Error in using "addpointcloud" in pcl - point-cloud-library

Here is my code for representing point cloud data.
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud <pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile ("arg[1]", *cloud) == -1)
return (-1);
boost::shared_ptr<pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer> viewer (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer ("3D Viewer"));
viewer->setBackgroundColor (0, 0, 0);
viewer->addPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> (cloud, "sample cloud");
Does any one know why I can not see my point cloud data in the output.
While when I use the code below for showing above point cloud I can see it completely :
pcl::visualization::CloudViewer viewer1 ("Simple Cloud Viewer");
viewer1.showCloud (cloud);

Have a look at:
Then you can see a code snippet like this function:
boost::shared_ptr<pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer> rgbVis
I hope this will help you.


Pause/Stop AjaxDataSource Bokeh Stream

I am able to set up my graph for streaming just fine. Here's the initialization:
self.data_source = AjaxDataSource(data_url='my_route',
polling_interval=1000, mode='append', max_size=300)
Now I want to 'pause' the polling of the AjaxDataSource. I couldn't find a way to do this in the documentation. I'm NOT running a bokeh server, so bokeh server solutions I am unable to use.
I came up with one possible solution: just return empty data set to the function that is appending the data via AjaxDataSource. So in the example above, the my_route function would look something like this:
def my_route:
if not self.is_paused:
data = normal_data_to_graph
data = []
return data
Once you set the polling_interval = None in Python, it will not request it. In CustomJS, you can start the paused request. Here, the source is an AJaxDataSource instance.
source.polling_interval = 1000; // the interval you want
source.intialized = false;

How to set the "pcl::PointIndices" with the PCD file (existing point cloud sets)

I'm trying to implement a pointcloud background subtraction.
(eg. background.pcd = input.pcd - object.pcd)
I found following code
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr p_obstacles(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers(new pcl::PointIndices());
pcl::ExtractIndices<pcl::PointXYZ> extract;
// Insert something.
Removing points from a pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>
In my understating, the inliers is subtracted from the input.pcd
(inliers = object.pcd ??)
I have no idea how to set the inliers value with the pre-existing x,y,z values(pcd)
Thank you!
There's a getIndices() method in the PCLBase class:
Here's how to use it:
pcl::PCLBase<pcl::PointXYZ> base; // Instantiate the PCLBase class
base.setInputCloud(object_cloud); // Set input cloud before grabbing the indices
auto object_indices = base.getIndices();
You might need to include the header file
#include <pcl/pcl_base.h>
And if you haven't created a point cloud from your pcd file, you can follow this tutorial:

Translate Elastic Search numeric field to a text value

I have an Elastic Search cluster with a lot of nice data, that I have created some nice Kibana dashboards for.
For the next level I decided to take a look at scripted fields to make some of the dashboards even nicer.
I want to translate some of the numeric fields into more easily understandable text values. As an example of what I want to do and what I have tried I will use the http response status code field, that most will understand quite easily but also illustrates the problem.
We log the numeric status code (200, 201, 302, 400, 404, 500 etc.) I can create a data table visualization that tells me the count for each of these status codes. But I would like to display the text reason in my dashboard.
I can create a painless script with a lot of IF statements like this:
if (doc['statuscode'].value == 200) {return "OK";}
if (doc['statuscode'].value == 201) {return "Created";}
if (doc['statuscode'].value == 400) {return "Bad Request";}
return doc['statuscode'].value;
But that isn't very nice I think.
But since I will most likely have about 150 different values and that list won't change very often, so I can live with maintaining a static map. But I haven't found any examples of implementing a map or dictionary in painless scripting.
I was thinking of implementing something like this:
Map reasonMap;
reasonMap[200] = 'OK';
reasonMap[201] = 'Created';
def reason = reasonMap[doc['statuscode'].value];
if (reason != null)
return reason;
return doc['statuscode'].value;
I haven't been able to make this code work though. The question is also if this will perform well enough for a map with up to 150 values.
After some trial and error... and a lot of googling, this is what I came up with that works (notice that the key needs to start with a character and not a number):
def reasonMap =
's200': 'OK',
's201': 'Created'
def key = 's' + doc['statuscode'].value
def reason = reasonMap[key];
if (reason != null)
return reason;
return doc['statuscode'].value;
Should it be
def reason = reasonMap[doc['statuscode']value];
It will perform well with a Map of 150 values.

