Display result of linq query randomly in listview in Asp.net C# - asp.net

var getquest = (from q in dc.Exam_Questions
where q.ExamNumber == int.Parse(Examnumber)
select new
QuestionTitle = q.QuestionTitle,
correctanswers = q.correctanswers,
ID = q.ID,
ListView1.DataSource = getquest;
How to display result of linq query randomly in listview in Asp.net C#?

You can create a random data by adding a guid property to your query. After that you order the result by this new property.
var getquest = (from q in dc.Exam_Questions
where q.ExamNumber == int.Parse(Examnumber)
select new
RandomId = Guid.NewGuid(),
QuestionTitle = q.QuestionTitle,
correctanswers = q.correctanswers,
ID = q.ID,
ListView1.DataSource = getquest.OrderBy(p => p.RandomId).ToList();


How to pass parameters to Oracle DbContext FromSql in Net Core

var list = db.SomeModels.FromSql("select id from table1 where rownum < :r",10).ToList();
gives me
System.ArgumentException: 'Invalid parameter binding Parameter name: r'
What am I missing. Can't find any docs on that
The following should work:
var row = new OracleParameter("r", OracleDbType.Int32);
row.Value = 10;
var list = db.SomeModels
.FromSql("select id from table1 where rownum < :r", new object[] { row })
To add multiple parameters, add more OracleParameter objects to the object array:
var row = new OracleParameter("r", OracleDbType.Int32);
row.Value = 10;
var nameParameter = new OracleParameter("name", OracleDbType.Varchar2);
nameParameter.Value = "John";
var list = db.SomeModels
.FromSql("select id from table1 where rownum < :r and firstname = :name", new object[] { row, nameParameter })
Unfortunately, like yourself I haven't found any proper documentation for it. I will edit the answer when I do.
The following code will also work (tested with Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core v2.19.31 and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore v2.2.6):
var list = db.SomeModels
.FromSql("select id from table1 where rownum < {0}", 10)

is there a way to get rid of DTO

I am using Entity Framework. I have the following query in which I get data using two tables Application and Employee connected by a foreign key EmployeeID in Application Table. The tables have 1-1 relationship .
Is there a way to simplify the following code and get rid of the DTO Employee1
which is the same as auto generated Employee class
public List<Employee1> GetApplicant(int ApplicationID)
var context = new FPSDB_newEntities();
var data = (from a in context.Applications
join e in context.Employees on a.EmployeeID equals e.EmployeeID
a.ApplicationID == ApplicationID
select new Employee1
EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID,
SecondEmail = e.SecondEmail,
EmailID = e.EmailID,
Title = e.Title,
Name = e.Name,
Rank = e.Rank,
POBox = e.POBox,
Phone = e.Phone,
JoinDate = e.JoinDate,
Status = e.Status,
DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID.Value,
NameString = e.NameString,
Department = e.Department,
ParentDept = e.ParentDept,
DepartmentAr = e.DepartmentAr,
NameAr = e.NameAr,
NameStringAr = e.NameStringAr,
TitleAr = e.TitleAr
return data;
If you need to return list of Employees, just select e which refers to Employee and don't use Employee1 as a DTO.
public List<Employee> GetApplicant(int ApplicationID)
var context = new FPSDB_newEntities();
var data = (from a in context.Applications
join e in context.Employees on a.EmployeeID equals e.EmployeeID
a.ApplicationID == ApplicationID
select e).ToList();
return data;
Another way is this, which I would prefer because of readability:
public List<Employee> GetApplicant(int ApplicationID)
var context = new FPSDB_newEntities();
var data = context.Applications.Where(p=>p.ApplicationID == ApplicationID).Select(p=>p.Employee).ToList();
return data;

Disable or checked previously selected items of checkboxlist?

i want to disable or checkd previously selected items. the selected item were saved in database as userid_checkbox iteams.i need to get selected items by a user. if user id is 10 and selected item is 2 then it will save in database 10_2. so i need to split it to get the second item number and use loop to disable the selected items. i have written as below
int user_id = Convert.ToInt16(Session["user_id"]);
ward w = new ward();
using (DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext())
List<string> bednum = (from j in db.wards where w.user_id == user_id select j.wbedno).ToList();
foreach (var bed in bednum)
string vals = bed.Split('_')[1];
cbList = (CheckBoxList)pnlControls.FindControl(vals);
// cbList.Items.Add(new ListItem(vals));
var query = from listItem in cbList.Items.Cast<ListItem>()
// join item in bednum on
where listItem.Value == bed
select listItem;
// var query = from l in cbList.Items
foreach (ListItem listItem in query)
listItem.Selected = true;
Change your code to this:
int user_id = Convert.ToInt16(Session["user_id"]);
CheckBoxList cbList = (CheckBoxList)pnlControls.FindControl("MyCheckBoxListID");
ward w = new ward();//Guessing ward is a class?
using (DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext())
List<string> bednum = (from j in db.wards where w.user_id == user_id select j.wbedno).ToList();
foreach (var bed in bednum)
string vals = bed.Split('_')[1];
ListItem listItem = cbList.Items.FindByValue(vals);
if (listItem != null) listItem.Selected = true;

