Remove Symfony2 API URL trailing slash - symfony

I'm starting to design an API with Symfony2, and I have a problem with the trailing slashes on routes.
For example, let's say I have a Person entity, prefixed with /person in the routing.yml file:
resource: "#AppBundle/Controller/PersonsController.php"
type: annotation
prefix: /persons
And in the annotations of the controller:
#Route("/", methods="{GET}", name="persons_get"))
The result of Symfony2 command router:debug will give me this URL : /persons/. I want to remove this trailing slash. Do you have an idea ?

I got this issue too some time ago and while looking for a solution I find this:
I agree with Fabien (fabpot), since prefixes are used in the same way as directories, you are forced to set a string that will be appended to the prefix, and using an empty route is a nonsense.
If you do not want trailing slashes then define it as:
#Route("/persons", methods="{GET}", name="persons_get")
Use prefixes just for composition purposes.


How do I know what key/value and the proper syntax of my router.yaml file in symfony?

I am just learning symphony please bear with me. I do not want to blindly copy and paste stuff without a real meaning.
In routes.yaml i am seing string such as this :
path: /foo
defaults: { _controller: 'MyController::fooAction' }
why does "_controller" use the underscore? how would i know that it need the underscore without saying : "that is just the way to use it" ?
why are they using :: to refer to a function method that is not a static method?
How do i get a list of all the keys/value syntax for that that router file?
where do i get the hierarchy of the key/value pair of the yaml file?
In other places i am seeing string like this:
path: /lucky/number
controller: App\Controller\LuckyController::number
This one looks cleaner but where is the underscore in word "controller"?
Why so many inconsistencies?
BTW: I have read this: BTW: I read this:
it is stated that a full route has seven parts but how do i know the proper syntax of those parts?
Any insights will be appreciated...

Translated Symfony routes with multiple parameters

As the title suggests, I'm using Symfony in conjunction with the JMSTranslationBundle and JMSI18nBundle in order to serve translated routes.
Here's my currently configured route:
So the route
is successfully pushed to the correct controller and action.
The JMSI18nBundle is automagically prefixing my English routes with /en/. This works for every other route with a non-dynamic component (such as /profile/{slug}/). This DOES NOT work, however, when using the English version of the above example. i.e.
I'm guessing the router is not reading this properly as the English version of the normal route, and instead tries to assign location = en, profession = berlin, etc, which is obviously incorrect.
I've tried defining optional parameters, more complicated regexes, and trailing slashes for the translation (all with cache flushes in between). None of this works. What DOES work, is inserting a pointless non-dynamic component, i.e. /en/s/berlin/doctor/general etc
As a part of the business requirements, we don't want this additional pointless non-dynamic URL component.
So, my question is: how can I use (prefixed) translatable URLs in Symfony that contain nothing but dynamic fields?
Your help is greatly appreciated!
As is the norm with Friday-afternoon problems, I found I had a $ inside my translated route rule, like so:
Removing it and flushing the cache resulted in the route working.
tl;dr - PEBKAC

Hash escape in URL (routing.yml/path) Symfony 2

I have problem with urls in my Symfony 2.3 aplication.
I have defined routing like this:
path: /strefa-wiedzy#jak-kupic
_controller: FrameworkBundle:Template:template
template: 'GLHomeBundle:Default:faq.html.twig'
The problem is that when I create links for this page I have something like:
I have been looking for escaping in yml files, but none of those solutions work for my path.
I will be gratefull for any help.
As stated in my answer here the hashtag is not intended to be in symfony routing. You can do the suggested workaround. But first you should consider, do you really need url-fragments in routing?
PHP's rawurlencode() encodes all chars except a-zA-Z0-9-._~ according to RFC 3986. But we want to allow some chars to be used in their literal form (reasons below). Other chars inside the path must of course be encoded, e.g. ? and # (would be interpreted wrongly as query and fragment identifier), ' and " (are used as delimiters in HTML).

Symfony2 - encoding url parameters like slash, dot and plus

Ich have a problem with symfony2(2.0.16) routing.
I try to run 2 routes like
param: ".*[^/]$"
param: ".*[^/]$"
As you can imagine, the second route will not be called, not matter what..
what i actually want to do is a search and a specialized search, therefore i need to allow also dots, plus and slashes..
I tried to encode the slash (urlencode to %2F or %252F) so that i can change the requirement, but symfony always decodes it before the routing, so i get an routing error if i remove the requirement.
I thought about to use base64 encoding, but that cant be the solution to my problem..
EDIT: i can also not rely on the order of the routes, because i import the routes from many diffrent bundles..
#This one before the other to be considered !
param: ".+"
param: ".+"
The parameter for your first route can't be category else it will match it instead of ignoring it. You can change the regex to ignore this value:
param: "(?!category/).*[^/]$"
param: ".*[^/]$"
Now a parameter called category followed by a slash will be ignored and the pattern won't match, except by the second route.

IgnoreRoute with webservice - Exclude asmx URLs from routing

Im adding the filevistacontrol to my MVC web application.
I have a media.aspx page that is ignored in the routing with
This works successfully and serves a standard webforms page.
Upon adding the filevistacontrol, I can't seem to ignore any calls the control makes to it's webservice.
Eg the following ignoreRoute still seems to get picked up by the MvcHandler.
The exception thrown is:
'The RouteData must contain an item named 'controller' with a non-empty string value'
Thanks in advance.
Short answer:
routes.IgnoreRoute( "{*url}", new { url = #".*\.asmx(/.*)?" } );
Long answer:
If your service can be in any level of a path, none of these options will work for all possible .asmx services:
By default, the parameters in a route pattern will match until they find a slash.
If the parameter starts with a star *, like pathInfo in those answers, it will match everything, including slashes.
the first answer will only work for .asmx services in the root path, becasuse {resource} will not match slashes. (Would work for something like
the second one will only work for .asmx services which are one level away from the root.{directory} will match the first segment of the path, and {resource} the name of the service. (Would work for something like
None would work for
The solution is using another overload of the IgnoreRoute method which allows to specify constraints. Using this solution you can use a simple pattern which matches all the url, like this: {*url}. Then you only have to set a constraint which checks that this url refers to a .asmx service. This constraint can be expressed with a regex like this: .*\.asmx(/.*)?. This regex matches any string which ends with .asmx optionally followed by an slash and any number of characters after it.
So, the final answer is this:
routes.IgnoreRoute( "{*url}", new { url = #".*\.asmx(/.*)?" } );
I got it to work using this (a combo of other answers):
What happens when you use:
If that doesn't work, try using the ASP.NET Routing Debugger to help you:
Try this:
routes.IgnoreRoute("{*filevista}", new { filevista = #"(.*/)?filevista.asmx(/.*)?" });
This is based on a Phil Haack recommendation stated here.
Have you tried:
It would help if you posted the source for your route configuration. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say to make sure that your IgnoreRoute() calls are all at the top of your routing definition.
The way IgnoreRoute works is to create a route that matches the ignored route URL and constraints, and attaches a StopRoutingHandler as the RouteHandler. The UrlRoutingModule knows that a StopRoutingHandler means it shouldn't route the request.
As we know, the routes are matched in the order of which they are defined. So, if your {controller}/{action}/{id} route appears before your "FileVistaControl/filevista.asmx/GetLanguageFile/" route, then it will match the "{controller}/{action}/{id}" route.
I may be totally off base here, but it's hard to know without seeing your source. Hope this helps. And post source code! You'll get better answers.
