Model daily game ranking in DynamoDB - amazon-dynamodb

I have a question. I m pretty new to DynamoDB but have been working on large scale aggregation on SQL databases for a long time.
Suppose you have a table called GamePoints (PlayerId, GameId, Points) and would like to create a ranking table Rankings (PlayerId, Points) sorted by points.
This table needs to be updated on an hourly basis but keeping the previous version of its contents is not required. Just the current Rankings.
The query will always be give me the ranking table (with paging).
The GamePoints table will get very very large over time.
Is this the best practice schema for DynamoDB ?
How would you do this kind of aggregation?

You can enable a DynamoDB Stream on the GamePoints table. You can read stream records from the stream to maintain materialized views, including aggregations, like the Rankings table. Set StreamViewType=NEW_IMAGE on your GamePoints table, and set up a Lambda function to consume stream records from your stream and update the points per player using atomic counters (UpdateItem, HK=player_id, UpdateExpression="ADD Points #stream_record_points", ExpressionAttributeValues={"#stream_record_points":[put the value from stream record here.]}). As the hash key of the Rankings table would still be the player ID, you could do full table scans of the Rankings table every hour to get the n highest players, or all the players and sort.
However, considering the size of fields (player_id and number of points probably do not take more than 100 bytes), an in memory cache updated by a Lambda function could equally well be used to track the descending order list of players and their total number of points in real time. Finally, if your application requires stateful processing of Stream records, you could use the Kinesis Client Library combined with the DynamoDB Streams Kinesis Adapter on your application server to achieve the same effect as subscribing a Lambda function to the Stream of the GamePoints table.

An easy way to do this is by using DynamoDb's HashKey and Sort key. For example, the HashKey is the GameId and Sort key is the Score. You then query the table with a descending sort and a limit to get the real-time top players in O(1).
To get the rank of a given player, you can use the same technique as above: you get the top 1000 scores in O(1) and you then use BinarySearch to find the player's rank amongst the top 1000 scores in O(log n) on your application server.
If the user has a rank of 1000, you can specify that this user has a rank of 1000+. You can also obviously change 1000 to a greater number (100,000 for example).
Hope this helps.

The PutItem can be helpful to implement the persistence logic according to your Use Case:
PutItem Creates a new item, or replaces an old item with a new item.
If an item that has the same primary key as the new item already
exists in the specified table, the new item completely replaces the
existing item. You can perform a conditional put operation (add a new
item if one with the specified primary key doesn't exist), or replace
an existing item if it has certain attribute values. Source:
In terms of querying the data, if you know for sure that you are going to be reading the entire Ranking table, I would suggest doing it through several read operations with minimum acceptable page size so you can make the best use of your provisioned throughput. See the guidelines below for more details:
Instead of using a large Scan operation, you can use the following
techniques to minimize the impact of a scan on a table's provisioned
Reduce Page Size
Because a Scan operation reads an entire page (by default, 1 MB), you
can reduce the impact of the scan operation by setting a smaller page
size. The Scan operation provides a Limit parameter that you can use
to set the page size for your request. Each Scan or Query request that
has a smaller page size uses fewer read operations and creates a
"pause" between each request. For example, if each item is 4 KB and
you set the page size to 40 items, then a Query request would consume
only 40 strongly consistent read operations or 20 eventually
consistent read operations. A larger number of smaller Scan or Query
operations would allow your other critical requests to succeed without
Isolate Scan Operations
DynamoDB is designed for easy scalability. As a result, an application
can create tables for distinct purposes, possibly even duplicating
content across several tables. You want to perform scans on a table
that is not taking "mission-critical" traffic. Some applications
handle this load by rotating traffic hourly between two tables – one
for critical traffic, and one for bookkeeping. Other applications can
do this by performing every write on two tables: a "mission-critical"
table, and a "shadow" table.
You can also segment your tables by GameId (e.g. Ranking_GameId) to distribute the data more evenly and give you more granularity in terms of provisioned throughput.


