generate route to other admin class - symfony

I search over google for a long time, but I don't find any solution to my problem.
In fact I've got an entity, with two fields. One fields 'name' that is a string and a second field targetentity that is also a string containing a namespace to an entity. The namespace can be choice with a select and can be different. So I wan't in my sonata admin bundle when I'm on my list action make a link in the table to redirect to the route list of the entity select.
Someone know how to do this?

You can override the listview as described here: or here: Modifying list view in Sonata
In the list view you have the admin class available. What you can do is add a function in your admin that return the right url:
public function generateMyUrl($object){
// add your logic here
$url = $this->generateObjectUrl($name, $object, $parameters, $absolute);
return $url;
In your inner_list_row template
<a href="{{ admin.generateMyUrl(object) }}" target="_blank">
your link description

I think you can use a form with type choice read this link it will help you


Silverstripe 4 - Adding a FormAction via getCMSFields

I have a DataObject called "Event". This is in a managed_model for "EventsAdmin" (extending ModelAdmin). When editing an Event, I want a tab on the record called "Moderation" that has a few fields and two buttons: "Approve" and "Reject". These two buttons call an action each that performs relevant actions.
Event extends DataObject
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$eventStatus = $fields->dataFieldByName("EventStatus")
->setTitle('Current Status')
$approveButton = FormAction::create('doApproveEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Approve', 'Approve'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-success font-icon-check-mark-circle');
$rejectButton = FormAction::create('doRejectEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Reject', 'Reject'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-danger font-icon-cancel-circled');
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Moderation', [
return $fields;
This displays the buttons just fine. But they don't do anything. So I am trying to work out how they can plug into action methods doApproveEvent and doRejectEvent (And where they should go)
I did find docs that led me to adding the buttons to the action bar at the bottom of the CMS page via updateFormActions(). But this isn't what I want as the other fields I am adding above the buttons are part of the Approve/Reject process. Here is the code for this method. This works fine barring the buttons are not in a logical place for the process I'm trying to create.
class CMSActionButtonExtension extends DataExtension
public function updateFormActions(FieldList $actions)
$record = $this->owner->getRecord();
if (!$record instanceof Event || !$record->exists()) {
$approveButton = FormAction::create('doApproveEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Approve', 'Approve'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-success font-icon-check-mark-circle');
$rejectButton = FormAction::create('doRejectEvent', _t('SiteBlockAdmin.Reject', 'Reject'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-danger font-icon-cancel-circled');
public function doApproveEvent($data, $form) {
$record = $this->owner->getRecord();
// Approve logic
public function doRejectEvent($data, $form) {
$record = $this->owner->getRecord();
// Reject logic
The above Extension is attached to GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
- My\Namespace\CMSActionButtonExtension
Interestingly, if I have both sets of buttons on the page at the same time, the updateFormActions option works while my desired option still doesn't. Despite the buttons being of identical markup and sitting inside the exact same form tag. I assume that has something to do with how Silverstripe loads the main content panel and the DOM.
Any thoughts on achieving this? Anyone seen a button added to the main CMS panel in a module that I could take a look at? I found this post from 5 years ago, but it's for SS3 and the answer doesn't work for me.
Short answer:
you have to add custom FormActions through an Extension on the Controller that controls the form (or on the form itself
Long Answer:
A bit of background on how SilverStripe does forms:
Generally speaking, forms are always served through Controllers/RequestHandlers (they need to be accessible on some route, usually that's an Action on a Controller that is often named Form, EditForm, ItemEditoForm, ...).
Inside the CMS you rarely ever have to create your own form, that's done by the CMSs built in Controllers/RequestHandlers for the admin area (GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest in this case).
Basically (pseudo code here), what those controllers do is:
public function EditForm() {
$fields = $myCurrentlyEditingDataObject->getCMSFields();
$actions = ...;
$validator = ...;
$form = new Form('ItemRequestForm', $fields, $actions, $validator);
$this->updateItemEditForm(&$form); // or $this->updateEditForm()
return $form;
So, getCMSFields() and in some cases getCMSActions()/getCMSValidator() (not sure if those 2 are still used in SilverStripe 4.x), you can add things to the form, without ever seeing the form object.
Also, the getCMSFields() will always be put into the ``` section of the Form, that's why your button is somewhere in the middle with all the fields and not with the other actions.
When a form is submitted (eg to /admin/pages/edit/EditForm/265/field/NameOfMyGridField/item/542/ItemEditForm), it will call the action GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->ItemEditForm() which returns the Form object where subsequently FormRequestHandler->httpSubmission() is called. This will then look at the submitted data to figure out what action was clicked (eg $_REQUEST['action_doApproveEvent']) and try to find that action.
The way it tries to find that, is checking if it itself has a method called doApproveEvent, if that fails, it will try Form->getController()->doApproveEvent() or something like that. In the case of a GridField, that controller is GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest which means it will try to call GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->doApproveEvent()
So, that means DataObject->getCMSFields() lets you easily add FormFields (and FormActions) into your form body.
But it does not provide a means of adding a method to handle the submission.
That's why, for custom actions you need to modify the Controller (GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest in this case).
You are doing this by creating a Extension which you attached to GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest.
Any method in your Extension is added to the thing it's attached to, so if you add a method called updateFormActions, it will kind of become GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->updateFormActions().
And if you recall from earlier, the controller will call $this->updateFormActions() during the creation of the form.
Additionally, as I explained earlier, when a FormAction is named doApproveEvent it will look for a GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest->doApproveEvent(), which now exists because you added it through that Extension.
So, in summary: you have to add custom FormActions through an Extension on the Controller that controls the form (or on the form itself
PS: the old post from
bummzack you linked to worked in 3.x, because the Controller in his example that created the form was an instance of LeftAndMain.

