Getting rid of QtTabWidget margins - qt

I'm trying to make an application that uses a tab widget as its top-most layout element besides the MainWindow and the central widget (as created by default by Qt Designer). For that purpose, I don't need any margins on my QtTabWidget.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to fully get rid of them. I basically want the QtTabWidget to take all the space available except for the menubar and the status bar.
I came darn close to having it sorted out, but the right margin refuses to subsede even after I've set it to 0 (central widget's layoutRightMargin is set to 0). Here's an image of the issue:
If you zoom in, you'll notice the right margin between the tab and the application frame border. SO squishes the image a bit so you might have to zoom it to see it, but trust me it's really visible (and annoying) at full resolution.

Sounds like you might want documentMode:

In a stylesheet, this seemed to work for me:
#tabWidget::pane { border: none; }
You may or may not also need
#tabWidget { border: none; }


How to get rid of useless scrollbars in a material dialog when a radio-group is used?

This Stackblitz example opens a simple dialog which contains a radio group in the mat-dialog-content div.
You can see that the dialog-content shows an ugly scrollbar:
This does not happen when other components are used: e.g. input, etc.
Using chrome dev-tools, I can see that the mat-radio-buttons have a height of 20px:
but the mat-radio-group only has a height of 17px:
Is this a bug in angular material components (the example uses version 12.0.4), or is there a simple workaround/css that we can use to get rid of the scrollbar?
I've tried explicitly setting the height on the mat-radio-group, but this has no effect.
in production we do of course have many dialogs and some of them are large and need the scrollbars
we need an application wide solution/workaround
simply hiding the scrollbars is not okay: it must remain auto so that the dialog can react to size changes (e.g. user rotates device, some items are shown/hidden dynamically, etc.
For now we came up with a workaround that fixes the issue in all our 30+ dialogs.
The nice thing is that we can apply it in one place, in styles.scss:
.mat-dialog-content {
padding-bottom: 10px !important;
We just add a padding to the bottom of the dialog content area and then scrollbars: auto works as expected in all our dialogs (small and large). i.e. when you make the browser window larger/smaller, the scrollbar is automatically shown/hidden.
And it also works when there are multiple mat-radio-groups in one dialog.
The additional padding between the content and bottom dialog-actions is acceptable for our ui.
Stackblitz example with workaround
The reason this happens is due to the ripple effect on the radio button - which takes up additional space and causes the scrollbar to show. See
There are a number of ways to resolve this, such as using padding or margins on the components or on the dialog content itself like you did. The important thing is that there is enough space added to accommodate the ripple.

Vue-js-modal resizable issue

By default, vue-js-modal scales from the central point, which is pretty strange. Is it possible to scale it like all other windows (according to one of the edges)?
On the official page (, when you 'click' resizable, you can see what I mean. In the docs there is a line, which describes 'resizable' attribute: "If true allows resizing the modal window, keeping it in the center of the screen". I didn't find other info and don't want to change the source code. I don't want it to be keeping in the center, because I think that this is not correct.
You need to use CSS styles to configure it manually before Overlay
//add style like u r requirement
In style, you can also add these line to make it left align after it overlays
v--modal-box v--modal.{
left:0px !important

How can I remove drop shadow from menu items?

I have a MenuItem that by default is initialized with drop shadow—which I’d rather not have. I’ve got a css file set up, but can’t seem to figure out what’s necessary to remove the drop shadow.
See how there's a rather ugly drop shadow down below that? I'd like the whole menu button to be flat, containing no borders nor shadows whatsoever.
The reason the background color of the various different elements in the image are red is due to my attempts in styling it differently—the background color does indeed work the way I’d expect it to.
What I’ve tried so far
-fx-effect: null;
-fx-drop-shadow: null;
Neither one of the properties seem to effect the outcome of my program.
I've also tried styling the menu, but that only appears to style the actual “Plugins” button.
I can’t seem to think of any better solutions compared to those I’ve already tried. Perhaps someone can point me in the right direction?
Once again, I’m attempting to make the menu items look flat.
You need to add the effect to the context menu, e.g.
.menu-bar .context-menu {
-fx-effect: null;
BTW: There is no -fx-drop-shadow property.

dart paper-scaffold background-color=#526E9C for header. Where to change?

I have read the answers to the other [very] related questions, but I thought I would pose it again since polymer updates might have been made.
I can change all the colors in [dart] paper-scaffold (core-scaffold) - the menu and toolbar, but I cannot change the color of the header across the top. It is always background-color=#526E9C. The only way I can do it is change the core-toolbar style in the generated (using pub build) index.html. And this one line change sets the color across the whole header across the browser window (which is what I want). So I can get by.
When I do style:
background-color: #7A418D;
color: #FFF;
it only changes the color above the drawer, and not across the whole top. It's very mysterious why it just does that bit!
I have tried shadow-shim, core-scaffold::shadowdom.. etc. I have tried changing the /src/ core-scaffold.html - and more, where this pervasive value #526E9C appears.
In my website ( it shows this blue (#526E9C) half.
Is it just a bug? If it is, I'd be very happy in that knowledge!
Thanks Steve
There are two core-header-panels inside a paper-scaffold.
Each core-header-panel contains one core-toolbar.
The left collapsible core-header-panel as well as its inner core-toolbar are sitting in the normal Light DOM, and that's why you can change its color by specifying the css like that.
However, the right core-header-panel and core-toolbar are inside paper-scaffold's Shadow DOM. In order to change the color of this core-toolbar, you need to do something like -
paper-scaffold::shadow core-toolbar {
background: #7A418D;
color: #fff;
For more info, please refer to this link.

(CSS?) Eliminating browser's 'selected' lines around a hyperlinked image?

The attached screenshot is from OS X/Firefox 3. Note that the center tab (an image) has a dotted line around it, apparently because it was the most-recently selected tab. Is there a way I can eliminate this dotted line in CSS or JavaScript? (Hmmm...the free image hosting service has reduced the size of the image. But if you could see it, you'd notice a dotted-line select area around the block.)
Screen Shot
You'll want to add the following line to your css:
a:active, a:focus { outline-style: none; -moz-outline-style:none; }
(Assuming your tabs are done using the a element, of course.)
[edit] On request from everyone else, for future viewers of this it should be noted that the outline is essential for keyboard-navigators as it designates where your selection is and, so, gives a hint to where your next 'tab' might go. Thus, it's inadvisable to remove this dotted-line selection. But it is still useful to know how you would do it, if you deem it necessary.
And as mentioned in a comment, if you are only dealing with FF > v1.5, feel free to leave out the -moz-outline-style:none;
In your onclick event, this.blur()
or, specifically set focus somewhere else.
For starters, try this
*,*:hover,*:focus,*:active { outline: 0px none; }
This will however decrease usability.
You'll want to selectively apply alternative effects where relevant to give people such as those whom navigate primarily with the TAB key have an idea of what currently has focus.,,
/* Alternative Style */
You can start by looking at the :focus and :active pseudo classes, although you probably shouldn't be completely removing any formatting from these cases, since they are an invaluable usability aid.
*:focus {outline:0px;}
will remove styling for inputs and textareas when selected with the mouse. Make sure you append these styles with a border for these form items if you choose to remove all outlines on :focus.
