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Can you do complex editing of Word Documents in a browser?
(6 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I need open a ms word document (Doc/Docx) then need to edit and save it in client side itsetf.forthat i'm using ActiveXObject and is working fine with IE but it's not working in other browsers(Chrome,Firefox).
var w = new ActiveXObject('Word.Application');
w.Visible = true;
obj = w.Documents.Open("D:\\test.docx");
docText = obj.Content;
w.Selection.TypeText("Hello world!");
what is the Alternative for the ActiveX object for the other browsers excluding IE (OR) How can i edit a word document (Doc/Docx) by using client side scripting for Chrome , firefox?
Short version, you can't.
ActiveX is a propriety IE/Microsoft technology, and can only be relied on within IE.
Are there other avenues you can go down?
Create a browser plugin for each browser..
Office 365?
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button click is only working on Windows & not working on Android mobile sheet
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I hope you can help me with this. I have assigned a script to multiple drawings (as buttons) in Google Sheets and is running perfectly on PC. When I try it on my phone, the script does not run, but rather gives an option to edit. What should I do, please?
The Google Sheets mobile apps doesn't support using drawings as buttons (assign a Google Apps Script function).
Regarding what you should do, you should look for other ways to call your functions from a mobile apps like using a edit trigger.
button click is only working on Windows & not working on Android mobile sheet
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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What are these numbers on the right side of my Windows Phone Silverlight app?
I have created a Windows Phone 8 application using the default template. However, when I run it the simulator displays a lot of numbers on the rights side of the simulator. How can I remove these numbers?
The numbers displayed are actually a framerate counter. The default project template enables the framerate counter when a debugger is attached. To hide the framerate counter, go to App.xaml.cs and remove (or comment) the following line:
Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableFrameRateCounter = true;
Of course, you can also set the value to false.
When you have done this, build and run your application again and the numbers won't be displayed anymore.
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How to record a video in iOS
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am new to the iPhone development. I would like to know how to capture the video in Xcode....
I know how to take still images in iPhone using Xcode but dont know how to capture video. Can anybody help me??? Any little help will be appreciated greatly. Thanks in advance...
I'm pretty sure there's no direct way to capture video from a running application in the way that you can grab a screenshot in Xcode.
As such, you might want to use some screen recording software in conjunction with the iPhone Simulator.
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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to see the print media CSS in Firebug?
I'm working on a Plone website with plenty of #import and linked CSS and am trying to use the Web Developer Toolbar to show only the print css.
Unfortunately on this particular website the web developer toolbar's print css has way fewer styles than regular 'print preview', won't reset without opening the page again in a new tab, and seems generally broken. Wikipedia for example responds better to the same 'view only print css' option.
How can I use Firebug with a print-preview-esque presentation? Could I be expressing the printability of different CSS declarations in a more web developer toolbar compatible way?
Found this, witch might help you out:
... By using Firefox with its two close friends; Firebug and Web Developer Toolbar (you’re all using these daily for front-end engineering anyway, right?), we can make working on a print stylesheet as simple as one for the screen. Observe.
First, open your website in Firefox, then we’ll ask Web Developer Toolbar to render the page using your print rather than screen CSS by choosing CSS → Display CSS By Media Type → Print from the Web Developer Toolbar...
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How to write JavaScript to a separate window?
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
How can I open a new browser tab in ASP.NET and write to it? I don't want to redirect to a page but I want to write/output the content directly from source.
You'll need to use JavaScript to do this then - look into Once you open a new window, you can access its document object to write the contents of it programatically.