POST Method fails to populate request object in ServiceStack -

I've been using service stack for a while and came upon a scenario where the POST method uses the default instance of the IReturn object (with all the properties defaulting to their datatype values). The values supplied as part of the Route (/product/1234345/) are the only ones populated. I've laid out an example below:
public class SearchRequest : IReturn<SearchResponse>
public SearchProvider searchProvider { get; set; }
public string searchTerm { get; set; }
public string categoryID { get; set; }
public long maxResults { get; set; }
//Only this property gets populated if method is post
public string searchMethod { get; set; }
public SearchResponse Any(SearchRequest searchRequest)
//This works only for non-post requests
return Put(searchRequest);
public SearchResponse Get(SearchRequest searchRequest)
//This works
return Put(searchRequest);
public SearchResponse Post(SearchRequest searchRequest)
//This does not
return Put(searchRequest);
public SearchResponse Put(SearchRequest searchRequest)
//Code for put method goes here
I'm then using a client to call these methods
SearchServiceClient searchClient = new SearchServiceClient(SearchServiceAPIUrl);
SearchResponse searchResponse = searchClient.Search(SearchProvider.SampleSearchProvider, searchterm, categoryID, 100,"conservative");
Any help is really appreciated

I've always just populated my request object in the constructor and sent it to the service
searchClient.Post(new SearchRequest(SearchProvider.SampleSearchProvider,
searchterm, categoryID, 100,"conservative")):

I finally found the solution after tinkering with the DTO. It seems for post requests all DTO properties needed to have a [DataMember] attribute for serialization/deserialization and make sure that the class also has a [DataContract] attribute.


.NET 5.0 Web API won't work with record featuring required properties

I'm using a C# 9.0 record type as a binding model for a .NET 5.0 Web API project. Some of the properties are required.
I'm using the record positional syntax, but am receiving errors.
public record Mail(
System.Guid? Id,
[property: Required]
string From,
[property: Required]
string[] Tos,
[property: Required]
string Subject,
string[]? Ccs,
string[]? Bccs,
[property: Required]
Content[] Contents,
Attachment[]? Attachments
This is then exposed as the binding model for my Index action:
public async Task<ActionResult> Index(Service.Models.Mail mailRequest)
Whenever I try to make a request, however, I receive the following error:
Record type 'Service.Models.Mail' has validation metadata defined on property 'Contents' that will be ignored. 'Contents' is a parameter in the record primary constructor and validation metadata must be associated with the constructor parameter.
I tried removing the attribute on the Contents property, but it then fails for the next (prior) property. I tried using [param: …] instead of [property: …], as well as mixing them, but keep getting the same kind of error.
I looked around the web, and haven't found any suggestion of handling annotations differently for C# 9 records. I did my best, but I'm out of ideas—outside of converting my records to POCOs.
I gave up using Positional constructor, and with the verbose full declaration of the properties, it works.
public record Mail
public System.Guid? Id { get; init; }
public string From { get; init; }
public string[] Tos { get; init; }
public string Subject { get; init; }
public string[]? Ccs { get; init; }
public string[]? Bccs { get; init; }
public Content[] Contents { get; init; }
public Attachment[]? Attachments { get; init; }
public Status? Status { get; init; }
public Mail(Guid? id, string #from, string[] tos, string subject, string[]? ccs, string[]? bccs, Content[] contents, Attachment[]? attachments, Status status)
Id = id;
From = #from;
Tos = tos;
Subject = subject;
Ccs = ccs;
Bccs = bccs;
Contents = contents;
Attachments = attachments;
Status = status;
Try using only [Required] (instead of [property: Required]), for some reason worked for me
For me it started to work by adding the [ApiController] attribute to the controller.
I found something similar on ASP.NET Core Razor pages getting:
InvalidOperationException: Record type 'WebApplication1.Pages.LoginModelNRTB+InputModel' has validation metadata defined on property 'PasswordB' that will be ignored. 'PasswordB' is a parameter in the record primary constructor and validation metadata must be associated with the constructor parameter.
After some digging, I found:
So maybe as you've done, the verbose declaration is the way forward.
Positional record attributes in ASP.NET Core background
How do I target attributes for a record class? more background
Using FluentValidation and keeping properties with the full declaration seems to work perfectly in my case. I highly recommend trying this highly polished alternative validation library instead of using the pretty old standard data annotations
public record LoginViewModel
public string Mail { get; init; }
public string Password { get; init; }
public bool IsPersistent { get; init; }
public class LoginValidator : AbstractValidator<LoginViewModel>
public LoginValidator()
RuleFor(l => l.Mail).NotEmpty().EmailAddress();
RuleFor(l => l.Password).NotEmpty();

