Does IBM Worklight 6.0 support Rich Push Notification - push-notification

I know that IBM Worklight 6.0 server supports the Basic Push Notification, and there are sample codes available on IBM Worklight site to implement it.
I want to know if the IBM Worklight server supports the Rich Push Notification to be sent to the GCM or APN from the Worklight server.
Sample code to send the Push Notification to Mobile with sound is supported as given below:
WL.Server.notifyAllDevices(userSubscription, {
badge: 1,
sound: "alarma.wav",
activateButtonLabel: "ClickMe",
alert: notificationText,
payload: {
foo : 'bar'
I want to check if the payload can support to send the Rich Notification.

Worklight push notifications for Android:
Support Basic GCM Notifications (push notifications)
Support cloud sync notifications
Support notifications priority (starting MFP 6.3)
Does not support Rich Notifications - note that Rich Notifications is not the same as push notifications
Does not support creating custom notification views (you'll need to override the default and implement it on your own)
Worklight push notifications for iOS:
Support Basic Notifications
Support Silent Notifications (starting MFP 6.3)
Support Interactive Notifications (starting MFP 6.3)
Support Background notifications (starting MFP 6.3)
Does not support Local Notifications
You are encouraged to submit feature requests.


How Firebase push notification work on IOS?

I want to create my own push notification mechanism for my own iOS applications.
I compared some services like or Google Firebase. I think Pushy is the only service that can push notifications independent from Apple APNs, but it uses simple HTTP long-poll requests to receive notifications (in the iOS SDK).
But how does Firebase work? Does it still depend on Apple's APNs? How will it affect my battery life?
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) delivers push notification to iOS devices via Apple's Push Notifications service. Also FCM extends functionality of push notifications.
How FCM extends?
FCM works with iOS and Android. Cool feature if you have the app for both platforms;
Don't need to develop backend for sending notifications, storing pn tokens etc. Just register your app in the Google Developer Console and follow User Guides. For sending a push just execute request to with params;
Broadcast notifications. The app subscribes to a topic and then you can send a notification to all topic subscribers. Very cool;
Upstream messages (send data to the server)
Also Google has others services you can extend FCM with. For example Cloud Functions.
I didn't find that FCM integration take big affect to battery life in my apps.
FCM framework sends push notification token (and other info) to Google services. Also as I mentioned above you can subscribe app for a specific topic. Than Google knows which device needs to send a push to.
There is a possibility to setup FCM in iOS automatically(with using method swizzling). FCM exchange AppDelegate methods and knows your's device pn token.
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) utilizes APNs (Apple push notifications services) for delivering the messages to iOS devices.
So basically, FCM wraps iOS methods like registerForRemoteNotifications or didReceiveRemoteNotification using method swizzling (BTW, you can disable this if you wish, although I can't see any reason...).
On the technical side - the phone is keeping an open connection with APNs and this tunnel is used for sending the messages themselves.

Sending push notification to existing gcm user from fcm on web

I imported my gcm project to fcm. How can I send push notification to the existing users of GCM? I am using it for web notifications. Everywhere I got the support for android and IOS. How to sent notifications on chrome using the gcm ID?
Your question is related to this SO post.
So, it is said that FCM and GCM messaging api are the same. The difference is just their url, GCM - and FCM - and still pointing to same server.
Furthermore, you can see this documentation about Update server endpoints
You can also refer to this SO post for further reading.

SDK for creating Push Notification for Xamarin Forms

newbie here. I was doing some research on using Xamarin Forms for Push Notification. Understand there are APN (Apple Push Notification), FCM(Google) and WNS (Microsoft). However, I could not understand the iOS App rule on using Push Notification:
1) Push Notifications
1.1) Apps that provide Push Notifications without using the Apple Push Notification (APN) API will be rejected
1.2) Apps that use the APN service without obtaining a Push Application ID from Apple will be rejected
what if I use FCM ?
2) What is the SDK for Xamarin forms to build a push notification app which will doing the registration and interacting with app back-end?
What is the best approach for Xamarin Forms?
Apple Push Notification Service or (APNS) is the only one who can send push notifications to an iOS device. This is why we provision our app with the proper certificate.
The same applies to FCM or WNS. However, services like Amazon Simple Notification Service (AWS SNS), wrap around all three providers and allow us to make one simple API call to recieve notifications from all 3 providers.
For example, we then provide our certificate that Apple provides us to authorize SNS to send a notification to APNS on our behalf. Push notifications are usually device/platform specific.
AWS SNS Xamarin SDK documentation has good pointers :
This is a Xamarin.Forms Github example for the AWS SNS service.

Does IBM BlueMix's Push Notifications service provide a console for authoring messages?

Not finding anything here:
I'm looking for a web console for sending messages to apps - similar to what is offered by UrbanAirship and Parse (rest its soul).
Yes the IBM Push Notification service has a Push Dashboard where you can author messages, customize the notification payload, specify the target audience and send notifications to both iOS and Android in both Production and Sandbox modes.
Here's a screenshot of the Push Dashboard:
The docs go into it a bit here:
To access it you'll just need to create a Bluemix application using the MobileFirst Services Starter Boilerplate, and then navigate to the IBM Push Notifications instance from your application dashboard at which point you will be prompted to provide your .p12 certificate and/or GCM credentials.

GCM: Message sent on a topic does not reach the browser

My setup include a webapp, a backend server and an android app.
I want to be able to chat between my android app and webapp.
Android app has subscribed to the topic /topics/chatGroupName
Similarly on browser, I get the registrationToken and send it to my server where I use code similar in (addToTopicNoRetry) to subscribe the browser to the topic: /topics/chatGroupName
When I send a message from the web, I use my backend server to send a GCM message on a topic like /topics/chatGroupName and the android app receives this message.
But when I send GCM message from Android app on this topic /topics/chatGroupName, I dont get any notification on the browser app.
Even my shows that this registration token has already subscribed to /topics/chatGroupName
Firebase has now released javascript library that supports FCM push notifications with support for topics.
