NetLogo - how to give each patch an unique identity / plabel / name - patch

I wanted to have a field with many different patches, which have some attributes (e.g. a random (but fixed) amount of food) as well as a name or an ID.
That is, the top-left patch should have the name "1" (or what ever is feasible), but is not allowed to share this name with an other!
Thanks for your help, I couldn't find anything around.

The patch coordinates already act as a unique id. Thus, patch 7 10 refers to the patch with pxcor 7 and pycor 10.
That said, if you'd like a single integer id, you can do something like:
patches-own [ id ]
(foreach (sort patches) (n-values count patches [?]) [
ask ?1 [ set id ?2 ]
sort patches creates a list of patches, with the top left patch being first, and continuing left-to-right, top-to-bottom.
n-values count patches [?] creates a list of numbers, from 0 to count patches - 1.

Regarding assigning a "unique identity" to each patch, my advice is... don't do it. Patches are already uniquely identified by the combination of their pxcor and pycor. So if you want to access the top left patch, you can refer to it as patch -16 16.
You should also be aware that references to patches (and turtles, and links) can be stored directly in variables. So anytime that you're thinking about storing a "patch id", you should store a reference to the patch. For example, if you want to store the top left patch in a global variable:
globals [ top-left-patch ]
to setup
set top-left-patch patch min-pxcor max-pxcor
(min-pxcor and min-pycor will report -16 and 16, or whatever is appropriate to your world's dimension.)
And then, later, you can refer to the stored patch directly:
ask top-left-patch [ set pcolor red ]
But if you really do want to create an id nonetheless, Bryan's answer is the way to go.


Method to export Incidence Matrix from Grakn?

We often use GraphBLAS for graph processing so we need to use the incidence matrix. I haven't been able to find a way to export this from Grakn to a csv or any file. Is this possible?
There isn't a built-in way to dump data to CSV in Grakn right now. However, we do highly encourage our community to contribute open source tooling for these kinds of tasks! Feel free to chat to use about it on our discord.
As to how it can be done, conceptually it's pretty easy:
Query to get stream all hyper-relations out:
match $r isa relation;
and then for each relation, we can pipeline another query (possibly in new transaction if you wish to keep memory usage lower):
match $r iid <iid of $r from previous query>; $r ($x); get $x;
which will get you everything in this particular hyper relation $r playing a role.
If you also wish to extract attributes that are attached to the hyper relation, you can use the following
match $r iid <iid of $r from first query>; $r has $a; get $a;
In effect we can use these steps to build up each column in the A incidence matrix.
There are a couple if important caveats I should bring up:
What you'll end up with, will exclude all type information about the hyper relations, the role players in the relations, and the actual role that is being played by the role player, and attribute types owned.
==> It would be interesting to hear/discuss how one could encode types information for use in GraphBLAS
In Graql, it's entirely possible to have relations participating in relations. in the worst case, this means all hyper-edges E will also be present in the set V. In practice only a few relations will play a role in other relations, so only a subset of E may be in V.
So the incidence matrix is equivalent to the nodes/edges array used in force graph visualisation. In this case it is pretty straight forward.
My approach would be slightly different than the above as all i need to do is pull all of the things in the db (entities, relations, attributes), with
match $ting isa thing;
Now when i get my transaction back, for each $ting I want to pull all of the available properties using both local and remote methods if I am building a force graph viz, but for your incidence matrix, I really only care about pulling 3 bits of data:
The iid of the thing
The attributes the thing may own.
The roles the thing owns if it is a relation
Essentially one tests each returned object to find out the type (e.g. entity, attribute, relation), and then uses some of the local and remote methods to get the data one wants. In Python, the code for pulling the data for relations looks like
# pull relation data
elif thing.is_relation():
rel = {}
rel['type'] = 'relation'
rel['symbol'] = key
rel['G_id'] = thing.get_iid()
rel['G_name'] = thing.get_type().get_label().name()
att_obj = thing.as_remote(r_tx).get_has()
att = []
for a in att_obj:
rel['has'] = att
links = thing.as_remote(r_tx).get_players_by_role_type()
logger.debug(f' links are -> {links}')
edges = {}
for edge_key, edge_thing in links.items():
logger.debug(f' edge key is -> {edge_key}')
logger.debug(f' edge_thing is -> {list(edge_thing)}')
edges[edge_key.get_label().name()] = [e.get_iid() for e in list(edge_thing)]
rel['edges'] = edges
logger.debug(f'rel -> {rel}')
This then gives us a node array, which we can easily process to build an edges array (i.e. the links joining an object and the attributes it owns, or the links joining a relation to its role players). Thus, exporting your incidence matrix is pretty straightforward

Wildcard query on Firebase?

