Symfony2.6 - Service - symfony

I have learnt Symfony2 since several months.
I have created a service. When I use it in a simple controller, I have no problem. When I use it in my controller that manages my entity, I have a problem.
My service is:
namespace Cours\BlogBundle\Services;
class Service1
public function creerSlug($texte)
$texte = transliterator_transliterate("Latin-ASCII; [:Punctuation:] Remove; Lower();", $texte);
$texte = preg_replace('/[-\s]+/', '-', $texte);
$texte = trim($texte, '-');
return $texte;
My simple controller is:
namespace Cours\BlogBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Cours\BlogBundle\Services\Service1;
class TestController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
$texte = "Le test du slug";
$service1 = $this->container->get('service1');
$texte = $service1->creerSlug($texte);
return $this->render('CoursBlogBundle:Test:index.html.twig', array('texte' => $texte));
The action of my controller that manages my entity is:
public function ajouterAction(Request $request)
$rubrique = new Rubrique();
$form = $this->createForm(new RubriqueType(), $rubrique);
if ($request->isMethod('POST'))
if ($form->isValid())
$manager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$rubrique = $form->getData();
$texte = $rubrique->getTexte();
$service1 = $this->container->get('service1');
$slug = $serviceSlug->creerSlug($texte);
$slug = $rubrique->setSlug($slug);
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('cours_blog_accueil'));
return $this->render('CoursBlogBundle:Rubrique:ajouter.html.twig', array('form' => $form->createView()));
My view tells me that my slug can’t be empty.
I think there is a mistake in my action but I can’t find it.
Does anyone help me?

$service1 = $this->container->get('service1');
$slug = $serviceSlug->creerSlug($texte);
$serviceSlug = $this->container->get('service1');
$slug = $serviceSlug->creerSlug($texte);

I suggest to comment/remove $rubrique = $form->getData(); $texte = $rubrique->getTexte(); from ajouterAction and set the text manually (just for testing purpose):
if ($form->isValid())
$manager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
// $rubrique = $form->getData();
// $texte = $rubrique->getTexte();
$rubrique->setTexte('Some text');
$service1 = $this->get('service1');
$slug = $service1->creerSlug($rubrique->getTexte());
if it works, you can set some validations to the texte field in your form type which prevents entering an invalid value.
Also I suggest to use some libraries (Cocur/Slugify can be a good option) instead of handling the process by yourself.


Dynamic EntityManager find () method returns "table not found" when a custom repository is in use

