Triggering Windows Store background task from Band tile opened events - microsoft-band

Is there a good way to trigger a Windows Store background task when a band tile is opened? And are there any examples for working with the band from a background task with the latest SDK? I have seen mentions of the ability to do so but can't find any code examples of this.
I have a scenario where the tile's content is only valid for a short time (~30 seconds) and would like to wake up a background service on the phone while the band's tile is open to update the content as needed.
I was hoping to find an IBackgroundTrigger in the SDK that would do the trick but no luck there. The best I can think of to fill this need would be to have a task that uses a system trigger and hooks up listeners for the tile opened/closed events. This seems like a lot of unnecessary work for the task though and could end up with unnecessary battery usage on the phone.

I'm afraid that is not possible. As far as I can see from the SDK, the app on the phone has to be running to allow a tile on the band to send an event back to the phone.
An alternative would be to open your app from the Band using a voice command. Would that solve your problem?


Azure Notification Hub App Logo for multiple platforms

I have NH working ok, but I want to have an image accompany the push. Basically, this image is a branding option, so it wouldn't change for each push, but could change occasionally.
This seems pretty straightforward for WNS, using the App Logo Override option.
Can something similar be done for iOS and Android? I haven't played with them yet and I don't really need a whole solution, I just can't seem to find it spelled out like it is for WNS.
I did see an example for iOS that involved sending a silent notification that prompted the user to see the image, but that's not what I'm trying to do.
I just want a message from a particular vendor to have their little logo on it.
Is this possible?
Turns out the best way to do this is to send a URL for an image in the template and substitute it for the applogo image source. Remember that when you do that, the system will not automatically size it for you.

Prevent Apple Watch from turning off the screen

I'm writing an extension for the Apple Watch which aim is to guide the user through a set of steps. I don't have the watch to test the extension but I need to be sure that the screen will remain always on until all the steps are completed.
Does anyone can tell me when Apple Watch display is turned off or if there any way to prevent the display from turning off (similar idleTimerDisabled from UIApplication in iOS)?
There is currently no way to programmatically prevent the display from being turned off. Otherwise, we can speculate that as long as the user is interacting with your app, the screen will remain on. Worst case, you'll receive a didDeactivate when the app is suspended and a willActivate when the user wakes it up to continue (assuming the Watch app isn't terminated in between).
As of watchOS 4 you can use this boolean to keep the display on, and this will rotate the UI when the arm is turned.
Consider HKWorkout.
it ensures that your app appears whenever the user checks their watch
It seems when the system is using the mic, it forces the screen to stay on — I’ve noticed this even in third party apps that allow sending voice messages. Here is the view that the user sees when screen idling is disabled in this way:
Note that this is a third party app and the screen didn’t turn off even after 2 full minutes!

Can we used the iOS technologies in apple watch app?

I want to create music app in which the watch extension app shows audio wave so my question is Can we used the iOS technologies like openGL in watch app?
You can't run any code on the watch. You can only run code in a Watch extension in your iOS app and update a relatively static UI on the watch. You could generate images in your extension for the audio wave, put them together into an animation and then update the UI with that.
It would be possible to pass some information from your iOS app to the Watch extension running on the phone, which could then update a pre-defined interface on the Watch app. However, if you are wanting to provide a real-time audio waveform, I think this could face major problems regarding latency.
Note that as Stephen Johnson states, you could only do this by rendering static images which would then be sent to the watch for display, or by having pre-installed images in your watch interface that you rapidly show or hide to give the impression of levels changing. The latter would be a much more promising approach from a latency approach, and given Apple give a demonstration of a circular progress indicator made up of 360 images, perhaps it would appear to animate smoothly even. However, the key question would be whether the peaks would appear on the Watch screen close enough to when they actually occurred in the music that the user would see them as being linked.
It might be possible to pre-process the audio and build in a delay to both the display of the peaks and the audio playback to manage the communication latency—but testing that would really only be possible once you had Watch hardware in your hand.

Google map not responding on android's native browser after 4-5 times zoom in and/or area navigation

I have developed a mobile site using Icefaces-mobile framework in that I want to search the things based on area zoomed in on the mobile screen, for this users can zoom in/out & navigates the area but the problem is after doing zoom in/out/navigations 4 to 6 times browser becomes unresponsive. I think it must be problem with browsers capability of handling/execute the javascript(correct me if I m wrong).
I have generated latest API key for map using some standers steps given by google on their forum.
Thanks in Advance.
The stock Android browser does suffer from serious limitations, and it could be device performance limitations, as the previous poster mentioned. But you should also be careful that you're not inadvertently causing a memory leak in your own JavaScript. Are there DOM updates from Ajax interactions being generated during this? Check the Android LogCat messages to see the ICEfaces/ICEmobile logging which will show the updates. Check to ensure that if you're custom function is being re-run that you're not causing a memory leak there. If not, I doubt there's an issue with the GMap code and it's likely just a device limitation. Perhaps also put your gmap code in a separate HTML page without ICEmobile and see if you still have the problem.

How to create an background activity in app inventor

I wanted to create an app in appinventor that would switch screen right/left depending on what side the phone is shaken while unlocked. But couldnt figure out:
a. how to make application run in background.
b. what property i am going for. Like what tells phone's screen to scroll left or right when finger slides across the screen. What method is called. I figured view class would have to do something with it. Having no java experience i couldn't make much sense out of sdk,refernce,resources etc.
Please help me out, i will give you credit for it.
Oh also i think i might have to include "activity starter" too.
It's an issue for app inventor
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The standard Application Inventor 2 website, as you surely know, is this one:
However, there is another one, which allows using background threads (services):
It has a feature not available on the standard (official) AI2 website, the Add Task functionality, which allows adding tasks that will keep running even after a screen have been closed.
However, since it is an unsupported version, whose last release is dated from almost 1 year ago, I did not spent time making experiments, but this migh meet what you need:
The website will turn down, but worked like a charm before.
The whole concept was based on a Master Thesis:;sequence=1
The last message from the site was something like: Google change the concept of background service architecture which cause the 'taks' concept to obsolate and prevent to work in the future.