Is it possible to do wildcard queries on Firebase? For example:"name"&equalTo="Lun*"
I know it's been a while but I thought that others might be interested. You can "fake" a wildcard search for things like foo* (so basically you can search for values beginning with a specified string).
For iOS & Swift it would look like this:
dbReference.child("person").queryOrdered(byChild: "name").queryStarting(atValue: "foo").queryEnding(atValue: "foo\u{f8ff}").observe(.childAdded) { (snapshot: FIRDataSnapshot) in
print("\(snapshot.key) - \(String(describing: snapshot.value))")
What this does is using a start and end values for name property where the end key is equal to the start + a very high code point in the Unicode range. Because it is after most regular characters in Unicode, the query matches all values that start with foo.
No. But kinda.
You cannot do a wildcard query, however, you can structure your data that will allow for this.
For example, say we want to find matches for users whose name starts with Ler
Here's our structure
name: "Leroy"
Store the decomposed data in another node: Remember, disk space is cheap.
L: true
Le: true
Ler: true
Lero: true
Leroy: true
then perform a query on the decomposed node for the value of true for children equal to Ler
withBlock: { snapshot in
And the snapshot.key will be uid_0
You can do something like this.
Make sure you order your search field alphabetically.
Then you search for all names (starting at Lun and ending at Luo) where the last letter 'o' is calculated with the initial last letter 'n' + 1.
I guess you see the general idea here.
So it should return anything between 'Lun*' and stop at the first entry of 'Luo*'"name"&startAt="Lun"&endAt="Luo"
Since Firebase doesn't support wildcard searching I decided to go with Apigee BaaS for our company.

How to query to get the list of instance count of every freebase types?

I want to annotate the corpus using freebase types. But almost every instance in freebase has several types. So I decide to choose the most common types as the instance's type. Is there a way to get the list of the count of the instance? I found this query but it seems not right because the result only has like 400 types. But I think the real types are way more than that.
"id": null,
"name": null,
"type": "/freebase/type_profile",
"/freebase/type_profile/instance_count": []
I question the premise, but let's talk about that at the end after answering your question.
That's (close to) the correct query. When I ask for the count with by adding "return" : "count", I get 17,972 which sounds about right. Perhaps your query framework is adding a "limit" : 400 somehow?
Since you want the most common, why don't we modify the query to sort them. Due to a quirk in the sorting, nulls sort last (or first in our reversed sort), so we'll also add a qualifier to filter them out. We could use >0, but since presumably you aren't interested in low frequency types, let's use >1000 instead.
The final query looks like this:
"id": null,
"name": null,
"type": "/freebase/type_profile",
"instance_count>": 1000,
"instance_count": null,
"sort": "-instance_count"
which will return an ordered list of 849 types sorted in descending order by instance count.
You'll probably want to do a little hand curation of the resulting list to eliminate things like /common/topic, /common/document, /book/isbn, /book/pagination, etc. Mediator types won't also have /common/topic, so you could filter on that first (but depending on the types of things in your corpus, they may all be topics (ie entities) to start with.
Now back to the premise that most frequent == best. Depending on your application, you may actually want more specific (which usually means lower frequency) types, rather than broader, high frequency types. For example, Deceased Person rather than Person, or Politician, Author, or Athlete, in preference to Person. You may want to consider using least frequent type (which is used at least some threshold times). The other thing that you may want to do is blacklist non-commons types (ie types rooted at /base/... or /user/...) which haven't been as carefully curated.
EDIT - word of warning:
Those counts were last updated in 2012. That should be fine for an exercise like this where you just want a rough ordering, but if you need current stats, you'll need to either count occurrences in the Freebase data dump or figure out the separate Stats API which I'm not sure is public/documented

