Firebase event_timestamp - firebase

In my application, I'm queueing client requests which the server will process one by one. But I only want the server to process requests that are 30 seconds old. So I created a unique path that clients push to and the server watches on child_added.
Is there a way to get the timestamp when the child is added or any other metadata?
I know i can make the clients put the timestamp in the value but I don't want the clients to control the value because it can cause a security risk.
Update: clearly there is no firebase controlled timestamp or any other metadata attached to the node. The answer below is wrong.

You may use firebase server TIMESTAMP ,
firebaseRef.on('child_added', function(childSnapshot, prevChildName) {
// Update Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP on childSnapshot

Although not a direct answer to the question but the firebase queue which was introduced today can be used to achieve what was stated in the question. The _state_changed flag will serve as the timestamp.


Missing videoTrack in a multitrack stream in Ant media server 2.4.1

We have a Multitrack web conference implementation using AMS 2.4.1 version. Its working great for our use case, except in one scenario. When there are N (< 3) number of users and they on there camera simultaneously, then few remote users are not rendered as we don't receive the video tracks for those users in newStreamAvailable. We only receive the audio track for those users. We are able to reproduce this quite frequently.
As a backup, I am trying to poll AMS using getTrackList with the main track Id to get all available streams, but I am not getting any message trackList
var jsCmd =
command : "getTrackList",
streamId : streamId, // this is roomId or main track id
token : token
Any insight would be helpful.
We were able to resolve the issue, posting here to help anyone who might be facing a similar issue.
With push notifications from the server, we might encounter issues when for some reason push operation doesn't succeed. In that case, it's better to have a backup plan to pull from the server and sync.
The Ant Media Server suggests pulling the server periodically for the room info. The server will respond with active streams and the application should synchronize.
For reference, please refer to following link

Multiple Realm clients showing new information but MongoDB showing old

Extremely weird bug we’ve been facing today.
We have an iOS app which has updated a document using Realm SDK and I know it has been pushed successfully because I checked the forCurrentlyOutstandingWork session to confirm a 100% upload and also opened up another device to validate if it got the new updated information and it has.
The problem is even though Realm clients across multiple devices are showing the new updated information, the MongoDB doesn’t show the new updated information. It did update after 15 mins automatically but this issue happened to us multiple times today.
Has anybody else faced this issue and found a solution to it ? Or should this never happen and we need to report a bug ?
Realm sync write log -
"Upload message contained 1 changeset(s)",
"Integrating upload required conflict resolution to be performed on 0 of the changesets",
"Latest server version is now 249"
Write Summary:
"Image": {
"updated": [
This was an issue in MongoDB/Realm. I reached out to the support and they resolved it by pushing an update on the 9th of September 2021.
The replication to MongoDB is asynchronous due to the fact that conflict resolution must be performed against incoming writes from MongoDB clients (which sync does not control), to prevent the situation where a write made to MongoDB and a write made by a Realm client pass right by each other and leave the two states inconsistent. Ideally, these writes should happen within a few milliseconds but some latency can occasionally occur (especially around server restarts), but we closely monitor this and are always looking to optimize this.
Engineer on the Sync Team

Using Firebase-Functions to Send Notifications Only When A Condition Is Met

I am working on a project that's supposed to send notifications to it's users when current date is equal to a given date specified by the user. So which firebase-function method is best suited for such kind of application: onUpdate, onWrite, onCreate or https.onRequest?
Note: the app or firebase-function should always check and compare the currentDate to the dates of every record in the database and send notifications if they match.
If I understand correctly that you want to regularly check if today's date (i.e. current date) is equal to a specific field date of one or more records in the database, you could indeed call a dedicated Cloud Function via an HTTP Request every day with an online CRON job like
You would then, in this Cloud Function, make a query to retrieve all records having this field equal to today's date and send a notification to the user.
If you give more details on your database structure and on the code you have already written, the community may be able to help you further.
PS: look also this answer from Frank van Puffelen: Cloud Functions for Firebase trigger on time?
I think I got a better site for this. Please try It's free and works / worked fine for me.
Thanks to everyone who spared there time to check out and possibly try to answer this question.

Firebase Transactions null or not updating the first time thru

I have clients connecting to the database with javascript.
I also have code running on my server and I'm trying to do a transaction following example as shown here:
Here's a simplified structure of my data
resource : "room1"
printer : "printer1"
counter : 15
The web client would write a request to their own node under "users".
The server is watching for those request and updates the counter for that resource.
If i have the transaction watching for child added I get null for counter so I can't increment the number. If I also watch for child modified the I will get the correct counter value.
I understand from the documentation that the value in transaction can be null but I'm not sure how I can fix my use case to do what I need.
Basically I don't want the client touching the counter, I want the server to read and update that value.
I've gone thru this post
Firebase runTransaction not working
but I'm not clear on how to structure my code to deal with this.

Monitor meteorjs active reactive connections

We have a problem with our meteor server. When we publish 300 or so items with Meteor.publish/Meteor.subscribe the server increases its memory and eventually becomes unresponsive.
We thought of:
1) monitor the number of reactive subscribtions / memory taken by an active subscription
2) make something like ,,one time publish" - ignore changes in server side collection
Any thoughts on how any of the above can be accomplished ?
Or any other tips to debug /improve meteor app performance ?
zorlak's answer is good.
Some other things:
You can do a one-time publish by writing your own custom publisher via the this.set API, based on the code in _publishCursor. You'd do something like:
Meteor.publish("oneTimeQuery", function () {
MyCollection.find().forEach(function (doc) {
sub.added("collectionName", doc._id, doc);
This does a query, sends its results down, and then never updates it again.
That said, we hope that Meteor's performance will be such that this is unnecessary!
I'd also like to add an easy way to get stats (like number of observed cursors) from an app to Meteor (exposed as an authenticated subscription) but haven't had the time yet.
As of Meteor 0.5.1, one thing you can do is to remove dependencies on the userId from the publish function. If a publish function does not depend on which user is subscribing, then Meteor will cache the db query so it doesn't get slower as more users subscribe.
See this Meteor blog post:
