Connect Multiple Devices Using Static Address on LAN - networking

Here is my problem. At our place LAN port is used to connect every system with a static IP address(subnet mask,default gateway,dns server address).
I have a wireless router with me. Now how can I connect multiple devices using this router?
Thank You All

Just connect the LAN port of "your place" to the WAN port of the router.
Configure the IP-adress etc. on the router.
Easiest way to do that is to connect your computer to the router LAN port and log in through the web interface, assuming it's a home-router.
There should be a setup guide shipped with the router, otherwise google is your friend ;)


how to port forward to one device while another device shared the same public ip

my ISP only gave me one public ip address, i want to port forward on a single device but all the devices connected to the router shared the same public ip address.
is there a way to do it?
i use hg8245h router
i tried to open a port as below image
but it's not opened when i check
What you have setup looks good as far as port forwarding goes.
Make sure to open the port in the firewall settings as well, you have firewall settings both on the router, and the computer (NewKali).
Make sure you can connect from one of the other computers on the network to to confirm the pc has the firewall open.
To confirm the router firewall settings look at the appropriate configuration page.

two routers in one network; one as gateway, one as DHCP server

My ISP changed their network configuration and now my home setup is not working anymore. I had one Asus router which features like QoS and parental control, my physical network consists of UTP, powerlan and wifi.
In the new setup I'm required to run a new router (functionally crippled) to handle IPTV and telephone, but I would still like to run all my LAN traffic through my Asus for the additional functionality it provides. Not a problem I thought, until it turned out that the IPTV units are required to be connected directly to the new router. Which means all other systems using the powerlan (a.o. a Wifi Access Point) also bypass the Asus. Parental control is useless.
Is there anyway I can setup the new router to only function as a gateway, and let everything go though the Asus?
This setup did not work: internet <-> [extern IP] newrouter [] <-> [] Asus [] <-> LAN []
The new router has 254 as its LAN IP
The Asus has a static WAN ip of 253, and its LAN IP to 1 (with 254 as the gateway).
DHCP hands out IP configs with 1 as the gateway
Theoretically this means any LAN device getting an IP will send to the Asus on IP 1, it forwards that via 253 to the new router at 254, which pushes it out to the internet.
But alas. Any suggestions if this can be made to work?
I cannot change the subnet on the new router, it is blocked to
I do want wat to run switches everywhere to setup a VLAN.
You could just use a different subnet for your asus router.
e.g. use the address for your asus router and configure DHCP to hand out IPs of that network (192.168.2.x). Then configure your new Router to have the IP
Now add a static route from your asus router to your new router and the other way round. That way every device in the 192.168.2.x network has to go through your asus router.
Of course that does only work if you can configure routes on your new router.

sending port via router port not opening and how to access a computer/server externally using router's ip address?

Hi I am trying to make my router(TPlink router) to forward port by configuring it and by creating NAT virtual server or port triggering. Firstly the port doesn't open which I have checked via an online website, the port is closed. Secondly if the port does open, would I be able to access my computer or computer server or a website hosted on my wamp server externally via another network from some other place externally? I am not sure what are the things on my computer that I would be able to access from outside? How exactly am I going to do it? I am aware that I am going to use my router external ip address which I know and the port that I have associated with the ip address of the computer I am trying to access. I am just a beginner but I am really into networking. Can somebody explain the entire process please?
Your local host can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
Just use put the ip of the pc/wamp server installed pc in the DMZ Box under Forward Menu of your tp-link router & enable DMZ option.

Connect to a server on a private network

I am learning how to create an ubuntu server to use to host a database and run a script as a thread to do some things for my graduation project...
I installed ubuntu server with lamp environment and managed to connect it to an ethernet local network that connects to the internet .. my design looks like this
except the router is also connected to a dsl modem and to the internet...
I can easily connect to the server from the local network but how can I connect to it from outside this private network ?
I know the router public ip address and the server private ip address
You need port forwarding. mean, in your router settings you define that incoming requests to specific port/protocol will redirects to specific ip (of the ubuntu).
You will need to set up port forwarding on the router such that the router's external port 80 is forwarded to the server's private port 80.
What router is it? Its guide should detail how to set up port forwarding

Open website via computer IP address while running tomcat locally with a router?

I'm working on a website for a friend, developing using Eclipse/Tomcat. I'm running it locally and trying to open it via my internet port IP address, but I can't get it to work. The computer I am running it from is connected to a router, so it is running off of, and works. However when I try and open it via my internet port IP, it doesn't find it from any device, even outside my local network. Is there a way to send the link when running locally when connected to a router?
You have to configure your router port forwarding (or virtual servers depending on the router) to forward TCP connections from to
Then you give the address to your friend.
Note: NNNN at your router doesn't need to be 8080, as long as the port forwarding is set properly.