Adding a new user to neo4j

A totally neo4j noob is talking here,
I like to create a graph to store a set of users, a typical user is as follows:
(node_1 {FullName:"Peter Parker",FirstName:"peter",FamilyName:"parker"}),
(node_2 {Address:"Newyork",CountryCode:"US"}),
(node_3 {Location:"Hidden"}),
(node_4 {phoneNumber:11111}),
(node_5 {InternetEmailAddress:"")
now the problem is,
Every time I execute this I add 5 more nodes.
I know I need to use a unique key, but all example I saw can use a unique key for a specific node. So how can I make sure a user doesn't get added if it already exists(I can use email address as unique key).
how do I update the nodes if some changes occur. for example, after a week I want to update the graph to contain the following instead of the previous one.(no duplicates)
CREATE(node_1 {FullName:"Peter Parker",FirstName:"peter",FamilyName:"parker"}),(node_2 {Address:"Newyork",CountryCode:"US"}),(node_3 {Location:"public"}),(node_4 {phoneNumber:11111}),(node_5 {InternetEmailAddress:""),(node_6 {status:"Jailed"})
(NOTE the new update changed location to "public" and added a new node for peter
Seeing as you had a load of nodes anyway.
Some of the data you have modelled as Nodes are probably properties as the other answer suggests, some are possibly correctly modelled as Nodes and one could probably form the or a part of the relationship.
Location public/hidden can be modelled in one of three ways, as a property on the Person, as a property between the Person and the Location or as the relationship type. To understand that first you need to have a relationship.
Your address at the moment is another Node, I think this is correct, but possibly you would want two nodes, related something like this:
YMMV and clearly that a US centric model, but you can extend it easilly enough.
Now you could create Peter with a LIVES_IN relationship:
CREATE (p:Person{fullName:"Peter Parker"}), (s:State{name:"New York"}), (c:Country{code:"US"}),
(p)-[:LIVES_IN]->(s), (s)-[:IN_COUNTRY]->(c)
For speed you are better off modelling two relationships which could be LIVES_IN_PUBLIC and LIVES_IN_HIDDEN which means to perform that update that you want above then you have to delete the one and create the other. However, if speed is not of the essence, it is common also to use properties on the relationship.
CREATE (p:Person{fullName:"Peter Parker"}), (s:State{name:"New York"}), (c:Country{code:"US"}),
(p)-[:LIVES_IN{public:false}]->(s), (s)-[:IN_COUNTRY]->(c)
So your complete Q&A:
CREATE (p:Person {fullName:"Peter Parker",firstName:"peter",familyName:"parker", phoneNumber:1111, internetEmailAddress:""}),
(s:State {name:"New York"}), (c:Country {code:"US"}),
(p)-[:LIVES_IN{public:false}]->(s), (s)-[:IN_COUNTRY]-(c)
MATCH (p:Person {internetEmailAddress:""})-[li:LIVES_IN]->()
SET li.public = true, p.status = "jailed"
When adding other People you probably do not want to recreate States and Countries, rather you want to match them, and possibly Merge them, but we'll stick to Create.
MATCH (s:State{name:"New York"})
CREATE (p:Person{name:"John Smith", internetEmailAddress:""})-[:LIVES_IN{public:false}]->(s)
John Smith now implicitly lives in the US too as you can follow the relationship through the State Node.
Treatise complete.
I think you're modeling your data incorrectly here - you're setting up each property of the person as a separate node, which is not a good idea. You don't have any linkages between those nodes, so with this data pattern, later on you won't be able to tell what Peter Parker's address is. You're also not using node labels, which I think could really help here.
The quick question to your answer about updating nodes is that you have to MATCH them, then use SET to modify a property. So if you had a person, you might do this:
MATCH (p:Person { FullName: "Peter Parker" })
SET p.Address = "123 Fake Street"
But notice I'm making assumptions about the way your data is structured. I'll take that same data you provided, this might be a better way of creating it:
CREATE (node_1:Person {FullName:"Peter Parker",
The difference with this suggestion is that I'm putting all the properties into a single node (instead of one property per node) and I'm applying the Person label to the node.
If you structured the data like this, then the update query I provided would work. Structuring the data like you have it, it's not possible to update Peter Parker's address, because there's no relationship between your node_1 and node_2

Drupal 7 - Fivestar and Userpoints

i have a content type and the possibility for logged in users to vote on it. there are 5 different fivestar votings (categories) on the node. now i want to add userpoints and wanted to ask if it is possible that when a user votes that he gets 1 point for every vote on a node, so 5 points if he votes in every category. he has the possibility to change the vote later, but then he shouldn´t get any points anymore. is this possible?
While it doesn't look like there is an existing 7.x or 8.x module that accomplishes this, there are two ways you should be able to accomplish your goal:
Write a module. The Userpoints API is fairly well-documented and it should be possible to create a module to increment a user's userpoint count when a fivestar field is modified. To avoid duplication, note that this field looks like it should accomplish the de-duping you are looking for (assuming you set txn_id to some combination of the current node ID, field ID, and user ID:
'txn_id' => (int) Transaction ID of a current points record. If
present an UPDATE occurs
Use Rules. The userpoints module integrates with Rules, so you should be able to accomplish your userpoints use case without writing any code. According tho the Userpoints Rules integration notes, you can compare the current userpoints to the number of points before the transaction:
Compare Userpoints before the transaction
- This condition is used to compare the amount of userpoints the user had before the userpoints was added to/deducted from the user against a specified value.
- The 'Amount to compare' value is checked as >= (greater than or equal to) and the Negate checkbox will change the condition to < (less than) as it will be any value other than >=. If you would like to get an exact value, say 1, you can add two of the condition to use >= and < to specify one number. Simple math stuff here =)
I hope this helps. Let me know how it goes!
