What is a simple formula for a non-iterative random number sequence? - math

I would like to have a function f(x) that gives good pseudo-random numbers in uniform distribution according to value x. I am aware of linear congruential generators, however these work in iterations, i.e. I provide the initial seed and then I get a sequence of random values one by one. This is not what I want, because if a want to get let's say 200000th number in the sequence, I have to compute numbers 1 ... 199999. I need a function that is given by one simple formula that uses basic operations such as +, *, mod, etc. I am also aware of hash functions but I didn't find any that suits these needs. I might come up with some function myself, but I'd like to use something that's been tested to give decent pseudo-random values. Is there anything like that being used?

You might consider multiplicative congruential generators. These are linear congruentials without the additive constant: Xi+1 = aXi % c for suitable constants a and c. Expanding this out for a few iterations will convince you that Xk = akX0 % c, where X0 is your seed value. This can be calculated in O(log(k)) time using fast modular exponentiation. No need to calculate the first 199,999 to get the 200,000th value, you can find it in something proportional to about 18 steps.

Actually, for LCG with additive constant it works as well. There is a paper by F. Brown, "Random Number Generation with Arbitrary Stride", Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. (Nov. 1994). Based on this paper there is reasonable LCG with decent quality and log2(N) skip-ahead feature, used by well-known Monte Carlo package MCNP5. C++ post is here https://github.com/Iwan-Zotow/LCG-PLE63/. Further development if this idea (RNG with logarithmic skip-ahead) is pretty decent family of generators at http://www.pcg-random.org/

You could use a simple encryption algorithm that can encrypt the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... Since encryption is reversible, each input number will have a unique output. The 200000th number in your sequence is encrypt(key, 200000). Use DES for 64 bit numbers, AES for 128 bit numbers and you can roll your own simple Feistel cipher for 32 bit or 16 bit numbers.


How many arithmetic operations should it take to calculate trig functions?

I'm trying to assess the expected performance of calculating trigonometry functions as a function of the required precision. Obviously the wall clock time depends on the speed of the underlying arithmetic, so factoring that out by just counting number of operations:
Using state-of-the-art algorithms, how many arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) should it take to calculate sin(x), as a function of the number of bits (or decimal digits) of precision required in the output?
... to assess the expected performance of calculating trigonometry functions as a function of the required precision.
Look as the first omitted term in the Taylor series sine for x = π/4 as the order of error.
Details: sin(x) usually has these phases:
Handling special cases: NaN, infinities.
Argument reduction to the primary range to say [-π/4...+π/4]. Real good reduction is hard as π is irrational and so involves code that reaches 50% of sin() time. Much time used to emulate the needed extended precision. (Research K.C. Ng's "ARGUMENT REDUCTION FOR HUGE ARGUMENTS: Good to the Last Bit")
Low quality reduction involves much less:/, truncate, -, *.
Calculation over a limited range. This is what many only consider. If done with a Taylor's series and needing 53 bits, then about 10-11 terms are needed: Taylor series sine. Yet quality code often uses a pair of crafted polynomials, each of about 4-5 terms, to form the quotient p(x)/q(x).
Of course dedicated hardware support in any of these steps greatly increases performance.
Note: code for sin() is often paired with cos() code as extensive use of trig identities simplify the calculation.
I'd expect a software solution for sin() to cost on the order of 25x a common *. This is a rough estimate.
To achieve a very low error rate in the ULP, code typically uses a tad more. sine_crap() could get by with only a few terms. So when assessing time performance, there is a trade-off with correctness. How good a sin() do you want?
assess the expected performance of calculating trigonometry functions as a function of the required precision
Using the Taylors series as a predictor of the number of ops, worst case x = π/4 (45°) and the error in the calculation on the order of the last term of the series:
For 32-bit float, order 6 float ops needed.
For 64-bit double, order 9 float ops needed.
So if time scales by the square of the FP width, double predicted to take 9/6*2*2 or 6 times as long.
We can calculate any trigonometric function using a simple right angled triangle or using the McLaurin\Taylor Series. So it really depends on which one you choose to implement. If you only pass an angle as an argument, and wish to calculate the sin of that particular angle, it would take about 4 to 6 steps to calculate the sin using an unit circle.

