Retrieve theme from WordPress Store - css

Good morning,
I have a new client who has been working with an overseas developer and they seem to have simply disappeared. We have tried numerous times to contact them, and I am thinking it is possible something happened to them personally as the site they were working on for the client is still up - and they're nowhere to be found.
The goal was to continue the work they started, as it does seem somewhat extensive - rather than starting fresh. I understand this may sound ridiculous, and apologize for wasting everyone's time if this is simply impossible..
Premise: the site uses wordpress, with the woo-commerce plugin installed - both of which I've used in the past. I have a new wordpress blog and woo-commerce setup for the "new site".
I've been unable to successfully retrieve whatever custom CSS they've written for this, and have really only been able to retrieve the rendered code.
Underlying question:Does anyone have any suggestions for retrieving what has been done on this site, or somehow extracting the work as a theme? We have zero ability to log in to this site via FTP or via the wordpress login. My guess is that I'll have to start the project over from scratch, which naturally would be very disappointing to the client as I am trying to save them some money.
Site in question: //


When i visit first time on wordpress website, its open another website automatically on first click

When I visit first time on WordPress website, its open another website automatically on first click anywhere, I don't know why its showing this strong text
Of course, it is better to have more details. But if this happened without any actions from your side, I would agree with Michela - it could be some malware on your website.
If you don't know what's going on under the hood, it is hard to cleanup the website completely.
As a first action, I can recommend you to check if your hosting provider have any backups for the website. It is possible that you will be able to restore to the point when the website was clean.
To clean the website by yourself, you can use various Malware Scanner plugins, like Wordfence or other specific. They can check for changes inside Wordpress core or standard repositories + they can check for strange, vulnerable and malicious parts of code. But be careful - if you have some custom code, it is better to check it with the code author.
If you'll be able to cleanup the website, I will highly recommend to go harden the website security. Some classic recommendations may be found in the official documentation -

Migrating from Joomla to Wordpress advice

This is my first time migrating a website from Joomla to Wordpress. The website:
1- I am worried that the website will not transfer well or that I will loose functionalities.
Can I duplicate the code and just transfer that version to Wordpress? (Keeping the website live via Joomla and creating in parallel a new website in wordpress to test things out?)
The website has to be live 24h/7 and It can't just break. How can I make sure the inventory will be uploaded correctly and the website will look as it looks now?
2- Once transferred. If I want to change the appearance of the index.php can I simply upload a newly designed index page on Wordpress? How can I go about it? Any suggestions will be highly appreciated!
I recently transferred one of my sites from Joomla to Wordpress and I can say, that it's not just one-click action. Both frameworks have their own structure, you can't transfer content and users directly.
In short, for transfer you need to create a simple plugin which will take all require info from Joomla (articles, users, etc.) and inject it into Wordpress database, converting prior to that, if necessary.
And no, you CAN NOT do this on 24/7 running site. Don't even think about it. Duplicate your site, convert its database to WordPress, check, that everything works properly, and only then put it online.
It's not an easy process and it requires some knowledge. Even if some kind of Joomla-Wordpress converter exists, you'll have a lot of things messed 100% guaranteed. I've made a lot of transfers in my life, so I'm pretty sure of it.
Providing you have a required knowledge of database management and PHP, just be patient and spend some time. If you don't - hire a professional. There's no easy way here, because Joomla and WordPress are like car and bike. Both are a transport, both run fast, but you can't convert one into another without any effort.

Wordpress site is very slow after being attacked by malwares

I have been developing this website and we had to use Gravity Form plugin.
There was a time when it went very vulnerable and the website was attacked (a massive crash occurred to the site) ever since the website has never been normal every again. It is extremely slow to download sometimes there are some error messages 503 We have securely monitoring the website, have the wordpress and every plugin updated to the latest version or even delete the one without the recent updates but it seems not enough because if you access the website now you will feel that it's extremely slow.
Is there anybody who has experienced this kind of attacked? (especially, from when you got attacked via Gravity Form plugin)
I would really appreciate you answer.
As Ed Cottrell mentioned you must rebuild your site.
Make a backup of files and database
Write down which plugins you use
Delete everything (leave only wp-content/uploads)
Install clean WP - it will be best if you use the same version you used
Install all the plugins - the data is still in DB, so you won't have configure them again
If you bought a theme - just download it again and install it. If someone made it for you - check it for some strange eval or some js files you dont's know. When you are sure it's clean put it back on the server.
When everything is done, change user passwords and ftp password.
Use - it will help to find some nasty code.

Facebook for WordPress plugin unable to submit Opengraph Action

I try to follow the Instructions here but I also consulted this. I was able to install the plugin, create my Facebook app, get the namespace, icon etc. even a test post worked, but when I click "submit", I get a dialog box that says this:
Built-in Action Types require that you provide instructions for using your app's Open Graph integration as your Open Graph Test User in a functioning test environment. Failure to provide a functioning test environment will result in rejection of your Action Type.
I've tried typing in the box, but when I click continue I just get this box again. I wanted to setup auto syncing and ditch Networked Blogs, but maybe I should have stayed with a working solution, given this has gone far from smoothly. How do I get the publish article action submitted and approved?
I actually got the Facebook for WordPress plugin to work, but I didn't find it actually made my blog better. It seemed to run slow, unexpectedly stopped working at times, and did not result in increased traffic. If you want to share your posts to Facebook and you can stand clicking the button yourself after you hit publish, I recommend the Professional Share plugin. If you want related posts, I recommend the Yet Another Related Post Plugin.
The Facebook for WordPress plugin and JetPack are just too big, they have too much cruft, they are not worth running in my opinion and I've been using WordPress since 2005. Just because a big corporation makes an official plugin, doesn't mean it is the best.

new wordpress design over an existing complicated one?

Hey folks, I got a project from a firm program out a Wordpress design. 80% into it I learn that the client already have an existing one, a robust one, with subsrciptions, blogs, forums, newsletter mailers and so on. Turns out there is a discrepancy bettweent design and old wp structure which I will work on resolving.
I have been developing in on my own server for the time being.
At this point I am not clear on what the strategy should be.
1.) Export out the current wp site out to a different server, duplicate it and then reskin/rework the frame work.
2.) The firms hope was that I would be able to go in and add a new theme, but am not convinced that doing this live will be a good idea since I am using a different theme so all the hooks will be different then the current one.
3.) There is already a large amount of users etc that have signed up to the existing newletter, forum etc. Not sure how to carry this forward?
Any insights are greatly appreciated.
Definitely make a copy of the existing environment. Check it into a version control system (if it's not already the case) and work on that.
Try to put all your work into a new theme: That will make installing the changes on the production server super-easy.
Be careful about any notifications and pings that your development copy may send to the outside world. Be especially careful about the newsletter.
