Can't catch meteor error thrown in Method from Event - meteor

I have a method and it throws an error so I can catch it in my event and display it to the user, like this:
addPlayer: function(nickname) {
if (nickname == "") {
throw new Meteor.Error('empty-nickname', 'You must choose a nickname');
} else {
nickname: nickname,
and in my event
'submit form': function (e) {
var nickname = $('input').val();'addPlayer', nickname, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log(typeof error);
However, meteor still throws an Exception while simulating the effect of invoking 'addPlayer', and the error variable is not an error object, but a string with the same message as the console log, so I get two errors in my console instead of an error object.
Wrapping in a try/catch does not work.
What am I missing here?
-- Edit
Here is an print screen of the result:
Image link for full resolution:

Throw the error only on the server. Wrap it inside if(!this.isSimulation) {}
addPlayer: function(nickname) {
if (nickname == "") {
if(!this.isSimulation) {
throw new Meteor.Error('empty-nickname', 'You must choose a nickname');
} else {
nickname: nickname,


Meteor Method w/ Mongo Aggregation returning Undefined on Client but not on Server

So I've just started with Meteor and really JavaScript so forgive the messy coding as I am new to all of this please. I'm using a Mongo Aggregation to do some server side math and the method is returning undefined on the client but the server-side console log is returning the correct information. Here is the server method...
'schoolHealth': function() {
var pipeline = [
"$group": {
"_id": null,
"total": { "$avg": "$roomHealth"}
Equipment.aggregate(pipeline, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
throw err;
console.log("Error in finding school health average:" + result);
} else {
return result[0].total;
And on the client...'schoolHealth', function(error, result) {
if (error) {
} else {
Session.set('health', result);
I'm calling the Session on a blaze template but the method is failing before that happens. Also, I have tried not using a Session and the result is the same. I have read into Sync vs. Async but I don't know enough about it to know if I am doing something wrong there. Thanks ahead of time for the help.

How to display ionic2 Alert after Firebase changeEmail

I have the following function to change the email on a Firebase user account. I want to display an ionic2 alert when complete, whether it was successful or there was an error. From my code below I do get the alert to display BUT it is blank. Most likely it is a timing issue on the Firebase promise but I don't know how to fix it.
private doChangeEmail(data): void {
var myAlert: {
title?: string,
subtitle?: string
} = {};
oldEmail: data.oldemail,
newEmail: data.newemail,
password: data.password
}, function(error) {
if (error) {
switch (error.code) {
myAlert.title = 'Invalid Password';
myAlert.subtitle = 'The specified user account password is incorrect.';
myAlert.title = 'Invalid User';
myAlert.subtitle = 'The specified user account does not exist.';
myAlert.title = 'Error creating user';
myAlert.subtitle = error;
} else {
myAlert.title = 'DONE';
myAlert.subtitle = 'User email changed successfully!';
let alert = Alert.create({
title: myAlert.title,
subTitle: myAlert.subtitle,
buttons: [{
text: 'OK',
handler: () => {
put the alert code inside the promise result....
oldEmail: data.oldemail,
newEmail: data.newemail,
password: data.password
}, function(error) {
if (error){
// do error stuff..
} else {
// do success stuff..
// show alert here...
I found the following comment by Frank van Puffelen which solved my issue:
You're using this inside a callback function, where it has a different meaning. One solution is to use fat-arrow/rocket notation for the callback, which ensures this is what you expect it to be:
The correct syntax should be
oldEmail: data.oldemail,
newEmail: data.newemail,
password: data.password
}, (error) => {
if (error){
// do error stuff..
} else {
// do success stuff..
// show alert here...
and the alert shows correclty as pointed out by Aaron Saunders

Accounts.createUser on server does not return response to client

I'm attempting to use Meteorjs Accounts on the server to create a new user and then send them an email to set their initial password. The idea is that an admin user can add new users.
I can successfully add the new user (I can see the new user ID in the server console if I log it), but that ID is never returned to the client. This is my server-side
createNewUser: function(email){
return Accounts.createUser({email: email});
And the relevant client-side JS:
if (isNotEmpty(email) && isEmail(email)) {"createNewUser", email, function(ret){
if (typeof ret.message !== 'undefined') {
if (ret.message === 'Email already exists. [403]') {
} else {
alert("not created");
} else {
Accounts.sendEnrollmentEmail(ret, function(err){
if (err){
alert("email didn't get sent");
} else {
I get this in my browser console:
Exception in delivering result of invoking 'createNewUser': TypeError: Cannot read property 'message' of undefined
It's probably worth noting that I also get the "exists" alert if I try to submit the same email address twice in a row, so the error is getting returned to the client just fine.
The first argument in callback is always error object.
error equals null if everything is fine.'createNewUser', email, function( error, result ){
if( error ){
console.error("ERROR -> ", error )
console.log("User was created!")
but that ID is never returned to the client.
Thats because you don't have any console.log on the client. also the meteor call look incorrect.
if (isNotEmpty(email) && isEmail(email)) {"createNewUser", email, function(err,result){
if (typeof ret.message !== 'undefined') {
if (ret.message === 'Email already exists. [403]') {
} else {
console.log(result) //here for example you should get the id
} else {
Accounts.sendEnrollmentEmail(ret, function(err){
if (err){
alert("email didn't get sent");
} else {
} not firing on the server, fine in the console

I have a server method:
removeStructure: function(id) {
console.log("method removestructure was called on "+ id);
Structure.remove({"overlay_id": id}, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log("Deleted " + result + " structures.");
It is invoked in an observer when a document is removed from a collection:
removed: function(item) {
console.log('Overlay removed' );
if ( Meteor.isClient ) {
drawnItems.eachLayer(function (layer) {
if (layer.meteor_id == item._id) {
console.log("attempting to remove meteor id " + item._id);"removeStructure", item._id);
Nothing happens. The trace "attempting to remove meteor id jykkcEJuBL4NfJdte" fires, but the meteor method does not get called on the server. No error is returned client or server, it's as if it skips clean over that line.
When I type into the client browser console"removeStructure", "jykkcEJuBL4NfJdte");
It runs no problem on the server and client.
What could be going wrong here? Am stumped!

Multiple Meteor.Error

I'm just wondering on how to throw multiple Meteor.Errors for my validation fields like
throw new Meteor.Error('403','Invalid Input','username Id');
throw new Meteor.Error('403','Too Short','password Id');
and throw them at the same time to client.
I'd take an approach like this:
var errors = [];
if (/* password is too short */) {
errors.push("password is too short");
if (/* username is invalid */) {
errors.push("username is invalid");
// ...
if (errors.length > 0) {
throw new Meteor.Error(403, errors.join("; "));
Achieved what I want by making two empty arrays,pushing values if an error is detected, wrapping them up to throw to the client and iterating those values in the client's ERROR callback.
var reason=[],ids=[];
reason.push('error details');
ids.push('id of the element');
throw new Meteor.Error('403',reason,ids);
Accounts.createUser({foo:bar,boo:baz}, function(error){
and there your client error code goes
