Why is my 'Aptana' showing this cross on top line of my css? - aptana

After update my Aptana showing this cross in all css file. Is there any mistake in my css ?

You have "solid" value for border color attribute somewhere in your css which is not valid (based on W3C standard)!
solid is a border-style not a border-color.


-webkit-print-color-adjust is not working

-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;
color-adjust: exact;
It always shows black text instead of the color I declare. How can I fix this thing?
Quoting from MDN article (emphasize mine)
The -webkit-print-color-adjust property is a non-standard CSS extension that can be used to force printing of background colors and images in browsers based on the WebKit engine.
Background colors and images of the element to which this rule is applied are always printed, user's print settings are overridden.
So what it means is that this affects only background colors and images, not color.
And what it implies is that only Chrome's "Background graphics" option (available under "More Settings" dropdown) is being overridden.
The "Color: Black and white" one can not be overridden by this property.

How to override Default Bootstrap.css styles with our userdefined style

I am using input-group input-group-lg classes to add styles to textarea.
The border is not being applied to the textarea.
Default value for the border is 0.
in bootstrap.css if we modify
.input-group .form-control:first-child{
Then i am getting border. How can i apply this style to my_styles.css which is in my project.
I pasted above selector in my css file and used !important also and not getting border.
Thanks in advance.
You defined border: 1, what 1? One apple, one meter, one pixel?
Complete border definition is border: 1px solid #000 (width type color), if you only want to change border width, use border-width: 1px;.
Do not use !important unless you really really have to.
To override the existing styles, make sure you load your CSS files after the bootstrap one. Then, make sure your rules are at least as specific as those in the original CSS file, only like that you can override them.
Here is a nice tool for comparing specificity: http://specificity.keegan.st/
Also, make sure you follow the proper syntax for each CSS rule. The example you've shown is not valid CSS therefore it should not work, ever. Look at #panther's answer for detailed explanation.

important tag not working for inline style in th

I have a slight problem trying to change the colour of my font in a th.
I've the following in my stylesheet
th {font-weight:bold;background-color: #C83E02; color: #FFFFFF;padding:5px 3px;border:1px solid #FFFFFF;}
and then in one of my TH's, I've got a <p> tag with the following inline style
<p style="margin:2px;font-size:10px;font-color:#000 !important;font-style:italic;">to</p>
My problem is, the font colour isn't overriding! When I check dev tools, it shows that it's being overridden by the style sheet. Does anyone know how I can fix this?
The CSS property for font color is called color, not font-color.
MDN Color - CSS
There is no font-color property its just color
<p style="margin:2px;font-size:10px;color:#000 !important;font-style:italic;">to</p>
Looks like it's working
<p style="margin:2px;font-size:10px;color:#000;font-style:italic;">to</p>

IE6 "automatically" adds background color?

I came across a css problem encountered in IE6.
The .ci_title class displays a grey background color strangely, while in Chrome,FF and other modern browsers it is transparent.
I added background-color:transparent to .ci_title but it doesn't work.
The css rules are in this file on line 322.
Here is the demo link
IE6 does not handle transparency natively. These guys will help you out with transparency: http://www.twinhelix.com/css/iepngfix/
Depending on what you are trying to do, you can add background-color: none; instead.

Can't set background-color for the body

I'm working on a pretty simple CSS experiment on jsfiddle and I can't seem to set the background color of the body to something different. I'm pulling in the source code of Bootstrap 1.3 before I enter my custom CSS, but it would seem that adding
html, body {
background-color: #000000;
would change the background color to black, but it's not. What's going on here?
In CSS comments are formated with /* comment */.
The comment width which you introduce your custom CSS is wrong (// BEGIN CUSTOM CSS). This leads to a false selector which brakes block where you set the background-color.
multiple css for same tags is causing the color not to show up