First I will explain why and how the solution works and then the problems I have encountered. If you think there is a better way to do what I do, I'd love to hear it. I would also like to know why doctrine behaves in this way.
It turns out that my aplication needs to connect to a different database according to the client. I have a table, in a fixed database, containing the connection information that is used in some request.
I have had success with the following code:
class DynamicEntityManager {
protected $em;
private $request;
private $client_id;
public function __construct(RequestStack $request, EntityManagerInterface $em){
$this->em = $em;
$this->request = $request;
public function getEntityManager(ClientConn $client = null) {
$request = $this->request->getCurrentRequest();
if($client == NULL){
$domain = $request->attributes->get('domain');
if($domain == "" || $domain == NULL){
throw new \Exception("Error de conexion", 1);
$client = $this->em->getRepository(ClientConn::class)->findOneBy(array(
"subdomain" => $domain
if($client == NULL){
throw new \Exception("Error de conexion", 1);
$connectionDB = $client->getConnection();
$dbdriver = 'oci8';
$conexionSplit = explode(':',$connectionDB);
$dbhost = $conexionSplit[0];
$dbport = $conexionSplit[1];
$dbname = $conexionSplit[2];
$dbuser = $client->getUsuarioBd();
$dbpass = $client->getClaveBd();
$service = false;
$this->client_id = $client->getId();
if(strpos($dbname,'SN=') !== false){
$parts = explode('=',$dbname);
$dbname = $parts[1];
$service = true;
$conn = array(
'driver' => $dbdriver,
'host' => $dbhost,
'port' => $dbport,
'dbname' => $dbname,
'user' => $dbuser,
'password' => $dbpass,
'service' => $service,
'charset' => 'UTF8',
'schema' => null
return EntityManager::create($conn, $this->em->getConfiguration());
As you can see I return EntityManager::create($conn, $this->em->getConfiguration ()) with the new connection. The way I use it is the next:
* #Route("/api/client/{id}/conf/{confID}", name="")
* #Method({"GET"})
public function show(ClientConn $client, Request $request, DynamicEntityManager $dem ,$confId){
try {
$em = $dem->getEntityManager($client);
$entity = $em->getRepository(Configuration::class)->find($confId);
return new JsonResponse($entity, 200);
catch(\Exception $ex) {
return new JsonResponse([
"excepcion" => $ex->getMessage()
], $ex->getCode());
It works as expected or so I believed until I saw that when the entity has a custom repository it is unable to use the dynamic connection and therefore the previous route will return a table not found exception.
#ORM\Entity() <-- Works like a charm
#ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\ConfigurationRepository")<-- Table not found.
It works in the repository if I create the connection again, although I do not like the solution. So, what do I want? I would like to be able to use the basic methods like find (), findBy () and others without having to rewrite them every time I use a custom repository.
class ConfigurationRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
public function __construct(RegistryInterface $registry, DynamicEntityManager $dem)
parent::__construct($registry, Configuration::class);
$this->dem= $dem;
public function uglyFind($client, $confID)
$query = $this->dem->getEntityManager($client)->createQueryBuilder('conf')
->where(' = :value')->setParameter('value', $confID)
return $query->getOneOrNullResult();
I will really appreciate any contribution and thought in this matter.
Instead of:
class ConfigurationRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
public function __construct(RegistryInterface $registry, DynamicEntityManager $dem)
parent::__construct($registry, Configuration::class);
$this->dem= $dem;
try extending EntityRepository (without using a constructor) and use find as you did in your controller:
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class ConfigurationRepository extends EntityRepository
ServiceEntityRepository is an optional EntityRepository base class with a simplified constructor for autowiring, that explicitly sets the entity manager to the EntityRepository base class. Since you have not configured your doctrine managers to handle these connections properly (it's not even possible actually with so many connections), ServiceEntityRepository will pass a wrong EntityManager instance to the EntityRepository subclass, that's why you should not extend ServiceEntityRepository but EntityRepository.

Functional test using Phpunit : InvalidArgumentException: Unreachable field

I'm trying to test a form but i got unreachable field exception.
My controller's code :
class StudentController extends Controller
* #Route("/student/new",name="create_new_student")
public function newAction(Request $request){
$student = new Student();
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($student)->add('name',TextType::class)
->add('save',SubmitType::class,['label' => 'Create student'])->getForm();
$student = $form->getData();
$name = $student->getName();
echo "Your name is ".$name;
return $this->render(':Student:new.html.twig',['form' => $form->createView()]);
My StudentControllerTest :
class StudentControllerTest extends WebTestCase
public function testNew(){
$client = static::createClient();
$crawler = $client->request('POST','/student/new');
$form = $crawler->selectButton('Create student')->form();
$form['name'] = 'Student1';
$crawler = $client->submit($form);
$this->assertGreaterThan(0,$crawler->filter('html:contains("Your name is Student1")')->count());
When i run the test using phpunit i got :
InvalidArgumentException: Unreachable field "name"
I'm following the tutorial from
You should use the $form['form_name[subject]'] syntax
public function testNew(){
$client = static::createClient();
//you should request it with GET method, it's more close to the reality
$crawler = $client->request('GET','/student/new');
$form = $crawler->selectButton('Create student')->form();
$form['form_name[name]'] = 'Student1';
// [...]
Try this way. Edit Test
$form = $crawler->selectButton('Create student')->form(['name' => 'Student1']);
Edit Controller:
$name = $student->getName();
return new Response("Your name is ". $name);
Do not kill what Symfony request.

How to load 'isSubmitted()-method' (defined in service controller) into the main controller?

