I am constructing a microgrid, so I have to connect 12 or so houses to a central solar power source. Wiring is a major cost here, so I'm trying to come up with a configuration that minimizes wire length. It's similar but not exactly like a traveling salesman problem, because multiple wires can come out of the same source -- if it were a single wire/path, it would be exactly like the TSP.
So my question is:
Does anyone know of an algorithm to determine the shortest way to connect all points, where there is a central point that can connect an indeterminate number of the surrounding points? The final solution should resemble a graph in which n-1 nodes have maximum two edges connecting them and one may have up to n-1 edges? Specifically, is there a way to do this in R?
I've solved it in a relatively simple way assuming a single path. And I've solved it assuming every house is connected directly to the power source. Here is that code:
############ interested users Wire CalculationBommekalla Analysis
setwd("C:/Users/Lucas/Documents/India2014_2015/ADATS Docs/BoomekallaAnalysis")
data= read.csv("BommekallInterestedUsers.csv")
data$ind = c(1:nrow(data))
##### Analysis
# Shortest Path
distFrame = data[,c("Lon.Deg", "Lat.Deg")]
dists= as.matrix(dist(distFrame, upper=TRUE))
current= which(data.WO$ind==11) # sushilemma
ord = rep(current,length=nrow(data.WO))
for (j in c(1:(nrow(data.WO)-1))){
current= which(dists[current,]==min(dists[current,]))
ord[j+1] = current
# line calculation
firstHouses= data.WO[ord,]
secondHouses= data.WO[c(ord[-1],NA),]
lines = data.frame(lonA = firstHouses$Lon.Deg,
latA= firstHouses$Lat.Deg,
lonB = secondHouses$Lon.Deg,
latB = secondHouses$Lat.Deg)
lines= na.omit(lines)
# Spider web -- completely connected to source
ccLines = data.frame(latA = data$Lat.Deg[
data$Name=="Sushilemma"], latB = data$Lat.Deg,
lonA = data$Lon.Deg[data$Name=="Sushilemma"],
lonB = data$Lon.Deg)
# Haversine Distance -- atanh_trans() is arctan
a= with(linesRads, sin((latB-latA)/2)^2+
c= 2*asin(pmin(1,sqrt(a)))
totalDistance = sum(lines$distance)
totalCost = totalDistance*15
I am very sorry for asking a question that is probably very easy if you know how to solve it, and where many versions of the same question has been asked before. However, I am creating a new post since I have not found an answer to this specific question.
Basically, I have a 200cm x 200cm square that I am recording with a camera above it. However, the camera distorts the square slightly, see example here.. I am wondering how I go from transforming the x,y coordinates in the camera to real-life x,y coordinates (e.g., between 0-200 cm for each side). I understand that I probably need to apply some kind of transformation matrix, but I do not know which one, nor how to determine the transformation matrix. I haven't done any serious linear-algebra in a long time, so I appreciate any pointers for what to read up on, or how to get it done. I am working in python, so if there is some ready code for doing the transformation that would also be useful to know.
Thanks a lot!
I will show this using python and numpy.
import numpy as np
First, you have to understand the projection model
def apply_homography(H, p1):
p = H # p1.T
return (p[:2] / p[2]).T
With some algebraic manipulation you can determine the points at the plane z=1 that produced the given points.
def revert_homography(H, p2):
Hb = np.linalg.inv(H)
# 1 figure out which z coordinate should be added to p2
# order to get z=1 for p1
z = 1/(Hb[2,2] + (Hb[2,0] * p2[:,0] + Hb[2,1]*p2[:,1]))
p2 = np.hstack([p2[:,:2] * z[:,None], z[:, None]])
return p2 # Hb.T
The projection is not invertible, but under the complanarity assumption it may be inverted successfully.
Now, let's see how to determine the H matrix from the given points (assuming they are coplanar).
If you have the four corners in order in order you can simply specify the (x,y) coordinates of the cornder, then you can use the projection equations to determine the homography matrix like here, or here.
This requires at least 5 points to be determined as there is 9 coefficients, but we can fix one element of the matrix and make it an inhomogeneous equation.
def find_homography(p1, p2):
A = np.zeros((8, 2*len(p1)))
# x2'*(H[2,0]*x1+H[2,1]*x2)
A[6,0::2] = p1[:,0] * p2[:,0]
A[7,0::2] = p1[:,1] * p2[:,0]
# - (H[0,0]*x1+H[0,1]*y1+H[0,2])
A[0,0::2] = -p1[:,0]
A[1,0::2] = -p1[:,1]
A[2,0::2] = -1
# y2'*(H[2,0]*x1+H[2,1]*x2)
A[6,1::2] = p1[:,0] * p2[:,1]
A[7,1::2] = p1[:,1] * p2[:,1]
# - (H[1,0]*x1+H[1,1]*y1+H[1,2])
A[3,1::2] = -p1[:,0]
A[4,1::2] = -p1[:,1]
A[5,1::2] = -1
# assuming H[2,2] = 1 we can pass its coefficient
# to the independent term making an inhomogeneous
# equation
b = np.zeros(2*len(p2))
b[0::2] = -p2[:,0]
b[1::2] = -p2[:,1]
h = np.ones(9)
h[:8] = np.linalg.lstsq(A.T, b, rcond=None)[0]
return h.reshape(3,3)
Here a complete usage example. I pick a random H and transform four random points, this is what you have, I show how to find the transformation matrix H_. Next I create a test set of points, and I show how to find the world coordinates from the image coordinates.
# Pick a random Homography
H = np.random.rand(3,3)
H[2,2] = 1
# Pick a set of random points
p1 = np.random.randn(4, 3);
p1[:,2] = 1;
# The coordinates of the points in the image
p2 = apply_homography(H, p1)
# testing
# Create a set of random points
p_test = np.random.randn(20, 3)
p_test[:,2] = 1;
p_test2 = apply_homography(H, p_test)
# Now using only the corners find the homography
# Find a homography transform
H_ = find_homography(p1, p2)
assert np.allclose(H, H_)
# Predict the plane points for the test points
p_test_predicted = revert_homography(H_, p_test2)
assert np.allclose(p_test_predicted, p_test)
I have generated an undirected regular graph with an even number of nodes with the same degree, e.g. k, by using the function k.regular.game of the R package igraph.
Now I need to iteratively add one edge to each node, so that in each iteration the degree remains constant for every node and it is equal to k + i, where i is the number of iterations performed.
In addition, I want connections to be preserved in each iteration, that is: the set of neighbors of agent j for iteration i should be the same of the set of neighbors of agent j for iteration i + 1 except for one connection: e.g., if j is connected to w and y when k = 2, j must be connected to w, y and z when k = 3.
My final goal is to obtain (n-1) graphs, where n is equal to the number of nodes in the regular graph. As a result, I will obtain that the first generated graph has k = 1 and the last generated graph has k = (n-1).
Any suggestion on how to do this?
This is a nice network problem solved with two partial solutions below.
Let's imagine there is a function which would bring a graph g from all degrees being 1 to all degrees being 2. It would have to be a graph with an even number of nodes.
increment.k <- function(g){}
It follows that increment.k will increase the degree of each node by one by adding |V|/2 edges to it - one edge for each two nodes in the graph. From what I understand from your problem specification, any of those edges must not connect agin two nodes that are already connected. This makes increment.k() a puzzle in which a random edge between two nodes might close the possibility for all nodes to reach the new k-value of degrees. What if a graph has k=1 and we start adding edges at random only to arrive at the last edge only to find that the only two nodes still with degree 1 are already connected?!
I cannot intuitively grasp if this allows for the possibility of graphs that cannot be incremented since no combination of random edges allows for the creation of |V|/2 edges between previously unconnected nodes. But I can imagine that such graphs exist.
I've done this example on a graph with 20 nodes (which consequently can have a k between 1 and 19):
g <- k.regular.game(no.of.nodes=20, k=1, directed=F)
What if you were to generate random k.regular.games with a higher k until you found a graph where the edges of your graph is a subset of the edges of the higher-k random graph? It should be spectacularly slow.
The problem, of course, is that you don't want to allow for duplicated arches. If not, the solution would be quite simple:
increase.k.allowing.duplicates <- function(graph){
stop("k can only be incremented for graphs with an even number of nodes.")
# Add random edges to the graph and allow dual edges just to increase k
graph %>% add_edges(as.numeric(sample(1:length(V(graph)), length(V(graph)))))
The above code would solve the problem if double arches were allowed. This would return graphs of ever higher k, and would let k go towards infinity since the number of nodes of the graph don't set any maximum average degree of the graph.
I have come up with this Montecarlo approach below. To increase k by one, a given number of edges is added one by one between nodes, but if the loop runs out of alternatives when placing arches between nodes that are 1) not connected and 2) not already incremented to the higher k/degree, the process of creating a new graph with a higher k starts over. The function has a maximum number of tries start over in maximum.tries.
increase.k <- function(graph, maximum.tries=200){
stop("k can only be incremented for graphs with an even number of nodes.")
k <- mean(degree(graph))
if(k != round(k) ){
stop("Nodes in graph do not have the same degree")
if(k >= length(V(graph))-1 ) {
stop("This graph is complete")
# each node has the following available arches before starting the iteration:
#posisble.arches <- lapply(neighbors(graph,1), function(x) setdiff(V(graph), x[2:length(x)]))
# Here we must lay the puzzle. If we run into a one-way street with the edges we add, we'll have to start afresh
original.graph <- graph
for(it in 1:maximum.tries){
# We might need many tries to get the puzzle right by brute-forcing
# For each try we increment in a loop to avoid duplicate links
for(e_ij in 1:(length(V(graph))/2)){
# Note that while(mean(degree(graph)) < k + 1){} is a logical posibility, but less safe
# Add a new edge between two nodes of degree k. i is any such node and j is any such node not already connected to i
i <- sample(as.numeric(V(graph)[degree(graph)==k]), 1)
js <- as.numeric(V(graph)[degree(graph) == k * !V(graph) %in% c(as.numeric(neighbors(graph,i)), i)])
# Abandon this try if no node unconnected to i and with degree == k exists
j <- sample(c(js), 1); if(length(js)==1){j<-js}
graph <- graph %>% add_edges(c(i,j))
# Did we lay the puzzle to completion successfully crating a random graph with a higher k?
if(mean(degree(graph)) == k+1){
# Success
print(paste("Succeded at iteration ", it))
} else {
# Failure, let's try again
graph <- original.graph
# Compare the two approaches
g1 <- increase.k.allowing.duplicates(g)
g2 <- increase.k(g)
degree(g1) == degree(g2)
l <- layout_with_gem(g2)
plot(g1, layout=l, vertex.label="")
plot(g2,layout=l, vertex.label="")
# Note that increase.k() can be run incrementally up untill a complete graph:
is.complete <- function(graph){mean(degree(graph)) >= (length(V(graph))-1)}
g <- increase.k(g)
# and that increase.k() cannot increase k in already complete graphs.
g <- increase.k(g)
The above code has solved the problem for some graphs. More iterations are needed to lay the puzzle the larger the graph is. In this example with only 20 nodes, each k-level can be generated from 1-19 relatively quickly. I did manage to get 19 separate networks from k=1 to k=19. But I have managed to get stuck in the loop also, which I take as evidence for the existing network structures of which k cannot be successfully incremented. Particularly since the same starting specification can get stuck sometimes, but manage to arrive at a complete graph on other occasions.
To test the function, I set the maximum.tries to 25 and tried to go from k=1 to 19 100 times. It never worked. The higher the k, the more difficult it is to lay the puzzle and find arches that fit, even though the next-to-last iteration is faster before a collapse. The risk of hitting the cap of 25 increased between the 15th and 18th iteration, and most graphs only made it to k=17.
It is possible to imagine this method being performed backwards starting at a complete graph, removing edges within a Montecarlo process which tries to remove edges to achieve a graph with all degrees at k-1. It should run into similar problems, though.
The code above is really an attempt to brute-force this problem without going into the underlying mathematics of graphs of this type. I am not a mathematician and lack the skills, but maybe the creation of a fail-safe k.increment()-function is a real and unsolved mathematical problem. If any graph-theoreticians come by this post, please enlighten us.
I'm using adehabitatHR to estimate home range for penguins. Naturally, they can't swim on land, and I have been trying to add a boundary around the coastline to prevent the KUD from adding more area than is feasible.
The area I'm trying to create the boundary for is the north end of Port Phillip Bay, Australia. The current (very rough) boundary points I have, in sequence, are:
-37.9967038 145.0346375
-37.8607599 144.9783325
-37.8341917 144.9131012
-37.8580493 144.8375702
-37.9988682 144.6487427
Whilst it is accepted as a barrier, and can be plotted on the map, I keep getting an error when I try to implement it as a boundary in the KUD:
'Error in 3*h:non-numeric argument to binary operator'
Does anyone know what this means and how I might fix it?
Be sure your are following all these step before to input in as a boundary in the KUD.
bnd <- structure(list(x = c(-37.9967038, -37.8607599, -37.8341917,
-37.8580493, -37.9988682),
y = c(145.0346375, 144.9783325, 144.9131012,
144.8375702, 144.6487427)),
.Names = c("x", "y"))
bnd <- do.call("cbind", bnd)
Slo <- Line(bnd)
Sli <- Lines(list(Slo), ID = "Frontiers")
barrier <- SpatialLines(list(Sli))
So, the object barrier is your boundary thus you will need to specify it in the kud function:
kernelUD("your spatial data", h = "your bandwidth", grid = "your grid",
boundary = barrier)
All the best,
I'm very new to using QGIS, what I have is a points shapefile and a polygon shapefile. I would like to select all the polygons which have at least one point in them. The problem I'm running into is how long this takes. I have 1 million points and about 320,000 polygons, so using spatial query takes far too long. I've heard that I'd need to write a python script with spatial indexing to get a feasibly quick result, but I have no idea how to approach this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What I've tried to cobble together from other stack overflow questions is:
pointProvider = self.pointLayer.dataProvider()
all_point = pointProvider.getFeatures()
delta = 0.1
for point in all_point:
searchRectangle = QgsRectangle(point.x() - delta, point.y() - delta, point.x() + delta, point.y() + delta)
candidateIDs = line_index.intesects(searchRectangle)
for candidateID in candidateIDs:
candFeature == rotateProvider.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest(candidateID)).next()
if candFeature.geometry().contains(point):
This throws up a NameError: name 'self' is not defined
I found an answer over on GIS Stack Exchange, which you can find here
The code I used was:
from qgis.core import *
import processing
layer1 = processing.getObject('MyPointsLayer')
layer2 = processing.getObject('MyPolygonsLayer')
index = QgsSpatialIndex() # Spatial index
for ft in layer1.getFeatures():
selection = [] # This list stores the features which contains at least one point
for feat in layer2.getFeatures():
inGeom = feat.geometry()
idsList = index.intersects(inGeom.boundingBox())
if idsList:
# Select all the polygon features which contains at least one point
layer2.setSelectedFeatures([k.id() for k in selection])
I have some experience with R as a statistics platform, but am inexperienced in image based maths. I have a series of photographs (tiff format, px/µm is known) with holes and irregular curves. I'd like to measure the shortest distance between a hole and the closest curve for that particular hole. I'd like to do this for each hole in a photograph. The holes are not regular either, so maybe I'd need to tell the program what are holes and what are curves (ImageJ has a point and segmented line functions).
Any ideas how to do this? Which package should I use in R? Would you recommend another program for this kind of task?
EDIT: Doing this is now possible using sclero package. The package is currently available on GitHub and the procedure is described in detail in the tutorial. Just to illustrate, I use an example from the tutorial:
install_github("MikkoVihtakari/sclero", dependencies = TRUE)
path <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package = "sclero"), "shellspots.zip")
dat <- read.ijdata(path, scale = 0.7812, unit = "um")
shell <- convert.ijdata(dat)
aligned <- spot.dist(shell)
It is also possible to add sample spot sizes using the functions provided by the sclero package. Please see Section 2.5 in the tutorial.
There's a tool for edge detection written for Image J that might help you first find the holes and the lines, and clarify them. You find it at
Playing around with the settings for the tresholding and the hysteresis can help in order to get the lines and holes found. It's difficult to tell whether this has much chance of working without seeing your actual photographs, but a colleague of mine had good results using this tool on FRAP images. I programmed a ImageJ tool that can calculate recoveries in FRAP analysis based on those images. You might get some ideas for yourself when looking at the code (see: http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=plugin:analysis:frap_normalization:start )
The only way I know you can work with images, is by using EBImage that's contained in the bioconductor system. The package Rimage is orphaned, so is no longer maintained.
To find the shortest distance: once you have the coordinates of the lines and holes, you can go for the shotgun approach : calculate the distances between all points and the line, and then take the minimum. An illustration about that in R :
x <- -100:100
x2 <- seq(-70,-50,length.out=length(x)/4)
a.line <- list(x = x,
y = 4*x + 5)
a.hole <- list(
x = c(x2,rev(x2)),
y = c(200 + sqrt(100-(x2+60)^2),
rev(200 - sqrt(100-(x2+60)^2)))
calc.distance <- function(line,hole){
mline <- matrix(unlist(line),ncol=2)
mhole <- matrix(unlist(hole),ncol=2)
id1 <- rep(1:nrow(mline),nrow(mhole))
id2 <- rep(1:nrow(mhole), each=nrow(mline))
(mline[id1,1]-mhole[id2,1])^2 +
Then :
> calc.distance(a.line,a.hole)
[1] 95.51649
Which you can check mathematically by deriving the equations from the circle and the line. This goes fast enough if you don't have millions of points describing thousands of lines and holes.