Convert signed to unsigned integer mathematically - math

I am in need of an unsigned 16 bit integer value in my OPC server but can only send it a signed 16 bit integer. I need to change this signed integer to unsigned mathematically but am unsure how. My internet research has not lead me in the right path either. Could someone please give some advise? Thanks in advance.

Mathematically, the conversion from signed to unsigned works as follows: (1) do the integer division of the signed integer by 1 + max, (2) codify the signed integer as the non-negative remainder of the division. Here max is the maximum integer you can write with the available number of bits, 16 in your case.
Recall that the non-negative remainder is the only integer r that satisfies
1. s = q(1+max) + r
2. 0 <= r < 1+max.
Note that when s >= 0, the non-negative remainder is s itself (you cannot codify integers greater than max). Therefore, there is actually something to do only when s < 0:
if s >= 0 then return s else return 1 + max + s
because the value r = 1 + max + s satisfies conditions 1 and 2 above for the non-negative reminder.
For this convention to work as expected the signed s must satisfy
- (1 + max)/2 <= s < (1 + max)/2
In your case, given that you have 16 bits, we have max = 0xFFFF and 1 + max = 0x10000 = 65536.
Note also that if you codify a negative integer with this convention, the result will have its highest bit on, i.e., equal to 1. This way, the highest bit becomes a flag that tells whether the number is negative or positive.
2 -> 2
1 -> 1
0 -> 0
-1 -> 0xFFFF
-2 -> 0xFFFE
-3 -> 0xFFFD
-15 -> 0xFFF1
-32768 -> 0x8000 = 32768 (!)
-32769 -> error: cannot codify using only 16 bits.


Is there a mathematical formula for two's complement multiplication when dealing with overflow?

For instance, given a word size of 4 bits:
0b1001 * 0b0111 = 0b1111 // -7 * 7 = -1
0b0111 * 0b0111 = 0b0001 // 7 * 7 = 1
0b0111 * 0b0110 = 0b1010 // 7 * 6 = -6
0b1001 * 0b0110 = 0b0110 // -7 * 6 = 6
There's undoubtedly some modular arithmetic going on here, but the way you take mod seems to be quite inconsistent. Is there a neat mathematical formulation of two's complement multiplication?
The nice thing about twos complement is that addition, subtraction, and multiplication of signed operands are exactly the same operations, bit-for-bit, as the ones for unsigned operands, so the computer doesn't need to care whether you think of them as signed or not.
In terms of modular arithmetic as well, the operations mean exactly the same thing. With 4 bit words, when you say:
r = a * b;
You get r = a * b mod 16.
The only difference between signed and unsigned is the value we assign in our heads to the residues mod 16. If we think of the words as unsigned then we have values 0-15. But 15 = -1 mod 16, 14 = -2 mod 16, etc, and if we think of the words as signed, then we just think of the values -8 to 7 instead of 0 to 15.
The reminder operator % that you get in C, java, etc, is annoying in the way it handles negative numbers. If you wanted to express your 4-bit multiply using that operator in larger words, then you could say:
a * b = ( (a * b % 16) + 24 ) % 16 - 8
If the remainder operator worked "properly" so that -1 % 16 == 15, then you could write a * b = (a * b + 8) % 16 - 8

intel 8080: Am I missing something in this code?

