Qt local server to open webpages - qt

I created a Qt application which generates html files (with javascipt) and I want to launch the created page from the application. I can do it with QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(file)); but the problem is that I need a local server to make it work correctly.
I found that it's possible to do it with Qt but I am a bit lost between QTcpServer/Socket, QUdpSocket, QLocalServer/Socket, ... as I don't know anything about network.
I tried a very simple thing based on some examples I saw but I know I am far from the solution. Here is what I did :
void createServer(){
server=new QTcpServer(0);
connectionOK=server->listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost,0) ;
void openHTML(){
Then, when I open my browser and go to http://localhost:serverPort, the application ouputs "openHTML()". But I don't know how to open my web page on this server, and of course, http://localhost:serverPort/myPage.html doesn't work.
I looked at the Fortune example in Qt but it seems too complicated for what I need, but maybe I am wrong and I should take a better look at.


Go IRIS http frameowrk, I can't get routing right

Ok, so first of let me start off by saying I know that with go I should really go for the net/http framework unless I have the knowledge to write my own or I explicitly tried that and it didn't work. However, I'm an idiot, and I thought I could save some time and headache by using a framework and I thought choosing one maintained by only 1 guy is a good idea. The framework is here:
But I don't expect you to read through all of it. However, it is based on top of fasthttp which some of you might have experience with (hopefully).
The problem I'v meet with this framework is with configuration of static content serving. For example, I have my index page being served:
iris.Get("/", serveHome)
which serves and html template over at ip:port.
I have static ressources listed as such:
iris.Static("/css", "./client/css")
Which basically serves the dir css over at ip:port/css
However, when I put this all up on a server and redirected mydomain.example and www.mydomain.example to ip:port using nginx (with an ssl&tls cert), this worked:
iris.Get("/", serveHome)
and served the index.html at mydomain.example. This didn't:
iris.Static("/css", "./client/css")
And now my website can't access any static resources, because its trying to access mydomain.example/css, which, for some reason, isn't pointing to ip:port/css.
Any clue why this might be happening, have you seen this behavior on any other http server before and if so do you have any pointers that might help me figure out this thing ? I'm at a loss and any advice, even if its just speculation, would be useful.
I know you're already porting this, but if i have to guess, i'd say the problem is the relative path you're using for ./client/css.
If you're compiling this and running it form your development environment, this pretty much will run under $GOPATH/bin and i guess your CSS files are in $GOPATH/src/path/to/project/client/css... then when the compiled server tries to find ./client/css from $GOPATH/bin... well, i guess you got it, it looks up in $GOPATH/bin/client/css. But that's just a guess, i'd need more info from your project to debug that.
Good luck with porting your project!

