parsing multiple files in javaCC - javacc

I want to parse multiple files. I have JavaCC code which generates the parser.
It works fine when I parse the first file (a.txt). But, I want to parse multiple files. because the first file (a.txt) call many files.
Thanks in advance.

Just make sure you you use the STATIC=false option.
Then you can do something along these lines
void Include() :
{ Token t ;
try {
File f = extractFile( t.image ) ;
Parser p = new Parser( new FileReader(f) )
p.Start() ; }
catch( ParseException x ) { throw x ; }
catch( TokenManagerError x ) { throw x ; }
catch( Throwable x ) { throw new ParseException( x.getMessage() ) ; }


Error Recovery in JavaCC for Qbasic language

I am developing a compiler (with JavaCC) for QBasic language and I have an issue relate to Error Recovery (Error Recovery is showing all compiler errors when you compile the program)
so I had to handle ParseException and ignore the line where ParseException occurs
note : QBasic language has no semicolons so every statement has a separated line
I have tried to try catch the ParseException in every statement and handle it by using getNextToken repeatedly until I have "\n" token
unfortunately that does not work !!
Here is my program method :
void program():
Node n =null;
programNode ret = new programNode() ;
boolean canrun=true;
(< LINE > | < SPACE >)*
try {
n = statement()(< SPACE >)* <LINE>
catch(ParseException e)
Token t;
}while (t.image!="\n");
(< LINE > | < SPACE >)*{
if (n!=null)
})+ "?"
if (canrun)
And here is my Parser class :
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CodeParser
public static void main(String args[])
CodeParser Parser = new CodeParser(;
try {
program() ;
catch(ParseException e)
I believe the problem is the line:
}while (t.image!="\n");
because 1) you shouldn't use != with strings, 2) the image could be different ("\r\n" for instance).
Try t.kind!=LINE.

Generate Parser for a File with JavaCC

I am a beginner with JavaCC,and i'm trying to generate a file Parser.
I have already been able to generate a successful parser interpenetrated a line that is entered on the keyboard.
Parser example when I enter the keyboard "First Name: William", I managed to display on the screen the name of the variable and the value.
Now I have a file .txt who contain a large number of names and their value, and I would like to successfully display them on the screen.
below is my .jj file that I have already written to generate a parser of a typed line
Now i want the same but for a file.
static = true;
public class parser_name
public static void main(String args []) throws ParseException
System.out.println("Waiting for the Input:");
parser_name parser = new parser_name(;
" "
| "\r"
| "\t"
| "\n"
TOKEN : { < DIGIT : (["0"-"9"])+ > }
TOKEN : { <VARIABLE: (["a"-"z", "A"-"Z"])+> }
TOKEN : { <VALUE: (~["\n",":"])+> }
void Start(): { Token t,t1,t2;}
{ System.out.println("The Variable is "+t.image+",and the Value is "+t2.image); }
I have already tried to replace the "" at the parser constructor with an object of type File.And then read the file by line, but it did not work.
Pass a Reader to the parser's constructor.

Do not change a loop variable inside a for-loop block

I want to implement the rule coding in my parser generated by javaCC :
Do not change a loop variable inside a for-loop block.
the Rule Production javacc of for-loop block is :
void MyMethod () : {}
"(" Argument () ")" {}
(Statement ()) *
void Statement () : {}
void expressionFOR() :{}
<For> <id> "= " 1 <to> 100
int J
int kk =SUM( , J)
thank you very much in advance
Assuming you are using JJTree with MULTI=false and VISITOR=true, you could write a visitor along this line
public void visit(SimpleNode node, Object data) {
if( this is a for loop node ) {
push the for loop variable onto a stack of variables
node.childrenAccept(this, null) ;
pop the stack }
else {
if( this is an assignment statement node
and the target variable is on the stack )
report rule violated
node.childrenAccept(this, null) ;

JavaCC IntegerLiteral

I am using JavaCC to build a lexer and a parser and I have the following code:
< #DIGIT : [ "0"-"9" ] >
SimpleNode IntegerLiteral() :
Token t;
Integer n = new Integer(t.image);
jjtThis.jjtSetValue( n );
return jjtThis;
Hence it should accept only integers but it is also accepting 4. or 4 %%%%%% etc.
Try turn on debugging in your parser spec file like:
This will create a printout of what the TokenManager is doing while parsing.
"4." and "4%%%%" are not really accepted because what is read by your parser is always "4"
if you set you DEBUG_PARSER = true; in the OPTION section you will see the currently read token.
I think if you change your grammar like this you can see that it throws a TokenMgrError when it reads the unhandled character
SimpleNode IntegerLiteral() :
Token t;
Integer n = new Integer(t.image);
jjtThis.jjtSetValue( n );
return jjtThis;

Print matched token in JavaCC

I need to print the token that was matched by javacc, but I don't know how to "store it".
Let's say my token definition is:
< BLAH: ["0"-"9"]>
and my parser.input() function is:
void Input():
{ (<BLAH> { System.out.println("I recognize BLAH"); } )
However what I really want to output, given some input, let's say 5, is:
I recognize that BLAH is 5.
Any tips? Thanks
Basically you declare variables in the first curly braces and use them in the second:
void Input():
{ Token t; }
(t=<BLAH> { System.out.println("I recognize BLAH is " + t.image); } )