LINQ-to-Entities WHERE condition not executed on sql server

I have followed the book of Adam Freeman to learn about ASP.NET MVC 5. I have implemented the repository pattern as described in the book. I'm using WHERE and log the SQL commands with the SQL-EventProfiler, then I will see no WHERE condition.
This is my example code, for the repository I have used Ninject:
public interface IHelpRepository {
IEnumerable<Help> Helps { get; }
public class HelpRepository : IHelpRepository {
private HelpDBContext context = new HelpDBContext();
public IEnumerable<Help> Helps {
get { return context.Helps; }
public class Help {
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public class HelpController : Controller {
private IHelpRepository HelpRepository;
public HelpController (IHelpRepository helpRepository) {
this.HelpRepository= helpRepository;
public ActionResult HelpDescription(int Id) {
Help help = helpRepository.Helps.Where(h => h.Id == Id).SingleOrDefault<Help>();
return View("HelpDescription", help);
The resulting SQL-Command (XEventProfiler):
SELECT [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id], [Extent1].[Title] AS [Title], [Extent1].[Description] AS [Description] FROM [dbo].[Helps] AS [Extent1]
Why is the WHERE not included in the resulting SQL command?
public IEnumerable Helps {
get { return context.Helps; }
You are returning IEnumerable here and at this point the query gets executed. There are two things you can get away with it
First option is to return IQueryable and use where filter and then check profiler like this
public IQueryable<Help> Helps {
get { return context.Helps; }
Help help = helpRepository.Helps.Where(h => h.Id == Id).SingleOrDefault<Help>();
Second method is to create a repository method which filters in the the method and returns IEnumerable
public IEnumerable<Help> Where(Expression<Func<Help,bool>> where)
return context.Helps.Where(where);
To understand the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable just go through the following link
IQueryable vs IEnumerable
IQueryable always perform queries on the data source context while IEnumerable works in memory, after data gets fetched from data source provider

How to specify default property values for owned entity types in Entity Framework Core 2.0?

I have a simple POCO type, say something like
public class OwnedEntity {
public string stringProperty { get; set; }
public decimal decimalProperty { get; set; }
public bool boolProperty { get; set; }
public int intProperty { get; set; }
and an actual entity with an OwnedEntity reference
public class SomeEntity {
public string Id { get; set; }
public OwnedEntity OwnedEntity { get; set; }
I set up the relationship like described in the documentation using EF Core's Fluent API:
protected override void OnModelCreating (ModelBuilder builder) {
base.OnModelCreating (builder);
builder.Entity<SomeEntity> ().OwnsOne (e => e.OwnedEntity);
I can't find anything on how to define default-values for all the properties of OwnedEntity. I tried to initialize the properties like this:
public class OwnedEntity {
public string stringProperty { get; set; } = "initial"
public decimal decimalProperty { get; set; } = -1M;
public bool boolProperty { get; set; } = false;
public int intProperty { get; set; } = -1;
but with no effect. Same goes with the [DefaultValueAttribute] (but that was to expect since it's explicitly mentioned).
There's a bit of information on how to handle initial values for regular entities:
.Property(e => e.SomeIntProperty)
But since I'm facing an Owned Entity Type, I can't access the type via Entity<T>.
Is there a way of doing what I'm looking for?
Some things worth mentioning:
I have a solid amount of specific entities where most of them are using the OwnsOne relation
Declaring all OwnedEntity-properties in a base class is not an option since not all the entities have those properties
I`m using EF Core 2.0.3 and ASP.NET Core MVC 2.0.4
Originally, I wanted to have newly created SomeEntity instances to come with preset properties for all of the 'embedded' SomeEntity.OwnedEntity properties.
But looking at how my associated controller works, it all makes sense... I have the following methods for the 'Create' operation:
public IActionResult Create () {
return View (nameof (Create));
public async Task<IActionResult> Create (SomeEntity model) {
context.Add (model);
await context.SaveChangesAsync ();
// redirect etc.
Which means that no object is created for the [HttGet] overload of Create and all the HTML inputs linked to properties (via asp-for) are initially empty. Okay. So I guess the proper way of doing this is to manually create a new instance of SomeEntity and pass it to the Create view like this:
public IActionResult Create () {
return View (nameof (Create), new SomeEntity());
Is this the right approach then or are there some more things to keep in mind?
Assuming you understand what EF Core Default Values are for, and just looking for equivalent of Entity<T>().Property(...) equivalent.
The owned entities are always configured for each owner type by using the ReferenceOwnershipBuilder<TEntity,TRelatedEntity> class methods. To access this class you either use the result of OwnsOne method, or use the OwnsOne overload taking second argument of type Action<ReferenceOwnershipBuilder<TEntity,TRelatedEntity>>.
For instance, using the second approach:
builder.Entity<SomeEntity>().OwnsOne(e => e.OwnedEntity, ob =>
ob.Property(e => e.stringProperty)
ob.Property(e => e.decimalProperty)
// etc.