Simple function to generate random number sequence without knowing previous number but know current index (no variable assignment)?

Is there any (simple) random generation function that can work without variable assignment? Most functions I read look like this current = next(current). However currently I have a restriction (from SQLite) that I cannot use any variable at all.
Is there a way to generate a number sequence (for example, from 1 to max) with only n (current number index in the sequence) and seed?
Currently I am using this:
cast(((1103515245 * Seed * ROWID + 12345) % 2147483648) / 2147483648.0 * Max as int) + 1
with max being 47, ROWID being n. However for some seed, the repeat rate is too high (3 unique out of 47).
In my requirements, repetition is ok as long as it's not too much (<50%). Is there any better function that meets my need?
The question has sqlite tag but any language/pseudo-code is ok.
P.s: I have tried using Linear congruential generators with some a/c/m triplets and Seed * ROWID as Seed, but it does not work well, it's even worse.
EDIT: I currently use this one, but I do not know where it's from. The rate looks better than mine:
((((Seed * ROWID) % 79) * 53) % "Max") + 1
I am not sure if you still have the same problem but I might have a solution for you.
What you could do is use Pseudo Random M-sequence generators based on shifting registers. Where you just have to take high enough order of you primitive polynomial and you don't need to store any variables really.
For more info you can check the wiki page
What you would need to code is just the primitive polynomial shifting equation and I have checked in an online editor it should be very easy to do. I think the easiest way for you would be to use Binary base and use PRBS sequences and depending on how many elements you will have you can choose your sequence length. For example this is the implementation for length of 2^15 = 32768 (PRBS15), the primitive polynomial I took from the wiki page (There youcan find the primitive polynomials all the way to PRBS31 what would be 2^31=2.1475e+09)
Basically what you need to do is:
SELECT (((ROWID << 1) | (((ROWID >> 14) <> (ROWID >> 13)) & 1)) & 0x7fff)
The beauty of this approach is if you take the sequence of the PRBS with longer period than your ROWID largest value you will have unique random index. Very simple. :)
If you need help with searching for primitive polynomials you can see my github repo which deals exactly with finding primitive polynomials and unique m-sequences. It is currently written in Matlab, but I plan to write it in python in next few days.
What about using good hash function and map result into [1...max] range?
Along the lines (in pseudocode). sha1 was added to SQLite 3.17.
sha1(ROWID) % Max + 1
Or use any external C code for hash (murmur, chacha, ...) as shown here
A linear congruential generator with appropriately-chosen parameters (a, c, and modulus m) will be a full-period generator, such that it cycles pseudorandomly through every integer in its period before repeating. Although you may have tried this idea before, have you considered that m is equivalent to max in your case? For a list of parameter choices for such generators, see L'Ecuyer, P., "Tables of Linear Congruential Generators of Different Sizes and Good Lattice Structure", Mathematics of Computation 68(225), January 1999.
Note that there are some practical issues to implementing this in SQLite, especially if your SQLite version supports only 32-bit integers and 64-bit floating-point numbers (with 52 bits of precision). Namely, there may be a risk of—
overflow if an intermediate multiplication exceeds 32 bits for integers, and
precision loss if an intermediate multiplication results in a greater-than-52-bit number.
Also, consider why you are creating the random number sequence:
Is the sequence intended to be unpredictable? In that case, a linear congruential generator alone is not enough, and you should generate unique identifiers by other means, such as by combining unique numbers with cryptographically random numbers.
Will the numbers generated this way be exposed in any way to end users? If not, there is no need to obfuscate them by "shuffling" them.
Also, depending on the SQLite API you're using (for your programming language), there may be a way to write a custom function to convert the seed and ROWID to a random unique number. The details, however, depend heavily on the specific SQLite API. Another answer shows an example for Perl.

How to numerically compute nonlinear polynomials efficiently and accurately?

(I'm not sure whether I should post this problem on this site or on the math site. Please feel free to migrate this post if necessary.)
My problem at hand is that given a value of k I'd like to numerically compute a rational function of nonlinear polynomials in k which looks like the following: (sorry I don't know how to typeset equations here...)
where {a_0, ..., a_N; b_0, ..., b_N} are complex constants, {u_0, ..., u_N, v_0, ..., v_N} are real constants and i is the imaginary number. I learned from Numerical Recipes that there are whole bunch of ways to compute polynomials quickly, in the meanwhile keeping the rounding error small enough, if all coefficients were constant. But I do not think those ideas are useful in my case since the exponential prefactors also depend on k.
Currently I calculate it in a brute force way in C with complex.h (this is just a pseudo code):
double complex function(double k)
return (a_0+a_1*cexp(I*u_1*k)*k+a_2*cexp(I*u_2*k)*k*k+...)/(b_0+b_1*cexp(I*v_1*k)*k+v_2*cexp(I*v_2*k)*k*k+...);
However when the number of calls of function increases (because this is just a part of my real calculation), it is very slow and inaccurate (only 6 valid digits). I appreciate any comments and/or suggestions.
I trust that this isn't a homework assignment!
Normally the trick is to use a loop add the next coefficient to the running sum, and multiply by k. However, in your case, I think the "e" term in the coefficient is going to overwhelm any savings by factoring out k. You can still do it, but the savings will probably be small.
Is u_i a constant? Depending on how many times you need to run this formula, maybe you could premultiply u_i * k (unless k changes each run). It's been so many decades since I took a Numerical Analysis course that I have only vague recollections of the tricks of the trade. Let's see... is e^(i*u_i*k) the same as (e^(i*u_i))^k? I don't remember the rules on imaginary numbers, or whether you'll save anything since you've got a real^real (assuming k is real) anyway (internally done using e^power).
If you're getting only 6 digits, that suggests that your math, and maybe your library, is working in single precision (32 bit) reals. Check your library and check your declarations that you are using at least double precision (64 bit) reals everywhere.

Division with really big numbers

I was just wondering what different strategies there are for division when dealing with big numbers. By big numbers, I mean ~50 digit numbers .
9237639100273856744937827364095876289200667937278 / 8263744826271827396629934467882946252671
When both numbers are big, long division seems to lose its usefulness...
I thought one possibility is to count through multiplications of the divisor until you go over the dividend, but if it was the dividend in the example above divided by a small number, e.g. 4, then that's a huge amount of calculations to do.
So, is there simple, clean way to do this?
What language / platform do you use? This is most likely already solved, so you don't need to implement it from scratch. E.g. Haskell has the Integer type, Java the java.math.BigInteger class, .NET the System.Numerics.BigInteger structure, etc.
If your question is really a theoretical one, I suggest you read Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2, Section 4.3.1. What you are looking for is called "Algorithm D" there. Here is a C implementation of that algorithm along with a short explanation:
Long division is not very complicated if you are working with binary representations of your numbers and probably the most efficient algorithm.
if you don't need very exact result, you can use logarithms and exponents.
Exponent is the function f(x)=e^x, where e is a mathmaticall constant equal to 2.71828182845...
Logarithm (marked by ln) is the inverse of the exponent.
Since ln(a/b)=ln(a)-ln(b), to calculate a/b you need to:
Calculate ln(a) and ln(b) [By library function, logarithm table or other methods]
substruct them: temp=ln(a)-lb(b)
calculate the exponent e^temp