I've put a registration form in a method so, that I can use it in different places.
My service registration controller looks like this:
public function loadRegisterForm()
$user = new User();
$form = $this->createForm(RegistrationType::class, $user);
$errors = "";
if ($form->isSubmitted())
if ($form->isValid())
$password = $this->get('security.password_encoder')
->encodePassword($user, $user->getPlainPassword());
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$errors = $this->get('validator')->validate($form);
$parametersArray['form'] = $form;
$parametersArray['errors'] = $errors;
return $parametersArray;
services.yml looks like this:
class: ImmoBundle\Controller\Security\RegistrationController
- [setContainer, ["#service_container"]]
And the main controller where I load the service controller:
private function indexAction()
* Load register form
$registerForm = $this->get('register_form_service');
$registerParameters = $registerForm->loadRegisterForm();
return $this->render(
'register_form' => $registerParameters['form']->createView(),
'errors' => $registerParameters['errors'],
The form itself is well rendered, so there is no problem. However nothing happens if I try to submit the form. I know that I should add the following line to the main controller
if ($registerParameters['form']->isSubmitted())
// add to db
But is there any way to do it only in a service controller?
You do not need a service definition to inject the container into your controller. If the controller extends Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller all services are accesible via ->get(). Next to that, $form->isValid() already checks whether the form is submitted.
Why is your action private? It should be public, and it need to get the Request object as it's first parameter:
public function indexAction(Request $request)
$user = new User();
$form = $this->createForm(RegistrationType::class, $user);
if ($form->isValid()) {
// Do something here

Symfony2 flash messages from Entity Repository

Is there a way to write flash messages from entity repository. I have a Tag and Category entity.
I am adding tags via Category form, where i added a custom input field that receives tags separated with ", ". Every time i submit a form i check if the tags in the input already exist, if not i add them to the database and then i add them to the Category entity.
Here is my tag repository where im trying to write the flashmessage:
namespace Kpr\CentarZdravljaBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Kpr\CentarZdravljaBundle\Entity\Tags;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class TagsRepository extends EntityRepository
public function findByTagInput($arg)
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$args = explode(", ", $arg);
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$tagArray = array();
$addaedTags = "";
foreach($args as $name){
$tag = $this->findByName($name);
$addaedTags .= $name.", ";
$newTag = new Tags();
$tagArray[] = $newTag;
if($addaedTags!="") $request->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('info', substr($addaedTags,0,strlen($addaedTags)-2));
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->add('select', 'tag')
->add('from', 'KprCentarZdravljaBundle:Tags tag')
->add('where', $qb->expr()->in('', $args));
// $qb instanceof QueryBuilder
$query = $qb->getQuery();
// Set additional Query options
$results = $query->getResult();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE $whereS";
$stmt = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->prepare($sql);
$results = $stmt->execute();
$totalResults = array_merge($tagArray, $results);
$tags = new ArrayCollection($totalResults);
return $tags;
public function findByName($name)
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->add('select', 'tag')
->add('from', 'KprCentarZdravljaBundle:Tags tag')
->add('where', ' = :namearg')
->setParameter('namearg', $name);
// $qb instanceof QueryBuilder
$query = $qb->getQuery();
$result = $query->getResult();
return $result;
The error i get:
FatalErrorException: Error: Call to a member function getFlashBag()
on a non-object in /home/kprhr/public_html/CZ_Symfony/src/Kpr/CentarZdravljaBundle/Entity/TagsRepository.php line 31
I don't think you should handle the request from the EntityManager ; their purposes are different. The EntityManager manages the communication between the DB and your application, it's not its purpose to handle session management, neither is it to add flashes messages.
This job should go to a dedicated service, which will handle that.
Now, your error comes from the way you get your request. You are actually creating a brand new object, which is not properly instanciated, by using the static method createFromGlobals. Instead, you should handle the flash messages in your controller.
This would translate as something like that:
public function mypageAction()
// Your logic
if (count($args) > 0) {
$this->getRequest()->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('info', implode(',', $args));
// ...

Symfony2 Doctrine2 - how convert entity (not fetched form database) to array

I have entity from form framework.
public function editAction($id)
$request = $this->getRequest();
$r = $this->getProfileRepository();
$profile = $id ? $r->find($id) :
new \Alden\BonBundle\Entity\Profile();
/* #var $profile \Alden\BonBundle\Entity\Profile */
$form = $this->createForm(
new \Alden\BonBundle\Form\Type\ProfileType(),
if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST')
if ($form->isValid())
I need to convert $profile into array. In class Profile all properties are defined as private so I can't iterate like foreach($profile as $key => $value) {...}
You can use Reflection to retrieve class properties. Then, use a PropertyPath to retrieve properties values.
Here is an example:
$reflectedClass = new \ReflectionClass($yourClass);
$objectProperties = $reflectedClass->getProperties();
$datas = array();
foreach ($objectProperties as $objectProperty) {
$property = $objectProperty->getName();
$path = new PropertyPath($property);
$datas[] = $path->getValue($object);
But, if your form / entity is simple, you can just create a dedicated method in entity to return the right array.