Here is a code for the fibonnaci sequence taken from
FIBNCI: MOV C, A ; C will store the counter
DCR C ; decrement, because we know f(1) already
MVI A, 1
MVI B, 0
ADD B ; A := A + B
JNZ LOOP ; jump if not zero
RET ; return from subroutine
If the value taken from A is originally 0 and we decrement C, does C become -1? if so what happens to that value at the 2nd DCR; and what does the the JNZ instruction see or do?
This is my first contact with assembly language so its a bit confusing at the moment. I'm thinking that if C is already -1 and counting when we reach the JNZ instruction, wouldn't this code be stuck in a loop? Or is the JNZ looking elsewhere?
Intel 8080 registers A, B, C, ... are 8 bit.
So if A was 0, then C becomes -1, which is encoded in 8 bits as 0b11111111 (all eight bits set to 1). When you treat that as unsigned 8 bit value, it's equal to 255.
Now if you would increment that value by 1, it would become 256, which in binary is 0b100000000 -> as C is 8 bit wide, that value would be truncated to 0b00000000, which is 0. So -1 + 1 = 0, as expected (and 255 + 1 = 0 in unsigned Math, because you hit the 8 bit limit, so the value "overflows").
The second DCR will decrease that -1/255 value, the C will then contain -2 (which equals to 254 unsigned, as 255 - 1 = 254, and in binary looks like 0b11111110).
JNZ will loop till zero, so that means the loop will run 255 times (for A=0 argument, for A=1 it will run 256 times), until the C does reach again zero from the 255 (meanwhile the A and B registers containing F(n-2) and F(n-1) will overflow many times, thus rendering the result unusable ... the last correct result is for A=13 being 233 I think (too lazy to verify))
For the start check for input < 2:
FIBNCI: CPI 2 ;return if A < 2
RC ;F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1
The rest of the code seems to be OK. F(2) = 1, F(3) = 2, F(4) = 3, ...
You could modify the code to use double add (DAD) to get a 16 bit result. The largest input for 8 bit result is decimal 13: fib(13) = 233. The largest input for 16 bit result is 24: F(24) = 46368.

How is uint overflow defined in OpenCL?

What happens when the result of a multiplication or sum in OpenCL overflows? Does it wrap?
In particular I'd like to know if I can catch an overflow in
uint4 x = ( get_global_id( 0 ) * 4 + (uint4)(0, 1, 2, 3) ) * q + r;
int4 invalid = x < get_global_id( 0 ) * 4;
or how else that would be possible. (Assuming r >= 0 && q > r && q < (1 << 20) and the id will be at most just big enough to cause an overflow.)
Context: I want to check every 32 bit uint x for which x % q == r , where q and r are known. With vectors I can check 4 at a time, but the number of tests may not be divisible by 4.
I'm targeting the GPU, but that shouldn't be relevant, right?
OpenCL 1.2 standard (section refers to C99 standard (section
...if the new type is unsigned, the value is converted by repeatedly adding or
subtracting one more than the maximum value that can be represented in the new type
until the value is in the range of the new type.
Generally, get_global_id returns size_t, so narrowing conversion is bad idea IMO. Though, I never faced NDRange big enough to exceed uint range.

What does bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) mean?

