How do I replace empty strings in a tsv with a value? - unix

I have a tsv, file1, that is structured as follows:
col1 col2 col3
1 4 3
22 0 8
3 5
so that the last line would look something like 3\t\t5, if it was printed out. I'd like to replace that empty string with 'NA', so that the line would then be 3\tNA\t5. What is the easiest way to go about this using the command line?

awk is designed for this scenario (among a million others ;-) )
awk -F"\t" -v OFS="\t" '{
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if ($i == "") $i="NA"
print $0
}' file > && mv file
-F="\t" indicates that the field separator (also known as FS internally to awk) is the tab character. We also set the output field separator (OFS) to "\t".
NF is the number of fields on a line of data. $i gets evaluated as $1, $2, $3, ... for each value between 1 and NF.
We test if the $i th element is empty with if ($i == "") and when it is, we change the $i th element to contain the string "NA".
For each line of input, we print the line's ($0) value.
Outside the awk script, we write the output to a temp file, i.e. file > The && tests that the awk script exited without errors, and if OK, then moves the over the original file. Depending on the safety and security use-case your project requires, you may not want to "destroy" your original file.

A straightforward approach is
sed -i 's/^\t/NA\t/;s/\t$/\tNA/;:0 s/\t\t/\tNA\t/;t0' file
sed -i edit file in place;
s/a/b/ replace a with b;
s/^\t/\tNA/ replace \t in the beginning of the line with NA\t
(the first column becomes NA);
s/\t$/\tNA/ the same for the last column;
s/\t\t/\tNA\t/ insert NA in between \t\t;
:0 s///; t0 repeat s/// if there was a replacement (in case there are other missing values in the line).


unix ksh how to print $1 and first n characters of $2

I have a file as follows:
$ cat /etc/oratab
I want print the unique of the first column, first 6 characters of the second column and the third column when the third column matches the string "19.0.0".
The output I want to see is:
I put together this piece of code but looks like its not the correct way to do it.
cat /etc/oratab|grep "19.0.0"|awk '{print $1}' || awk -F":" '{print subsrt($2,1,8)}
sorry I am very new to shell scripting
1st solution: With your shown sample please try following, written and tested with GNU awk.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} {$2=substr($2,1,7)} !arr[$1,$2]++ && $3~/19\.0\.0/{NF--;print}' Input_file
2nd solution: OR in case your awk doesn't support NF-- then try following.
awk '
!arr[$1,$2]++ && $3~/19\.0\.0/{
' Input_file
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, set field separator and output field separator as :. Then in main program, set 2nd field to 1st 7 characters of its value. Then check condition if they are unique(didn't occur before) and 3rd field is like 19.0.0, reduce 1 field and print that line.
You may try this awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} $3 ~ /19\.0\.0/ && !seen[$1]++ {
print $1, substr($2,1,7), $3}' /etc/fstab
We check and populate associative array seen only if we find 19.0.0 in $3.
If the lines can be like this and ending on 19.0.0
and the hostname01 only should be unique, you might miss a line.
You could match the pattern using sed and use 2 capture groups that you want to keep and match what you don't want.
Then pipe the output to uniq to get all unique lines instead of line the first column.
sed -nE 's/^([^:]+:.{7})[^:]*(:[^:]*19\.0\.0[^:]*).*/\1\2/p' file | uniq
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} index($3,"19.0.0"){print $1, substr($2,1,7), $3}' file | sort -u

Use sed to replace all occurrences of strings which start with 'xy' and of length 5 or more

