Error while installing Silver stripe Blog module - silverstripe

I am trying to install the Silver Stripe blog module taken from and the SS version is 3.0
When I run dev build, it shows few tables created and then error occurs and the error is
Access level to Blog::onBeforeWrite() must be public (as in class Page) in /home/hfdev/public_html/blog/code/model/Blog.php on line 33
Any idea how to fix this ??

The current master branch of the SilverStripe blog is for SilverStripe 3.1. This will not work with SilverStripe 3.0.
For a version of the blog that will work with SilverStripe 3.0 try the 0.6 branch:


Drupal ComputedItemListTrait::getValue() must be compatible FieldItemList::getValue($include_computed = false)

Hey so my hosting provider dropped support for anything below php 7 so need to update my drupal site from 8.4 to 8.6 so i wont break etc.
when trying to update running the 'composer outdated "drupal/*"' command nothing is returned at all even when I added '"drupal/core": "^8.6.1"' to the 'require' section of the 'composer.json'
and the site is mostly fine but i cant add any content and get the following error :
Fatal error: Declaration of Drupal\Core\TypedData\ComputedItemListTrait::getValue() must be compatible with Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemList::getValue($include_computed = false) in \core\modules\path\src\Plugin\Field\FieldType\PathFieldItemList.php on line 13
and here is some of my composer.json which mentions drupal
"require": {
"composer/installers": "^1.0.24",
"wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin": "^1.4",
"drupal/core": "^8.6.1"
"replace": {
"drupal/core": "^8.4"
so i'm summary im not even sure my drupal has been updated but the site works fine apart from where I add content I get a php error saying a module is not compatible for the core.
That error looks like a PHP 7 compatibility issue, so I would assume that your Drupal version has not been updated.
You can check your current version of Drupal on the status report page when logged-in - Reports > Status report (from the administrative toolbar) or
Running composer require directly (rather than editing composer.json) is the best way to ensure an appropriate version of Drupal core is correctly installed, as follows:
$ composer require drupal/core^8.6.1
This will ensure the composer.lock file is also updated when installing an appropriate version of Drupal core.

Instalation of Intershop 7.9 failing on missing version for demo cartridges

I'm trying to install a demo shop of Intershop version 7.9 but i'm failing to get it working. When I run "gradlew deployServer" I'm getting an error on all dependencies of the first demo shop cartridge:
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app_sf_responsive:compile'.
Could not resolve
Required by:
No version for module '' in project properties and no version declared in dependency. Consider adding a version or filter property to 'C:\projects\test7.9\projects\testproject\'
I have followed the complete Intershop manual Setup CI Infrastructure but there is one point I don't know exactly what to do, that's with the new versioning plugin.
It is in chapter 6.2.5, any one have an idea how to configure that?
After loads of tinkering and mails back and forth with Intershop support I found a solution.
My alterations are in section 7.2.4 of the Setup CI Infrastructure of Intershop:
I Made sure the corporate distribution is unique since I have more that 1 Intershop installation. Otherwise the upload to Nexus(in my case) will still fail.
In the build.gradle of the corporate distibution folder added disableSCM = true in the scm.version section. It now looks like this:
scm {
version {
type = 'threeDigits'
increment = 'MAJOR'
patternDigits = 1
disableSCM = true
initialVersion = '2.0.0'
If this is not added I got a bad request httpstatus 400 from Nexus because it tried to upload it as a snapshot while the distribution repository is a release repository.
Another problem is the distributionURL in the project/gradle/wrapper/
All Nexus repository URL's are build up with < repoBaseURL > + repositories/snapshots, but the distributionURL is missing the repositories part.
After applied those changes it worked for me.

ReactJS / WP Picard theme error

Hi I am currently learning and experimenting with the ReactJS / WP theme by Jack Lenox I when I have installed it is not displaying the posts & the Console is displaying this message Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasClass' of null
Anyone help? Thanks heaps :)
I solved 'Fatal error: Class 'WP_JSON_Comments' not found in .../functions.php line 163' this error by downloading wp-rest plugin from wordpress plugin center, current Version is 1.2.4.
Current picard is using wp-rest V1, wp-rest v2 still in beta. refer to:
Also I updated my wordpress to 4.4.1

FatalErrorException: Error: Class 'ResourceBundle' not found

I installed and configured FOSUserBundle, SonataAdminBundle, SonataUserBundle, SonataMediaBundle correctly as written in here and with some research it's fine and I already can create a user, a superadmin etc..
Also Media ans Groups features works correctly ! I have a problem when tryin to add a user in the Admin Dashbord, I donnow exactly what it is about .. I searched on forums and on stackoverflow and it seems that it has a relation with SonataIntlBundle so I reinstalled it and I activated intl extension in my WampServer (Windows 8) but it's not working anymore ..
This is the error ( FatalErrorException: Error: Class 'ResourceBundle' not found in C:\wamp\www\project\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle\Reader\BinaryBundleReader.php line 32 )
I fixed the problem by installing symfony/intl with composer : I added this "symfony/intl": "2.6.*#dev" to requiere section then I lunched the composer update command and now it's working !
You can check this link for more informations!
ResourceBundle is a dependency of intl extension, so your intl or ICU version are wrong. Search for the right version (Thread Safe or not, 32bit or 64bit).
On WAMP is hard to found the right version. If I remember, when I had this issue, I had to downgrade my WAMP version.

Aptana Studio 3 and Twig plugin

So I am trying to install Twig plugin from but getting this message:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Twig Editor Feature (
Missing requirement: com.dubture.twig.core (com.dubture.twig.core requires 'bundle org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Twig Editor Feature (
To: com.dubture.twig.core []
Is there a solution to that problem?
These plugins are compatible with Eclipse 3.4 up-to (but not including) 4.0.0 so... you can't install it on Aptana 3.
I found answer here: Solution
