Simple function counting values from a list within certain range - r

I want to create a function that takes 3 arguments: a list of values and two cutoff values (a high and a low). Then I want it to how many of the values in the list are within the range of the two cutoff values.
So far I have tried:
count <- function(y, x1, x2){
tmp1 <- length(y)
tmp2 <- length(y>x1)
tmp3 <- length(tmp2<=x2)
count <- function(y, x1, x2){
results <- list()
for (i in y) {
if(y > x1 & y <= x2) {
results <- results+1
none of them work. Can some help me correct my code?

Simplify it down. Take the sum of a vectorized logical operation
f <- function(x, y, z) sum(x > y & x < z)
f(1:10, 3, 7)
# [1] 3
But the data.table authors are one step ahead of you. They've written a function between(). I believe there is also one in the dplyr package as well.
# function (x, lower, upper, incbounds = TRUE)
# {
# if (incbounds)
# x >= lower & x <= upper
# else x > lower & x < upper
# }
# <bytecode: 0x44fc790>
# <environment: namespace:data.table>
So for the same result as above you can simply do
sum(between(1:10, 3, 7, FALSE))
# [1] 3


Making custom functions in R involving summation

I am a novice in R asked to compute for a descriptive statistic called dominance (D; expressed as a percentage). D is basically defined as the mean abundance (MA) value of x divided by the sum of MA values of x to i. MA meanwhile is defined as the sum of all values in a vector over the length of the said vector. Here is how I normally approach things:
#Example data
x <- c(1, 2, 3)
y <- c(4, 5, 6)
z <- c(7, 8, 9)
#Mean abundance function
mean.abundance <- function(x){
N_sum <- sum(x)
N_count <- length(x)
#Percent dominance function (workaround)
percent.dominance <- function(x, ...){
MA_a <- (x)
sum_MA_i <- sum(x, ...)
MA_x <- mean.abundance(x)
MA_y <- mean.abundance(y)
MA_z <- mean.abundance(z)
MA <- c(MA_x, MA_y, MA_z)
D_x <- percent.dominance(MA_x, MA_y, MA_z)
D_y <- percent.dominance(MA_y, MA_x, MA_z)
D_z <- percent.dominance(MA_z, MA_x, MA_y)
D <- c(D_x, D_y, D_z)
That approach alone already gives me the %D values I am looking for. My problem is that my (perfectionist) PI is asking me to compute for the %D values directly using vectors x, y, and z (and not stepwise by means of calculating MA values then using vectors MA_x, MA_y, and MA_z to calculate for %D). I am stumped making a custom function for %D that involves vectors containing raw data; here is a failed attempt to revise said custom function, just to give a general idea.
#Percent dominance function (incorrect)
percent.dominance <- function(x, ...){
MA_a <- sum(x)/length(x)
sum_MA_i <- sum(x, ...)/length(x, ...)
You can capture the optional data passed with list(...) and make the following changes to the function -
percent.dominance <- function(x, ...){
data <- list(...)
MA_a <- sum(x)/length(x)
sum_MA_i <- sum(x, unlist(data))/(length(data) + 1)
percent.dominance(x, y, z)
#[1] 13.33333
percent.dominance(y, x, z)
#[1] 33.33333
percent.dominance(z, x, y)
#[1] 53.33333

