How to fix the Crawl Issue -

I found External error 408 when I test my site on Website Crawler and XML Sitemap Generator tool on below link :
My site name like :
In this error status it show me the created link like www.MyWebsite.comhttp/ that cause the error . I couldn’t understand how this links is created. Its an website which also have a wordpress blog.
Can anyone please help me to figure out its solution?
Many thanks in advance.

External 408 errors are usually caused by your site timing out. Do you know of any reasons that can cause your website to timeout? Also make sure there are not restrictions for the crawler in the Robot.txt file.


htaccess Google Seach Console Redirect Error Problem

My Wordpress website keeps getting refused by google search console, and i've spent a week trying to fix this problem (tried many different solutions). When I used a third party SEO crawler. It located the redirect error to a problem in to .
Google: Page fetch error Failed: Redirect error
So, having had experience before with SSL and redirects with htaccess with different websites before, i thought this would be an easy fix. apparently it isn't, and I still can't find a fix. I tried many different htaccess solutions. All my links in the xml sitemap use https. all my wordpress settings are set to . And I have no idea what I am doing wrong, what change, and what to do. I can only think the problem lies in the htaccess file. And I don't what code to use anymore. (yes, i've also disabled all the plugins)
Thank you.
Found the solution:
Add code in functions.php:

How to handle Wordpress Http error while uploading images

Sometimes I faced the HTTP error on WordPress for different tasks. especially when I try to upload some files in the media library. Some easily uploaded while some give HTTP error. Let me know if you are also facing the same issue. By the way, you can visit my website and tell me if there is any issue there.
Have you tried to upload the same file again after some time? I see it's not a permanent error so it may be a server resources problem.
I found this article on the issue, maybe you'll find it helpful:
I'd recommend you to also contact your hosting provider and tell them about the issue.

Gravity Forms file upload leads to 404 in WordPress Admin

I'm current having an issue with Gravity Forms. I have several forms with an upload function, but when people upload a file i can't view it in the backend. It just leads to an 404 error.
The file destination is: /index.php?gf-download=2018%2F10%2FRegnskabsskabelon-International-transport.pdf&form-id=7&field-id=101&hash=923ee8ba8c7bb431ea0c6b60ac4b0b8cd345b1ed452d8b4d3bddf1579ea961bf
I can't seem to find the file in FTP.
I don't know how to troubleshoot this error or find the problem.
What i've tried:
Deactivating all plugins
Resetting permalinks
Using an standard theme
Updating Gravity Forms.
The error still occurs
Hope you can help
Currently on Gravity Forms Version 2.4.6
Best Regards
I was facing this issue with a client and just found a solution. It may not be universal though as most articles I found state that it is most likely a plugin conflict.
In my case it was simply an unwanted redirect of */index.html
There is already a redirect set in htaccess to route index.html to index.php and if there is a secondary redirect of index.html to a given page, you get a 404.
Hope this helps someone, as I haven't found any concrete solutions.
I also just encountered this problem, and after head much scratching discovered that one possible cause is if you have moved Wordpress to/from its own folder but moved the index.php file instead of copying it. Copying index.php back to its original location fixes the 404 error.

Fixed URL Injection in WordPress site

Since some days ago i have received some alerts from Google about errors in my web site, i had been fixed them, some about 404 errors.
But i really doesn't know what to do with the last one, is about an url injection in my site, i don't know how to fixed this.
The url reported is:
I updated the CMS (WordPress) and delete some files I tried with some security plugins to find malware but it doesn't get anything.
What can i check far away from the things i made?
There is no such 404 error on . There may be any css or js file is not loading properly.

wordpress url param redirect_to & reauth=1 detected as deceptive pages

Need help
After change my domain from without-www to www google chrome detect my web have a deceptive page, this is the links the I got from google webmaster :
I have try to fixed the problem, using the solution the I’ve read from . But, it is not success.
I have turn on the WP_DEBUG, but there is no error.log created.
Please tell me the other solution.
