How do I update a drupal module without deleting it first? - drupal

How do I upload a new version of a module to my site? If I choose "Install new module" through the administration page I get a message that the module already is installed. There are two work arounds that I have found, but none of them seems ideal and the way you are supposed to do it.
I can delete the old module first, and then upload and install the new version. However, if the modules has data associated with it, then this data will be lost.
I can replace the module files on the server. This doesn't seem such a clean way to do it, I would rather follow a more standard process, if there is any.
So what is the best way to do it?

Make a back-up...just in case.
Put your site in maintance mode.
Overwrite your module files with updated version (delete old module files first)
run /update.php from browser or from console run drush updb if you have drush installed (to make database changes if any and similar stuff).
Put your site in "normal" mode again...check if everything is ok.

MilanG's answer is incorrect on step 3. You don't overwrite, you need to remove the existing modules files, then put the new module files in it's place. This is because new module releases may include removed files, and sometimes if those files aren't removed you have problems.
Make a backup (drush site-archive)
Put site in maintenance mode (drush vset maintenance_mode 0)
Delete the old module's directory entirely (rm -fr path/to/modulename)
Download the latest version of the module (drush dl modulename)
Run update.php (drush -y updb)
Turn off maintenance mode (drush vset maintenance_mode 1)
With drush it's pretty easy to just write a wrapper script and run that by module, so that you could do "drush update-module modulename" and those other steps happen.


Testing plugins live with Varying Vagrant Vagrants

I'm currently trying to use VVV to develop and test my plugins. My host OS is Win10.
My plugins are in D:\Workshop\projects\vendor\module. I've used this folder structure for a long time, and it is really convenient, especially for use with Composer and friends.
Now I've installed VVV, created a site with VV. I want to test a plugin, the source code of which is in D:\Workshop\projects\XedinUnknown\my-project. So, I create a symlink in D:\Workshop\projects\XedinUnknown\vvv-local\www\my-test-site\htdocs\wp-content\plugins that points to that project's folder. Alas, it doesn't work. If I SSH into VVV and ls /srv/www/my-test-site/htdocs/wp-content/plugins, I can see my-project there, but it points to ../../../../../../../XedinUnknown/my-project, which, of course, doesn't exist. If instead of symlink I create a junction, it's just an empty file.
I suspect that this has to do with how the Linux environment handles Windows symlinks, but I'm not entirely sure. Is it possible to make this work somehow? I really don't wanna copy the whole project folder into VVV.
This is also addressed here.
So, it would seem like I've found somewhat of a solution. I added a synched folder, which maps to my projects home. I then create a symlink to that folder from the WP plugins directory, inside the VM.
Step 1 - Add Shared Folder
This should be done in a Customfile as explained here. This file should go into the same directory as the Vagrantfile, e.g. it will become the Vagrantfile's sibling. In my case, if you're following along from my question, it is in D:\Workshop\projects\XedinUnknown\vvv-local. Anything put here becomes global for the whole of VVV. This also gives you the ability to use different combinations of your projects in different websites. Add these contents to your Customfile, creating it if it does not exist.
config.vm.synced_folder "D:/Workshop/projects", "/srv/projects", :owner => "www-data", :mount_options => [ "dmode=775", "fmode=774" ]
Of course, you should replace D:/Workshop/projects with the path to where you store your projects. Note the forward slashes (/). This works on Win/Nix. For a Windows-only configuration, I suspect you'd have to replace them with \\, because this is an escape sequence.
Step 2 - Add Link to Project
This should be done in your site's file. In my case, this file was in D:\Workshop\projects\XedinUnknown\vvv-local\www\my-test-site\, because I want to create this symlink specifically for the my-test-site site. Please note that your VVV path will probably be different, and it doesn't have to be inside the projects directory. It's wherever you cloned VVV into. Add the below lines to your site's file.
if [ ! -f "htdocs/wp-content/plugins/my-project" ]; then
echo 'Creating symlink to plugin project...'
cd ./htdocs/wp-content/plugins
ln -s /srv/projects/XedinUnknown/my-project my-project
cd -
In the above snippet, change the path to your desired project path, keeping in mind that /srv/projects/ now maps live to the projects root in your host OS. You can also replace the second occurrence (last word) of my-project in ln -s /srv/projects/XedinUnknown/my-project my-project with whatever you want. As long as you don't change it later, your plugin should not suddenly get de-activated.
Also, from what I understood, runs during provisioning, not every time the machine is brought up. So, if you want to run the code in there, you have to run vagrant up --provision from the VVV directory. If you don't want to provision, you can run it manually. SSH into VVV with vagrant ssh, then cd /srv/www/my-test-site (replace my-test-site with name of your site), and run .
I am quite new to Bash scripting, and I don't know if my solution is the best one, so please feel free to suggest better versions of the Bash script. I also don't know Ruby, and am new to Vagrant, so please feel free to suggest improvements to the Customfile - this is in essence the same as the Vagrantfile.
One possible issue that I can anticipate with this solution (and this is inherently by design of the filesystem architecture) is that if WordPress decides to make changes to your plugin, e.g. if you run a WP update, it will effectively delete all files in your project, including the repository. So, on the testing site I would recommend using something like this. I am in no way associated with this plugin.

