How to exclude certain branches with svn2git? - svn2git

I am running svn2git on Windows and would like to exclude a number of branches from the migration process. How is this achieved?

svn2git generates a regexp from the exclude tags that it feeds to it's --ignore-paths argument.
Unfortunately, this regexp contains DOS reserved characters - like [ ] | etc - which are not escaped.
I first tried to use the generated regexp to make a properly escaped regexp to make my own --ignore-paths argument but the reserved charcters/escape system of DOS is a real nightmare.
Solution -> use a Linux distribution or setup cygwin on your windows system :
Install cygwin, with ruby packages
gem install svn2git
cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s /home/<user>/.gem/ruby/gems/svn2git-2.3.2/bin/svn2git
cd /cygdrive/c/<your target repo>
Now you can run svn2git with as many --exclude arguments as needed !

As cdup suggests, if you can get it to run in e.g. the Git bash window that comes with Git for Windows, you'll likely avoid many issues.
However, if you want, can modify svn2git source code directly on your machine to fix this issue. The issue occurs because svn2git uses single ticks ' rather than double quotes " around arguments that are passed to git svn. The fix described below also applies to other areas of svn2git in the context of a Windows command prompt.
Anyway, open migration.rb under <ruby install path>\lib\ruby\gems\<version>\gems\svn2git-<version>\lib\svn2git and look for this line:
cmd += "--ignore-paths='#{regex}' "
Replace it with this (note that ' has been replaced by an escaped double quote \"):
cmd += "--ignore-paths=\"#{regex}\" "
Save changes and rerun svn2git. Your exclude pattern should now work.


PhpUnit Wordpress Error

I am running the script from Cygwin and I get the following error
bash bin/ wordpress_test root 'my_pass' localhost latest
sed: -e expression #1, char 36: unknown option to s'
This is the line where the error occurs and the execution ends
sed $ioption "s:dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/src/':'$WP_CORE_DIR/':" "$WP_TESTS_DIR"/wp-tests-config.php
Why does this error occur?
Why does this error occur?
First of all Integrating WP Unit Testing in Windows outlines a couple of reasons already.
If you ask why because you're looking for a solution, there is this on the page:
Lastly, sometimes the bash script fails to build WordPress because of how it uses tmp folders. If it fails, then you can manually install WordPress to a writeable directory, and then manually create wp-tests-config.php.
Here is a bit of background:
Most likely there is a colon (":") in the directory name or in $WP_CORE_DIR (and as it is not encoded for the sed-pattern) sed sees it at the end of the s:<search>:<replace>:<option>... search expression and stumbles over the unintended option which then is unknown - and tells you.
On *nix systems a colon is normally not part of a pathname. which means, that you've run into an incompatibility with that shell script with your system. It is not portable with cygwin.
You can either try to make the script portable with cygwin, e.g. by quoting the colons for <search> and <replace> (see sed(1) for sed expression syntax).
Or you can read the sed expression (again see sed(1)) and apply the changes to the test wordpress-configuration-file manually your own (this is the suggestion from the manual, so probably the first way to go with).

Use cmd commands in QT

Hi i was checking and anyone can use commands very similar in cmd like dir mkdir etc.
But for example when i try to use command (cd ..) i couldn't
QProcess consola;
consola.start("cmd.exe /C " + comando);
This is the question how i can use more commands in cmd for qt for example.
At least from the command line:
cmd /C "cd \"
works as did directories other than root. (Note the parenthesis around the command since it contains embedded spaces.) However, this example isn't very useful because this executes the command shell, changes the directory in that command shell, and then the command shell disappears, and your current directory is back to where you started.
I recommend looking into the QDir class, which has methods such as "current ()" and "setCurrent ()" for getting and setting the current directory. There are equivalents for mkdir and many others. Also, using QDir is much more cross-platform friendly, where using the "cmd" shell is Windows-specific.
You don't say what you're trying to accomplish, so beyond that suggestion, it's impossible to know how to best help you.
Your process's current directory can be and mostly is different than current directory of your is running. Please read chdir manpage for that.
That command is mostly working but changing the current directory of your process.

run windows command from R

In windows 7 at run prompt, this command succeeds in launching the .exe with the the optional input file "test2.dat"
c:/Program Files (x86)/IEUBKwin1_1 Build11/IEUBKwin32.exe k:/Project/EPA.Pb.IEUBK/
I want to do the same thing from within R.
In R, this command succeeds in launching the same .exe
shell.exec("c:/Program Files (x86)/IEUBKwin1_1 Build11/IEUBKwin32.exe")
But I've been unable to find a solution within R that will launch the .exe with the optional input file. I've looked at shell(), shell.exec() and system() but I could not find the right incantation that will pass the optional input file to the .exe.
Any thoughts?
Typing into the normal cmd.exe-promt a command including spaces as in C:\Program Files (x86)\... does not work:
The Command "C:\Program" could not be found.
Typing in the same command with double quotes does work. E.g.:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z" -a ...
To get it to work in R, you can use single quotes (') to mark a R string and double quotes (") for the command itself. Actually, you have the possibility of three different quotes to use (backtick is the third one `, see here for more information). Or you use escapes as mentioned in the answer of #Frank.
system('"C:/Program Files (x86)/IEUBKwin1_1 Build11/IEUBKwin32.exe" k:/Project/EPA.Pb.IEUBK/')
In addition ?system mentions not just to use shell in windows but also system2 as alternative:
...This means that it cannot be assumed that redirection or piping will work in system (redirection sometimes does, but we have seen cases where it stopped working after a Windows security patch), and system2 (or shell) must be used on Windows.
But for me system works totally fine not using piping or redirection.
shell.exec() is used for opening files associated in your OS.
in your case, the shell command should be preferred but you need to take care of spaces in your filenames and mask quotaion marks.
Please try:
shell("\"c:/Program Files (x86)/IEUBKwin1_1 Build11/IEUBKwin32.exe\" k:/Project/EPA.Pb.IEUBK/")

Adding --ignore-failed-read to tar causes "unknown function modifier" error

I'm using the tar command in UNIX to perform backups of particular directories. However, some directories contain files/sub-directories which the current user doesn't have any read permissions on. As a result the tar command is returning a non 0 exit code.
I came across the following modifier in the man pages '--ignore-failed-read', which suppresses the non 0 exit code when encountering files it cannot read. However, whenever I try using it I get the error 'unknown function modifier'.
Could anyone help me out here?
my tar command looks something like this:
tar --create --ignore-failed-read --file=test.tar my_dir
Your command seems to be perfectly valid and I don't see any typos/mistakes.
To be absolutely sure, I just tried it on my VM running under 32 bit Debian 7.1 (wheezy) with stock kernel As I suspected, archive has been created successfuly (the only change was, of course, the name of the source directory). I also checked version of my tar with
tar --version
which gave me following output:
tar (GNU tar) 1.26
First of all, you should check this info. If you get the same (with possible difference in version number) output, that's fine. If not (or version that seems much older), it's possible, that you are using tar, which simply doesn't support this feature.
Also, you can check, if your tar really DOES support mentioned flag. To do this, type into console:
tar --help | grep ignore-failed-read
You should see something like this:
--ignore-failed-read do not exit with nonzero on unreadable files
If output stays empty, that means this version of tar does not know this flag at all.
See if any of the above helps.
Another option that might work better in this case is --warning=no-file-changed.
tar --warning=no-file-changed -czf backup.tgz dir1 dir2
--warning controls the display of warning messages. You can add no- to the message keyword to suppress it. So in this case no-file-changed suppresses the file-changed warning.

cygwin : pdksh(5.2.14-3) doesn't support backslash path (\)

as an replacement for ksh under cygwin, pdksh might be the only choice. but look like there have a bug for cygwin : pdksh(5.2.14-3) to support backslash path (\).
it will swallow the \ :
$ cd .\access
pdksh: cd: /cygdrive/e/.access - No such file or directory
After search on the internet, the same problem solved for other platform. but no idea how to solve it for cygwin.
Pdksh, like all Cygwin programs, does support backslashes as directory separators. But you have to quote them properly. Running shell scripts under Cygwin really teaches you to quote things properly, in particular to always put variable substitutions in double quotes, and not use echo carelessly (printf "%s" "$x" is portable and reliable: unlike echo, there's no risk that it might do backslash expansion).
Note that pdksh's compatibility with even ksh88 is far from perfect, so some scripts may fail for other reasons (such as relying on the status code of writer | reader being that of reader, which is the case in true ksh but not in pdksh). Cygwin includes zsh, which after you run emulate ksh is mostly compatible with ksh88 (though still not perfect).
There are non-Cygwin ports of ksh for Windows, including InterixSFUSUA and ATT's own port.
You have to use forward slashes, or double all the backslashes, or single-quote every string that might be a pathname. Sorry, there's no way around this. This is a general problem with trying to use Unix shells, for which \ is an escape character, on Windows.
From the Cygwin User's Guide:
The usage of Win32 paths, though possible, is deprecated, since it circumvents important internal path handling mechanisms. See the section called “Using native Win32 paths” and the section called “Using the Win32 file API in Cygwin applications” for more information.
There is a utility called cygpath that is designed to be used in shell scripts that converts each way between Win32 and POSIX paths.
Here's a workaround for the problem. Start using bash and make the following modifications in config files.
Open ~/.bashrc
Add the following code at the end
cd $(echo "$#" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g')
Save it
Reload bash terminal.
wcd ".\access"
along with the quotes and voila, you have your own windows compatible cd command.
