GWT FlowPanel not adding widget - css

I have a class that extends FlowPanel. I add a DataGrid widget and a Grid widget like this:
Only the DataGrid widget appears. I've tried both switching from FlowPanel to VerticalPanel and wrapping the Grid in a FlowPanel, with no joy. I tried putting the DataGrid and the Grid into a 2 row, 1 column Grid and that didn't display anything. This is GWT 2.6.0 on Safari.
I suspect that I have a misunderstanding of what setHeight() and setWidth() are doing in this case, but I'm not sure. Is there any way to see what GWT thinks it's doing in terms of layout?

You tell DataGrid to take all available space inside the FlowPanel. Then you tell Grid widget to do the same. The result is that your Grid has a height of zero, since there was no space left for it after the DataGrid took 100% of the FlowPanel height.
You either have to use "50%" for heights, or make your DataGrid fixed size ("100px") and then tell the Grid to take the rest. The easiest way to achieve that is to use a LayoutPanel, and then, for example:
layoutPanel.setWidgetTopHeight(dataGrid, 0, Unit.PX, 100, Unit.PX);
layoutPanel.setWidgetTopBottom(grid, 100, Unit.PX, 0, Unit.PX);
This is the code that I use to resize the DataGrid:
public void resize(final boolean addHeader, final boolean addFooter) {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
// 37 is the height of header and footer based on my CSS
int height = addHeader ? 37 : 0;
if (addFooter) {
height += 37;
for (int i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++) {
height += getRowElement(i).getOffsetHeight();
setHeight(height + "px");
If you use this approach, simply add your DataGrid to the FlowPanel, and then add your Grid to the FlowPanel. Call resize() on the DataGrid, and do not set any height or width on your DataGrid or Grid.
For a finer control look at the flex-box layout model. It is supported in all modern browsers.

#Patrick, regarding your comment, I use DockLayoutPanel to take care of resizing for me:
DockLayoutPanel gridPanel = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.PCT);
gridPanel.addNorth(dataGrid, 60); //datagrid will take 60% of the panel
gridPanel.add(grid); //grid will take the remaining space


Override JavaFX CSS style in code

Is it possible to override a JavaFX CSS definition in code?
For example, in my CSS file I defined a button's height as follows:
.button {
-fx-pref-height: 30px;
When I try to override this height for some button in code...
Button button = new Button();
button.setPrefSize(100, 50); // width, height
...the button still has a height of 30 pixels.
There are two solutions:
Make sure that button.setPrefSize(100, 50); // width, height is called after the Button became visible.
Use Bindings to force its size (CSS does not overwrite bound values), for example: button.prefHeightProperty().bind(new SimpleDoubleProperty(60));

Flex 4 spark List width resize issue

I've got a spark List with an item renderer. When I click on an element, the renderer becomes larger and when I click again, it becomes small again.
The problem is that list doesn't resize with the content. I've tried to dispatch an event from the renderer passing its content size and resize list in this way:
private function refreshList(event:ResultEvent):void
var size:Number = (event.result as Number) + 6;
if (size >= mylist.width)
mylist.width = size;
if (consultingNumber == 0)
mylist.width = size;
consultingNumber is the number of 'opened' renderer.
It works quite well, but when all renderer is 'closed' an horizontal scrollbar appear.
Tracing list's width it result correct but the scrollbar is there even if I set horizontalScrollPolicy to off.
Try calling myList.invalidateSize() instead of myList.invalidateDisplayList();
Here is some more information about the flex component lifecycle which should get you on the right track:

Scaling and resizing flex component

I have custom flex component inherited from UIComponent (compiled, no source code access). It has fixed width-to-height proportions and it's scalable. If I set its width and height to 100%, it's trying to fit parent's size, but it keeps width-to-height proportion, so if it's proportion does not equal parent's proportion, there can appear empty space near this component when resizing parent.
What I need, is to fit my component completely to parent's size. Is there any nice way to do this? I could listen to parent's resize event, and play with component's scaleX and scaleY, but may be any better way exists to solve my problem (any property?). Thanks.
A great way is to use greensock's AutoFitArea.
Coding is as simple as the following
var area:AutoFitArea = new AutoFitArea(this, 50, 70, 300, 100);
area.attach(myImage, {scaleMode:ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_OUTSIDE, crop:true});
which would constrain whatever is inside do the given dimensions (300,100) from there on out, you can just change the area's width and that will figure it all out for you.
hope it helps
Personally, what I would do is have the component within the parent set at width/height 100%, then within the component itself, override the updateDisplayList function (which returns the unscaled width/height) and then resize whatever children you're trying to display depending on the width/height of this container. Something like this:
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
if(this._child!= null)
if(unscaledWidth > unscaledHeight)
this._child.height = unscaledHeight;
this._child.scaleX = this._video.scaleY;
this._child.width = unscaledWidth;
this._child.scaleY = this._video.scaleX;
Should do it.
Should the component keep its proportion? If not, you could just, as you said, listen to the resize event of the parent and set the width and height to the components values.
If the component should keep its proportion you could resize the background of your component so that it fits the parents size and resize the content of you component with its proportion seperatly.

