VS2013 MVC 5 Add controller missing - asp.net

before posting, I read all the posts related to this query, as well as the ones in asp.net forums. There is a filed bug related to this problem which was filed as solved, but still unsolved in the current version (VS2013.4).
The problem is that my Visual Studio 2013 is missing the "Add Controller" option, so I have no way of scaffolding new controllers in my MVC 5 projects. Some clarifications:
It is a new MVC5 project, not MVC4->MVC5 migration.
Updated all nuget packages, all VS related stuff as well.
Repaired VS2013
Uninstalled, rebooted and reinstalled VS2013
Upgraded it
Installed the .NET Web Tools from the DVD and from internet.
Changed the project GUIDs as some suggest (btw, those solutions seem to work only for MVC4 or less, not for VS2013 MVC5)
I have a virtual machine at work with win8.1 64bits and VS2013.4 that does have "add controller" option (same config as my home laptop, but in a virtual machine). Also tried to copy the same .csproj settings with no luck.
So, basically, unless someone came across another solution I still may have not tried yet, is to format and reinstall everything.

I don't know if this is applicable to your case and if it will directly help you, but I had some problems with Microsoft development tools and hidden buttons when using them on my touch screen enabled laptop
The solution was to turn off windows/controls scaling in Control panel (set it back to 100%)


Import existing asp.net website on Visual Studio for mac

I'm working as frontend developer in a company which uses asp.net for its website. I usually work on mac and I need to setup my localhost to work on the website, but something's wrong with the project. They provided me the folder with all the files (aspx, aspx.cs, dll etc), and I'm supposed to build my own solution file. Visual Studio for macOS doesn't give me the possibility to create an empty website project (VS for pc does), or maybe I'm selecting the wrong entry. What am I supposed to do?
I tried to select Empty ASP.NET Web project, but It doesn't work, all the vars and methods from aspx pages are not detected in aspx.cs. Same with Web Form. I can't set up anything and the solution is not working.
Everyone at the company uses Windows and they can't help me.
What I have to do to import it in the right way?
I'd like to use VS Code if it's possible. This is the first time with asp.net.
Thanks in advance
The main thing is that ASP.NET Web Forms is obsolete. I guess they stopped to support such type of solution a long time ago, only critical crushes. If you really want to use mac for ASP.NET Web Forms you should install Parallels VM with Windows 10 and Visual Studio on board.

No MVC template in Visual Studio 2015

I have missing MVC template in Visual studio 2015. I followed every answer posted in this topic in stackoverflow. I tried modifying and installing again and i checked web developer section too. But still MVC template is not in web section.
Seems like you have forgotten to install Web Developer tools on the initial installation.
After reinstalling this, everything reappears
Reference: Check this Solution.

What is the easiest and least expensive way to make an ASP.NET MVC project on a Mac?

I've made ASP.NET MVC projects on my work PC, and I have a Mac at home and want to be able to dink around in my free time. I downloaded Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/ASPnet5#VSCode) to try and do this, but I got stuck at part of the instructions and I'm not sure it's even possible to deploy it from there to Microsoft Azure. I also don't want to have to download Boot Camp and Windows, if possible. Are there any options?
I have been in the exact same position as you, unfortunately there is little that we Mac users can do. As ASP.NET was developed by Microsoft they left little room for compatibility with other platforms
Installing Visual Studio Code is the only option for Mac however, all is not lost for we have Git! If your not sure what that is; Git is an open source distribution system which is freely available for anyone to use, allowing others to access and even edit your code.
To get back onto the topic at hand, VSC uses Git repositories to push your source into the Azure platform. Take a look at this site:
This is some instruction for ASP.NET development specifically for Mac mainly, it tells us how to activate the Git functionality and how that incorporates to Azure. Hopefully it helps you figure out your issue!
Found these two interesting articles using a combination of Yeoman and Kestrel:
Develop ASP.NET vNext applications on a Mac
Your First ASP.NET 5 Application on a Mac
Basically, you can use Yeoman to get the project scaffolding, VS Code or Sublime Text to edit source code and Kestrel to run your project.

Can Local Build Deployment Settings Be Changed in VS 2013

A Little Background:
My team has a somewhat outdated ASP.NET MVC solution that I have been tasked with upgrading as current as possible. We're migrating up from MVC 2 and WebPages (ASPX/ASCX) to MVC 4. The solution is rather large (20+ projects) and most of it is working properly. We have run into an issue though where some of the aspx pages throw the compiler error:
> "BC30456: 'InitializeCulture' is not a member of 'some_extended_view_name_here'...
Most of the digging I came up with on the issue recommends that when publishing, you unselect "allow this precompiled site to be updatable". Problem is that when running locally via the "Run/Run Without Debugging" buttons, you aren't publishing per-se. So...
TL/DR: Is there any way to change the 'publish' settings when using the run or run w/out debugging buttons for MVC websites in Visual Studio 2012/2013? I have looked and looked, but can't find anything suggesting it's even possible.

How to get Razor and WebPages support in VS 2012 Express for Web?

I downloaded and installed Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web the other day and it's very awkward-feeling trying to write sites now because there isn't any intellisense or razor support and no syntax highlighting for razor code.
When the installation completed I got a message but I accidently clicked the OK button before I even began reading it, but I did get the general gist of it and it was asking me about Razor/WebPages, so I'm thinking it was asking if I wanted to install an update for it (maybe) but I'm not sure. But I know I clicked the OK button so it should've done it if that's what it was talking about.
But I tried searching for something to download but in WebPlatform Installer everything already shows up as being 'Installed'. So I'm not sure what to do to get the latest WebPages/Razor support in VS 2012 Express for Web?
Some things I've already tried are:
Repair the installation
Completely uninstall VS 2012 ex for web and reinstall
Re-download and install ASP.NET WebPages and re-install it
None of them have worked.
I just tried opening an existing solution again and was shown the same message as before. It said VS requires missing components and asked if I wanted to install them so I can open the solution (A website written in webpages/razor 3), it then said it will download Webpages framework with razor 3, it opened WebPI and webPI is now saying:
"Microsoft WebPI couldn't find the product you tried to install. Either the link you clicked is incorrect or you may be overriding your feed with a different feed."
So I went and searched for it in WebPI and not a single related result appears for any of the following:
web pages
razor 3
ASP.NET WebPages