I'm trying to understand the binary operators in C# or in general, in particular ^ - exclusive or.
For example:
Given an array of positive integers. All numbers occur even number of times except one number which occurs odd number of times. Find the number in O(n) time and constant space.
This can be done with ^ as follows: Do bitwise XOR of all the elements. Finally we get the number which has odd occurrences.
How does it work?
When I do:
int res = 2 ^ 3;
res = 1;
int res = 2 ^ 5;
res = 7;
int res = 2 ^ 10;
res = 8;
What's actually happening? What are the other bit magics? Any reference I can look up and learn more about them?
I know this is a rather old post but I wanted simplify the answer since I stumbled upon it while looking for something else.
XOR (eXclusive OR/either or), can be translated simply as toggle on/off.
Which will either exclude (if exists) or include (if nonexistent) the specified bits.
Using 4 bits (1111) we get 16 possible results from 0-15:
decimal | binary | bits (expanded)
0 | 0000 | 0
1 | 0001 | 1
2 | 0010 | 2
3 | 0011 | (1+2)
4 | 0100 | 4
5 | 0101 | (1+4)
6 | 0110 | (2+4)
7 | 0111 | (1+2+4)
8 | 1000 | 8
9 | 1001 | (1+8)
10 | 1010 | (2+8)
11 | 1011 | (1+2+8)
12 | 1100 | (4+8)
13 | 1101 | (1+4+8)
14 | 1110 | (2+4+8)
15 | 1111 | (1+2+4+8)
The decimal value to the left of the binary value, is the numeric value used in XOR and other bitwise operations, that represents the total value of associated bits. See Computer Number Format and Binary Number - Decimal for more details.
For example: 0011 are bits 1 and 2 as on, leaving bits 4 and 8 as off. Which is represented as the decimal value of 3 to signify the bits that are on, and displayed in an expanded form as 1+2.
As for what's going on with the logic behind XOR here are some examples
From the original post
2^3 = 1
2 is a member of 1+2 (3) remove 2 = 1
2^5 = 7
2 is not a member of 1+4 (5) add 2 = 1+2+4 (7)
2^10 = 8
2 is a member of 2+8 (10) remove 2 = 8
Further examples
1^3 = 2
1 is a member of 1+2 (3) remove 1 = 2
4^5 = 1
4 is a member of 1+4 (5) remove 4 = 1
4^4 = 0
4 is a member of itself remove 4 = 0
1^2^3 = 0Logic: ((1^2)^(1+2))
(1^2) 1 is not a member of 2 add 2 = 1+2 (3)
(3^3) 1 and 2 are members of 1+2 (3) remove 1+2 (3) = 0
1^1^0^1 = 1 Logic: (((1^1)^0)^1)
(1^1) 1 is a member of 1 remove 1 = 0
(0^0) 0 is a member of 0 remove 0 = 0
(0^1) 0 is not a member of 1 add 1 = 1
1^8^4 = 13 Logic: ((1^8)^4)
(1^8) 1 is not a member of 8 add 1 = 1+8 (9)
(9^4) 1 and 8 are not members of 4 add 1+8 = 1+4+8 (13)
4^13^10 = 3 Logic: ((4^(1+4+8))^(2+8))
(4^13) 4 is a member of 1+4+8 (13) remove 4 = 1+8 (9)
(9^10) 8 is a member of 2+8 (10) remove 8 = 2
1 is not a member of 2+8 (10) add 1 = 1+2 (3)
4^10^13 = 3 Logic: ((4^(2+8))^(1+4+8))
(4^10) 4 is not a member of 2+8 (10) add 4 = 2+4+8 (14)
(14^13) 4 and 8 are members of 1+4+8 (13) remove 4+8 = 1
2 is not a member of 1+4+8 (13) add 2 = 1+2 (3)
To see how it works, first you need to write both operands in binary, because bitwise operations work on individual bits.
Then you can apply the truth table for your particular operator. It acts on each pair of bits having the same position in the two operands (the same place value). So the leftmost bit (MSB) of A is combined with the MSB of B to produce the MSB of the result.
Example: 2^10:
0010 2
XOR 1010 8 + 2
1 xor(0, 1)
0 xor(0, 0)
0 xor(1, 1)
0 xor(0, 0)
= 1000 8
And the result is 8.
The other way to show this is to use the algebra of XOR; you do not need to know anything about individual bits.
For any numbers x, y, z:
XOR is commutative: x ^ y == y ^ x
XOR is associative: x ^ (y ^ z) == (x ^ y) ^ z
The identity is 0: x ^ 0 == x
Every element is its own inverse: x ^ x == 0
Given this, it is easy to prove the result stated. Consider a sequence:
a ^ b ^ c ^ d ...
Since XOR is commutative and associative, the order does not matter. So sort the elements.
Now any adjacent identical elements x ^ x can be replaced with 0 (self-inverse property). And any 0 can be removed (because it is the identity).
Repeat as long as possible. Any number that appears an even number of times has an integral number of pairs, so they all become 0 and disappear.
Eventually you are left with just one element, which is the one appearing an odd number of times. Every time it appears twice, those two disappear. Eventually you are left with one occurrence.
Note that this proof only requires certain assumptions about the operation. Specifically, suppose a set S with an operator . has the following properties:
Assocativity: x . (y . z) = (x . y) . z for any x, y, and z in S.
Identity: There exists a single element e such that e . x = x . e = x for all x in S.
Closure: For any x and y in S, x . y is also in S.
Self-inverse: For any x in S, x . x = e
As it turns out, we need not assume commutativity; we can prove it:
(x . y) . (x . y) = e (by self-inverse)
x . (y . x) . y = e (by associativity)
x . x . (y . x) . y . y = x . e . y (multiply both sides by x on the left and y on the right)
y . x = x . y (because x . x = y . y = e and the e's go away)
Now, I said that "you do not need to know anything about individual bits". I was thinking that any group satisfying these properties would be enough, and that such a group need not necessarily be isomorphic to the integers under XOR.