Uploading big Files

I am an amateur ASP.net developer working on my first job (a friends website). ASP.net v4.0, using VS2010.
His company makes 3D models (using a 3D printer). The website is currently in development but can be found here. I would be the first to admit that the code has been a bit rushed and hacked in, but my friend is quite happy with what he has so far.
One of the requirements is that his customers need to be able to upload their model design files, which could be up to 100 MB each (or maybe more). I am struggling to get this to work properly.
I started by using the built in <asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" /> tag and an animated gif image, similar to the idea described in Joe Stagner's tutorial - thanks Joe, I like your presentations a lot.
This worked ok for a small test file but doesn't give any indication of upload progress. So I tried to improve my solution using ideas developed from Sunasara Imdadhusen in his code project article. My upload code looks like this:
Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
byte[] buffer = new byte[UPLOAD_BUFFER_BYTE_SIZE];
// Upload the file in chunks so that we can measure how long it is taking.
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(newQuotePath, filename), FileMode.Create))
DateTime stopwatch = DateTime.Now;
while (stats.Uploaded < stats.TotalSize)
int bytecount = postedFile.InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, UPLOAD_BUFFER_BYTE_SIZE);
fs.Write(buffer, 0, bytecount);
stats.Uploaded += bytecount;
double dRate = UPLOAD_BUFFER_BYTE_SIZE / Math.Abs((DateTime.Now - stopwatch).TotalSeconds);
stats.Rate = (int)(Math.Min(dRate, int.MaxValue));
// Sleep is for debugging only!
stopwatch = DateTime.Now;
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
Where stats is a reference to a class that is stored as a session variable, and is accessed from a javascript function running in a setInterval(...) (while the upload is taking place) by the PageMethod:
public static UploadStatus GetFileUploadStatus()
UploadStatus stats = (UploadStatus)HttpContext.Current.Session["UploadFileStatus"];
if ((stats != null) && (stats.IsReady))
return stats;
return null;
This worked on my local machine (using the thread sleep to slow down the upload). So I published it to our host 123-Reg and it didn't work as expected. The animated gif comes on when the upload starts, but the progress bar doesn't start moving. The file input control and the submit button (in an IFrame) that should get disabled as soon as the upload starts take ages to become disabled. Then the web page just hangs there. After waiting for a while I clicked the page refresh button. When the page refreshed it showed that my test file had been uploaded successfully. I tried a 16 KB file and a 1.6 MB file.
Since this worked on my local machine, I suspect that this is happening because our website host (123-Reg) is using a web farm.
Anyway I thought this was going to be easy but it is not, and so I had a look for some open-source upload progress bars. I had a look at NeatUpload but it says "By default, NeatUpload won't work properly on a web garden or web farm", and it also says to get it to work on a web farm "Specify the same random 32-hex-digit decryptionKey attribute in the section of each server's Web.config". But I don't think I have access to 123-Reg's server config files(?).
My friend has suggested that perhaps we could use a service such as dropbox, but I had a look and I have no idea how to add this to our website. This might be a good option since they might be optimized for uploads.
Any advice or suggestions would be very much appreciated - thanks.
EDIT: The story so far ... still struggling with this.
I looked into using dropbox in detail (and other cloud storage providers such as SkyDrive etc). Seems that these services are designed around providing applications that interact with individual user's storage. I wanted all users to be able to upload files to MY dropbox folder but without sharing (customers should not have access to other customer's design files). Anyway I carried on, setup a dropbox account, installed the Sharpbox SDK and reprogrammed my upload code (the bit inside the task action). This seemed to work ok on my local machine, it was a bit slower because it was uploading to the dropbox server (I didn't need the Thread.Sleep). I published the website to the 123-Reg server and got a similar, unusable experience as before.
So far I had been testing on IE9, and I just happend to try it out with Chrome and I noticed a funny thing. Just after clicking the upload button but before the page refreshed Chrome showed an upload % complete dialog in the bottom left. This ran to 100%, then my controls started to show some action before the whole page started to hang again.
According to MSDN the HttpPostedFile:
"By default, all requests, including form fields and uploaded files, larger than 256 KB are buffered to disk"
So does this mean that my Task is being started after the painful part of waiting for the upload (which is actually happening between the client and a buffer)? If this is the case then it would not make sense to make it more painful by then sending the file off to dropbox right? And my progress bar is tracking the progress of the wrong bit?
(Today I am going to check the error handling of my code since I have a feeling that the reason it is hanging is because it is not recovering from an exception properly). It certainly feels like I am learning a lot by doing this.
This might be a bit overkill but you could look into using BluImp's jQuery File Upload tool (Demo site here: http://blueimp.github.com/jQuery-File-Upload/ ) - a developer called Max Pavlov has modified the original version (originally for non-dotnet technologies) for use in MVC 3.
It can be found here on git hub https://github.com/maxpavlov/jQuery-File-Upload.MVC3 . I have successfully implemented this in both MVC 3 and MVC 4 Beta. The only thing I had to do to make it work effectively in MVC 4 is remove some of the ClientDependancy (This is a DLL that handles bundling and minification of JS and CSS files) code as this replicates functionality already in MVC 4 but not in MVC 3. Additionally I have added some pages to the wiki over on GitHub describing what I did although its not complete. If you decide to go down this route I could update some details there with my more recent findings. My notes so far on MVC 4 integration can be found here https://github.com/maxpavlov/jQuery-File-Upload.MVC3/wiki/MVC-4---EnableDefaultBundles .
Incidentally I have managed to upload files up to about 2Gb using this tool and have found it quite flexible!