Sample uniformly at random from an n-dimensional unit simplex

Sampling uniformly at random from an n-dimensional unit simplex is the fancy way to say that you want n random numbers such that
they are all non-negative,
they sum to one, and
every possible vector of n non-negative numbers that sum to one are equally likely.
In the n=2 case you want to sample uniformly from the segment of the line x+y=1 (ie, y=1-x) that is in the positive quadrant.
In the n=3 case you're sampling from the triangle-shaped part of the plane x+y+z=1 that is in the positive octant of R3:
(Image from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplex.)
Note that picking n uniform random numbers and then normalizing them so they sum to one does not work. You end up with a bias towards less extreme numbers.
Similarly, picking n-1 uniform random numbers and then taking the nth to be one minus the sum of them also introduces bias.
Wikipedia gives two algorithms to do this correctly: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplex#Random_sampling
(Though the second one currently claims to only be correct in practice, not in theory. I'm hoping to clean that up or clarify it when I understand this better. I initially stuck in a "WARNING: such-and-such paper claims the following is wrong" on that Wikipedia page and someone else turned it into the "works only in practice" caveat.)
Finally, the question:
What do you consider the best implementation of simplex sampling in Mathematica (preferably with empirical confirmation that it's correct)?
Related questions
Generating a probability distribution
java random percentages
This code can work:
samples[n_] := Differences[Join[{0}, Sort[RandomReal[Range[0, 1], n - 1]], {1}]]
Basically you just choose n - 1 places on the interval [0,1] to split it up then take the size of each of the pieces using Differences.
A quick run of Timing on this shows that it's a little faster than Janus's first answer.
After a little digging around, I found this page which gives a nice implementation of the Dirichlet Distribution. From there it seems like it would be pretty simple to follow Wikipedia's method 1. This seems like the best way to do it.
As a test:
In[14]:= RandomReal[DirichletDistribution[{1,1}],WorkingPrecision->25]
Out[14]= {0.8428995243540368880268079,0.1571004756459631119731921}
In[15]:= Total[%]
Out[15]= 1.000000000000000000000000
A plot of 100 samples:
alt text http://www.public.iastate.edu/~zdavkeos/simplex-sample.png
I'm with zdav: the Dirichlet distribution seems to be the easiest way ahead, and the algorithm for sampling the Dirichlet distribution which zdav refers to is also presented on the Wikipedia page on the Dirichlet distribution.
Implementationwise, it is a bit of an overhead to do the full Dirichlet distribution first, as all you really need is n random Gamma[1,1] samples. Compare below
Simple implementation
SimplexSample[n_, opts:OptionsPattern[RandomReal]] :=
(#/Total[#])& # RandomReal[GammaDistribution[1,1],n,opts]
Full Dirichlet implementation
Block[{gammas}, gammas =
SimplexSample2[n_, opts:OptionsPattern[RandomReal]] :=
(#/Total[#])& # RandomReal[DirichletDistribution[ConstantArray[1,{n}]],opts]
Timing[Table[SimplexSample[10,WorkingPrecision-> 20],{10000}];]
Timing[Table[SimplexSample2[10,WorkingPrecision-> 20],{10000}];]
Out[159]= {1.30249,Null}
Out[160]= {3.52216,Null}
So the full Dirichlet is a factor of 3 slower. If you need m>1 samplepoints at a time, you could probably win further by doing (#/Total[#]&)/#RandomReal[GammaDistribution[1,1],{m,n}].
Here's a nice concise implementation of the second algorithm from Wikipedia:
SimplexSample[n_] := Rest## - Most## &[Sort#Join[{0,1}, RandomReal[{0,1}, n-1]]]
That's adapted from here: http://www.mofeel.net/1164-comp-soft-sys-math-mathematica/14968.aspx
(Originally it had Union instead of Sort#Join -- the latter is slightly faster.)
(See comments for some evidence that this is correct!)
I have created an algorithm for uniform random generation over a simplex. You can find the details in the paper in the following link:
Briefly speaking, you can use following recursion formulas to find the random points over the n-dimensional simplex:
xk=(1-Σi=1kxi)(1-Rk1/n-k), k=2, ..., n-1
Where R_i's are random number between 0 and 1.
Now I am trying to make an algorithm to generate random uniform samples from constrained simplex.that is intersection between a simplex and a convex body.
Old question, and I'm late to the party, but this method is much faster than the accepted answer if implemented efficiently.
In Mathematica code:
In plain English, you generate n rows * d columns of randoms uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. Then take the Log of everything. Then normalize each row, dividing each element in the row by the row total. Now you have n samples uniformly distributed over the (d-1) dimensional simplex.
If found this method here: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/33652/uniformly-distributed-n-dimensional-probability-vectors-over-a-simplex
I'll admit, I'm not sure why it works, but it passes every statistical test I can think of. If anyone has a proof of why this method works, I'd love to see it!