I am running AIX 6.1
I have a file which contains strings/words starting with some specific characters, say 'xy' or 'Xy' or 'Xy' or 'XY' (case insensitive) and I need to mask the entire word/string with asterisks '*' if the word is greater than say 5 characters.
e.g. I need a sed command which when run against a file containing the below line...
This is a test line xy12345 xy12 Xy123 Xy11111 which I need to replace specific strings
should give below as the output
This is a test line xy12 which I need to replace specific strings
I tried the below commands (did not yet come to the stage where I restrict to word lengths) but it does not work and displays the full line without any substitutions.
I tried using \< and > as well as \b for word identification.
sed 's/\<xy\(.*\)\>/******/g' result2.csv
sed 's/\bxy\(.*\)\b******/g' result2.csv
You can try with awk:
echo 'This is a test line xy12345 xy12 Xy123 Xy11111 which I need to replace specific strings' | awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS=" "} !(/^[xX][yY]/ && length($0)>=5)'
The awk record separator is set to a space in order to be able to get the length of each word.
This works with GNU awk in --posix and --traditional modes.
With sed for the mental exercice
sed -E '
This need to not have # in the text.
A simple POSIX awk version :
awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i) if ($i ~ /^[xX][yY]/ && length($i)>=5) gsub(/./,"*",$i)}1'
This, however, does not keep the spacing intact (multiple spaces are converted to a single one), the following does:
awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS=" "}(/^[xX][yY]/ && length($i)>=5){gsub(/./,"*")}1'
You may use awk:
s='This is a test line xy12345 xy12 Xy123 Xy11111 which I need to replace specific strings xy123 xy1234 xy12345 xy123456 xy1234567'
echo "$s" | awk 'BEGIN {
ORS=RS=" "
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if(length($i) >= 5 && $i~/^[Xx][Yy][a-zA-Z0-9]+$/)
gsub(/./,"*", $i);
print $i;
A one liner:
awk 'BEGIN {ORS=RS=" "} { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if(length($i) >= 5 && $i~/^[Xx][Yy][a-zA-Z0-9]+$/) gsub(/./,"*", $i); print $i; } }'
# => This is a test line ******* xy12 ***** ******* which I need to replace specific strings ***** ****** ******* ******** *********
See the online demo.
BEGIN {ORS=RS=" "} - start of the awk: set the output record separator equal to the space record separator
{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if(length($i) >= 5 && $i~/^xy[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/) gsub(/./,"*", $i); print $i; } } - iterate over each field (with for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)) and if the current field ($i) length is equal or more than 5 (length($i) >= 5) and it matches a Xy and (&&) 1 or more alphanumeric chars pattern ($i~/^[Xx][Yy][a-zA-Z0-9]+$/), then replace each char with * (with gsub(/./,"*", $i)) and then print the current field value.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r ':a;/\bxy\S{5,}\b/I!b;s//\n&\n/;h;s/[^\n]/*/g;H;g;s/\n.*\n(.*)\n.*\n(.*)\n.*/\2\1/;ta' file
If the current line does not contain a string which begins with xy case insensitive and 5 or more following characters, then there is no work to be done.
Surround the string by newlines
Copy the pattern space (PS) to the hold space (HS)
Replace all characters other than newlines with *'s
Append the PS to the HS
Replace the PS with the HS
Swap the strings between the newlines retaining the remainder of the first line

Unix: Using filename from another file

A basic Unix question.
I have a script which counts the number of records in a delta file.
awk '{
} END {
if(n >= 1000) print "${completeFile}"; else print "${deltaFile}";
}' <${deltaFile} >${fileToUse}
Then, depending on the IF condition, I want to process the appropriate file:
cut -c2-11 < ${fileToUse}
But how do I use the contents of the file as the filename itself?
And if there are any tweaks to be made, feel free.
Thanks in advance
To use as a filename the contents of a file which is itself identified by a variable (as asked)
cut -c2-11 <"$( cat $filetouse )"
// or in zsh just
cut -c2-11 <"$( < $filetouse )"
unless the filename in the file ends with one or more newline character(s), which people rarely do because it's quite awkward and inconvenient, then something like:
read -rdX var <$filetouse; cut -c2-11 < "${var%?}"
// where X is a character that doesn't occur in the filename
// maybe something like $'\x1f'
Tweaks: your awk prints the variable reference ${completeFile} or ${deltaFile} (because they're within the single-quoted awk script) not the value of either variable. If you actually want the value, as I'd expect from your description, you should pass the shell vars to awk vars like this
awk -vf="$completeFile" -vd="$deltaFile" '{n++} END{if(n>=1000)print f; else print d}' <"$deltaFile"`
# the " around $var can be omitted if the value contains no whitespace and no glob chars
# people _often_ but not always choose filenames that satisfy this
# and they must not contain backslash in any case
or export the shell vars as env vars (if they aren't already) and access them like
awk '{n++} END{if(n>=1000) print ENVIRON["completeFile"]; else print ENVIRON["deltaFile"]}' <"$deltaFile"
Also you don't need your own counter, awk already counts input records
awk -vf=... -vd=... 'END{if(NR>=1000)print f;else print d}' <...
or more briefly
awk -vf=... -vd=... 'END{print (NR>=1000?f:d)}' <...
or using a file argument instead of redirection so the name is available to the script
awk -vf="$completeFile" 'END{print (NR>=1000?f:FILENAME)}' "$deltaFile" # no <
and barring trailing newlines as above you don't need an intermediate file at all, just
cut -c2-11 <"$( awk -vf="$completeFile" -'END{print (NR>=1000?f:FILENAME)}' "$deltaFile")"
Or you don't really need awk, wc can do the counting and any POSIX or classic shell can do the comparison
if [ $(wc -l <"$deltaFile") -ge 1000 ]; then c="$completeFile"; else c="$deltaFile"; fi
cut -c2-11 <"$c"