Qt4 expanding tabs in QTabBar

I am subclassing QTabWidget to add a QTabBar, who's tabs stretch over the whole width of the tabBar. Therefore I am setting the expanding property to true. This doesn't seem to change anything about the behavior of the tabs.
Did anyone encounter the same problem? I use Qt 4.6 in combination with
TabWidget::TabWidget(QWidget *parent)
tabBar = new QTabBar(this);
EDIT: has been solved, here is how I implemented it, in case anyone is interested:
tabBar = new QTabBar(this);
layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
stackedLayout = new QStackedLayout();
connect(tabBar, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), stackedLayout, SLOT(setCurrentIndex(int)));
void MainWindow::addTab(QWidget *widget, const QIcon &icon, const QString &label) {
tabBar->addTab(icon, label);
From the QTabBar source code:
// ... Since we don't set
// a maximum size, tabs will EXPAND to fill up the empty space.
// Since tab widget is rather *ahem* strict about keeping the geometry of the
// tab bar to its absolute minimum, this won't bleed through, but will show up
// if you use tab bar on its own (a.k.a. not a bug, but a feature).
To get around this "feature", you can create your own tab widget using a QTabBar above a widget with a QStackedLayout.
5.2.0 onwards
QTabWidget::tab-bar {
min-width: 999999px;
It will work. No need to use any combination. You can use QTabWidget. Daniel ans is correct.
Building on #baysmith's answer, an easier way to force the QTabWidget to let the QTabBar expand, is to set a stylesheet on your QTabWidget that looks something like this:
QTabWidget::tab-bar {
width: 999999px;
Or another ridiculously large number. If your QTabWidget has the tabs going vertically instead of horizontally, use 'height' instead:
QTabWidget::tab-bar {
height: 999999px;
This seems to work fine for me, with Qt 5.0.1. The tabs expand to fill the space, each getting an equal portion. However, it seems like they intentionally leave enough empty space for one more tab, regardless. But the rest of the space is filled as desired. The empty space might be reserved for the tear/scroll buttons, incase too many tabs get added - but I'm not sure.

Flex/AS3: changing width/height doesn't affect contents

I thought I had a handle on AS3, DisplayObjectContainers, etc. but this basic thing is really confusing me: changing the width/height of a sprite does not affect it's visual contents - either graphics drawn within it or any children it may have.
I have searched around and found an Adobe page that represents my own little test code. From that page, I would expect the sprite to increase in visual size as it's width increases. For me, it doesn't. (
width property
width:Number [read-write]
Indicates the width of the display object, in pixels. The width is calculated based on the bounds of the content of the display object. When you set the width property, the scaleX property is adjusted accordingly, as shown in the following code:
My code below doesn't affect the visual display at all - but it does set the width/height, at least according to the trace output. It does not affect the scaleX/scaleY.
What the heck am I missing here??
My setup code:
testSprite = new SpriteVisualElement();
var childSprite:SpriteVisualElement = new SpriteVisualElement();, 1);, 0, 200, 100);; = "child";
testSprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, grow);
public function grow(event:MouseEvent):void
{ += 5; += 5;
If I understand the code correctly; you are changing the width / height of the sprite. But you are doing nothing to change the width/ height of the sprite's children.
In the context of a Flex Application, you can use percentageWidth and percentageHeight on the child to resize the child when the parent is resized. You could also add a listener to the the resize event and adjust sizing that way; preferably tying in to the Flex Component LifeCycle methods somehow.
I believe these approaches are all Flex specific, and dependent upon the Flex Framework. Generic Sprites, as best I understand, do not automatically size themselves to percentages of their parent container; and changing the parent will not automatically resize the parent's children.
I bet something like this would work:
public function grow(event:MouseEvent):void
{ += 5; += 5;
childSprite.width += 5;
childSprite.height += 5;
First, if you have a problem with a flex component, you can look over its source code.
In my environment, (as I installed flex SDK to C:\flex\flex_sdk_4.1), the source code for SpriteVisualElement is located at
In the source code, you'll find that width property is overridden :
* #private
override public function set width(value:Number):void
// Apply to the current actual size
_width = value;
setActualSize(_width, _height);
// Modify the explicit width
if (_explicitWidth == value)
_explicitWidth = value;
So, you cannot expect the auto-scaling of the component.
Making custom components will be one solution.
Here is a sample implementation of custom component.
Custom Component Example - wonderfl build flash online
