how to define a sample avatar in wordpress - wordpress

I want to show last comments in my side bar in wordpress, if the person who has sent a comment has gavatar it will be shown but if he does not have , in my template there is a default picture like below :
how can I cusomize this picture ? and show my favorite avatar ?

The get_avatar() function has a $default parameter, allowing you to set a custom url to an image you specify
<?php echo get_avatar( $id_or_email, $size, $default, $alt ); ?>

Add into function.php
function custom_avatar($avatar_defaults){
$new_default_icon = get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/custom/images/new-avatar.png';
$avatar_defaults[$new_default_icon] = 'My Custom Avatar';
return $avatar_defaults;


Wordpress custom button link output after the_content

I'm trying to insert a button to show at the end of each post on Wordpress in which the link it goes to is defined by a setup using the custom fields plugin. When creating each post, I am able to select the link I wish to display.
Here is the code I have which I know is wrong but I was hoping someone could help here.
function wpb_after_post_content($content){
if (is_single()) {
$content .= 'Contact Franchise →';
return $content;
add_filter( "the_content", "wpb_after_post_content" );
I assume $franchise_profile_url is a variable and you should concatenate it in the string like this
$content .= 'Contact Franchise →';
function afterContent($content) {
if(!is_feed() && !is_home()) {
$content.= "<div class='footNote'>";
$content.= "<h4>Click the below button if you like it:</h4>";
$content.= "<p><a href='#'>LIKE</a></p>";
$content.= "</div>";
return $content;
add_filter ('the_content', 'afterContent');
Use the above function. It will help you to achieve what you need.
Thanks for the help here, however, that code simply links back to the post itself and isn't pulling in the URL as set on the post using custom fields. This is the code I had set up before which was working on a default post setup but now I wish to use an alternative method in the functions.php file
<?php if( get_field('franchise_profile_url') ): ?>
Contact Franchise →
<?php endif; ?>

How do I return only image src from "woocommerce_get_product_thumbnail()"?

echo woocommerce_get_product_thumbnail();
That output the whole image tag.
How can I get only the image source?
Same problems solution with just WordPress:
How do I get image url only on the_post_thumbnail
Is that possible with WooCommerce?
Try to write your own code based on the function woocommerce_get_product_thumbnail() from wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-template-functions.php. For example:
function my_get_the_product_thumbnail_url( $size = 'shop_catalog' ) {
global $post;
$image_size = apply_filters( 'single_product_archive_thumbnail_size', $size );
return get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $post->ID, $image_size );
You can get the thumbnail of any post as such:
$thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail_url($post->ID);
it also provides the image URL through normal WordPress get post URL method
try this:
<?php echo the_post_thumbnail_url(); ?>
I thought woocommerce post thumbnail is different than normal post thumbnail( self teaching limits) . But they are the same thing.
So to get just the "src" attribute aka image url use the following line-
<?php the_post_thumbnail_url( $size ); ?>

Fetch custom field data for a specific blog post

I want to output the metadata from a custom field in WordPress post.
On this page if WordPress codex I found the following instruction:
To fetch meta values use the get_post_meta() function:
get_post_meta($post_id, $key, $single);
I am trying to do it this way:
get_post_meta(1, 'Currently Reading',true);
But nothing gets output in the browser.
What's the proper way to output the content of the custom field?
The easiest way to do this is this:
<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'your_meta_key', true); ?>
On your post or page editor, you can go to "Screen Options" in the top right corner and check the box to display "Custom Fields". This will allow you to see the meta keys available. Just copy the name of the meta key into your get_post_meta call in the spot above where it says "your_meta_key". Don't change the $post->ID as that is global.
Taken from that page linked
<?php $meta_values = get_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $single ); ?>
so you'd need to access it through the $meta_values return object.
Like so:
print 'The ID is: ' . $meta_values->ID;
get_post_meta(1, 'Currently Reading',true); will only get the values, you need to store it somewhere and output it properly. One way to do this is to store the function return values into a variable like so:
<?php $custom = get_post_meta( 1, $key, $single ); ?>
Then you can output it with a print or echo like so:
echo $custom;
Something to note, try using a value $post_id for the first argument. This will grab the current post id.

create custom field and upload image in wordpress

i'm trying to learn the way for uploading image file through custom field but cant get the easiest code to do it. i just done a bit here:
add_action('admin_init', 'create_image_box');
function create_image_box() {
add_meta_box( 'meta-box-id', 'Image Field', 'display_image_box', 'post', 'normal', 'high' );
//Display the image_box
function display_image_box() {
global $post;
$image_id = get_post_meta($post->ID,'xxxx_image', true);
echo 'Upload an image: <input type="file" name="xxxx_image" id="xxxx_image" />';
// Upload done: show it now...(as thmbnail or 60 x 50)
anybody please take me to next step and show the way to display the image in blog page too.
Lets go Stepwise here:
Create custom field Meta Box for inserting Image Url in post type => post.
Update/Save the custom field value in back end.
Display the custom field value in front end.
Seeing your code it seems that you are missing #2. Try the code below to save custom field:
function save_joe_details($post_id){
global $post;
return $post_id;
update_post_meta($post->ID, "custom_field_image", $_POST["custom_field_image"] );
add_action('save_post', 'save_joe_details');
Code for #3 that displaying the custom field will be:
<?php global $post;
$custom_image = get_post_custom($post->ID); ?>
<img src="<?php echo $custom_image["custom_field_image"][0] ?>" />
you could try wrap it in wp_get_attachment_url like this:-
wp_get_attachment_url( $custom_image["custom_field_image"][0] );

Exclude the_post_thumbnail from gallery shortcode

I am using this code to have a simple gallery on the page:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[gallery itemtag="ul" icontag="li" size="full" columns="0" link="file" ]'); ?>
The problem now is that the end-user has to upload an image via the Media page before selecting this image as featured image.
I know this could be solved by adding the featured image's ID to the shortcode's exclude list, but how to get this ID automatically?
function exclude_thumbnail_from_gallery($null, $attr)
if (!$thumbnail_ID = get_post_thumbnail_id())
return $null; // no point carrying on if no thumbnail ID
// temporarily remove the filter, otherwise endless loop!
remove_filter('post_gallery', 'exclude_thumbnail_from_gallery');
// pop in our excluded thumbnail
if (!isset($attr['exclude']) || empty($attr['exclude']))
$attr['exclude'] = array($thumbnail_ID);
elseif (is_array($attr['exclude']))
$attr['exclude'][] = $thumbnail_ID;
// now manually invoke the shortcode handler
$gallery = gallery_shortcode($attr);
// add the filter back
add_filter('post_gallery', 'exclude_thumbnail_from_gallery', 10, 2);
// return output to the calling instance of gallery_shortcode()
return $gallery;
add_filter('post_gallery', 'exclude_thumbnail_from_gallery', 10, 2);
<?php $id = get_post_thumbnail_id(get_the_ID()); // gets the post thumbnail ID ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode('[gallery exclude='.$id.' link="file" itemtag="div" icontag="span" captiontag="p" size="thumbnail" columns="4" ]'); ?>
How about?
echo do_shortcode('[gallery exclude="' . get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ) . '"]');
