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how do I get sbt to use a local maven proxy repository (Nexus)?
(6 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
We have a company Nexus, and our company is behind a restrictive proxy. How do I tell SBT to only use this Nexus server?
When I create an SBT project in IDEA, I get "error while importing sbt project". I the tried to add this line to my build.sbt:
resolvers += "Company NEXUS" at ""
But IDEA tells me it cannot resolve symbol += and when I try sbt compile on the console I get tons of "connection refused" because it tries to connect to and
So, how do I configure this?
This is a duplicate of how do I get sbt to use a local maven proxy repository (Nexus)?
See this answer, which references the documentation on Proxy Repositories.
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No executable found matching command "dotnet-tool"
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm trying to get the library based Identity pages scaffolded into my project, and the MS docs say use this command to start with:
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator
Yet when I type that command, I get back the error:
No executable found matching command "dotnet-tool"
Is this tool something I need to have installed or what?
'dotnet tool' is used to install .NET Core global tools. Try to specify --global or provide a path so it knows where to be installed. Paths are done using --tool-path I believe.
I searched and got answers on using CocoaPods but really i couldn't manage to use it because i didn't what they mean
1- Install CocoaPods 0.39.0 or later. -> i did install it using sudo command
"I stopped here, didn't know what to do"
2- In your Podfile, add use_frameworks! and pod 'RealmSwift' to your main and test targets.
3- From the command line, run pod install.
4- Use the .xcworkspace file generated by CocoaPods to work on your project!
sorry my question looks bad but it is my first time to ask a question here :)
Your list of steps is correct, and assuming CocoaPods installed correctly, you will then need to navigate to the directory of your .xcodeproj file.
In that directory, you can run the command pod init which will create a .podfile in the directory.
You can then continue onto steps 2-4.
However, as of writing this response, Realm's current release doesn't support Swift 2.1. We are actively working on an update for 2.1, which you can follow on this Github Issue.
Recently I need to deploy something on Karaf. I use Karaf 3.0.2 and event try 4.0.0M1. Both are not able to install war feature. Once I type feature:install war in console after Karaf start-up.
3.0.2 gives me:
Error executing command: Error resolving artifact org.apache.servicemix.specs:org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1:jar:2.2.0: Could not find artifact org.apache.servicemix.specs:org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1:jar:2.2.0
4.0.0M! gives me:
Erroe executing command: Error
I try to delete Maven and reinstall it. The issue is still there. It's not happened on other machine.
It's a strange issue. Could anyone meet it ever? Could anyone help me out?
As it works on the other machines, it's something on that certain machine.
Without much more details on the setup I'm using assumptions here.
1) No Network connection to the central repo
2) Using a Proxy wich isn't configured or configured wrong on the server
3) Using a nexus with credentials and those aren't configured or configured wrong
I encountered the same issue and it was because there were mirrors defined in my Maven settings.xml (due to usage in another project). After I commented them out I was able to install the karaf war deployer.
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git push origin gives remote part of refspec is not a valid name
(7 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm trying to setup git with WPengine following the instructions here: ( - but when I get down to the deploy step, I get the following error:
% git remote -v
production (fetch)
production (push)
% git push production master ...
fatal: remote part of refspec is not a valid name in ...
Don't put ... in the push command. The correct syntax is
git push production master
I know that the instructions in the tutorial that you linked to say to do this:
git push production master ...
but that's just blatantly incorrect.
I got it to work. I was trying to deploy my GitHub repo name:
$ git remote add production
Instead of deploying my wpengine username
$ git remote add production
I want to setup my maven settings.xml file to download all the external dependencies from Artifactory cache instead of download them directly from any of the public repositories like repo1, repo2 or Jboss. I followed the instructions at at but I'm stuck with an error with the terracota library, the error is:
Could not find artifact net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-terracotta:jar:2.5.0 in remote-repos
I tried adding terracota repository at the remote repositories section but this didn't worked either.
Please advice.
I can think of a couple of possibilities:
Your remote-repos cache isn't configured to point to the remote repository that contains the Terracotta files
Your build isn't using the correct organization or module name when resolving the dependency on Terracotta.
Could you add some info to your question detailing where exactly you are seeing the error message, and whether you can browse to ehcache-terracotta version 2.5.0 in Artifactory ?
Please add the terracotta repository to your artifactory
This is the URL=
Don't worry if the test of the repo doesn't work...
The last step is to go to Edit Virtual Repository and add the new terracotta repo to the virtual repository called "Remote Repo".