SilverStripe Swipestripe - swipestripe-gallery module error

I've installed Swipestripe module. and added swipestripe-gallery module for product images.
when I did dev/bulid?flush=1 it shows error Class 'Gallery_PageExtension' does not exists
I have seen gallery.yml file in swipestripe-gallery/_config folder, which has
- 'Gallery_PageExtension'
but this class is not there in Product.php file in swipestripe-gallery/code folder.
After commenting above code I did dev/build?flush=1 & there was no error. But in product page the Gallery tab is not added.
Please Help.
You didn't install using composer? Your fault ;) It installs all requirements for you and you can code happy.
See, you'll need to install for getting this gallery extension in your codebase.
I strongly encourage you to install ALL modules with composer. It may be a bit hard in the beginning, but in some days your life will be much more comfortable! A good introduction can be found in the ss docs.
Swipestripe's config does not have that code:
The gallery module for it does:
These are two separate modules. If the gallery file is in swipestripe/_config as you say, then it would seem to me that the install didn't happen as it should.
There should be two folders in your installation root
All files relating to each module should be in each (individual) folder. It seems you're missing the swipestripe-gallery folder all together, meaning that the class in fact does not exist (When you get this error, just check that the class exists somewhere in your install. Using grep is the easiest way).

How to install site-specific modules in a Drupal 7 multi-site?

I have a "multi-site" installation of Drupal 7, which means that I have these folders in my "sites" folder:
And in each of these folders, I also have "modules" and "themes" folders.
If I click the "install new module" link on the modules page ("admin/modules") from any domain X, Drupal tries to download modules in the "all/modules" folder instead of the "X/modules" folder.
Maybe I am not using the proper phrase to search in Google, but I do not see similar problems, so it may just be my problem.
How to install site-specific modules in a Drupal 7 multi-site?
You can try the example detailed out in this post: which basically requires you to create a drushrc.php file for each multisite, which includes the path to the respective modules folder.
Here are the lines from that post that explain
To start, go to your drush folder where you will find a file entitled example.drushrc.php. Copy that file into the individual site folder in your Drupal multisite installation (sites/yourmultisite), and rename the file to drushrc.php.
Now open that file and add the following line:
$command_specific['dl']['destination'] = 'sites/yourmultisite/modules';
$command_specific['dl']['destination'] = 'sites/yourmultisite/modules/contributions';
This is also a step by step walkthrough of the updating process using drush on multisites.
I found good article for multisite install here,
This worked for me:
Changed working directory on terminal to specific site directory
i.e. "cd [drupal_site_directory]/sites/[site_one]/ "
use usual drush command to install modules i.e. "drush dl [module_name]"
Hope this might help you guys also.

Symfony2: How to update a bundle whose source files have been modified?