OData paging with expand issue

I'm using OData v5/Web API 2.2 to create an endpoint that will return a list of employees from each company.
My problem occurs when I try to implement server-side paging while also using the OData $expand property. When I try to make a call to
I get an error that says "Could not find a property named 'Employees' on type 'System.Web.OData.Query.Expressions.SelectAllAndExpand_1OfCompanyApiModel'"
However, when I removed the EnableQuery attribute the call to the endpoint or when I didn't expand it works as expected. Does anyone have an idea of what I am doing wrong? I've been googling this for a while but haven't found anything.
Here are some code snippets -
Data Models:
public class CompanyApiModel
public Guid CompanyGuid { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
// other properties
public List<EmployeeApiModel> Employees { get; set; }
public class EmployeeApiModel
public Guid EmployeeGuid { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
// other properties
[EnableQuery(PageSize = 10)] // If I comment this out everything works
//[EnableQuery] // This fails as well
public IHttpActionResult Get(ODataQueryOptions<CompanyApiModel> queryOptions)
var companies = GetCompanies(queryOptions);
return Ok(companies);
// return Ok(companies.AsQueryable()); // This doesn't work either
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
config.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy = IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always;
var routingConventions = ODataRoutingConventions.CreateDefault();
routingConventions.Insert(0, new OptionsRoutingConvention());
config.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", null, GetEdmModel(), new DefaultODataPathHandler(), routingConventions);
// below code allows endpoints to respond with either XML or JSON, depending on accept header preferences sent from client
// (default in absence of accept header is JSON)
var odataFormatters = ODataMediaTypeFormatters.Create();
config.Formatters.InsertRange(0, odataFormatters);
public static IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
builder.Namespace = "Demos";
builder.ContainerName = "DefaultContainer";
var edmModel = builder.GetEdmModel();
return edmModel;
Figured out the problem. We were overriding the EnableQuery attribute somewhere in our code and calling it EnableMappedQuery and applying it to the controller. Thus instead of having [EnableQuery(PageSize = 10)] I should have had [EnableMappedQuery(PageSize = 10)].
EnableQuery Attribute do many works,
1. it will validate the queryoption for you.
2. it will apply the queryoption for you.
3. it can add some querysettings like PageSize.
Your scenario not working is because your GetCompanies is already applied the queryoption, so when EnableQuery get the result and apply the queryoption again, it fails, it can't find the expand property, my suggestion is just return original Company and let EnableQuery do the reset of work for you, ODataQueryOption in parameter is also not needed.
If you realy do some custom work in GetCompanies and don't need EnableQuery to apply for you, you can add PageSize in ODataQuerySettings when you call method ODataQueryOptions.ApplyTo(IQueryable, ODataQuerySettings).

Unboxing object

I have a web method that accepts object
public static void GetObject(object data)
Also, I have 2 classes:
class ConnectionString
public string ConnectionString { get; set; }
public DatabaseType DatabaseType { get; set; }
class Path
public string Path { get; set; }
public bool IsNetwork { get; set; }
On client side, using javascript, i defined 2 similar classes as well:
function ConnectionString() {
this.ConnectionString = '';
this.DatabaseType = 0;
function Path() {
this.Path = '';
this.IsNetwork = false;
Now, according to user decision, he can ether choose to create log in database or file system. When I send data to the method, my object resulted as null. If I create method
for each object, it works. Is there a way to unbox or desirialize from OBJECT type to ?
You need to create two method overloads that each take in one of the possible classes. In the current implementation the engine does not know what classes should be put in the WSDL...
If you are using WCF you could use [KnownType] attribute to specify which classes your method supports.