Checking millions of IDs in Cosmos DB

Given a potentially large (up to 10^7) set of IDs (together with associated partition keys), I need to verify that there is no document in a Cosmos DB collection with an ID that is in the given set.
There are two obvious ways to achieve this:
Check the existence for each ID/partition key pair individually using parallel point reads, with AllowBulkExecution = true, and abort as soon as a read comes back successfully.
Group the IDs by partition key, and for each group, issue parallel queries of the following form (such that each query is smaller than the maximum query size 256 kB), and abort as soon as any query returns with a non-empty result:
WHERE c.partitionkey = 'partition123' AND ARRAY_CONTAINS(['id1', 'id2', ...],
Is it possible to say, without trying it out, which one is faster?
Here is a bit more context:
The client is an Azure App Service located in the same region as the Cosmos DB instance.
The Cosmos DB collection contains about 10^7 documents and has a throughput of 4000 RU/s.
The IDs are actually GUID strings of length 36, so the number of IDs per query in Solution 2 would be limited to about 6500 in order to not exceed the maximum query size. In other words, the number of required queries in Solution 2 is about n/6500 where n is the number of IDs in the set.
The number of different partition keys is small (< 10).
The average document size is about 500 B.
Default indexing policy.
A bit more background: The check is part of an import/initial load operation. More precisely, it is part of the validation of an import set so an error can be returned before the write operations begin. So the expected (non-error) case is that none of the IDs in the set already exists. The import operation is not expected to be executed frequently (though certainly more than once), so managing auxiliary processes/data just to optimize for this check would not be a good tradeoff.
Not quite sure I understand the need for this but... queries will cost more than a point-read, in terms of RU cost (and given your doc size, those point reads are going to cost 1 RU).
I don't see how you will be able to abandon parallel point-reads if you succeed in finding a particular ID within a given partition. Also remember that an ID is only unique within a partition, so it's possible to have that ID in multiple partitions.
It is likely more efficient to just attempt to write a given ID to a given partition, and see if it succeeds (it'll fail if there's an ID collision).
Lastly: For all practical purposes, you won't have a duplicate ID if you're generating a new GUID for every document you're saving.

I want to increase number of records read using queryPage in dynamoDB

I have a requirement where I need to get only a certain attribute from the matching records on querying a DynamoDB table. I have used withSelect(Select.SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES).withProjectionExpression(<attribute_name>) to get that attribute. But the number of records being read by the queryPage operation is the same in both the cases (1. using withSelect and 2. without using withSelect). The only advantage is by using withSelect, these operations are being processed very quickly. But this is in turn causing a lot of DynamoDB reads. Is there any way I can read more records in a single query thereby reducing my number of DB reads?
The reason you are seeing that the number of reads is the same is due to the fact that projection expressions are applied after each item is retrieved from the storage nodes, but before it is collected into the response object. The net benefit of projection expressions is to save network bandwidth, which in turn can save latency. But it will not result in consumed capacity savings.
If you want to save consumed capacity and be able to retrieve more items per request, your only options are:
create an index and project only the attributes you need to query; this can be a local secondary index, or a global secondary index, depending whether you need to change the partition key for the index
try to optimize the schema of your data stored in the table; perhaps you can compress your items, or just generally work out encodings that result in smaller documents
Some things to keep in mind if you do decide to go with an index: a local secondary index would probably work best in your example but you would need to create a new table for that (local secondary indexes can only be created when you create the table); a global secondary index would also work but only if your application can tolerate eventually consistent reads on the index (and of course, there is a higher cost associated with these).
Read more about using indexes with DynamoDB here:

DynamoDB partition key design with On-Demand

How much do I need to care about partition key design with DynamoDB On-Demand and Adaptive Capacity? What would happen if I tried to write to single partition key 40,000 times in one second? Does the per-partition write request unit cap of 1,000 still exist such that it would throttle those 40,000 requests, or is there some magic that boosts that single partition temporarily up to the table limit?
It's not an arbitrary question, as I'd like to use incrementing integers for all our entities in DynamoDB via the method suggested within this SO post, but that would require maintaining the latest id for an entity on a single partition key. Every new item created would get their ID by writing to that partition key and inspecting the new value returned in the response. If I were writing something like a chat app and using this method to get the new ID for each message, would my app only be able to create 1,000 new messages a second?