I am using the KNP Pagination Bundle. I customized the twig file in the bundle source. Then I found a better way of doing it without touching the bundle's files.
Unfortunately, now everytime that I do
bin/vendors install
I get the following error:-
"KNP Paginator Bundle" has local modifications. Please revert or commit/push before running this command again.
My .gitignore file has ignored /vendors
And my deps file has the bundle included too.
Is there a way to uninstall a bundle? So that I can reinstall it?
Or what is the best way to solve my problem?
./bin/vendors doesn't care about content of .gitignore. You can fork desired bundle, do your changes there and change deps file to point to your fork instead.
If you still want to use original bundle and just reinstall it, you can either run ./bin/vendors install --reinstall or just delete the bundle folder from vendor directory and run ./bin/vendors install again.
How about using git --reset? The vendors are fetched using git clone after all.
Can you explain what "git reset" does in plain english?

Symfony Warning : rename (../app/cache/dev , ../app/cache/dev_old ) : Access Denied . (Code : 5)

I am working on Symfony project.
When i try to do :
php app/console cache:clear
i get the following ErrorException:
Warning : rename (../app/cache/dev , ../app/cache/dev_old ) : Access Denied . (Code : 5) in ../vendors/Symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Command/CacheClearCommand.php on line 76
What is the problem here? I have given all permissions to the user on my machine (Windows 7 OS). Any ideas why it is happening?
Thank You.
Be sure that the files are not in use (as meze pointed out). If you're using something like TortoiseGit or Netbeans, etc - be sure to mark the cache folder as ignored so that they are not accessed.
If all else fails, download a free program like Unlocker that will allow you to quickly and easily detach running processes from the files/folders you are trying to modify.
To expand on leek's post, Symfony 2 cache-clearing operations shuffle the cached items across different folders during the cleanup. Part of this process includes creating cache/dev-new/ and cache/dev-old/ folders.
If you are using Eclipse or another IDE that dynamically monitors subfolders within your project, the IDE will nearly instantly spot the new folder creation and look in those folders for new files (in Eclipse, I noticed the DLTK module constantly doing this in the Progress View). This may unfortunately get in the way of Symfony, which wants to rename and/or delete these folders.
Specifically with Eclipse Indigo on Windows 7 64-bit, you can remove the cache/, cache/dev/, cache/dev_old/ and cache/dev_new/ folders from the build path by right-clicking your project and selecting "Build Path > Configure Build Path...". This originally had no effect for me; I kept seeing the DLTK module trying to index the cache folders. I ended up uninstalling the Aptana Studio plug-in, closing all Editor documents, shutting down Eclipse, manually deleting the sub-folders in the cache/ folder, running Symfony cache:clear, then starting up Eclipse and reinstalling Aptana. Seems to have worked thus far.
It's an issue with Symfony 2.0.x and Symfony 2.1.x. These a workaround for this:
Open the file: src\Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\CacheClearCommand.php
and add the statement sleep(1); where the directory creation is failing, in the execute() function:
rename($realCacheDir, $oldCacheDir);
rename($warmupDir, $realCacheDir);
You might have to re-open the CLI twice and run cache:clear, but it will fix the problem after that
If you're using text editors as Sublime Text try to ignore path of cached files
Go to Preferences/Setting
edit config file
"folder_exclude_patterns": ["var","node_modules", ".git"],
in my case
Cache folders containers.
Symfony 4
Symfony 2
Nice coding!
I had the same issue with Symfony 4.1.13 and the root cause was that the VS Code was using the file "var/cache/dev/srcDevDebugProjectContainer.xml4QSKuA".
The issue was Cannot rename "var/cache/dev/srcDevDebugProjectContainer.xml4QSKuA".
I fix it adding **/var on the fields "Files to Exclude"
See the following steps:
1º Step:
2º Step search for "exclude" word, then add **/var/cache as the following image:
It's worked for me.
To have tranquility once and for all I create clear.bat file in MyProject folder under Windows 7 .
rmdir d:\symfony\framework-standard-edition\app\cache\ /S /Q
I guarantee 100% effectiveness for cleaning cache. Some minor problems can occurred after first time refresh website: Symfony must recreate some folders they need.
Multiple symfony calling in local windows machine get cross with some Antivirus software such as NOD in my case. Exclude symfony cache folder from real time protection