But #Steve Jessup proved me wrong in the comments. If you define scalar multiplication by {0,1} as:
0 * x = 0
1 * x = x
...then this structure satisfies all of the axioms of a vector space over the integers mod 2.
Thus any such structure is isomorphic to a set of vectors of bits under component-wise XOR.
This is based on the simple fact that XOR of a number with itself results Zero.
and XOR of a number with 0 results the number itself.
So, if we have an array = {5,8,12,5,12}.
5 is occurring 2 times.
8 is occurring 1 times.
12 is occurring 2 times.
We have to find the number occurring odd number of times. Clearly, 8 is the number.
We start with res=0 and XOR with all the elements of the array.
int res=0;
for(int i:array)
res = res ^ i;
1st Iteration: res = 0^5 = 5
2nd Iteration: res = 5^8
3rd Iteration: res = 5^8^12
4th Iteration: res = 5^8^12^5 = 0^8^12 = 8^12
5th Iteration: res = 8^12^12 = 8^0 = 8
The bitwise operators treat the bits inside an integer value as a tiny array of bits. Each of those bits is like a tiny bool value. When you use the bitwise exclusive or operator, one interpretation of what the operator does is:
for each bit in the first value, toggle the bit if the corresponding bit in the second value is set
The net effect is that a single bit starts out false and if the total number of "toggles" is even, it will still be false at the end. If the total number of "toggles" is odd, it will be true at the end.
Just think "tiny array of boolean values" and it will start to make sense.
The definition of the XOR (exclusive OR) operator, over bits, is that:
0 XOR 0 = 0
0 XOR 1 = 1
1 XOR 0 = 1
1 XOR 1 = 0
One of the ways to imagine it, is to say that the "1" on the right side changes the bit from the left side, and 0 on the right side doesn't change the bit on the left side. However, XOR is commutative, so the same is true if the sides are reversed.
As any number can be represented in binary form, any two numbers can be XOR-ed together.
To prove it being commutative, you can simply look at its definition, and see that for every combination of bits on either side, the result is the same if the sides are changed. To prove it being associative, you can simply run through all possible combinations of having 3 bits being XOR-ed to each other, and the result will stay the same no matter what the order is.
Now, as we proved the above, let's see what happens if we XOR the same number at itself. Since the operation works on individual bits, we can test it on just two numbers: 0 and 1.
0 XOR 0 = 0
1 XOR 1 = 0
So, if you XOR a number onto itself, you always get 0 (believe it or not, but that property of XOR has been used by compilers, when a 0 needs to be loaded into a CPU register. It's faster to perform a bit operation than to explicitly push 0 into a register. The compiler will just produce assembly code to XOR a register onto itself).
Now, if X XOR X is 0, and XOR is associative, and you need to find out what number hasn't repeated in a sequence of numbers where all other numbers have been repeated two (or any other odd number of times). If we had the repeating numbers together, they will XOR to 0. Anything that is XOR-ed with 0 will remain itself. So, out of XOR-ing such a sequence, you will end up being left with a number that doesn't repeat (or repeats an even number of times).
This has a lot of samples of various functionalities done by bit fiddling. Some of can be quite complex so beware.
What you need to do to understand the bit operations is, at least, this:
the input data, in binary form
a truth table that tells you how to "mix" the inputs to form the result
For XOR, the truth table is simple:
1^1 = 0
1^0 = 1
0^1 = 1
0^0 = 0
To obtain bit n in the result you apply the rule to bits n in the first and second inputs.
If you try to calculate 1^1^0^1 or any other combination, you will discover that the result is 1 if there is an odd number of 1's and 0 otherwise. You will also discover that any number XOR'ed with itself is 0 and that is doesn't matter in what order you do the calculations, e.g. 1^1^(0^1) = 1^(1^0)^1.
This means that when you XOR all the numbers in your list, the ones which are duplicates (or present an even number of times) will XOR to 0 and you will be left with just the one which is present an odd number of times.
As it is obvious from the name(bitwise), it operates between bits.
Let's see how it works,
for example, we have two numbers a=3 and b=4,
the binary representation of 3 is 011 and of 4 is 100, so basically xor of the same bits is 0 and for opposite bits, it is 1.
In the given example 3^4, where "^" is a xor symbol, will give us 111 whose decimal value will be 7.
for another example, if you've given an array in which every element occurs twice except one element & you've to find that element.
How can you do that? simple xor of the same numbers will always be 0 and the number which occur exactly once will be your output. because the output of any one number with 0 will be the same name number because the number will have set bits which zero don't have.