How to implement the jaccard distance in kproto function

I am trying to implement the distance of jaccard in the kproto function (package clustMixType in R), but without any success. The aim is to do a cluster analysis of my dataset.
The distance of jaccard that I want to use is the complement of the similarity coefficient of jaccard, so
distance of jaccard = 1-[a/(a+b+c)] = [(b+c)/(a+b+c)], or
distance of jaccard = 1-[M11/(M01+M10+M11)] = [(M01+M10)/(M01+M10+M11)].
The source code of the kproto function is presented bellow. The variable d1 is the euclidean distance for the numeric variables and the variable d2 is the distance from the simple matching coefficient for the categorical variables (as factors).
It computes the distances between the observations and the prototypes, not between observations. Prototypes are calculated, and not an observation of the data set it self.
So my twoo questions are
1) d2 is what I want to modify, but how?
2) should d1 be the sqrt of what is being calculated?
Thank you for all your help. It will be much apreciated.
Here is an excerpt of the dataset i'm working on, where V1 to V4 are factor (binary) variables (to use the jaccard distance) and V5 to V8 are numeric variables (to use the euclidean distance):
Lets take the first twoo observations from the dataset provided above as an example:
The algorithm first select the k prototypes from the data set randomly, so lets supose that the second observation is one of the inicial prototypes. As I understood the algorithm creates a data frame called "protos" initially with k random observations from the data set provided, so the second observation would be one of the lines of the "proto" dataframe.
The combined distance used to cluster the observations would be d=d1+lambda*d2. Lambda can also be a vector of individual weights to each variable. d is the distance between the observations in the data set provided and the "proto" matrix created initially with k random observations.
In this case, considering the first twoo observations presented, the calculated distances, between the observation (yi) and the prototype (yk), would be as follow:
Euclidian for the numeric variables (V5 to V8):
k=1 to k clusters
i=1 to n observations
j=5 to 8 th variable
Jaccard, for the set of binary variables (V1 to V4):
are correspondences counts between the n observations and the k prototypes, for variables 1 to 4.
So the combined distance between this especific observation and the initial prototype of that cluster is:
The results, as I understood, are then stored in a matrix called "d", line by line, the size of [number of lines=number of observations, number of columns = number of clusters k].
I'm expecting to correctly calculate the euclidian and jaccard distances, modifiyng the kproto function, maintaining the steps and results provided by the original function.
NOTE: the final function should work on any number of observations, variables and prototypes, and not only to my specific dataset.
I've also tried to mix the codes from kproto (clustMixType package) and dist.binary (ade4 package), but they work in different ways.
#K-Prototypes algorithm
kproto.default <- function(x, k, lambda = NULL, iter.max = 100, nstart = 1, na.rm = TRUE, = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...){
# initial error checks
if(! stop("x should be a data frame!")
if(ncol(x) < 2) stop("For clustering x should contain at least two variables!")
if(iter.max < 1 | nstart < 1) stop("iter.max and nstart must not be specified < 1!")
if(any(lambda < 0)) stop("lambda must be specified >= 0!")
if(!any(lambda > 0)) stop("lambda must be specified > 0 for at least one variable!")
# check for numeric and factor variables
numvars <- sapply(x, is.numeric)
anynum <- any(numvars)
catvars <- sapply(x, is.factor)
anyfact <- any(catvars)
if(!anynum) stop("\n No numeric variables in x! Try using kmodes() from package klaR...\n\n")
if(!anyfact) stop("\n No factor variables in x! Try using kmeans()...\n\n")
# treatment of missings
NAcount <- apply(x, 2, function(z) sum(
cat("# NAs in variables:\n")
if(any(NAcount == nrow(x))) stop(paste("Variable(s) have only NAs please remove them:",names(NAcount)[NAcount == nrow(x)],"!"))