ASP.NET Class Library not hitting break points

I have an ASP.NET web aplication using vs2008. It used to let me hit my break points but for some unknown reason in this site it won't let me hit them any more.
I have set everything to debug and re built about a million times and everything else but can't seem to hit that damn break point!!! Break points work for the site but not the class libraries I add in, but they used to!!
I can't see anything in the web config or the configurations to change anything. I've added the class library to a test solution, works fine.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Just to confirm, breakpoints work for the site but not for the class library. That means VS is attaching to the right instance. Put a break point right before the class library is invoked and see if it will drill in. If visual studio can't generate the metadata for debugging, it does a jump over. Confirm you also have the PDB file from the class library present.
Also, if you've recently updated the class library, be sure to stop Cassini and restart.

MessageBox.Show() not working in ASP.NET

I am trying to display some text using MessageBox.Show as shown below in a page_load event in ASP.NET. Before anyone jumps on the case why I am using it in ASP.NET, the use is for debugging only on my own dev box for a special need. There's a reference to System.Windows.Forms in the app.
I used it a few years ago so I know WinForm's MessageBox works. I am using .NET 4.0 and VS 2010. I don't think anything related to this function has changed.
MessageBox.Show("Message", "Caption", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); //used also ServiceNotification option
Any ideas why the message box doesn't display? I have only that line in the code.
I am VERY AWARE of the message box thing implications. It's a temporary thing for debugging only. The line won't go into production. I have no access to javascript. Please put your thought into why it doesn't work instead of why I shouldn't be using it. I have used it before in 2.0 and it does work. I want to know if the newer .NET changed anything or I misused the option.
Direct Answer: it works in Visual Studio's web server , not in IIS.
The web application is hosted in a process that does not have a desktop, so you cant see any messageboxes.
#Tony, if you add System.Winform.dll to your rference, then you will be able to call message box.show at you development machine. But when you deploy it to some live server it will not work. So alternatively, you need to use javascript alerts. For this you can use this
private void ShowMessage(string message)
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(control, GetType(),"key","string.format("alert('{0}');",message),true);
Back in .Net 2.0 days, you could do this by including system.windows (I think) in your using statement.
Then, in the method, it would be system.windows.forms.Messagebox.show("foo");
I won't presume to tell you "yer doin it wrong"...
Just be aware that this will only show up on the server box, and could cause issues in a production environment.
The alert() is better, and console.log() is even better.

flex3 autoupdater error

Dear all, I am working on flex3 and want to update my application by flex3 autoupdate. When my installed application runs, my checkUpdate function calls the autoUpdater code. It starts but when it reaches to 100%, it shows this error: "There was an error downloading the update. Error# 16824"
My mxml code is here http://tinypaste.com/92138b and server xml code is here http://tinypaste.com/e3792
Please guide me.
Many Thanks
Google is your friend for this one; it looks like you forgot to update the application descriptor version number in the updated version on the interweb.
I was unable to see your code as our work router blocks tinypaste. That said, however, I can tell you that air updates done via the ApplicationUpdater class are all based upon the updater xml file that you create/copy-out-there, and the xml file used for the compiler that sets the filename, version, application ID, etc. (most of which is used for the exe-compiler/exe-wrapper that facilitates the "bridge" between the OS and your compiled actionscript code). This link, might help: dezeloper.wordpress.com.
All-in-all keep debugging. The ApplicationUpdater class is one that was relatively well-written and is pretty self-explainable... once you get past this bug, there are a couple more that might be a sync-the-xml-text pain-in-the-butt. For example... I can tell you that in AIR 1.0 (and this may still be true in recent releases) if you made a change to your application xml file, and you're compiling from eclipse/flexBuilder/flashBuilder, you had to "project > clean" for those xml options to get picked up.
Best of luck,