OR-multiplication on big integers

Multiplication of two n-bit numbers A and B can be understood as a sum of shifts:
(A << i1) + (A << i2) + ...
where i1, i2, ... are numbers of bits that are set to 1 in B.
Now lets replace PLUS with OR to get new operation I actually need:
(A << i1) | (A << i2) | ...
This operation is quite similar to regular multiplication for which there exists many faster algorithms (Schönhage-Strassen for example).
Is a similar algorithm for operation I presented here?
The size of the numbers is 6000 bits.
For some reason I have no link/button to post comments (any idea why?) so I will edit my question insead.
I indeed search for faster than O(n^2) algorithm for the operation defined above.
And yes, I am aware that it is not ordinary multiplication.
Is there a similar algorithm? I think probably not.
Is there some way to speed things up beyond O(n^2)? Possibly. If you consider a number A to be the analogue of A(x) = Σanxn where an are the binary digits of A, then your operation with bitwise ORs (let's call it A ⊕ B ) can be expressed as follows, where "⇔" means "analogue"
A ⇔ A(x) = Σanxn
B ⇔ B(x) = Σbnxn
C = A ⊕ B ⇔ C(x) = f(A(x)B(x)) = f(V(x)) where f(V(x)) = f(Σvnxn) = Σu(vn)xn where u(vn) = 0 if vn = 0, u(vn) = 1 otherwise.
Basically you are doing the equivalent of taking two polynomials and multiplying them together, then identifying all the nonzero terms. From a bit-string standpoint, this means treating the bitstring as an array of samples of zeros or ones, convolving the two arrays, and collapsing the resulting samples that are nonzero. There are fast convolution algorithms that are O(n log n), using FFTs for instance, and the "collapsing" step here is O(n)... but somehow I wonder if the O(n log n) evaluation of fast convolution treats something (like multiplication of large integers) as O(1) so you wouldn't actually get a faster algorithm. Either that, or the constants for orders of growth are so large that you'd have to have thousands of bits before you got any speed advantage. ORing is so simple.
edit: there appears to be something called "binary convolution" (see this book for example) that sounds awfully relevant here, but I can't find any good links to the theory behind it and whether there are fast algorithms.
edit 2: maybe the term is "logical convolution" or "bitwise convolution"... here's a page from CPAN (bleah!) talking a little about it along with Walsh and Hadamard transforms which are kind of the bitwise equivalent to Fourier transforms... hmm, no, that seems to be the analog for XOR rather than OR.
You can do this O(#1-bits in A * #1-bits in B).
a-bitnums = set(x : ((1<<x) & A) != 0)
b-bitnums = set(x : ((1<<x) & B) != 0)
c-set = 0
for a-bit in a-bitnums:
for b-bit in b-bitnums:
c-set |= 1 << (a-bit + b-bit)
This might be worthwhile if A and B are sparse in the number
of 1 bits present.
I presume, you are asking the name for the additive technique you have given
when you write "Is a similar algorithm for operation I presented here?"...
Have you looked at the Peasant multiplication technique?
Please read up the Wikipedia description if you do not get the 3rd column in this example.
27 X 15 : 1
13 30 : 1
6 60 : 0
3 120 : 1
1 240 : 1
B is 27 == binary form 11011b
27x15 = 15 + 30 + 120 + 240
= 15<<0 + 15<<1 + 15<<3 + 15<<4
= 405
Sounds familiar?
Here is your algorithm.
Choose the smaller number as your A
Initialize C as your result area
while B is not zero,
if lsb of B is 1, add A to C
left shift A once
right shift B once
C has your multiplication result (unless you rolled over sizeof C)
Update If you are trying to get a fast algorithm for the shift and OR operation across 6000 bits,
there might actually be one. I'll think a little more on that.
It would appear like 'blurring' one number over the other. Interesting.
A rather crude example here,
110000011 X 1010101 would look like
The number of 1s in the two numbers will decide the amount of blurring towards a number with all its bits set.
Wonder what you want to do with it...
Update2 This is the nature of the shift+OR operation with two 6000 bit numbers.
The result will be 12000 bits of course
the operation can be done with two bit streams; but, need not be done to its entirety
the 'middle' part of the 12000 bit stream will almost certainly be all 1s (provided both numbers are non-zero)
the problem will be in identifying the depth to which we need to process this operation to get both ends of the 12000 bit stream