if(na.rm) {
miss <- apply(x, 1, function(z) any(
cat(sum(miss), "observation(s) with NAs.\n")
if(sum(miss) > 0) message("Observations with NAs are removed.\n")
x <- x[!miss,]
} # remove missings
allNAs <- apply(x,1,function(z) all(
if(sum(allNAs) > 0){
if(verbose) cat(sum(allNAs), "observation(s) where all variables NA.\n")
warning("No meaningful cluster assignment possible for observations where all variables NA.\n")
if(verbose) cat("\n")
if(nrow(x) == 1) stop("Only one observation clustering not meaningful.")
k_input <- k # store input k for nstart > 1 as clusters can be merged
# initialize prototypes
if (length(k) == 1){
if(as.integer(k) != k){k <- as.integer(k); warning(paste("k has been set to", k,"!"))}
if(nrow(x) < k) stop("Data frame has less observations than clusters!")
ids <- sample(nrow(x), k)
protos <- x[ids,]
if (length(k) > 1){
if(nrow(x) < length(k)) stop("Data frame has less observations than clusters!")
ids <- k
k <- length(ids)
if(length(unique(ids)) != length(ids)) stop("If k is specified as a vector it should contain different indices!")
if(any(ids<1)|any(ids>nrow(x))) stop("If k is specified as a vector all elements must be valid indices of x!")
#check for integer
protos <- x[ids,]
if(nrow(x) < nrow(k)) stop("Data frame has less observations than clusters!")
if(length(names(k)) != length(names(x))) stop("k and x have different numbers of columns!")
if(any(names(k) != names(x))) stop("k and x have different column names!")
if(anynum) {if( any(sapply(k, is.numeric) != numvars)) stop("Numeric variables of k and x do not match!")}
if(anyfact) {if( any(sapply(k, is.factor) != catvars)) stop("Factor variables of k and x do not match!")}
protos <- k
k <- nrow(protos)
if(k < 1) stop("Number of clusters k must not be smaller than 1!")
# automatic calculation of lambda
if(length(lambda) > 1) {if(length(lambda) != sum(c(numvars,catvars))) stop("If lambda is a vector, its length should be the sum of numeric and factor variables in the data frame!")}
if(anynum & anyfact){
vnum <- mean(sapply(x[,numvars, drop = FALSE], var, na.rm = TRUE))
vcat <- mean(sapply(x[,catvars, drop = FALSE], function(z) return(1-sum((table(z)/sum(!^2))))
if (vnum == 0){
if(verbose) warning("All numerical variables have zero variance.")
anynum <- FALSE
if (vcat == 0){
if(verbose) warning("All categorical variables have zero variance.")
anyfact <- FALSE
if(anynum & anyfact){
lambda <- vnum/vcat
if(verbose) cat("Estimated lambda:", lambda, "\n\n")
lambda <- 1
# initialize clusters
clusters <- numeric(nrow(x))
tot.dists <- NULL
moved <- NULL
iter <- 1
# check for any equal prototypes and reduce cluster number in case of occurence
if(k > 1){
keep.protos <- rep(TRUE,k)
for(l in 1:(k-1)){
for(m in (l+1):k){
d1 <- sum((protos[l,numvars, drop = FALSE]-protos[m,numvars, drop = FALSE])^2) # euclidean for numerics
d2 <- sum(protos[l,catvars, drop = FALSE] != protos[m,catvars, drop = FALSE]) # wtd simple matching for categorics
if((d1+d2) == 0) keep.protos[m] <- FALSE
protos <- protos[keep.protos,]
k <- sum(keep.protos)
if(verbose) message("Equal prototypes merged. Cluster number reduced to:", k, "\n\n")
# special case only one cluster
if(k == 1){clusters <- rep(1, nrow(x)); size <- table(clusters); iter <- iter.max} # REM: named vector size is needed later...
# start iterations for standard case (i.e. k > 1)
while(iter < iter.max){
# compute distances
nrows <- nrow(x)
dists <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrows, ncol = k)
for(i in 1:k){
#a0 <- proc.time()[3]
#d1 <- apply(x[,numvars],1, function(z) sum((z-protos[i,numvars])^2)) # euclidean for numerics
d1 <- (x[,numvars, drop = FALSE] - matrix(rep(as.numeric(protos[i, numvars, drop = FALSE]), nrows), nrow=nrows, byrow=T))^2
if(length(lambda) == 1) d1 <- rowSums(d1, na.rm = TRUE)
if(length(lambda) > 1) d1 <- as.matrix(d1) %*% lambda[numvars]
#a1 <- proc.time()[3]
#d2 <- lambda * apply(x[,catvars],1, function(z) sum((z != protos[i,catvars]))) # wtd simple matching for categorics
d2 <- sapply(which(catvars), function(j) return(x[,j] != rep(protos[i,j], nrows)) )
d2[] <- FALSE
if(length(lambda) == 1) d2 <- lambda * rowSums(d2)
if(length(lambda) > 1) d2 <- as.matrix(d2) %*% lambda[catvars]