Function keeps repeating in Octave

My code is written in a file "plot.m".
If I put the following code in "plot.m", when I call plot("20%"), the Octave GUI will keep opening a new window with a new figure indefinitely.
function X = plot(folderName)
X = 0;
data = ([folderName, "\\summary.txt"]);
NUM_SURVIVED = data(1);
NUM_DATA = size(data)(1)-1;
plot(1:numel(FINAL_WEALTH), FINAL_WEALTH, '-b', 'LineWidth', 2);
However, if I put the following code in "plot.m" and run it, the program works as intended and will plot data from "summary.txt".
data = ("20%\\summary.txt");
NUM_SURVIVED = data(1);
NUM_DATA = size(data)(1)-1;
plot(1:numel(FINAL_WEALTH), FINAL_WEALTH, '-b', 'LineWidth', 2);
Any idea what I am doing wrong in the first section of code? I would like to write it as a function so that I can call it multiple times for different folder names.
When you call plot from the function plot, you get endless recursion. Rename your function and its file.
Just adding to Michael's answer, if you really wanted to name your function as "plot" and override the built-in plot function, but still wanted to be able to call the built-in plot function inside it, this is actually possible to do by using the builtin function to call the built-in version of plot. Your code would then look like this:
function X = plot (folderName)
% same code as before
builtin ("plot", 1:numel(FINAL_WEALTH), FINAL_WEALTH, '-b', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel ('x');
ylabel ('FINAL_WEALTH');
Obviously, whether it's a good idea to overload such a core function in the first place is an entirely different discussion topic. (Hint: don't!)

Errors in mapping using a stream

I'm currently having troubles figuring out how to use Java 8 streams.
I'm trying to go from lista_dottori (Map<Integer, Doctor>) to a new map patientsPerSp where to every medical specialization (method getSpecialization) I map the number of patients wich have a doctor with this specialization (method getPatients in class Doctor returns a List of that doctor's patients). I can't understand how to use the counting method for this purpose, and I can't seem to find any examples nor explanations for this kind of problems on the internet.
That's what i've written, it does give me error in the counting section:
public Collection<String> countPatientsPerSpecialization(){
.collect(groupingBy(Doctor::getSpecialization, counting(Doctor::getPatients.size())))
Seems that you want to sum the sizes of patients lists. This can be done by summingInt() collector, not counting() (which just counts occurences; doctors in this case). Also mapping seems to be unnecessary here. So you cuold write:
patientsPerSp = lista_dottori.values().stream()
summingInt(doctor -> doctor.getPatients().size())));
Note that the results will be incorrect if several doctors have the same patient (this way it will be counted several times). If it's possible in your case, then it would be probably better to make a set of patients:
patientsPerSp = lista_dottori.values().stream()
mapping(Doctor::getPatients(), toSet())));
This way you will have a map which maps specialization to the set of patients, so the size of this set will be the count which you want. If you just need the count without set, you can add a final step via collectingAndThen():
patientsPerSp = lista_dottori.values().stream()
mapping(Doctor::getPatients(), toSet()),
I solved the problem avoiding using the streams. That's the solution I used:
public Collection<String> countPatientsPerSpecialization(){
int numSpec = 0;
Map<String, Integer> spec = new HashMap<>();
for(Doctor d : lista_dottori.values()){
spec.put(d.getSpecialization(), d.getPatients().size());
else{ //cioè se la specializzazione c'è già
spec.replace(d.getSpecialization(), +d.getPatients().size());
patientsPerSp.add(spec.keySet() + ": " + spec.values());
for(String s : patientsPerSp)
return patientsPerSp;
I couldn't seem to be able to solve it using your solutions, although they were very well exposed, sorry.
Thank you anyway for taking the time to answer
Map<String, Integer> patientsPerSpecialization =
