Limit the recursion level in a Clojure repl - recursion

While working in the repl is there a way to specify the maximum times to recur before the repl will automatically end the evaluation of an expression. As an example, suppose the following function:
(defn looping []
(loop [n 1]
(recur (inc n))))
Is there a way to instruct the repl to give up after 100 levels of recursion? Something similar to print-level.

I respectfully hope that I'm not ignoring the spirit of your question, but why not simply use a when expression? It's nice and succinct and wouldn't change the body of your function much at all (1 extra line and a closing paren).
Whilst I don't believe what you want exists, it would be trivial to implement your own:
(def ^:dynamic *recur-limit* 100)
(defn looping []
(loop [n 1]
(when (< n *recur-limit*)
(recur (inc n)))))
Presumably this hasn't been added to the language because it's easy to construct what you need with the existing language primitives; apart from that, if the facility did exist but was 'invisible', it could cause an awful lot of confusion and bugs because code wouldn't always behave in a predictable and referentially transparent manner.


What are the merits of letrec as a programming language feature

I've looked at everything I can find about letrec, and I still don't understand what it brings to a language as a feature. It seems like everything expressible with letrec could just as easily be written as a recursive function. But are there any reasons to expose letrec as a feature of a programming language, if the language already supports recursive functions? Why do several languages expose both?
I get that letrec might be used to implement other features including recursive functions, but that's not relevant to why it should itself be a feature. I've also read that some people find it more readable than recursive functions in some lisps, but again this is not relevant, because the designer of the language can make an effort to make recursive functions readable enough to not need another feature. Finally, I've been told that letrec makes it possible to express some kinds of recursive values more succinctly, but I have yet to find a motivating example.
TL;DR: define is letrec. This is what enables us to write recursive defintions in the first place.
let fact = fun (n => (n==0 -> 1 ; n * fact (n-1)))
To what entity does the name fact inside the body of this definiton refer? With let foo = val, val is defined in terms of already known entities, so it can't refer to foo which is not defined yet. In terms of scope this can be said (and usually is) that the RHS of the let equation is defined in the outer scope.
The only way for the inner fact to actually point at the one being defined, is to use letrec, where the entity being defined is allowed to refer to the scope in which it is being defined. So while causing evaluation of an entity while its definition is in progress is an error, storing a reference to its (future, at this point in time) value is fine -- in the case of using letrec that is.
The define you refer to, is just letrec under another name. In Scheme as well.
Without the ability of an entity being defined to refer to itself, i.e. in languages with non-recursive let, to have recursion one has to resort to the use of arcane devices such as the y-combinator. Which is cumbersome and usually inefficient. Another way is the definitions like
let fact = (fun (f => f f)) (fun (r => n => (n==0 -> 1 ; n * r r (n-1))))
So letrec brings to the table the efficiency of implementation, and convenience for a programmer.
The quesion then becomes, why expose the non-recursive let? Haskell indeed does not. Scheme has both letrec and let. One reason might be for completeness. Another might be a simpler implementation for let, with less self-referential run-time structures in memory making it easier on the garbage collector.
You ask for a motivational example. Consider defining Fibonacci numbers as a self-referential lazy list:
letrec fibs = {0} + {1} + add fibs (tail fibs)
With non-recursive let another copy of the list fibs will be defined, to be used as the input to the element-wise addition function add. Which will cause the definition of another copy of fibs for this one to be defined in its terms. And so on; accessing the nth Fibonacci number will cause a chain of n-1 lists to be created and maintained at run-time! Not a pretty picture.
And that's assuming the same fibs was used for tail fibs as well. If not, all bets are off.
What is needed is that fibs uses itself, refers to itself, so only one copy of the list is maintained.
NB: Although this is not a Scheme specific problem I'm using Scheme to demonstrate the differences. Hope you can read a little lisp code
A letrec is just a special let where the bindings themselves are defined before the expressions that represent their values are evaluated. Imagine this:
(define (fib n)
(let ((fib (lambda (n a b)
(if (zero? n)
(fib (- n 1) b (+ a b))))))
(fib n))
This code fails since while fib does exist in the body of the let it does exist in the closure it defines since the binding didn't exist when the lambda was evaluated. To fix this letrec comes to the rescue:
(define (fib n)
(letrec ((fib (lambda (n a b)
(if (zero? n)
(fib (- n 1) b (+ a b))))))
(fib n))
That letrec is just syntax that does something like this:
(define (fib n)
(let ((fib 'undefined))
(let ((tmp (lambda (n a b)
(if (zero? n)
(fib (- n 1) b (+ a b))))))
(set! fib tmp))
(fib n)))
So here you clearly see fib exists when the lambda gets evaluated and the binding is later set to the closure itself. The binding is the same, only it's pointer has changed. It's circular reference 101..
So what happens when you make a global function? Clearly if it is to recurse it needs to exist before the lambda is evaluated or the environment has to be mutated. It needs to fix the same problem here too.
In a functional language implementation where mutation is not ok you can solve this problem with a Y (or Z) combinator.
If you are interested in how languages are implemented I suggest you start at Matt Mights articles.

Using Default Optional argument and recur together in Clojure

I am able to set a default argument and do a regular recursion with it, but for some reason I cannot do with recur for tail optimization... I keep getting an java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: nth not supported on this type: Long error.
For example, for a Tail Call Factorial, here is what works, but isn't optimized for tail call recursion and will fail for large recursion stacks.
(defn foo [n & [optional]]
(if (= n 0) (or optional 1)
(foo (dec n) (*' (or optional 1) n))))
And I call this by (foo 3)
And when I try this to get TCO, I get the unsupported operation error...
(defn foo [n & [optional]]
(if (= n 0) (or optional 1)
(recur (dec n) (*' (or optional 1) n))))
And I call this one the same way (foo 3)
Why is this difference causing an error? How exactly would I be able to do TCO with optional default arguments?
Thank you!
and when I try to take out the (or optional 1) in the recursion call and make it just optional , i get a null exception error... Which makes sense.
This also does not get fixed when I try to remove the ' from *' in the recursion call
EDIT: I would also prefer to do this without loop as well
It is a known issue:
Recur doesn't re-enter the function, it just goes back to the top (the vararging doesn't happen again) ... recur with a collection and you will be fine.
I personally feel it should either be mentioned in the recur docstring, or at least appear in the doc. Takes a bit of digging to understand what's happening (I had to check Clojure compiler source along with the compiled classes.)
Why is this difference causing an error?
In short, it's trying to destructure a Long, which it can't
Straight foo call
Takes n arguments
Automatically puts everything after the first argument (n) into a seq behind the scenes, which can be destructured
recur call to foo
Takes exactly 2 arguments
First argument: n
Second argument: Something seqable with the rest of the arguments
How exactly would I be able to do TCO with optional default arguments?
Simply wrap the second argument to recur like so:
(defn foo [n & [optional]]
(if (= n 0) (or optional 1)
(recur (dec n) [(*' (or optional 1) n)])))
(foo 3)
;;=> 6
Although he didn't answer your questions, #DanielCompton's recommendation is the way to go to completely avoid the problem in the first place in a clearer and more efficient way
You can give a function multiple different arities. This might be what you're after?
(defn foo
(foo n 1))
([n optional]
(if (= n 0)
(or optional 1)
(recur (dec n) (*' (or optional 1) n)))))
I don't quite understand why there is an error, but recur wouldn't normally be used in a function with optional arguments.
Edit: after reading the other answer links, I understand the problem now. recur doesn't destructure the rest args like it does when you call the function. If you recur with a collection as the second arg, it will work, but it is probably still better to be explicit with two different arities:
(defn foo [n & [optional]]
(if (= n 0)
(or optional 1)
(recur (dec n) [(*' (or optional 1) n)])))

Is recursion a smell (in idiomatic Clojure) because of of zippers and HOFs?

The classic book The Little Lisper (The Little Schemer) is founded on two big ideas
You can solve most problems in a recursive way (instead of using loops) (assuming you have Tail Call Optimisation)
Lisp is great because it is easy to implement in itself.
Now one might think this holds true for all Lispy languages (including Clojure). The trouble is, the book is an artefact of its time (1989), probably before Functional Programming with Higher Order Functions (HOFs) was what we have today.(Or was at least considered palatable for undergraduates).
The benefit of recursion (at least in part) is the ease of traversal of nested data structures like ('a 'b ('c ('d 'e))).
For example:
(def leftmost
(fn [l]
(println "(leftmost " l)
(println (non-atom? l))
(null? l) '()
(non-atom? (first l)) (leftmost (first l))
true (first l))))
Now with Functional Zippers - we have a non-recursive approach to traversing nested data structures, and can traverse them as we would any lazy data structure. For example:
(defn map-zipper [m]
(fn [x] (or (map? x) (map? (nth x 1))))
(fn [x] (seq (if (map? x) x (nth x 1))))
(fn [x children]
(if (map? x)
(into {} children)
(assoc x 1 (into {} children))))
(def m {:a 3 :b {:x true :y false} :c 4})
(-> (map-zipper m) zip/down zip/right zip/node)
;;=> [:b {:y false, :x true}]
Now it seems you can solve any nested list traversal problem with either:
a zipper as above, or
a zipper that walks the structure and returns a set of keys that will let you modify the structure using assoc.
I'm assuming of course data structures that fixed-size, and fully known prior to traversal
I'm excluding the streaming data source scenario.
My question is: Is recursion a smell (in idiomatic Clojure) because of of zippers and HOFs?
I would say that, yes, if you are doing manual recursion you should at least reconsider whether you need to. But I wouldn't say that zippers have anything to do with this. My experience with zippers has been that they are of theoretical use, and are very exciting to Clojure newcomers, but of little practical value once you get the hang of things, because the situations in which they are useful are vanishingly rare.
It's really because of higher-order functions that have already implemented the common recursive patterns for you that manual recursion is uncommon. However, it's certainly not the case that you should never use manual recursion: it's just a warning sign, suggesting you might be able to do something else. I can't even recall a situation in my four years of using Clojure that I've actually needed a zipper, but I end up using recursion fairly often.
Clojure idioms discourage explicit recursion because the call stack is limited: usually to about 10K deep. Amending the first of Halloway & Bedra's Six Rules of Clojure Functional Programming (Programming Clojure (p 89)),
Avoid unbounded recursion. The JVM cannot optimize recursive calls and
Clojure programs that recurse without bound will blow their stack.
There are a couple of palliatives:
recur deals with tail recursion.
Lazy sequences can turn a deep call stack into a shallow call stack
across an unfolding data structure. Many HOFs in the sequence
library, such as map and filter, do this.

