ASP.NET Web API: Change Request Headers -

A JavaScript client that I have no control over is sending the incorrect HTTP request headers to my Web API services. More specifically, it's using a library that is sending an incorrect OData header.
Is there any way that I can intercept the HTTP request before it hits my services? Can I add/remove/update headers or query string info?
For instance, if I receive the following HTTP header:
GET /Some/API HTTP/1.1
MaxDataServiceVersion: 2.0
I'd like to know how to modify it to the following before the OData libraries take over:
GET /Some/API HTTP/1.1
MaxDataServiceVersion: 4.0

The header isn't incorrect. Your client expects an OData v2 service and even if you did manipulate the headers, it probably won't be able to understand the response from your server.
But you could use a simple HTTP proxy to rewrite the headers if you really want to try that route.
If you do that, make sure your OData server supports the Atom format because the OData JSON format changed completely between versions 2 and 4, so there's no way that JavaScript client will understand it. The Atom format changed as well, but if the client's parser is extremely lenient, it might work.


400 Bad request while consuming a rest service with POST method?

I'm getting http requestor connection problem with POST:request a bad request even though I'm configuring properly. I'm sending json payload in the body and Bearer token in headers parameters with content type, I can evaluate the token and payload properly but still getting as a bad request when I tried to hit the direct URL as well, and I tried the trigger in postman with the same token generated in mule where I'm getting the success response but while using the same service within mule getting as bad request, I'm using http connector plugin version 1.7.1 in pom.xml.. Is there any problem with the dependency? can anyone help me with this?
If you are successful doing the request in postman then the HTTP request in your Mule application has to need some adjustments to make it match the postman request. Compare them carefully to make them match.

Which http request headers are required for client?

Which of the http request headers are required for a client to get the correct response from server?
Does it depend on server back-end?
I've come up with situations in which setting all request headers(just like browser does) gave me improper responses and i had to cross some out.
If all request headers are required, does it mean http helper libraries in programming languages set some default values? If not, is there a better solution than error-and-trail?

Custom response headers not sent by server (Rails Devise)

I'm trying to retrieve 3 response headers (Rails Devise Auth Headers: uid, client, access-token) in every request to a Rails Server.
Using Postman (http client) it's working.
With OkHttp (java http client) the headers just don't show up in the client (i've checked using Wireshark).
When i'm in debug mode it just work...
The additional headers with postman are due to postman sending an Origin header and the server is replying with CORS headers, i.e. Access-Control-.... These headers are send within the normal HTTP header, i.e. not after the response.
But these access control headers are only relevant when the access is done from a browser because they control the cross origin behavior of XHR. Since you are not inside a browser they should be irrelevant for what you are doing. What is relevant are the body of the response and some of the other headers and here you'll find no differences. Also irrelevant should be if multiple requests are send within the same TCP connection (HTTP keep-alive done by postman) or with multiple connections (OkHttp) because each request is independent from the other and using the same TCP connection is only a performance optimization.
If you really want to get these special headers you should add an Origin header within you OkHttp request. See the OkHttp examples on how to add your own headers. But like I said: these access control headers should be irrelevant for the real task and there should be no need to get to these headers.
There is a property "config.batch_request_buffer_throttle" in the file "config/initializers/devise_token_auth.rb" of the Rails Project. We changed it from 5 seconds to 0 seconds.
It is a property to keep the current token available for that amount of time to the following requests.
As the original documentation: "Sometimes it's necessary to make several requests to the API at the same time. In this case, each request in the batch will need to share the same auth token. This setting determines how far apart the requests can be while still using the same auth token."
So when we did the request using Postman or in Java Debug the 5 seconds was running allowing Devise to generate new tokens then retrieve them to the client.

Jmeter Web service Testing (HTTP Raw Request)

How to test web services which is written in PHP as "HTTP Raw Request" , I tried J meter Raw request Plugins, but i donno what to give in Request Data, And Data File Path ????
Kindly Suggest me to go further in Jmeter !!!!
SOAP Web Services are talking XML. REST Web Services are accept and reply JSON.
For XML-based Web Service you should be using
SOAP/XML-RPC Request to send a request itself
XPath Extractor - for correlation (extract dynamic values from response for re-using)
XPath Assertion - for checking that response is expected
For REST-based Web Service following components are quite good:
HTTP Request - to send requests
HTTP Header Manager - to hold Content-Type and any other headers
JSONPath Extractor (available via plugin) - for correlation
JSONPath Assertion - for testing
Perhaps Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter guide can be a good place to start with.

Generating HTTP Request

In how many ways can an HTTP request be generated?
There are endless ways how you can create and from where you can send HTTP requests to a server. Actually your server has no idea, what the origin of such a request is (if it's AJAX or "regular" request, or sent from a console application or ...)
But there are HTTP methods (HTTP verbs) that (can) tell the server about the intent of the request:
Also you can set headers in a request, for example the content-type or the accepted encoding:
Most JavaScript libraries for example set the (non-standard) HTTP header X-Requested-With, so your application can differentiate between regular and ajax requests.
You see, it's even possible to set your own, non-standard headers. There are endless possible combinations...
HttpRequest is a C# class that wraps a petition sent by a client during a Web request.
There are many ways to generate it. The most usual one happens when your browser connects to an ASP.NET website.
You can, for example, create your own custom HttpRequest to petition a specific web page from a C# console application.
Are you trying to achieve something more specific?
