Writes to database seem to have no effect - asp.net

I am working with an ASP.NET web application written in C# deployed to IIS/Windows Server 2008 R2. The application uses NHibernate to interact with an Oracle database running on a networked unix server.
It seems that writes being made by the application to the database have no effect.
If I manually edit the value of a record in the Oracle database, the new value is reflected by the application. However, if I attempt to change a value using the application’s custom “save” functionality, the changes are not reflected in the database. It seems like reads are succeeding, but writes are failing.
Why do writes seem to be failing?
More information:
No obvious error messages are received (ie. the application does not throw an exception and it seems to continue running as if everything is fine).
Another instance of this application is running on IIS/Windows Server 2003. This instance can write to the Oracle database (ie. the changes can immediately be seen in the database by using a database viewer after clicking “save”).
The code is virtually identical between the 2003/2008 applications. However, on the 2008 server, I am using newer versions of Oracle libraries and I changed to target architecture of the visual studio projects from ‘Any CPU’ to ‘x86’ (the 2008 server is 64-bit while the 2003 server is 32-bit).
I have very limited experience working with IIS, NHibernate, Oracle databases, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008 R2. I do, however, have slightly more experience working with C#, ASP.NET web applications, Visual Studio, and MSSQL databases).

I solved it.
It turns out one of the HttpModules was not being initialized. This was because the web.config file was tuned to IIS6, and the application was running in an application pool set to Integrated Pipeline mode on IIS7. Switching the application pool to Classic mode essentially enabled backwards compatibility.
Anyways, here is the resource that helped me figure it out: httpModules not working on iis7


Publish ASP.NET MVC 4 (Razor) app onto remote server running Windows 7 with IIS 7

I have experience in hosting an Asp mvc 4 application on local IIS with Sql server as back end. Now I want to host this application on another system that don't have Sql server and Visual studio installed. I think we can able to get all files necessary to host by publish option in visual studio 2012. But I don't have any idea on how to make my database working on the server without sql server and the necessary connection strings. Can I change my db to sql server compact 4.0?
Please give the necessary instructions.
For .net Application you can generate necessary files using publish feature of VS.You can even make use of web-deploy for direct deployment of artifacts to remote server itself.
For db you better have sql -engine, without that it get's tricky. Express edition will always be better option if you are not looking for some advanced DBA jobs.

"Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed" using ORAOLEDB, IIS7, 32bit app, 64bit o/s

I have a classic ASP application which I've moved from a Windows 2003 server running IIS6.0 to 64-bit Windows 2008 R2 running IIS7. In IIS7 I've created a website and added an application to that and have set the application pool to enable 32-bit applications.
The application connects to an Oracle database using the ORAOLEDB driver - I've installed the 64-bit Oracle client to connect to the backend Oracle 11g database and can connect fine via the same user as the application using SQLPlus.
When I run the application though, its attempt to connect to Oracle fails with the IIS logs showing the error:
"Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed"
I've tried various possible things to try and get this working:
registering OraOLEDB11.dll manually
disabling 32-bit applications from the app pool
using the 32-bit drivers instead both with 32-bits apps enabled and disabled
reinstalling the drivers completely and trying all the above
So far without any luck. The asp code connects as follows:
objOracleConnection.CursorLocation = adUseClient
objOracleConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MYDATASOURCE;User ID=USER;Password=PASSWORD;PLSQLRSet=1;OLE DB Services=-2;"
EDIT: I've tried a simple VBS script (using essentially the same code as above) to connect and it gets the same error, so IIS may not be the problem. The exact same script works on the Windows 2003 box however.
I've reinstalled the Oracle client via the 'Troubleshoot Compatibility' option, indicating that the application works under Windows 2003 SP1 but still get the same issue from both the VBS script and the IIS application :(
This is an educated guess, but enabling 32 bit applications in IIS7 seems to disable 64 bit applications. If it's a 64 bit driver you may need to disable 32 bit in your app pool

Enable 32-bit application preventing ASP.NET 2.0 app connecting to SQL server 2012

I'm migrating an old ASP.NET 2.0 app for a client from their old 32-bit windows server 2003 / SQL server 2000 machine to their new Windows server 2012 / SQL server 2012 machine.
I got everything loaded and working fine - website connects to SQL server and runs normally - except one of the import functions using a legacy Microsoft jet engine 4.0 was not working. After some more research, I have installed the legacy office 2007 drivers, and I also needed to set the application pool to enable 32-bit applications.
However, when I set the website to run at 32-bits, it bugs out because it is unable to connect to the 2012 database (the website loads fine, just the first function to access the database fails, and this is reflected in the logs I see). Please note - I have tested repeatedly and it is definitely this 32-bit setting that is the issue. With it set to false, it connects to SQL server and the whole website operates fine bar that import procedure. With it set to true (a prerequisite for the import procedure to work), the database connection fails and the site is inoperable.
Unfortunately the client does not have ready access to the source code (it was built such a long time ago) - all I have is the website pages and the binaries - and this is just a stop gap until a new system is developed.
Any help appreciated!

Coding for an SQL server in a local project

I'm coding in ASP.Net on a local machine through visual studio. So when I run the code it starts an ASP.Net service for me.
So now I'm wondering how I setup an SQL server for local development purposes? I need it to have data in it constantly so that when I stop running the ASP page it doesn't just empty.
You should be able to install SQL Express and hook into that. The data will persist in the db unrelated to your asp.net service:

ASP.NET cannot connect to 64-bit Sql Server 2008

We have an ASP.NET application written in Visual Studio 2003 (c#) using SQL Server 2000 as database. It’s an old web application that our clients have been using for 4+ years.
Now, we needed to upgrade the application to work on Windows Server 2008 using SQL Server 2008, both 64bit, both on the same machine. So we ported the application to Visual Studio 2008, made some needed modifications and successfully installed the application on Windows Server 2008 with database still being the old SQL Server 2000. Everything worked fine. But as soon as I modified the connection string to work with the new SQL Server 2008 64bit, it stopped working. Basically the web browser just shows – The webpage cannot be displayed; no error messages whatsoever.
I monitored the processess and event log - basically it seems that asp.net worker process is generating errors until it stops working. And I can’t figure out why. All should be fine on SQL Server 2008 side, all protocols enabled, even disabled firewall; i can connect to the instance using Management studio from the same server (64bit) and from other development machines (64bit/32bit).
Then i tried using the web application from my development machine (still Vistual Studio 2003 one, i.e. 32 bit with ASP.NET 1.1) and connect to the new SQL Server 2008 and i got „Server application unavailable“ error. Same thing happens, worker process is generating errors until it stops working.
I used IIS Diagnostic Tool to debug the moment the error occurs – all i got was basically unlimited numbers of „First chance“ exceptions (problems with msvcr80.dll, mscorwks.dll). If I limited the number of those, I also managed to get „Kernel32!TerminateProcess“ exception, which after analysis stated that it didn’t detect any problems with that; only one time i got the warning, describing that 1 client connection was executing for more than 90 seconds.
I dont think the problem is on the 64bit Windows server 2008 or SQL server 2008 side, since when, just for checking, we used Sharepoint application with the new SQL Server 2008 as database, it connected just fine.
So what am I missing with our ASP.NET application configuration/development that it cannot connect to 64 bit Sql server 2008?
Thanks and regards,
This sounds like a configuration problem, probably a permissions problem. Your Sql Server is on a different box than the your web server? If so I would look at what user your web site is running under. Make sure that user has access to the Sql Server.
If your user does have access make sure it has access to travel the wire to your SQL Server. Try to connect to the SQL Server via Sql Management Studio with the user's credentials.