#a2 <- proc.time()[3]
dists[,i] <- d1 + d2
#cat(a1-a0, a2-a1, "\n")
# assign clusters
old.clusters <- clusters
# clusters <- apply(dists, 1, function(z) which.min(z))
clusters <- apply(dists, 1, function(z) {a <- which.min(z); if (length(a)>1) a <- sample(a,1); return(a)}) # sample in case of multiple minima
size <- table(clusters)
min.dists <- apply(cbind(clusters, dists), 1, function(z) z[z[1]+1])
within <- as.numeric(by(min.dists, clusters, sum))
tot.within <- sum(within)
# prevent from empty classes
#tot.within <- numeric(k)
#totw.list <- by(min.dists, clusters, sum)
#tot.within[names(totw.list)] <- as.numeric(totw.list)
# ...check for empty clusters and eventually reduce number of prototypes
if (length(size) < k){
k <- length(size)
protos <- protos[1:length(size),]
if(verbose) cat("Empty clusters occur. Cluster number reduced to:", k, "\n\n")
# trace
tot.dists <- c(tot.dists, sum(tot.within))
moved <- c(moved, sum(clusters != old.clusters))
# compute new prototypes
remids <- as.integer(names(size))
for(i in remids){
protos[which(remids == i), numvars] <- sapply(x[clusters==i, numvars, drop = FALSE], mean, na.rm = TRUE)
protos[which(remids == i), catvars] <- sapply(x[clusters==i, catvars, drop = FALSE], function(z) levels(z)[which.max(table(z))])
if(k == 1){clusters <- rep(1, length(clusters)); size <- table(clusters); iter <- iter.max; break}
# check for any equal prototypes and reduce cluster number in case of occurence
if(iter == (iter.max-1)){ # REM: for last iteration equal prototypes are allowed. otherwise less prototypes than assigned clusters.
keep.protos <- rep(TRUE,k)
for(l in 1:(k-1)){
for(m in (l+1):k){
d1 <- sum((protos[l,numvars, drop = FALSE]-protos[m,numvars, drop = FALSE])^2) # euclidean for numerics
d2 <- sum(protos[l,catvars, drop = FALSE] != protos[m,catvars, drop = FALSE]) # wtd simple matching for categorics
if((d1+d2) == 0) keep.protos[m] <- FALSE
protos <- protos[keep.protos,]
k <- sum(keep.protos)
if(verbose) cat("Equal prototypes merged. Cluster number reduced to:", k, "\n\n")
# add stopping rules
if(moved[length(moved)] == 0) break
if(k == 1){clusters <- rep(1, length(clusters)); size <- table(clusters); iter <- iter.max; break}
#cat("iter", iter, "moved", moved[length(moved)], "tot.dists",tot.dists[length(tot.dists)],"\n" )
iter <- iter+1
### Final update of prototypes and dists
if(iter == iter.max){ # otherwise there have been no moves anymore and prototypes correspond to cluster assignments
# compute new prototypes
remids <- as.integer(names(size))
for(i in remids){
protos[which(remids == i), numvars] <- sapply(x[clusters==i, numvars, drop = FALSE], mean, na.rm = TRUE)
protos[which(remids == i), catvars] <- sapply(x[clusters==i, catvars, drop = FALSE], function(z) levels(z)[which.max(table(z))])
# compute distances
nrows <- nrow(x)
dists <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrows, ncol = k)
for(i in 1:k){
d1 <- (x[,numvars, drop = FALSE] - matrix(rep(as.numeric(protos[i, numvars, drop = FALSE]), nrows), nrow=nrows, byrow=T))^2
if(length(lambda) == 1) d1 <- rowSums(d1, na.rm = TRUE)
if(length(lambda) > 1) d1 <- as.matrix(d1) %*% lambda[numvars]
d2 <- sapply(which(catvars), function(j) return(x[,j] != rep(protos[i,j], nrows)) )
d2[] <- FALSE
if(length(lambda) == 1) d2 <- lambda * rowSums(d2)
if(length(lambda) > 1) d2 <- as.matrix(d2) %*% lambda[catvars]
dists[,i] <- d1 + d2
size <- table(clusters)
min.dists <- apply(cbind(clusters, dists), 1, function(z) z[z[1]+1])
within <- as.numeric(by(min.dists, clusters, sum))
tot.within <- sum(within)
names(clusters) <- row.names(dists) <- row.names(x)
rownames(protos) <- NULL
# create result:
res <- list(cluster = clusters,
centers = protos,
lambda = lambda,
size = size,
withinss = within,
tot.withinss = tot.within,
dists = dists,
iter = iter,
trace = list(tot.dists = tot.dists, moved = moved))
# loop: if nstart > 1:
if(nstart > 1)
for(j in 2:nstart){ <- kproto(x=x, k=k_input, lambda = lambda, iter.max = iter.max, nstart=1, verbose=verbose)
if($tot.withinss < res$tot.withinss) res <-
if( res$data = x
class(res) <- "kproto"
I've managed to modify the functions to accept a variety of similarity measures and uploaded the R file at, in case someone needs it.