Accumulators, conj and recursion

I've solved 45 problems from and I noticed a recurring problem in the way I try to solve some problems using recursion and accumulators.
I'll try to explain the best I can what I'm doing to end up with fugly solutions hoping that some Clojurers would "get" what I'm not getting.
For example, problem 34 asks to write a function (without using range) taking two integers as arguments and creates a range (without using range). Simply put you do (... 1 7) and you get (1 2 3 4 5 6).
Now this question is not about solving this particular problem.
What if I want to solve this using recursion and an accumulator?
My thought process goes like this:
I need to write a function taking two arguments, I start with (fn [x y] )
I'll need to recurse and I'll need to keep track of a list, I'll use an accumulator, so I write a 2nd function inside the first one taking an additional argument:
[x y]
((fn g [x y acc] ...)
(apparently I can't properly format that Clojure code on SO!?)
Here I'm already not sure I'm doing it correctly: the first function must take exactly two integer arguments (not my call) and I'm not sure: if I want to use an accumulator, can I use an accumulator without creating a nested function?
Then I want to conj, but I cannot do:
(conj 0 1)
so I do weird things to make sure I've got a sequence first and I end up with this:
[x y]
((fn g [x y acc] (if (= x y) y (conj (conj acc (g (inc x) y acc)) x)))
But then this produce this:
(1 (2 (3 4)))
Instead of this:
(1 2 3 4)
So I end up doing an additional flatten and it works but it is totally ugly.
I'm beginning to understand a few things and I'm even starting, in some cases, to "think" in a more clojuresque way but I've got a problem writing the solution.
For example here I decided:
to use an accumulator
to recurse by incrementing x until it reaches y
But I end up with the monstrosity above.
There are a lot of way to solve this problem and, once again, it's not what I'm after.
What I'm after is how, after I decided to cons/conj, use an accumulator, and recurse, I can end up with this (not written by me):
#(loop [i %1
acc nil]
(if (<= %2 i)
(reverse acc)
(recur (inc i) (cons i acc))))
Instead of this:
[x y]
[x y acc]
(if (= x y) acc (conj (conj acc (g (inc x) y acc)) x)))
I take it's a start to be able to solve a few problems but I'm a bit disappointed by the ugly solutions I tend to produce...
i think there are a couple of things to learn here.
first, a kind of general rule - recursive functions typically have a natural order, and adding an accumulator reverses that. you can see that because when a "normal" (without accumulator) recursive function runs, it does some work to calculate a value, then recurses to generate the tail of the list, finally ending with an empty list. in contrast, with an accumulator, you start with the empty list and add things to the front - it's growing in the other direction.
so typically, when you add an accumulator, you get a reversed order.
now often this doesn't matter. for example, if you're generating not a sequence but a value that is the repeated application of a commutative operator (like addition or multiplication). then you get the same answer either way.
but in your case, it is going to matter. you're going to get the list backwards:
(defn my-range-0 [lo hi] ; normal recursive solution
(if (= lo hi)
(cons lo (my-range-0 (inc lo) hi))))
(deftest test-my-range-1
(is (= '(0 1 2) (my-range-0 0 3))))
(defn my-range-1 ; with an accumulator
([lo hi] (my-range-1 lo hi nil))
([lo hi acc]
(if (= lo hi)
(recur (inc lo) hi (cons lo acc)))))
(deftest test-my-range-1
(is (= '(2 1 0) (my-range-1 0 3)))) ; oops! backwards!
and often the best you can do to fix this is just reverse that list at the end.
but here there's an alternative - we can actually do the work backwards. instead of incrementing the low limit you can decrement the high limit:
(defn my-range-2
([lo hi] (my-range-2 lo hi nil))
([lo hi acc]
(if (= lo hi)
(let [hi (dec hi)]
(recur lo hi (cons hi acc))))))
(deftest test-my-range-2
(is (= '(0 1 2) (my-range-2 0 3)))) ; back to the original order
[note - there's another way of reversing things below; i didn't structure my argument very well]
second, as you can see in my-range-1 and my-range-2, a nice way of writing a function with an accumulator is as a function with two different sets of arguments. that gives you a very clean (imho) implementation without the need for nested functions.
also you have some more general questions about sequences, conj and the like. here clojure is kind-of messy, but also useful. above i've been giving a very traditional view with cons based lists. but clojure encourages you to use other sequences. and unlike cons lists, vectors grow to the right, not the left. so another way to reverse that result is to use a vector:
(defn my-range-3 ; this looks like my-range-1
([lo hi] (my-range-3 lo hi []))
([lo hi acc]
(if (= lo hi)
(recur (inc lo) hi (conj acc lo)))))
(deftest test-my-range-3 ; except that it works right!
(is (= [0 1 2] (my-range-3 0 3))))
here conj is adding to the right. i didn't use conj in my-range-1, so here it is re-written to be clearer:
(defn my-range-4 ; my-range-1 written using conj instead of cons
  ([lo hi] (my-range-4 lo hi nil))
  ([lo hi acc]
    (if (= lo hi)
      (recur (inc lo) hi (conj acc lo)))))
(deftest test-my-range-4
(is (= '(2 1 0) (my-range-4 0 3))))
note that this code looks very similar to my-range-3 but the result is backwards because we're starting with an empty list, not an empty vector. in both cases, conj adds the new element in the "natural" position. for a vector that's to the right, but for a list it's to the left.
and it just occurred to me that you may not really understand what a list is. basically a cons creates a box containing two things (its arguments). the first is the contents and the second is the rest of the list. so the list (1 2 3) is basically (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))). in contrast, the vector [1 2 3] works more like an array (although i think it's implemented using a tree).
