Google Tag Manager Publish Button Not Showing - google-analytics

I've recently started to use Google Tag Manager and I have read/edit access to the container, created a tag with accompanying rules, and saved the version. Next, I went to the versions menu, clicked on the tag version I wanted to publish, and it takes me to a page with that tag's information. On the right side of the page, there should be a Publish and Preview button available based on what I've seen in their video and from what I read in other support forums. For me, there is only a Preview button. I went ahead and clicked on it and went through the site preview and debugging options, but no publish button even after I verified everything was fine and came back. I reloaded the page, still nothing. Added more tags and saved their versions, can't publish any of them either as the button still isn't there. Is there something I'm missing?

Looks like you do not have enough permissions to publish containers.
GTM account/containers have 3 levels of access:
View only
View and Edit only
View, Edit, Delete, and Publish
Ask webmaster to add you access level "View, Edit, Delete, and Publish".


Firebase dynamic link with page preview disable not working

I would like to disable efr param to 1 in our dynamic link from firebase, in order to skip the preview page and get directly to the appstore. Thinking it will work.. but now the link is not copied to the app on install. What is your solution here in order to not show the preview page, go directly to the appstore, and keep the url within the clipboard on install?
IMO, UX wise, it's nicer to not have the preview page, even if I add metadata to it.
While there's an option to disable the app preview page, it's in place to ensure Dynamic Link reliability in iOS. You can have it disabled, but it won't guarantee that the FDL will work as expected in iOS. This is explained in more detail here.

google tag manager issue

On my website I had two tags, both Universal Analytics. Since I only need one, I deleted the one which I no longer needed. Now when I scan my site with Google Tag Assistant, it stills shows me the old tag which I had deleted. When I go to the website with the Google Tag Manager preview and debugger, it does not show the tag I deleted.
In summary:
Normally without the GTM previewer it shows the old tag even though I deleted it.
With the preview and debugger on, it doesn't show the deleted tag (which is what I want).
Hey #Kevin please recheck your container? is it published now ?
I added your GTM (ALONE) to a local host file and it fired all tags including 2 GAs. So issue is not with the SITE.

undo a published change in Google tag manager

I have recently added a tag to my web application using google tag manager. I have published the latest changes to live site. Unfortunately it is getting 404 because the JavaScript I have used is not correct. what I need to do now is to stop the published changes until I get the correct JS script. Does anybody know how I could undo a published change in GTM?
Ok I figured it out. There is a side bar in google tag manager in which you can choose to edit your tags. what I did I chose the tag I wanted to disable then removed the pages I had already configured to be fired on. saved and published the new version. It did the trick.
Unless you have deployed multiple tags at once you could also have reverted to the lastest version of your tag container (top menu, "Versions", from the actions dropdown of the last correct version select "edit as new version").

Admin cannot add page, article, product

I currently run a WordPress website which recently started to bug me. I am the only admin on the page and I suddenly cannot add a product, page or anything for that matter. Instead of the publish button there is a "send for review" or something button. Even if I hit that button it says I do not have the rights to do it.
I have tried:
- adding a new administrator but it has the same effect
- disabled ALL plugins and tried again = nothing
- changed privileges in the database (table wp_usermeta)
Help would be extremely welcomed!
One very possible cause: You ran out of space to append to your database, with your provider.
Hence no saving, your provider does not allow any new posts to be published due to not enough space, so the Publish button is invisible, and instead you have Send for review

WordPress page deleted from database, still showing up even in a new browser

I am trying to set up a new custom post type and create a page (based off the custom post type archive template) and keep it private until it's ready to be published. I created a page and made it private, but it was visible to everyone (although not in the dropdown like it normally would be, just from entering the permalink URL). So I deleted that from the database (in phpMyAdmin) and tried again just leaving the page a draft. The permalink URL still shows the page template for the custom post type archive. I deleted the draft in phpMyAdmin and still the URL shows the page template (should be giving a 404). I tried this in a different browser where it had never been opened and it also gives the page template.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Why isn't it working to privately publish and why aren't the deleted pages going away?
You propably only deleted the content of your page, but there are more relations to the page. See the database diagram on wordpress how posts are connected to other tables in the database as well. You'll have to delete every record pointing to that post!
I really recommend you not to play around in the database of wordpress, there's a reason why WP gives you the opportunity to administer everything in their admin panel!
To leave a page/post invisible to others, just don't publish it! As a draft, no one can access it unless he/she has access to your admin panel and the required rights to see drafts!
As soon as you publish it - it's published. You can also just use the preview view to see how it would look like! Why your private page was visible to everyone is another question, maybe you made some mistakes with your DB...hard to reckon without any further information. Try to set it up as a normal post/page and publish it privately, log out and see what happens!