Get data in twig function

Is it bad practice to get data from db in twig function or I should pass it to view in controller?
My function is some kind of interface widget that is used on all pages of site admin section. Then on data change I will have to make changes in all actions. But when I get data directly in extension class our teamlead tells that it's bad MVC.
It would be best if you pass it to a view from a controller.
Your team leader is right. What you can do is create an action specific to render that widget. I.e create a custom widget, let's say you want to show the number of current active users:
class WidgetController extends Controller
public function usersCountWidgetAction()
return $this->render('widget/usersCount.html.twig', array(
"usersCount" => $this->getUsersCount();
public function getUsersCount()
// call the manager and get the result
Now in all your other twigs you can use
{{ render(controller('AppBundle:Widget:usersCountWidget')) }}

Drupal7 - How to change page title on user profile page with custom fields that were added?

I am trying to replace the title of the user profile page, which is the username, with other fields that were added later. Trying to show the full name as the title of the page.
I edited page.tpl.php $title with following code but it doesn't work.
Install the RealName module and go to /admin/config/people/realname to change the pattern used for the user's name.
I'm using Profile2 to add the first and last name field and the following pattern:
[user:profile-person:field_first_name] [user:profile-person:field_last_name]
But you can probably add the fields at /admin/config/people/accounts/fields without using Profile2 aswell.
A cleaner way to do this:
function mymodule_page_alter() {
global $user;
if(drupal_get_title() === $user->name) {
drupal_set_title('New value');
You can accomplish this functionality nicely using the Entity API module's metadata wrapper and hook_user_view(). Add a dependency to Entity API in your module's .info file and then the code could look something like the following (assuming you want to set the title to the user's full name and you have fields called field_first_name and field_last_name):
* Implements hook_user_view().
function MYMODULE_user_view($account, $view_mode, $langcode) {
// Set the page title of the user profile page to the user's full name.
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('user', $account);
$first_name = $wrapper->field_first_name->value();
$last_name = $wrapper->field_last_name->value();
if ($first_name && $last_name) {
drupal_set_title($first_name . ' ' . $last_name);
I got solution!!!
I added following code on preprocess_page function on my template.php