Change a function to a numeric value

I have a function called in the example fn_example_1 that needs to change with a parameter that comes from another function (n).
It needs to have a fixed part that never changes, and a variable part that gets longer with n, as an example:
# this is the function that needs to change
fn_example_1 <- function(x, mod) {
# -- this part is fixed
mod$a <- x^2 # fixed
# -- this part can change with n
mod$b[5,5, k] <- x + 1 # variable
mod$b[6, 6, k] <- x + 1 # variable
# mod$b[7,7, k] <- x + 1 # if n = 3 ecc..
# k is an arg from a third function, more on that later..
This is what I have in mind, basically a wrapper function that gives back a different version of fn_example_1 that depens on n.
fn_wrap_example <- function(fn, n) {
# something
# something
# I've thought about a long if else, of course with a max value for n.
fn_wrap_example(fn_example_1, n = 2) # call to the wrapper
It is crucial that fn_wrap_example returns a function, this will be an argument to a third function. As a semplification n can have a max value, ie: 20.
The key is that fn_example_1 is a function that changes with n.
Here is how you can modify a function in your wrapper:
fn_factory <- function(n) {
fn <- function(x, mod) {
# -- this part is fixed
mod$a <- x^2 # fixed
x #place holder
# k is an arg from a third function, more on that later..
ins <- switch(n,
"1" = quote(mod$b[5,5, k] <- x + 1),
"2" = quote(mod$b[6, 6, k] <- x + 1)
body(fn)[[3]] <- ins
#function (x, mod)
# mod$a <- x^2
# mod$b[6, 6, k] <- x + 1
# mod
#<environment: 0x0000000008334eb8>
I seriously doubt you need this, but it can of course be done.
What you are looking for is called a closure.
Simple example:
power <- function(exponent) {
function(x) {
x ^ exponent
square <- power(2)

How to condition a computation and then add al computation done in R?

i am experimenting with and R and I can't find the way to do the next thing:
1- I want to multiply if x == 3 multiply by "y" value of the same row
2- Add all computations done in step 1.
x <- 3426278722533992028364647392927338
y <- 7479550949037487987438746984798374
x <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(x), "")[[1]])
y <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(y), "")[[1]])
Table <- table(x,y)
Table <- data.frame(Table)
Table$Freq <- NULL
So I tried creating a function:
Calculation <- function (x,y) {
z <- if(x == 3){ x * y }
w <- sum(z)
x and y are the columns of the data.frame
This prints and error which I struggle to solve...
Thanks for your time,
Kylian Pattje
2 things here:
1. Use ifelse in your function,
Calculation <- function (x,y) {
z <- ifelse(x == 3, x * y, NA)
w <- sum(z, na.rm = TRUE)
2. Make sure your variables are NOT factors,
Table[] <- lapply(Table, function(i) as.numeric(as.character(i)))
Calculation(Table$x, Table$y)
#[1] 84

