I am using the WorkflowStudio 2012 .NET4 from Microsoft
When I add "ForEach<>" activity drop "If" activity inside DClick on the "If" "Drop activity here"
Then the workflow path (in the top of the window) disappear and I see only the "If" there
I then can't get back to the main workflow
This append only with the ForEach<> activity
#Isacc along the top of the workflow designer do you see the sequence path it will look something like the following.
You should be able to alter the display by clicking back through the items.
I am working with Progress-4GL, release 11.6, appBuilder and procedure editor. I can't upgrade to a more recent IDE.
I have created a temporary table, containing a LOGICAL field (shown as a checkbox), and I'm showing the values of those checkboxes inside a browser object.
Now I need the following piece of source code:
ON LEAVE OF temptable.checkbox_attribute IN BROWSE browser_object
DO: ...
The problem is: now I would like to open this file in appBuilder, but as there are no ANALYZE-SUSPEND and ANALYZE-RESUME lines around it, the appBuilder will remove those lines.
In order to avoid this, I'd like to write those lines myself, but how can I do that?
For your information: in the appBuilder it is only possible to add events to existing statical objects, so adding events to temporary tables can't be done.
I already tried copying such a line from another event, but as the mentioned _CONTROL ... objects don't correspond, this doesn't work.
You don't need &ANALYZE-SUSPEND / &ANALYZE-RESUME. Just put the whole trigger in the main block of the program, after
(Or just navigate to section Main Block in the Section Editor of the AppBuilder.)
The AppBuilder does not recognize this as a separate user interface trigger.
I'm developing a recoursive bar chart with the capability to navigate through a tree hierarchy by getting parent and child data from stored procedures.
It works well but I need to define a different action for the last node that instead of go to report should be: go to URL.
ssrs Action
Is there any way to do that?
I finally solved by using go to url for both: go to report and go to url.
this is possible by specifying the Url of the report as go to url concatenating the parameters using the HTTG GET syntax.
As you cannot set the report action via an expression, the easiest way I can think of doing this is to have two copies of your control or whatever you need the the action on. Have one point to your report as normal and one that points to your URL. Then set the visibility of each control based on the node.
So, assuming it's the series property that you have the action on...normally the Goto report series would be visible but when you are at the last node, the goto URL series would be visible.
This should work but I've not tested it.
Alternatively, if you can determine if the next node will be the last one, you could have two copies of the report. The first would be your report as it is now and the seconds would be exactly the same but with as different action. You can set an expression to call the correct report in the goto report action properties based on the node level. As I said before though, you will need to know if the node you are looking at is the penultimate one.
Neither solution is that elegant but it should give you what you want,.
Read-only & non-realtime mode activated to improve browser performance
Message pops up in my project and I'm unable to delete the nodes as well
Also I read this https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/firebase-talk/qLxZCI8i47s
Which states :
If you have a lot of nodes in your Firebase (say thousands), we need to create a new element for each node and modern browsers simply have limitations of how many DOM elements you can add to a page
It says:
To resolve this problem, don't load your Firebase Dashboard at the root of your Firebase, but instead load it lower down in the hierarchy
I do not get what it means
How do I get back to my Realtime Dashboard?
If you want to delete a high level node when this is activated, I recommend doing this.
Open up a text editor and type in { }. Save this file as "blankJSON.json".
Go to high level node you want deleted and select it, once it opens up and shows you all the nodes that need to be removed, select the three bars at the top right and select "Import JSON", (It would be safe to first "Export JSON" If you don't have backups, in case you make a mistake here). Import the JSON file we created earlier titled "blankJSON".
This will delete all of the data inside.
Once again, I highly suggest you make a backup before doing this, It's extremely easy to make a backup and also it is much easier than you would think to upload this blankJSON to the wrong node and then erasing a bunch of important data.
When it detects that it's downloading too many nodes from your database, the Firebase Console stops using real-time mode and switches to read-only mode. In this mode it requires less work from the browser, so it is more likely that the browser will stay performant.
To get back to realtime mode, you have to go to a location that has fewer nodes. So say that you start loading the database at the root, that means that "pseudo address bar" at the top of the data tree will say:
And then will show the list of items. Now click on the URL in that pseudo address bar and change it to:
And hit enter. The data tree will reload with just the node from one-of-your-keys and down and will likely switch to realtime mode again.
Every node key in firebase is a link, you can open a sub-node in a new tab and then edit that sub-node and its children.
Right click on a sub-node you want to edit or delete
Select open link in a new tab
Edit the sub-node in the new tab
1) Click on the Node you want to mass delete
2) Import an empty .json file (just containing curly braces, {} )
3) The node value will be set to null, in other words it is deleted or rather overridden with an empty node!
What you can do is to have an OnClickListener and call the remove value method to your DatabaseReference, like this:
mCart.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
I have the same problem... I'm a bit surprised because I though Firebase could easily scale to support huge amount of data (example million users, etc.).
I have a node with 80000 sub-nodes (each object has his own push-id) and I cannot delete or perform any action on it because the real-time doesn't work in Firebase console.
I think the only way to udate or delete the data it's to do it via JAVA code :(
Multiple times trying to load the specific keys can be tiresome. There is a python library that could do this for you easily.
I needed to delete a lot of keys and this helped me do that in one go.
What I do is export the entire tree, edit/add the node I want using an editor, then import the JSON and overwrite the previous node/tree. Problem solved! Risky though 😁
I have created a command button on the Ribbon Toolbar. When I select an component an click on "Display Info" button, an popup should open telling me about the latest version of the Component, Modified date, and the User who last modified it.
I do get the component with the following code:
var item = $models.getItem(selection.getItem(0));
How can I get the other information from here.
Part 2:
When I try to see the JS code in Firebug, I see them in one single line. I am unable to put an break point on the execute function within my code.
Any suggestions on the above points. ?
To deminify the JS, to allow you to add breakpoints, and also to allow you to use a JS console to inspect objects that are available, you can follow the instructions at http://code.google.com/p/tridion-2011-power-tools/wiki/DeactivateJSMinifier.
User information can be retrieved using the information at How to get the user Id of the currently logged user in Tridion?
I find that the only way to find anything with Anguilla is to use a JS Console like Chrome's.
Once you get the current item - like you do now - you can do stuff like:
var version = item.getVersion();
var lastModifiedDate = item.getLastModifiedDate();
var lastEditorId = item.getStaticRevisorId();
getStaticRevisorId() gives you the Tridion URI of the last user to change the item, and you can then load this to retrieve further information from it.
Usually using Visual Studio's debugger is a breeze. Scanning through Locals quickly shows the values of variables, etc. However, I'm at a loss how to find out the values contained in session state variables? Can anyone give me a hand?
Let's say I put a breakpoint right after:
Session["first_name"] = "Rob Roy";
How do I view the value contained in Session["first_name"] from locals?
It's pretty simple to inspect the session during debug. Just put a breakpoint in your code and just highlight your Session code (eg. highlight: Session["first_name"]) then right click and select QuickWatch....
This will setup up a watch on your Session for the value you had defined. You can also inspect other Session elements by adjusting the Expression field in the QuickWatch window and clicking the Reevaluate button.
In VS you can just put 'Session["first_name"]' in the Immediate Window and execute while the code is running. That will return the value that it holds.
If you can't find it go to: View > Other Windows > Command Window, or press Ctrl+W, A
It will look like this:
I know its a bit of a late reply but for anyone else who is interested, I hope this helps!
Isn't it HttpContext.Current.Session("..."), I ask as I haven't used ASP.NET for a long time.