is the best way to report these errors to the caller? Is there a standard method that, if I use it, browsers will convert my HTTP message to an appropriate error message? (i.e. they get a reply from the proxy that tells them ECONNRESET, and they act as though they received the ECONNRESET themselves).
If not, how should it be handled?
I really want my proxy to be totally transparent and for the browser or other client to work exactly as if it wasn't connected to it, so I want to replicate the organic behavior of errors such as ECONNRESET instead of sending an HTTP message with an error code, which would be totally different behavior.
I kind of thought that was the intention when writing an HTTP proxy.
There are several things to keep in mind.
Firstly, if the client is configured to use the proxy (which actually I'd recommend) then fundamentally it will behave differently than if it were directly connecting out over the Internet. This is mostly invisible to the user, but affects things like:
some caching differences
authentication to the proxy if required
reporting of connection errors etc <= your question.
In the case of reporting errors, a browser will show a connectivity error if it can't connect to the proxy, or open a tunnel via the proxy, but for upstream errors, the proxy will be providing a page (depending on the error, e.g. if a response has already been sent the proxy can't do much but close the connection). This page won't look anything like your browser page would.
If the browser is NOT configured to use a proxy, then you would need to divert or intercept the connection to the proxy. This can cause problems if you decide you want to authenticate your users against the proxy (to identify them / implement user-specific rules etc).
Secondly HTTPS can be a real pain in the neck. This problem is growing as more and more sites move to HTTPS only. There are several issues:
browsers configured to use a proxy, for HTTPS URLS will firstly open a tunnel via the proxy using the CONNECT method. If your proxy wants to prevent this then any information it provides in the block response is ignored by the browser, and instead you get the generic browser connectivity error page.
if you want to provide any other benefits one normally wishes from a proxy (e.g. caching / scanning etc) you need to implement a MitM (Man-in-the-middle) and spoof server SSL certificates etc. In fact you need to do this if you just want to send back a block-page to deny things.
There is a way a browser can act a bit more like it was directly connected via a proxy, and that's using SOCKS. SOCKS has a way to return an error code if there's an upstream connection error. It's not the actual socket error code however.
These are all reasons why we wrote the WinGate Internet Client, which is a LSP-based product for our product WinGate. Client applications then learn the actual upstream error codes etc.
It's not a favoured approach nowadays though, as it requires installation of software on the client computer.
I wouldn't provide them too much info. Report what you need through internal logs in case you have to solve the problem. Return a 400, 403 or 418. Why? Perhaps the're just hacking.

Message from the cloud to a machine behind NAT / Firewall

I want a cloud machine to send a message to a machine behind a corporate NAT / Firewall.
My idea is to install on the corporate machine a client which sends a long HTTP request to the cloud machine and when the cloud has a message it returns the response.
I thought I invented the wheel until I read about "http tunneling" (is this what I am doing?).
I also read that some firewalls block non html traffic even if it is on http.
So what is my chance to make it work?
I have also read that skype uses a more sophisticated machanism.
Is it because my idea does not work or because their idea is faster?
I can compromise on speed now - which approach works and easy to implement?
I know you'd like to do it with TCP/HTTP,
but the way I'd do it is use UDP to
NAT 'hole punch', thus establishing a UDP channel,
and then use UDP packets sent over that
channel as the signaling mechanism...
These may (or may not) be useful or relevant:
Also -- if you really have to use HTTP, you could
simply issue a new HTTP request every X seconds...
HTTP Polling, if you will...
If they block non html on port 80, you could try port 443. Unless there is a SSL "man in the middle" proxy (unlikely), you'd be ok.
IIRC skype uses port hopping, so basically you'll need an algorithm to find an unfiltered (by brute force with intelligent guesses) port that you can connect to.