so conj is a bit confusing because the way it works depends on the first argument. for a list, it calls cons and so adds things to the left. but for a vector it extends the array(-like thing) to the right. also, note that conj takes an existing sequence as first arg, and thing to add as second, while cons is the reverse (thing to add comes first).
all the above code available at
update: i rewrote the tests so that the expected result is a quoted list in the cases where the code generates a list. = will compare lists and vectors and return true if the content is the same, but making it explicit shows more clearly what you're actually getting in each case. note that '(0 1 2) with a ' in front is just like (list 0 1 2) - the ' stops the list from being evaluated (without it, 0 would be treated as a command).
After reading all that, I'm still not sure why you'd need an accumulator.
((fn r [a b]
(if (<= a b)
(cons a (r (inc a) b))))
2 4)
=> (2 3 4)
seems like a pretty intuitive recursive solution. the only thing I'd change in "real" code is to use lazy-seq so that you won't run out of stack for large ranges.
how I got to that solution:
When you're thinking of using recursion, I find it helps to try and state the problem with the fewest possible terms you can think up, and try to hand off as much "work" to the recursion itself.
In particular, if you suspect you can drop one or more arguments/variables, that is usually the way to go - at least if you want the code to be easy to understand and debug; sometimes you end up compromising simplicity in favor of execution speed or reducing memory usage.
In this case, what I thought when I started writing was: "the first argument to the function is also the start element of the range, and the last argument is the last element". Recursive thinking is something you kind of have to train yourself to do, but a fairly obvious solution then is to say: a range [a, b] is a sequence starting with element a followed by a range of [a + 1, b]. So ranges can indeed be described recursively. The code I wrote is pretty much a direct implementation of that idea.
I've found that when writing functional code, accumulators (and indexes) are best avoided. Some problems require them, but if you can find a way to get rid of them, you're usually better off if you do.
addendum 2:
Regarding recursive functions and lists/sequences, the most useful way to think when writing that kind of code is to state your problem in terms of "the first item (head) of a list" and "the rest of the list (tail)".
I cannot add to the already good answers you have received, but I will answer in general. As you go through the Clojure learning process, you may find that many but not all solutions can be solved using Clojure built-ins, like map and also thinking of problems in terms of sequences. This doesn't mean you should not solve things recursively, but you will hear -- and I believe it to be wise advice -- that Clojure recursion is for solving very low level problems you cannot solve another way.
I happen to do a lot of .csv file processing, and recently received a comment that nth creates dependencies. It does, and use of maps can allow me to get at elements for comparison by name and not position.
I'm not going to throw out the code that uses nth with clojure-csv parsed data in two small applications already in production. But I'm going to think about things in a more sequency way the next time.
It is difficult to learn from books that talk about vectors and nth, loop .. recur and so on, and then realize learning Clojure grows you forward from there.
One of the things I have found that is good about learning Clojure, is the community is respectful and helpful. After all, they're helping someone whose first learning language was Fortran IV on a CDC Cyber with punch cards, and whose first commercial programming language was PL/I.
If I solved this using an accumulator I would do something like:
user=> (defn my-range [lb up c]
(if (= lb up)
(recur (inc lb) up (conj c lb))))
then call it with
#(my-range % %2 [])
Of course, I'd use letfn or something to get around not having defn available.
So yes, you do need an inner function to use the accumulator approach.
My thought process is that once I'm done the answer I want to return will be in the accumulator. (That contrasts with your solution, where you do a lot of work on finding the ending-condition.) So I look for my ending-condition and if I've reached it, I return the accumulator. Otherwise I tack on the next item to the accumulator and recur for a smaller case. So there are only 2 things to figure out, what the end-condition is, and what I want to put in the accumulator.
Using a vector helps a lot because conj will append to it and there's no need to use reverse.
I'm on 4clojure too, btw. I've been busy so I've fallen behind lately.
It looks like your question is more about "how to learn" then a technical/code problem. You end up writing that kind of code because from whatever way or source you learned programming in general or Clojure in specific has created a "neural highway" in your brain that makes you thinking about the solutions in this particular way and you end up writing code like this. Basically whenever you face any problem (in this particular case recursion and/or accumulation) you end up using that "neural highway" and always come up with that kind of code .
The solution for getting rid of this "neural highway" is to stop writing code for the moment, keep that keyboard away and start reading a lot of existing clojure code (from existing solutions of 4clojure problem to open source projects on github) and think about it deeply (even read a function 2-3 times to really let it settle down in your brain). This way you would end up destroying your existing "neural highway" (which produce the code that you write now) and will create a new "neural highway" that would produce the beautiful and idiomatic Clojure code. Also, try not to jump to typing code as soon as you saw a problem, rather give yourself some time to think clearly and deeply about the problem and solutions.

