Do I need to set the "Explicitly Shared" option? - facebook-opengraph

For a Facebook, Open Graph action type, what's the meaning of the "Explicitly Shared" property? How does it effect the story?
If there's a button in my app that publishes a story, does the action need to be "Explicitly Shared" or not?
Any clarifications are welcome,
Thank you!

Using Open Graph actions and explicit sharing is more powerful.
Is no need waiting to see FB dialog or confirm your action.
Stories should only be shared explicitly when people indicate that they want to share their in-app experience in the same way that they would post to Facebook themselves. Explicitly shared stories will always be posted to the Timeline of the person who shares them, and might appear in their friends' News Feeds.
Explicit sharing can happen through a variety of actions, like posting a photo or adding a message to an action they've taken. The important thing is that people clearly understand they are posting this action and must opt in to publishing this action to Facebook.
Learn more


Linkedin add to profile (in new profile design)

I have a Linkedin 'add to profile' button in place for the last months. Linkedin deployed a new profile design for some users and the button won't work
The documentation also changed but it's really poor and does not explain anything about required and optional parameters.
It's also hard for me to debug, since I still have the old profile and all work well.
Any help?
I have had an answer from Linkedin support on this subject : "Please also note, with the new site redesign, the Certification information will not auto-populate for members. Clicking on the button will simply take the member to their Certifications section of their Profile where they'll need to manually enter the information.". I have then asked if this is temporary or final and was answered "At this time, we're not sure. However, feedback like yours is definitely important and has the potential to influence product changes."
So I guess that the best thing is to write to Linkedin to share that it's an issue : . That the place where I got my answer from
Their answer :
"Great question. With the recent site redesign, the Add To Profile feature will no longer autofill the certification and degree information, but you can add the relevant information directly.
However, we want you to know we are listening and actively monitor your forum posts for your comments and feedback. If you are experiencing any issues with features that are not working properly, please contact us below and we’d be happy to look into this for you! If you’d like to see updates on any features or updates we may have, I encourage you to check out our Blog ( as we will typically post updates there first!

Personalized protected frontend content on a "per User" base in Wordpress

For a current project i need to provide some of the client's clients (you go it? =) some kind of protected frontend content area. This area should hold protected content on a "per User"-base.
For example: Tom from (lets call the company EXCORP) wants to provide User A with a document (PDF) and some Text (HTML-Content). But(!) User B would get a totally different document and maybe some more Text. User C would possibly not get a document at all.
This Game goes on for circa another 150 users or so. So going by "default" roles doesn't work here, since i would have to create one user-role per user and that would definitely overkill it. And all the Membership Plugins i've found do not work that way.
Just to make that clear: This thing only goes one way. Meaning, Client-Supporter Tom (in example above) needs to provide all the clients some personalised information. Tom would be a Backend-User. Clients do not need to provide eachother some files or information. Just from one Backend-User to all the different Frontend-Users.
So my question clearly spoken: Is there a way to protect frontend content on a "per User"-base using Wordpress? It doesn't matter to me if I get it to work the "hacky" way, or by a premium/free plugin, as long as it is safe (I will use SSL of course). I just don't want to develop a plugin from scratch, though my client would never speak the budget to pay for it!
There are a lot of themes outhere that offer front end user dashboard, you can use one of thoes themes to have everything set up (user redirected to his/hers dashboard at login).
At this point you have many ways to acchive what you need, if it's not too much trobule to remember what user received what info you can simply add a user-box in post-creation/edit backend where Tom can create a post, attach files to it and asign it to another user(throw the user box).
Publishing the post as private and changing the author from Tom to the end-user should make your work much more easier.
P.S. Check classifieds themes to see how backend works the main difference between thoes and what you'll have to achieve is that the post is craeted by Tom but asigned to the user (very easy to do) and that the post MUST BE PRIVATE!!! don't forget this if the data is sensible!
I realize this is an old question, but thought this might help others. You could try using wp-document-revisions along with the members plugin to achieve what you are looking for.
Good luck.

What is the borderline between the opengraph protocol and facebook's opengraph?

I have read a little bit about OpenGraph and Facebook's OpenGraph API but I am unsure if I understood the concepts well enough to draw a border which separates them.
If I understood correctly, the opengrahp protocol basically provides some standard notations (set of properties and datatypes) to richly describe objects (including webpages).
At Facebook's Open Graph page, they basically add context to the feed/wall activities, by defining activities as: User + Action + Object.
Is Facebook's Open Graph just an "extension" (an additional namespace) on the top of open graph primitives but defining a vocabulary of actions and object? Or is it an implementation?
Is the concept of activity as User + Action + Object also part of facebook namespace?
I decided to put a bounty to this question, so I am expecting a very complete answer =D
I have some experience using Facebook's Open Graph. If you have a web site and someone shares/likes your site on Facebook, your open graph tags will be picked up and Facebook will use its title, description, image, etc. Facebook's Open Graph is for Applications. For instance, if you have an app that allows people to show recipes and tell you when they cook food, the 'Action' (verb) would be "Cook". The object would be the "Recipe" which you would change to whatever food they made using your app.
An example would be: "Thomas cooked chicken using App Name"
I believe Facebook's Open Graph is just an extension but you have to follow their markup for your information to be correct and show properly.
I'm not sure if I answered your question or not but I hope you figure it out.

Create a button like the Facebook "like" button in Drupal

I would like to create a button with the name "Participate" that works like the "like" button on facebook.
I have an contenttype called Event, which should show the participate button, that logged in users can click, and add themselves to the event.
When looking at the content for Event I would also like to display a list of the users which have clicked the Participate button.
Is there someone who can help me with how it can be solved or what i should look into?
take a look at this module with some php knowledge you can make it , it's not what you really want but this guys pushed the hard part
The Activity module keeps track of the
things people do on your site and
provides mini-feeds of these
activities in blocks, in a specialized
table, and via RSS. The module is
extensible so that any other module
can integrate with it. The messages
that are produced are customizable via
the admin interface and are context
sensitive. Some theoretical example
messages include:
You wrote a comment in response to "example comment title"
Jim wants to be your friend. Approve this friendship here
Nancy is Phil's latest fan

Issue Tracking Widget Suggestion

Can you suggest a very very simple issue tracking widget. UserVoice, is a little too involved for us with their forums and what not. What we want is something that just allows people to send us an issue or note and grabs a URL.
If by widget you mean something that you can embed on your page that will allow visitors to leave feedback/issues, there are javascript plugins, like feedback_me that will allow posting feedback to a backend provided by you.
If your are not comfortable with supplying a backend of your own, there are of course countless products that will do basic stuff for you and more. This is list by no means complete, but it's a start:
Hava a look at
It allows you to integrate to your internal Issue Tracking system (JIRA, BugZilla, Redmine, Basecamp etc.). Any feedback from your customers come, you can directly export it to ur external system. And it will keep track of its progress for you.
Liked, what they have done with their UI, plus you can add your own customizable fields to ask some specific info from your customers in the feedback widget.
Getsatisfaction? BitBucket? Github? Google Code? All have issue trackers and, except for that last one, allow you to keep your code private, but your issues public.