Using apply in R with an additional vector argument

I have a matrix of size 10000 x 100 and a vector of length 100. I'd like to apply a custom function, percentile, which takes in a vector argument and a scalar argument, to each column of the matrix such that on iteration j, the arguments used with percentile are column j of the matrix and entry j of the vector. Is there a way to use one of the apply functions to do this?
Here's my code. It runs, but doesn't return the correct result.
percentile <- function(x, v){
length(x[x <= v]) / length(x)
X <- matrix(runif(10000 * 100), nrow = 10000, ncol = 100)
y <- runif(100)
result <- apply(X, 2, percentile, v = y)
The workaround that I've been using has been to just append y to X, and re-write the percentile function, as shown below.
X <- rbind(X, y)
percentile2 <- function(x){
v <- x[length(x)]
x <- x[-length(x)]
length(x[x <= v]) / length(x)
result <- apply(X, 2, percentile2)
This code does return the correct result, but I would prefer something a bit more elegant.
If you understand that R is vectorised and know the right functions you can avoid loops entirely, and do the whole thing in one relatively simple line...
colSums( t( t( X ) <= y ) ) / nrow( X )
Through vectorisation R will recycle each element in y across each column of X (by default it will do this across the rows, so we use the transpose function t to turn the columns to rows, apply the logical comparison <= and then transpose back again.
Since TRUE and FALSE evaluate to 1 and 0 respectively we can use colSums to effectively get the number of rows in each column which met the condition and then divde each column by the total number of rows (remember the recycling rule!). It is the exact same result....
res1 <- apply(X2, 2, percentile2)
res2 <- colSums( t( t( X ) <= y ) ) / nrow( X )
identical( res1 , res2 )
[1] TRUE
Obviously as this doesn't use any R loops it's a lot quicker (~10 times on this small matrix).
Even better would be to use rowMeans like this (thanks to #flodel):
rowMeans( t(X) <= y )
I think the easiest and clearest way is to use a for loop:
result2 <- numeric(ncol(X))
for (i in seq_len(ncol(X))) {
result2[i] <- sum(X[,i] <= y[i])
result2 <- result2 / nrow(X)
the fastest and shortest solution I can think of is:
result1 <- rowSums(t(X) <= y) / nrow(X)
SimonO101 has an explanation in his answer how this works. As I said, it is fast. However, the disadvantage is that it is less clear what exactly is calculated here, although you could solve this by placing this piece of code in a well-named function.
flodel also suggester a solution using mapply which is an apply that can work on multiple vectors. However, for that to work you first need to put each of your columns or your matrix in a list or data.frame:
result3 <- mapply(percentile,, y)
Speed wise (see below for some benchmarking) the for-loop doesn't do that bad and it's faster than using apply (in this case at least). The trick with rowSums and vector recycling is faster, over 10 times as fast as the solution using apply.
> X <- matrix(rnorm(10000 * 100), nrow = 10000, ncol = 100)
> y <- runif(100)
> system.time({result1 <- rowSums(t(X) <= y) / nrow(X)})
user system elapsed
0.020 0.000 0.018
> system.time({
+ X2 <- rbind(X, y)
+ percentile2 <- function(x){
+ v <- x[length(x)]
+ x <- x[-length(x)]
+ length(x[x <= v]) / length(x)
+ }
+ result <- apply(X2, 2, percentile2)
+ })
user system elapsed
0.252 0.000 0.249
> system.time({
+ result2 <- numeric(ncol(X))
+ for (i in seq_len(ncol(X))) {
+ result2[i] <- sum(X[,i] <= y[i])
+ }
+ result2 <- result2 / nrow(X)
+ })
user system elapsed
0.024 0.000 0.024
> system.time({
+ result3 <- mapply(percentile,, y)
+ })
user system elapsed
0.076 0.000 0.073
> all(result2 == result1)
[1] TRUE
> all(result2 == result)
[1] TRUE
> all(result3 == result)
[1] TRUE