the pattern at the two ends of the stream will depend on the largest consecutive 1s present in both the numbers
I have not yet got to a clean algorithm for this yet. Have updated for anyone else wanting to recheck or go further from here. Also, describing the need for such an operation might motivate further interest :-)
The best I could up with is to use a fast out on the looping logic. Combined with the possibility of using the Non-Zero approach as described by themis, you can answer you question by inspecting less than 2% of the N^2 problem.
Below is some code that gives the timing for numbers that are between 80% and 99% zero.
When the numbers get around 88% zero, using themis' approach switches to being better (was not coded in the sample below, though).
This is not a highly theoretical solution, but it is practical.
OK, here is some "theory" of the problem space:
Basically, each bit for X (the output) is the OR summation of the bits on the diagonal of a grid constructed by having the bits of A along the top (MSB to LSB left to right) and the bits of B along the side (MSB to LSB from top to bottom). Since the bit of X is 1 if any on the diagonal is 1, you can perform an early out on the cell traversal.
The code below does this and shows that even for numbers that are ~87% zero, you only have to check ~2% of the cells. For more dense (more 1's) numbers, that percentage drops even more.
In other words, I would not worry about tricky algorithms and just do some efficient logic checking. I think the trick is to look at the bits of your output as the diagonals of the grid as opposed to the bits of A shift-OR with the bits of B. The trickiest thing is this case is keeping track of the bits you can look at in A and B and how to index the bits properly.
Hopefully this makes sense. Let me know if I need to explain this a bit further (or if you find any problems with this approach).
NOTE: If we knew your problem space a bit better, we could optimize the algorithm accordingly. If your numbers are mostly non-zero, then this approach is better than themis since his would result is more computations and storage space needed (sizeof(int) * NNZ).
NOTE 2: This assumes the data is basically bits, and I am using .NET's BitArray to store and access the data. I don't think this would cause any major headaches when translated to other languages. The basic idea still applies.
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace BigIntegerOr
class Program
private static Random r = new Random();
private static BitArray WeightedToZeroes(int size, double pctZero, out int nnz)
nnz = 0;
BitArray ba = new BitArray(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
ba[i] = (r.NextDouble() < pctZero) ? false : true;
if (ba[i]) nnz++;
return ba;
static void Main(string[] args)
// make sure there are enough bytes to hold the 6000 bits
int size = (6000 + 7) / 8;
int bits = size * 8;
for (double pctZero = 0.8; pctZero < 1.0; pctZero += 0.01)
// fill the "BigInts"
int nnzA, nnzB;
BitArray a = WeightedToZeroes(bits, pctZero, out nnzA);
BitArray b = WeightedToZeroes(bits, pctZero, out nnzB);
// this is the answer "BigInt" that is at most twice the size minus 1
int xSize = bits * 2 - 1;
BitArray x = new BitArray(xSize);
int LSB, MSB;
LSB = MSB = bits - 1;
// stats
long cells = 0;
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < xSize; i++)
// compare using the diagonals
for (int bit = LSB; bit < MSB; bit++)
x[i] |= (b[MSB - bit] && a[bit]);
if (x[i]) break;
// update the window over the bits
if (LSB == 0)
// stats
TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start);
double pctCells = (cells * 100.0) / (bits * bits);
Console.WriteLine(pctZero.ToString("p") + "\t\t" +elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("00.000") + "\t\t" +
pctCells.ToString("00.00") + "\t\t" + cells.ToString("00000000") + "\t" + (nnzA * nnzB).ToString("00000000"));
Just use any FFT Polynomial Multiplication Algorithm and transform all resulting coefficients that are greater than or equal 1 into 1.
10011 * 10001
[1 x^4 + 0 x^3 + 0 x^2 + 1 x^1 + 1 x^0] * [1 x^4 + 0 x^3 + 0 x^2 + 0 x^1 + 1 x^0]
== [1 x^8 + 0 x^7 + 0 x^6 + 1 x^5 + 2 x^4 + 0 x^3 + 0 x^2 + 1 x^1 + 1 x^0]
-> [1 x^8 + 0 x^7 + 0 x^6 + 1 x^5 + 1 x^4 + 0 x^3 + 0 x^2 + 1 x^1 + 1 x^0]
-> 100110011
For an example of the algorithm, check:
BTW, it is of linearithmic complexity, i.e., O(n log(n))
Also see:
