I want to count the number of rows within a certain time range based on each row after grouping by id. For instance, let us say a 1-month window around each datetime entry in the column "cleaned_date".
[1] "2004-10-11 CDT" "2008-09-10 CDT" "2011-10-25 CDT" "2011-12-31 CST"
The dates are in POSIXct format.
For the first entry, I need to count the number of rows within the time from 2004-09-11 to 2004-11-11, for the second entry, count the number of rows within the time from 2008-08-10 to 2008-10-10, so on and so forth.
I used roughly the following code
data %>% group_by(id) %>% filter(cleaned_date %within% interval(cleaned_date - 24 * 60 * 60 * 30, cleaned_date + 24 * 60 * 60 * 30)) %>% mutate(counts = n())
But it does not seem to work and I got counts as an empty column. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
A reproducible example can be the following:
The input is
cleaned_date id
1 2008-09-11 A
2 2008-09-10 B
3 2008-09-30 B
4 2011-10-25 A
5 2011-11-14 A
And I want the output to be
cleaned_date id counts
1 2008-09-11 A 1
2 2008-09-10 B 2
3 2008-09-30 B 2
4 2011-10-25 A 2
5 2011-11-14 A 2
For the first entry, I want to count the rows in the timeframe 2008-08-11 to 2008-10-11, the second entry seems to satisfy but we need to group by "id", so it does not count. For the second entry I want to count the rows in the timeframe 2008-08-10 to 2008-10-10, rows 2 and 3 satisfy, so the counts is 2. For the third entry I want to count the rows in the timeframe 2008-08-30 to 2008-10-30, rows 2 and 3 satisfy again, so on and so forth.
Note that the actual dataset I would like to operate on has millions of rows, so it might be more efficient to use tidyverse rather than base R.
Perhaps not the most elegant solution.
# input data. Dates as character vector
input = data.frame(
cleaned_date = c("2008-09-11", "2008-09-10", "2008-09-30", "2011-10-25", "2011-11-14"),
id = c("A", "B", "B", "A", "A")
# function to create a date window n months around specified date
window <- function(x, n = 1){
x <- rep(as.POSIXlt(x),2)
x[1]$mon <- x[1]$mon - n
x[2]$mon <- x[2]$mon + n
return(format(seq(from = x[1], to = x[2], by = "day"), format="%Y-%m-%d"))
# find counts for each row
input$counts <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(input), function(x){
length(which((input$cleaned_date %in% window(input$cleaned_date[x])) & input$id == input$id[x]))
cleaned_date id counts
1 2008-09-11 A 1
2 2008-09-10 B 2
3 2008-09-30 B 2
4 2011-10-25 A 2
5 2011-11-14 A 2
Edit for large datasets:
# dummy dataset with 1,000,000 rows
years <- c(2000:2020)
months <- c(1:12)
days <- c(1:20)
n <- 1000000
dates <- paste(sample(years, size = n, replace = T), sample(months, size = n, replace = T), sample(days, size = n, replace = T), sep = "-")
groups <- sample(c("A","B","C"), size = n, replace = T)
input <- data.frame(
cleaned_date = dates,
id = groups
input$cleaned_date <- format(as.POSIXlt(input$cleaned_date), format="%Y-%m-%d")
# optional, sort data by date for small boost in performance
input <- input[order(input$cleaned_date),]
counts <- NULL
#pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(unique(input$cleaned_date)))
t1 <- Sys.time()
# split up vectorization for each unique date.
for(date in unique(input$cleaned_date)){
w <- window(date)
tmp <- input[which(input$cleaned_date %in% w),]
tmp_counts <- unlist(lapply(which(tmp$cleaned_date == date), function(x){
length(which(tmp$id == tmp$id[x]))
counts <- c(counts, tmp_counts)
# add counts to dataset
input$counts <- counts
# optional, re-order data to original format
input <- input[order(as.numeric(rownames(input))),]
print(Sys.time() - t1)
Time difference of 3.247204 mins
If you want to go faster, you can run the loop in parallel
cl <- makeCluster(cores[1]-1)
dates = unique(input$cleaned_date)
t1 <- Sys.time()
counts <- foreach(i=1:length(dates), .combine= "c") %dopar% {
w <- window(dates[i])
tmp <- input[which(input$cleaned_date %in% w),]
tmp_counts <- unlist(lapply(which(tmp$cleaned_date == dates[i]), function(x){
length(which(tmp$id == tmp$id[x]))
input$counts <- counts
input <- input[order(as.numeric(rownames(input))),]
print(Sys.time() - t1)
Time difference of 37.37211 secs
Note, I'm running this on a MacBook Pro with a 2.3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 and 16 GB of RAM.
It is still hard to determine exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but this will at least get you counts for a specified date range:
df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
filter(cleaned_date >= "2008-08-11" & cleaned_date <= "2008-10-11") %>%
mutate(counts = n())
Will give us:
cleaned_date id counts
<date> <chr> <int>
1 2008-09-11 A 1
2 2008-09-10 B 2
3 2008-09-30 B 2
Here my time period range:
start_day = as.Date('1974-01-01', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
end_day = as.Date('2014-12-21', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
df = = start_day, to = end_day, by = 'day'))
colnames(df) = 'date'
I need to created 10,000 data.frames with different fake years of 365days each one. This means that each of the 10,000 data.frames needs to have different start and end of year.
In total df has got 14,965 days which, divided by 365 days = 41 years. In other words, df needs to be grouped 10,000 times differently by 41 years (of 365 days each one).
The start of each year has to be random, so it can be 1974-10-03, 1974-08-30, 1976-01-03, etc... and the remaining dates at the end df need to be recycled with the starting one.
The grouped fake years need to appear in a 3rd col of the data.frames.
I would put all the data.frames into a list but I don't know how to create the function which generates 10,000 different year's start dates and subsequently group each data.frame with a 365 days window 41 times.
Can anyone help me?
#gringer gave a good answer but it solved only 90% of the problem:
dates.df <- data.frame(replicate(10000, seq(sample(df$date, 1),
length.out=365, by="day"),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000
What I need is 10,000 columns with 14,965 rows made by dates taken from df which need to be eventually recycled when reaching the end of df.
I tried to change length.out = 14965 but R does not recycle the dates.
Another option could be to change length.out = 1 and eventually add the remaining df rows for each column by maintaining the same order:
dates.df <- data.frame(replicate(10000, seq(sample(df$date, 1),
length.out=1, by="day"),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000
How can I add the remaining df rows to each col?
The seq method also works if the to argument is unspecified, so it can be used to generate a specific number of days starting at a particular date:
> seq(from=df$date[20], length.out=10, by="day")
[1] "1974-01-20" "1974-01-21" "1974-01-22" "1974-01-23" "1974-01-24"
[6] "1974-01-25" "1974-01-26" "1974-01-27" "1974-01-28" "1974-01-29"
When used in combination with replicate and sample, I think this will give what you want in a list:
> replicate(2,seq(sample(df$date, 1), length.out=10, by="day"), simplify=FALSE)
[1] "1985-07-24" "1985-07-25" "1985-07-26" "1985-07-27" "1985-07-28"
[6] "1985-07-29" "1985-07-30" "1985-07-31" "1985-08-01" "1985-08-02"
[1] "2012-10-13" "2012-10-14" "2012-10-15" "2012-10-16" "2012-10-17"
[6] "2012-10-18" "2012-10-19" "2012-10-20" "2012-10-21" "2012-10-22"
Without the simplify=FALSE argument, it produces an array of integers (i.e. R's internal representation of dates), which is a bit trickier to convert back to dates. A slightly more convoluted way to do this is and produce Date output is to use data.frame on the unsimplified replicate result. Here's an example that will produce a 10,000-column data frame with 365 dates in each column (takes about 5s to generate on my computer):
dates.df <- data.frame(replicate(10000, seq(sample(df$date, 1),
length.out=365, by="day"),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000;
> dates.df[1:5,1:5];
1 2 3 4 5
1 1988-09-06 1996-05-30 1987-07-09 1974-01-15 1992-03-07
2 1988-09-07 1996-05-31 1987-07-10 1974-01-16 1992-03-08
3 1988-09-08 1996-06-01 1987-07-11 1974-01-17 1992-03-09
4 1988-09-09 1996-06-02 1987-07-12 1974-01-18 1992-03-10
5 1988-09-10 1996-06-03 1987-07-13 1974-01-19 1992-03-11
To get the date wraparound working, a slight modification can be made to the original data frame, pasting a copy of itself on the end:
df <- = start_day, to = end_day, by = 'day'),
seq(from = start_day, to = end_day, by = 'day')));
colnames(df) <- "date";
This is easier to code for downstream; the alternative being a double seq for each result column with additional calculations for the start/end and if statements to deal with boundary cases.
Now instead of doing date arithmetic, the result columns subset from the original data frame (where the arithmetic is already done). Starting with one date in the first half of the frame and choosing the next 14965 values. I'm using nrow(df)/2 instead for a more generic code:
dates.df <-, 10000),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000;
1 2 3 4 5
1 1988-10-21 1999-10-18 2009-04-06 2009-01-08 1988-12-28
2 1988-10-22 1999-10-19 2009-04-07 2009-01-09 1988-12-29
3 1988-10-23 1999-10-20 2009-04-08 2009-01-10 1988-12-30
4 1988-10-24 1999-10-21 2009-04-09 2009-01-11 1988-12-31
5 1988-10-25 1999-10-22 2009-04-10 2009-01-12 1989-01-01
14960 1988-10-15 1999-10-12 2009-03-31 2009-01-02 1988-12-22
14961 1988-10-16 1999-10-13 2009-04-01 2009-01-03 1988-12-23
14962 1988-10-17 1999-10-14 2009-04-02 2009-01-04 1988-12-24
14963 1988-10-18 1999-10-15 2009-04-03 2009-01-05 1988-12-25
14964 1988-10-19 1999-10-16 2009-04-04 2009-01-06 1988-12-26
14965 1988-10-20 1999-10-17 2009-04-05 2009-01-07 1988-12-27
This takes a bit less time now, presumably because the date values have been pre-caclulated.
Try this one, using subsetting instead:
start_day = as.Date('1974-01-01', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
end_day = as.Date('2014-12-21', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
date_vec <- seq.Date(from=start_day, to=end_day, by="day")
Now, I create a vector long enough so that I can use easy subsetting later on:
date_vec2 <- rep(date_vec,2)
Now, create the random start dates for 100 instances (replace this with 10000 for your application):
random_starts <- sample(1:14965, 100)
Now, create a list of dates by simply subsetting date_vec2 with your desired length:
dates <- lapply(random_starts, function(x) date_vec2[x:(x+14964)])
date_df <- data.frame(dates)
names(date_df) <- 1:100
1 2 3 4 5
1 1997-05-05 2011-12-10 1978-11-11 1980-09-16 1989-07-24
2 1997-05-06 2011-12-11 1978-11-12 1980-09-17 1989-07-25
3 1997-05-07 2011-12-12 1978-11-13 1980-09-18 1989-07-26
4 1997-05-08 2011-12-13 1978-11-14 1980-09-19 1989-07-27
5 1997-05-09 2011-12-14 1978-11-15 1980-09-20 1989-07-28
I have two columns of dates. Two example dates are:
Date1= "2015-07-17"
I am trying to count the number of Saturdays and Sundays between the two dates each of which are in their own column (5 & 7 in this example code). I need to repeat this process for each row of my dataframe. The end results will be one column that represents the number of Saturdays and Sundays within the date range defined by two date columns.
I can get the code to work for one row:
sum(weekdays(seq(Date1[1,5],Date2[1,7],"days")) %in% c("Saturday",'Sunday')*1))
The answer to this will be 3. But, if I take out the "1" in the row position of date1 and date2 I get this error:
Error in seq.Date(Date1[, 5], Date2[, 7], "days") :
'from' must be of length 1
How do I go line by line and have one vector that lists the number of Saturdays and Sundays between the two dates in column 5 and 7 without using a loop? Another issue is that I have 2 million rows and am looking for something with a little more speed than a loop.
Thank you!!
map2* functions from the purrr package will be a good way to go. They take two vector inputs (eg two date columns) and apply a function in parallel. They're pretty fast too (eg previous post)!
Here's an example. Note that the _int requests an integer vector back.
# Example data
d <- data.frame(
Date1 = as.Date(c("2015-07-17", "2015-07-28", "2015-08-15")),
Date2 = as.Date(c("2015-07-25", "2015-08-14", "2015-08-20"))
# Wrapper function to compute number of weekend days between dates
n_weekend_days <- function(date_1, date_2) {
sum(weekdays(seq(date_1, date_2, "days")) %in% c("Saturday",'Sunday'))
# Iterate row wise
map2_int(d$Date1, d$Date2, n_weekend_days)
#> [1] 3 4 2
If you want to add the results back to your original data frame, mutate() from the dplyr package can help:
d <- mutate(d, end_days = map2_int(Date1, Date2, n_weekend_days))
#> Date1 Date2 end_days
#> 1 2015-07-17 2015-07-25 3
#> 2 2015-07-28 2015-08-14 4
#> 3 2015-08-15 2015-08-20 2
Here is a solution that uses dplyr to clean things up. It's not too difficult to use with to assign the columns in the dataframe directly.
Essentially, use a reference date, calculate the number of full weeks (by floor or ceiling). Then take the difference between the two. The code does not include cases in which the start date or end data fall on Saturday or Sunday.
# weekdays(as.Date(0,"1970-01-01")) -> "Friday"
startDate = as.Date(0,"1970-01-01") # this is a friday
df <- data.frame(start = "2015-07-17", end = "2015-07-25")
df$start <- as.Date(df$start,"", format = "%Y-%m-%d", origin="1970-01-01")
df$end <- as.Date(df$end, format = "%Y-%m-%d","1970-01-01")
# you can use with to define the columns directly instead of %>%
df <- df %>%
mutate(originDate = startDate) %>%
mutate(startDayDiff = as.numeric(start-originDate), endDayDiff = as.numeric(end-originDate)) %>%
mutate(startWeekDiff = floor(startDayDiff/7),endWeekDiff = floor(endDayDiff/7)) %>%
mutate(NumSatsStart = startWeekDiff + ifelse(startDayDiff %% 7>=1,1,0),
NumSunsStart = startWeekDiff + ifelse(startDayDiff %% 7>=2,1,0),
NumSatsEnd = endWeekDiff + ifelse(endDayDiff %% 7 >= 1,1,0),
NumSunsEnd = endWeekDiff + ifelse(endDayDiff %% 7 >= 2,1,0)
) %>%
mutate(NumSats = NumSatsEnd - NumSatsStart, NumSuns = NumSunsEnd - NumSunsStart)
Dates are number of days since 1970-01-01, a Thursday.
So the following is the number of Saturdays or Sundays since that date
f <- function(d) {d <- as.numeric(d); r <- d %% 7; 2*(d %/% 7) + (r>=2) + (r>=3)}
For the number of Saturdays or Sundays between two dates, just subtract, after decrementing the start date to have an inclusive count.
g <- function(d1, d2) f(d2) - f(d1-1)
These are all vectorized functions so you can just call directly on the columns.
# Example data, as in Simon Jackson's answer
d <- data.frame(
Date1 = as.Date(c("2015-07-17", "2015-07-28", "2015-08-15")),
Date2 = as.Date(c("2015-07-25", "2015-08-14", "2015-08-20"))
As follows
within(d, end_days<-g(Date1,Date2))
# Date1 Date2 end_days
# 1 2015-07-17 2015-07-25 3
# 2 2015-07-28 2015-08-14 4
# 3 2015-08-15 2015-08-20 2
This question already has answers here:
Split date into different columns for year, month and day
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a dataset which looks like:
I need to extract the constituent elements (day,month,year) from date of birth and put them in corresponding columns to look like:
Currently, I have it coded as a loop:
data <- read.csv("/home/tumaini/Desktop/IHI-Projects/Data-Linkage/matching file dss nacp.csv",stringsAsFactors = F)
dss_individuals <- read.csv("/home/tumaini/Desktop/IHI-Projects/Data-Linkage/Data/dssIndividuals.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
lookup <- data[,c("patientid","extId")]
# remove duplicates
lookup <- lookup[!(duplicated(lookup$patientid)),]
dss_individuals$dateOfBirth <- as.character.Date(dss_individuals$dob)
dss_individuals$dayOfBirth <- 0
dss_individuals$monthOfBirth <- 0
dss_individuals$yearOfBirth <- 0
# Loop starts here
for(i in 1:nrow(dss_individuals)){ #nrow(dss_individuals)
split_list <- unlist(strsplit(dss_individuals[i,]$dateOfBirth,'[- ]'))
dss_individuals[i,]["dayOfBirth"] <- split_list[3]
dss_individuals[i,]["monthOfBirth"] <- split_list[2]
dss_individuals[i,]["yearOfBirth"] <- split_list[1]
This seems to work, but is horrendously slow as I have 400 000 rows. Is there a way I can get this done more efficiently?
I compared the speed of substr, format, and use of lubridate. It seems that lubridate and format are much faster than substr, if the the variable is stored as date. However, substr would be fastest if the variable is stored as character vector. The results of a single run is shown.
x <- sample(
seq(as.Date('1000/01/01'), as.Date('2000/01/01'), by="day"),
400000, replace = T)
y <- substr(x, 1, 4)
m <- substr(x, 6, 7)
d <- substr(x, 9, 10)
# user system elapsed
# 3.775 0.004 3.779
y <- format(x,"%y")
m <- format(x,"%m")
d <- format(x,"%d")
# user system elapsed
# 1.118 0.000 1.118
y <- year(x)
m <- month(x)
d <- day(x)
# user system elapsed
# 0.951 0.000 0.951
x1 <- as.character(x)
y <- substr(x1, 1, 4)
m <- substr(x1, 6, 7)
d <- substr(x1, 9, 10)
# user system elapsed
# 0.082 0.000 0.082
Not sure if this will solve your speed issues but here is a nicer way of doing it using dplyr and lubridate. In general when it comes to manipulating data.frames I personally recommend using either data.tables or dplyr. Data.tables is supposed to be faster but dplyr is more verbose which I personally prefer as I find it easier to pick up my code after not having read it for months.