Why aren't recursive calls automagically replaced by recur?

In the following (Clojure) SO question: my own interpose function as an exercise
The accepted answers says this:
Replace your recursive call with a call to recur because as written it
will hit a stack overflow
(defn foo [stuff]
(dostuff ... )
(foo (rest stuff)))
(defn foo [stuff]
(dostuff ...)
(recur (rest stuff)))
to avoid blowing the stack.
It may be a silly question but I'm wondering why the recursive call to foo isn't automatically replaced by recur?
Also, I took another SO example and wrote this ( without using cond on purpose, just to try things out):
(defn is-member [elem ilist]
(if (empty? ilist)
(if (= elem (first ilist))
(is-member elem (rest ilist)))))
And I was wondering if I should replace the call to is-member with recur (which also seems to work) or not.
Are there cases where you do recurse and specifically should not use recur?
There's pretty much never a reason not to use recur if you have a tail-recursive method, although unless you're in a performance-sensitive area of code it just won't make any difference.
I think the basic argument is that having recur be explicit makes it very clear whether a function is tail-recursive or not; all tail-recursive functions use recur, and all functions that recur are tail-recursive (the compiler will complain if you try to use recur from a non-tail-position.) So it's a bit of an aesthetic decision.
recur also helps distinguish Clojure from languages which will do TCO on all tail calls, like Scheme; Clojure can't do that effectively because its functions are compiled as Java functions and the JVM doesn't support it. By making recur a special case, there's hopefully no inflated expectations.
I don't think there would be any technical reason why the compiler couldn't insert recur for you, if it were designed that way, but maybe someone will correct me.
I asked Rich Hickey that and his reasoning was basically (and I paraphrase)
"make the special cases look special"
he did not see the value in papering over a special case most of the time and leaving people
to wonder why if blows the stack later when something changes and the compiler can't guarantee the optimization. Untimely it was just one of the design decisions made to try and keep the language simple
I was wondering if I should replace the call to is-member with recur
In general, as mquander says, there is no reason to not use recur whenever you can. With small inputs (a few dozen to a few hundred elements) they are the same, but the version without recur will blow up on large inputs (a few thousand elements).
Explicit recursion (i.e. without 'recur') is good for many things, but iterating through long sequences is not one of them.
Are there cases where you specifically should not use recur?
Only when you can't use it, which is when
it is not tail recursive - i.e. it wants to do something with the return value.
the recursion is to a different function.
Some examples:
(defn foo [coll]
(when coll
(println (first coll))
(recur (next coll))) ;; OK: Tail recursive
(defn fie [coll]
(when coll
(cons (first coll)
(fie (next coll))))) ;; Can't use recur: Not tail recursive.
(defn fum
(fum coll [])) ;; Can't use recur: Different function.
([coll acc]
(if (empty? coll) acc
(recur (next coll) ;; OK: Tail recursive
(conj acc (first coll))))))
As to why recur isn't inserted automatically when appropriate: I don't know, but at least one positive side-effect is to make actual function calls visually distinct from the non-calls (i.e. recur).
Since this can be the difference between "works" and "blows up with StackOverflowError", I think it's a fair design choice to make it explicit - visible in the code - rather than implicit, where you would have to start second-guessing the compiler when it doesn't work as expected.