Replacing a String Pattern with another sequence in unix

I want replace the String TaskID_1 with a sequence starting from 1001 and this TaskID_1 can exists any many number of lines in my input file.
Similarly i need to replace all occurrences of TASKID_2 in my input file with next sequence value 1002.
Input file:
The output file should look like:
Here's one way using awk:
awk 'BEGIN { FS=OFS="|" } { $3=1000 + NR }1' file
Or less verbosely:
awk -F '|' '{ $3=1000 + NR }1' OFS='|' file
For the first example, the file separator and output file separator are set to a single pipe character. This is set in the BEGIN block, so that it is executed only once, and not on every line of input. We then set the third column to be equal to 1000 plus an incrementing variable. We could use ++i as this variable, but we could instead use NR (which is short for record number/line number) and this would therefore avoid the need to create an extra variable. The 1 on the end enables printing by default. A more verbose solution would look like:
awk 'BEGIN { FS=OFS="|" } { $3=1000 + NR; print }' file
Using the updated data file, try:
awk 'BEGIN { FS=OFS="|" } { sub(/.*_/,"",$3); $3+=1000 }1' file
A Perl solution using Steve's logic of adding 1000:
perl -pne 's/TaskID_(\d+)/$1+1000/e;' file
This replaces the 'TaskID_n' with 1000+n. 'e' is used to evaluate the replacement.
Replace TaskID_ with 100, this is super easy with sed for single digit IDs:
$ sed 's/TaskID_/100/' file
To store this change back to the file use the -i option:
sed -i 's/TaskID_/100/' file
Note: this works for TaskID_[0-9] if you want TaskID_23 mapped to 1023 then this won't, this would map TaskID_23 to 10023.
I can't come up with a better solution than the one steve suggested in awk.
So here's a worse solution, using only bash.
while read f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6; do
printf '%s|%s|%d|%s|%s|%s\n' "$f1" "$f2" "$((${f3#*_}+1000))" "$f4" "$f5" "$f6"
done < input
It's "worse" only because it'll be much slower than awk, which is fast and efficient with this sort of problem.
perl -F"\|" -lane '$F[2]=~s/.*_/100/g;print join("|",#F)' your_file
Tested Below:
> cat temp
> perl -F"\|" -lane '$F[2]=~s/.*_/100/g;print join("|",#F)' temp

How do I delete a matching line and the previous one?

I need delete a matching line and one previous to it.
e.g In file below I need to remove lines 1 & 2.
I tried "grep -v -B 1 "page.of." 1.txt
and I expected it to not print the matchning lines and the context.
I tried the How do I delete a matching line, the line above and the one below it, using sed? but could not understand the sed usage.
**document 1** -> 1
**page 1 of 2** -> 2
super crap blah
**document 1**
**page 2 of 2**
You want to do something very similar to the answer given
sed -n '
/page . of ./ { #when pattern matches
n #read the next line into the pattern space
x #exchange the pattern and hold space
d #skip the current contents of the pattern space (previous line)
x #for each line, exchange the pattern and hold space
1d #skip the first line
p #and print the contents of pattern space (previous line)
$ { #on the last line
x #exchange pattern and hold, pattern now contains last line read
p #and print that
And as a single line
sed -n '/page . of ./{n;x;d;};x;1d;p;${x;p;}' 1.txt
grep -v -B1 doesnt work because it will skip those lines but will include them later on (due to the -B1. To check this out, try the command on:
**document 1** -> 1
**page 1 of 2** -> 2
**document 1**
**page 2 of 2**
**page 3 of 2**
You will notice that the page 2 line will be skipped because that line won't be matched and the next like wont be matched.
There's a simple awk solution:
awk '!/page.*of.*/ { if (m) print buf; buf=$0; m=1} /page.*of.*/ {m=0}' 1.txt
The awk command says the following:
If the current line has that "page ... of ", then it will signal that you haven't found a valid line. If you do not find that string, then you print the previous line (stored in buf) and reset the buffer to the current line (hence forcing it to lag by 1)
grep -vf <(grep -B1 "page.*of" file | sed '/^--$/d') file
Not too familiar with sed, but here's a perl expression to do the trick:
cat FILE | perl -e '#a = <STDIN>;
for( $i=0 ; $i <= $#a ; $i++ ) {
if($i > 0 && $a[$i] =~ /xxxx/) {
$a[$i] = "";
$a[$i-1] = "";
} print #a;'
where "xxxx" is what you are trying to match.
Thanks, I was trying to use the awk command given by Foo Bah
to delete the matching line and the previous one. I have to use it multiple times, so for the matching part I use a variable. The given awk command works, but when using a variable it does not work (i.e. it does not delete the matching & prev. line). I tried:
awk -vvar="page.*of.*" '!/$var/ { if (m) print buf; buf=$0; m=1} /$var/ {m=0}' 1.txt