dat <- data.frame( mother_id = c(1,2,3),
dateOfBirth = ymd(c( "1962-09-24" ,"1991-02-19" ,"1978-11-11"))
dat %>% mutate( year = year(dateOfBirth) ,
month = month(dateOfBirth),
day = day(dateOfBirth) )
Or you can use the mutate_each function to save having to write the variable name multiple times (though you get less control over the name of the output variables)
dat %>% mutate_each( funs(year , month , day) , dateOfBirth)
Here are some solutions. These solutions each (i) use 1 or 2 lines of code and (ii) return numeric year, month and day columns. In addition, the first two solutions use no packages -- the third uses chron's function.
1) POSIXlt Convert to "POSIXlt" class and pick off the parts.
lt <- as.POSIXlt(DF$dateOfBirth, origin = "1970-01-01")
transform(DF, year = lt$year + 1900, month = lt$mon + 1, day = lt$mday)
mother_id dateOfBirth year month day
1 1 1962-09-24 1962 9 24
2 2 1991-02-19 1991 2 19
3 3 1978-11-11 1978 11 11
2) read.table
cbind(DF, read.table(text = format(DF$dateOfBirth), sep = "-",
col.names = c("year", "month", "day")))
mother_id dateOfBirth year month day
1 1 1962-09-24 1962 9 24
2 2 1991-02-19 1991 2 19
3 3 1978-11-11 1978 11 11
mother_id dateOfBirth month day year
1 1 1962-09-24 9 24 1962
2 2 1991-02-19 2 19 1991
3 3 1978-11-11 11 11 1978
Note 1: Often when year, month and day are added to data it is not really necessary and in fact they could be generated on the fly when needed using format, substr or as.POSIXlt so you might critically examine whether you actually need to do this.
Note 2: The input data frame, DF in reproducible form, was assumed to be:
Lines <- "mother_id,dateOfBirth
DF <- read.csv(text = Lines)
Use format once for each part:
dss_individuals$dayOfBirth <- format(dss_individuals$dateOfBirth,"%d")
dss_individuals$monthOfBirth <- format(dss_individuals$dateOfBirth,"%m")
dss_individuals$yearOfBirth <- format(dss_individuals$dateOfBirth,"%Y")
Check the substr function from the base package (or other functions from the nice stringr package) to extract different parts of a string. This function may assume that day, month and year are always in the same place and with the same length.
The strsplit function is vectorized so using to convert your list to a dataframe works:, strsplit(df$dateOfBirth, split = '-'))
Results need to be transposed in order to be used: you can do it using or the t function.
df is battle events within years & conflicts. I am trying to calculate the average distance (in time) between battles within conflict years.
Header looks something like this:
conflictId | year | event_date | event_type
107 1997 1997-01-01 1
107 1997 1997-01-01 1
20 1997 1997-01-01 1
20 1997 1997-01-01 2
20 1997 1997-01-03 1
what I first tried was
time_prev_total <- aggregate (event_date ~ conflictId + year, data, diff)
but I end up with event_date being a list in the new df. Attempts to extract the first index position of the list within the df have been unsuccessful.
Alternatively it was suggested to me that I could create a time index within each conflict year, then lag that index, create a new data frame with conflictId, year, event_date, and the lagged index, and then merge that with the original df, but match the lagged index in the new df with the old index in the original df. I have tried to implement this but am a little unsure how to index the obs. within conflict years since it is unbalanced.
You can use ddply to split a data.frame into pieces
(one per year and conflict) and apply a function to each.
# Sample data
n <- 100
d <- data.frame(
conflictId = sample(1:3, n, replace=TRUE),
year = sample(1990:2000, n, replace=TRUE),
event_date = sample(0:364, n, replace=TRUE),
event_type = sample(1:10, n, replace=TRUE)
d$event_date <- as.Date(ISOdate(d$year,1,1)) + d$event_date
# Average distance between battles, within each year and conflict
average = mean(dist(event_date))
# Average distance between consecutive battles, within each year and conflict
d <- d[order(d$event_date),]
average = mean(diff(event_date))