Drupal Views exposed filter of Author name as a drop down

This is a follow up question to Drupal Views exposed filter of Author name. The following question was answered and works. I can filter a view by user name. The user name is entered is entered by typing in a box and the box then auto completes. Rather then doing this I would like the list of users as a drop down. I only need one user to be selected. Do you know if this is possible?
You'll need a custom module for that.
I've done this for Drupal 7 this way: create a module, say, views_more_filters, so you have a file like this:
name = Views More Filters
description = Additional filters for Views.
core = 7.x
files[] =
files[] =
(file will contain our filter handler).
A basic views_more_filters.module file:
* Implements of hook_views_api().
function views_more_filters_views_api() {
return array('api' => 3);
Then define your filter in
* Implements of hook_views_data().
function views_more_filters_views_data() {
return array(
'node' => array(
'author_select' => array(
'group' => t('Content'),
'title' => t('Author UID (select list)'),
'help' => t('Filter by author, choosing from dropdown list.'),
'filter' => array('handler' => 'views_more_filters_handler_filter_author_select'),
'real field' => 'uid',
Note that we set author_select as a machine name of the filter, defined filter handler ('handler' => 'views_more_filters_handler_filter_author_select') and a field we will filter by ('real field' => 'uid').
Now we need to implement our filter handler. As our filter functions just like default views_handler_filter_in_operator, we simply extend its class in file:
* My custom filter handler
class views_more_filters_handler_filter_author_select extends views_handler_filter_in_operator {
* Override parent get_value_options() function.
* #return
* Return the stored values in $this->value_options if someone expects it.
function get_value_options() {
$users_list = entity_load('user');
foreach ($users_list as $user) {
$users[$user->uid] = $user->name;
// We don't need Guest user here, so remove it.
// Sort by username.
$this->value_options = $users;
return $users;
We haven't had to do much here: just populate options array with a list of our users, the rest is handled by parent class.
For further info see:
Views API
Where can I learn about how to create a custom exposed filter for Views 3 and D7? on Drupal Answers
Demystifying Views API - A developer's guide to integrating with Views
Sophisticated Views filters, part2 - writing custom filter handler (in Russian, link to Google translator)
Tutorial: Creating Custom Filters in Views
Yes, this is possible. Its not particularly tough to do this... but its slightly tedious. You need to create two views
The first view is a list of users on your system (a View of type Users). This user list is displayed as a dropdown instead of a list (using jump menu view style). Clicking on any user within this dropdown will call the second view with the uid (user id) of the selected user as the argument in the URL. This view is a block.
The second view is a simple Node listing. It is a page view at a particular URL. It takes 1 argument which is the uid (user id) of the user.
Detailed Steps
Download the Ctools module
Enable the Chaos Tools Module. This
module provides a Views Style Plugin
called "Jump Menu"
Create a new view of type Users and NOT type Node which you usually
create. In the fields add User:
Name and User: uid. For the
settings of User: uid, make sure
you click on Rewrite the output of
the field. The rewritten output of
the field should be
my_node_list/[uid]. Make sure you
select the exclude from display checkbox.
In the settings for Style in the view, select the Jump Menu style. Click on the settings for the style. Make sure the Path dropdown has User: uid choosen
Add a block display to the view. Name the block User Drop Down
Save the view
Add the block User Drop Down to any region in your theme e.g. Content Top (usually the best) or left sidebar. Make sure the block is only visible at the urls my_node_list/* and my_node_list by setting the block visibility settings
Now create another view of type Node. Add an argument field User: uid. Add the fields you are interested in e.g. Node: title, User: Name etc.
Add a page display. Let the page be at the url my_node_list
Save the view. Test the dropdown with its list of users on the system at http://yoursitename/my_node_list
Check this one
I think you just have to choose "Taxonomy:term The taxonomy term ID" instead of "name".
Found a simple solution here.

Adding a function to wordpress theme to bypass/replace premalinks

Looking at
when you hover over a item you can see the "Views" function I'm assuming they are using a plugin that links with the post views but when clicked the item redirects not to the post but to a website/site used
This plugin gives you the post views. To filter a link you can hook into certain filters, such as post_link or the_permalink.
Here are some docs:
Plugin API usage
Filter reference
The usage would be something like this:
add_action('post_link', 'do_custom_link');
function do_custom_link($url, $post) {
$external_url = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'external_url', true);
if($external_url) {
return $external_url;
return $url;
This would get the external url from a meta field stored with the post, called external_url. You would define that meta field using the custom fields UI when you create the post through the admin pages.