Add parent row and add child for that new parent row

i am creating new record in 'Timecard' table and at the same time i want to create one record in 'TimecardStatusTrack' table using entity framework. i am able to create parent record but while adding child record i am getting exception. the code i have written is like
var fEmpManager = DependencyContainer.GetInstance<IBusinessService<FacilityEmployee>>();
int timecardStatusDidNotWork =
Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCodeId.TimeCardStatusDidNotWork, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Timecard timecard = new Timecard();
TimecardStatusTrack timecardStatus = new TimecardStatusTrack();
var fEmp = fEmpManager.Where(w => w.JobId == jobId && w.AgencyBiddingProfile.AgencyCandidateId == agencyCandidateId).FirstOrDefault();
timecard.JobId = jobId;
timecard.AgencyCandidateId = agencyCandidateId;
timecard.WeekStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(weekStartDate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
timecard.WeekEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(weekEndDate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
timecard.FacilityEmployeeId = fEmp.Id;
timecard.FacilityId = fEmp.FacilityId;
timecard.TimecardStatusGCId = timecardStatusDidNotWork;
timecard.AddUser = SessionManager.AuthorizedInfo.UserId;
timecard.AddDate = DateTime.Now;
timecardStatus.TimecardStatusGCId = timecardStatusDidNotWork;
timecardStatus.AddUser = SessionManager.AuthorizedInfo.UserId;
timecardStatus.AddDate = DateTime.Now;
timecardStatus.UpdatedBy = SessionManager.AuthorizedInfo.UserId;
timecardStatus.Comments = string.Empty;
catch (Exception ex)

How to calculate count on of table column using group by clause in linq

I'm new to linq.
In c# I'm doing as follows to get the count of one column.
SELECT DispatcherName,
GROUP BY DispatcherName,
Can any one tell m,how I can achieve the same thing using LINQ.
HI I did as follows and got the reslut.
But I'm not able to convert result to datatable.
this is how I did.
here dt is datatabe with two columns Dispatchername and ActivityType.
var query1 = from p in dt.AsEnumerable()
group p by new
DispatcherName = p.Field<string>("Dispatchername"),
Activity = p.Field<string>("ActivityType"),
into pgroup
let count = pgroup.Count()
orderby count
select new
Count = count,
DispatcherName = pgroup.Key.DispatcherName,
Activity = pgroup.Key.Activity
pls help me out asap.
group c by new {c.DispatcherName, c.ActivityType} into g
orderby g.Count() descending
select new { g.Key.DispatcherName, g.Key.ActivityType, Total = g.Count() }
If you want your results returned back to a DataTable, one option is to use the CopyToDataTable method.
Here's a live example: http://rextester.com/XHX48973
This method basically requires you to create a dummy table in order to use its NewRow method - the only way to create a DataRow, which is required by CopyToDataTable.
var result = dt.AsEnumerable()
.GroupBy(p => new {
DispatcherName = p.Field<string>("DispatcherName"),
Activity = p.Field<string>("ActivityType")})
.Select(p => {
var row = dummy.NewRow();
row["Activity"] = p.Key.Activity;
row["DispatcherName"] = p.Key.DispatcherName;
row["Count"] = p.Count();
return row;
Perhaps a better way might be just fill in the rows directly, by converting to a List<T> and then using ForEach.
DataTable dummy = new DataTable();
.GroupBy(p => new { DispatcherName = p.Field<string>("DispatcherName"),
Activity = p.Field<string>("ActivityType")})
.ForEach(p => {
var row = dummy.NewRow();
row["Activity"] = p.Key.Activity;
row["DispatcherName"] = p.Key.DispatcherName;
row["Count"] = p.Count();
Live example: http://rextester.com/TFZNEO48009
This should do the trick:
IList<ACTIVITYLOG> allActivityLogs;
var result = (from c in allActivityLogs
select new
DispatcherName = c.DispatcherName,
ActivityType = c.ActivityType,
Total = c.ActivityType.Count
}).OrderByDescending(x => x.Total)
.GroupBy(x => new { x.DispatcherName, x.ActivityType });
You only need to substitute the allActivityLogs collection with the actual collection of your entities.