DynamoDB Scan Vs Query on same data

I have a use case where I have to return all elements of a table in Dynamo DB.
Suppose my table has a partition key (Column X) having same value in all rows say "monitor" and sort key (Column Y) with distinct elements.
Will there be any difference in execution time in the below approaches or is it the same?
Scanning whole table.
Querying data based on the partition key having "monitor".
You should use the parallell scans concept. Basically you're doing multiple scans at once on different segments of the Table. Watch out for higher RCU usage though.
Avoid using scan as far as possible.
Scan will fetch all the rows from a table, you will have to use pagination also to iterate over all the rows. It is more like a select * from table; sql operation.
Use query if you want to fetch all the rows based on the partition key. If you know which partition key you want the results for, you should use query, because it will kind of use indexes to fetch rows only with the specific partition key
Direct answer
To the best of my knowledge, in the specific case you are describing, scan will be marginally slower (esp. in first response). This is when assuming you do not do any filtering (i.e., FilterExpression is empty).
Further thoughts
DynamoDB can potentially store huge amounts of data. By "huge" I mean "more than can fit in any machine's RAM". If you need to 'return all elements of a table' you should ask yourself: what happens if that table grows such that all elements will no longer fit in memory? you do not have to handle this right now (I believe that as of now the table is rather small) but you do need to keep in mind the possibility of going back to this code and fixing it such that it addresses this concern.
questions I would ask myself if I were in your position:
(1) can I somehow set a limit on the number of items I need to read (say,
read only the first 1000 items)?
(2) how is this information (the list of
items) used? is it sent back to a JS application running inside a
browser which displays it to a user? if the answer is yes, then what
will the user do with a huge list of items?
(3) can you work on the items one at a time (or 10 or 100 at a time)? if the answer is yes then you only need to store one (or 10 or 100) items in memory but not the entire list of items
In general, in DDB scan operations are used as described in (3): read one item (or several items) at a time, do some processing and then moving on to the next item.

DynamoDB Query Time Based on Table Size

Is there any good documentation on how query times change for a DynamoDB table based on equal read capacity and differing row sizes? I've been reading through the documentation and can't find anything, was wondering if anybody has done any studies into this?
My use case is that I'm putting a million rows into a table a week. These records are referenced quite a bit as they're entered but as time goes on the frequency at which I query those rows decreases. Can I leave those records in the table indefinitely with no detrimental effect on query time, or should I rotate them out so the newer data that is requested more frequently returns faster?
Please don't keep the old data indefinitely. It is advised to archive the data for better performance.
Few points on design and testing:-
Designing the proper hash key, so that the data is distributed
access the partitions
Understand Access Patterns for Time Series Data
Test your application at scale to avoid problems with "hot" keys
when your table becomes larger
Suppose you design a table to track customer behavior on your site,
such as URLs that they click. You might design the table with a
composite primary key consisting of Customer ID as the partition key
and date/time as the sort key. In this application, customer data
grows indefinitely over time; however, the applications might show
uneven access pattern across all the items in the table where the
latest customer data is more relevant and your application might
access the latest items more frequently and as time passes these items
are less accessed, eventually the older items are rarely accessed. If
this is a known access pattern, you could take it into consideration
when designing your table schema. Instead of storing all items in a
single table, you could use multiple tables to store these items. For
example, you could create tables to store monthly or weekly data. For
the table storing data from the latest month or week, where data
access rate is high, request higher throughput and for tables storing
older data, you could dial down the throughput and save on resources.
Time Series Data Access Pattern
Guidelines for table partitions
